Valediction (Rondeau Redouble)
The radiant smile that springs from the Alsatian
Does not confirm man's faith in his best friend
Introductions bring a sense of alienation
Farewell's a glum euphoria attend
We try to say goodbye and not offend
To leave without incurring a donation
The spasm round our teeth did not attend
The radiant smile that springs from the Alsatian
We might remain and share our isolation
And join in noughts and crosses random penned
But the tendency of Biros to migration
Does not confirm man's faith in his best friend
Adieu, I'm disappearing round the bend
Remember our goodbyеs for consolation
On found affinities farewells dеpend
Introductions bring a sense of alienation
Though no one's under any obligation
To wave back, should one seem to wave at them
As freefall divers claim a wild elation
Farewell's a glum euphoria attend
Dr. Crippen quickly severed his relations
Our best planned exits to fiasco tend
Jezebel who pioneered defenestration
Was beginning at the last to comprehend
The radiant smile that springs