Vertigo [Songs of Surrender]

Adam Clayton, Dave Evans, Larry Mullen, Paul David Hewson

Letra Traducción

Lights go down, it's dark
The jungle is your head, can't rule your heart
A feeling's so much stronger than a thought
Your eyes are wide and though your soul, it can't be bought
Your mind can wander

Hello, hello
I'm at a place called Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
You give me something
I can feel
Oh, feel

The night is full of holes
'Cause bullets rip the sky of ink with gold
Sparkle as the boys play rock and roll
They know that they can't dance, at least they know
I can't stand the beats, I'm asking for the check
Girl with crimson nails has Jesus 'round her neck
Swinging to the music, swinging to the music
Ohh, ohh

Hello, hello
I'm at a place called Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
You give me something I can feel


All of this, all of this can be yours
All of this, all of this can be yours
All of this, all of this can be yours
Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt

Hello, hello
We're at a place called Vertigo
Lights go down, and all I know
You give me something
Can feel your love teaching me how, how, how, how
Your love is teaching me how
How to kneel

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Lights go down, it's dark
Las luces se apagan, está oscuro
The jungle is your head, can't rule your heart
La selva es tu cabeza, no puedes gobernar tu corazón
A feeling's so much stronger than a thought
Un sentimiento es mucho más fuerte que un pensamiento
Your eyes are wide and though your soul, it can't be bought
Tus ojos están abiertos y aunque tu alma, no puede ser comprada
Your mind can wander
Tu mente puede vagar
Hello, hello
Hola, hola
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Estoy en un lugar llamado Vértigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
Es todo lo que desearía no saber
You give me something
Me das algo
I can feel
Puedo sentir
Oh, feel
Oh, sentir
The night is full of holes
La noche está llena de agujeros
'Cause bullets rip the sky of ink with gold
Porque las balas rasgan el cielo de tinta con oro
Sparkle as the boys play rock and roll
Brillan mientras los chicos tocan rock and roll
They know that they can't dance, at least they know
Saben que no pueden bailar, al menos lo saben
I can't stand the beats, I'm asking for the check
No puedo soportar los ritmos, estoy pidiendo la cuenta
Girl with crimson nails has Jesus 'round her neck
Chica con uñas carmesí tiene a Jesús alrededor de su cuello
Swinging to the music, swinging to the music
Balanceándose con la música, balanceándose con la música
Ohh, ohh
Ohh, ohh
Hello, hello
Hola, hola
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Estoy en un lugar llamado Vértigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
Es todo lo que desearía no saber
You give me something I can feel
Me das algo que puedo sentir
All of this, all of this can be yours
Todo esto, todo esto puede ser tuyo
All of this, all of this can be yours
Todo esto, todo esto puede ser tuyo
All of this, all of this can be yours
Todo esto, todo esto puede ser tuyo
Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt
Solo dame lo que quiero y nadie saldrá herido
Hello, hello
Hola, hola
We're at a place called Vertigo
Estamos en un lugar llamado Vértigo
Lights go down, and all I know
Las luces se apagan, y todo lo que sé
You give me something
Me das algo
Can feel your love teaching me how, how, how, how
Puedo sentir tu amor enseñándome cómo, cómo, cómo, cómo
Your love is teaching me how
Tu amor me está enseñando cómo
How to kneel
Cómo arrodillarse
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí
Lights go down, it's dark
As luzes se apagam, está escuro
The jungle is your head, can't rule your heart
A selva é a sua cabeça, não pode governar seu coração
A feeling's so much stronger than a thought
Um sentimento é muito mais forte do que um pensamento
Your eyes are wide and though your soul, it can't be bought
Seus olhos estão bem abertos e, embora sua alma, não possa ser comprada
Your mind can wander
Sua mente pode vagar
Hello, hello
Olá, olá
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Estou em um lugar chamado Vertigem
It's everything I wish I didn't know
É tudo que eu gostaria de não saber
You give me something
Você me dá algo
I can feel
Eu posso sentir
Oh, feel
Oh, sentir
The night is full of holes
A noite está cheia de buracos
'Cause bullets rip the sky of ink with gold
Porque balas rasgam o céu de tinta com ouro
Sparkle as the boys play rock and roll
Brilham enquanto os meninos tocam rock and roll
They know that they can't dance, at least they know
Eles sabem que não podem dançar, pelo menos eles sabem
I can't stand the beats, I'm asking for the check
Não suporto as batidas, estou pedindo a conta
Girl with crimson nails has Jesus 'round her neck
Garota com unhas carmesim tem Jesus em volta do pescoço
Swinging to the music, swinging to the music
Balançando ao ritmo da música, balançando ao ritmo da música
Ohh, ohh
Ohh, ohh
Hello, hello
Olá, olá
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Estou em um lugar chamado Vertigem
It's everything I wish I didn't know
É tudo que eu gostaria de não saber
You give me something I can feel
Você me dá algo que eu posso sentir
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tudo isso, tudo isso pode ser seu
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tudo isso, tudo isso pode ser seu
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tudo isso, tudo isso pode ser seu
Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt
Apenas me dê o que eu quero e ninguém se machuca
Hello, hello
Olá, olá
We're at a place called Vertigo
Estamos em um lugar chamado Vertigem
Lights go down, and all I know
As luzes se apagam, e tudo que eu sei
You give me something
Você me dá algo
Can feel your love teaching me how, how, how, how
Posso sentir seu amor me ensinando como, como, como, como
Your love is teaching me how
Seu amor está me ensinando como
How to kneel
Como se ajoelhar
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim
Lights go down, it's dark
Les lumières s'éteignent, il fait noir
The jungle is your head, can't rule your heart
La jungle est dans ta tête, ne peut pas régir ton cœur
A feeling's so much stronger than a thought
Un sentiment est bien plus fort qu'une pensée
Your eyes are wide and though your soul, it can't be bought
Tes yeux sont grands ouverts et bien que ton âme, elle ne peut pas être achetée
Your mind can wander
Ton esprit peut vagabonder
Hello, hello
Bonjour, bonjour
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Je suis à un endroit appelé Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
C'est tout ce que je souhaite ne pas savoir
You give me something
Tu me donnes quelque chose
I can feel
Je peux ressentir
Oh, feel
Oh, ressentir
The night is full of holes
La nuit est pleine de trous
'Cause bullets rip the sky of ink with gold
Parce que les balles déchirent le ciel d'encre avec de l'or
Sparkle as the boys play rock and roll
Étincelle alors que les garçons jouent du rock and roll
They know that they can't dance, at least they know
Ils savent qu'ils ne peuvent pas danser, au moins ils le savent
I can't stand the beats, I'm asking for the check
Je ne supporte pas les rythmes, je demande l'addition
Girl with crimson nails has Jesus 'round her neck
La fille aux ongles cramoisis a Jésus autour de son cou
Swinging to the music, swinging to the music
Se balançant au rythme de la musique, se balançant au rythme de la musique
Ohh, ohh
Ohh, ohh
Hello, hello
Bonjour, bonjour
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Je suis à un endroit appelé Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
C'est tout ce que je souhaite ne pas savoir
You give me something I can feel
Tu me donnes quelque chose que je peux ressentir
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tout cela, tout cela peut être à toi
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tout cela, tout cela peut être à toi
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tout cela, tout cela peut être à toi
Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt
Donne-moi juste ce que je veux et personne ne sera blessé
Hello, hello
Bonjour, bonjour
We're at a place called Vertigo
Nous sommes à un endroit appelé Vertigo
Lights go down, and all I know
Les lumières s'éteignent, et tout ce que je sais
You give me something
Tu me donnes quelque chose
Can feel your love teaching me how, how, how, how
Je peux ressentir ton amour m'apprendre comment, comment, comment, comment
Your love is teaching me how
Ton amour m'apprend comment
How to kneel
Comment s'agenouiller
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
Lights go down, it's dark
Die Lichter gehen aus, es ist dunkel
The jungle is your head, can't rule your heart
Der Dschungel ist dein Kopf, kann dein Herz nicht beherrschen
A feeling's so much stronger than a thought
Ein Gefühl ist so viel stärker als ein Gedanke
Your eyes are wide and though your soul, it can't be bought
Deine Augen sind weit und obwohl deine Seele, sie kann nicht gekauft werden
Your mind can wander
Dein Geist kann wandern
Hello, hello
Hallo, hallo
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Ich bin an einem Ort namens Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
Es ist alles, was ich nicht wissen wollte
You give me something
Du gibst mir etwas
I can feel
Ich kann fühlen
Oh, feel
Oh, fühlen
The night is full of holes
Die Nacht ist voller Löcher
'Cause bullets rip the sky of ink with gold
Denn Kugeln reißen den Himmel der Tinte mit Gold
Sparkle as the boys play rock and roll
Funkeln, während die Jungs Rock and Roll spielen
They know that they can't dance, at least they know
Sie wissen, dass sie nicht tanzen können, zumindest wissen sie das
I can't stand the beats, I'm asking for the check
Ich kann den Beat nicht ertragen, ich bitte um die Rechnung
Girl with crimson nails has Jesus 'round her neck
Mädchen mit karmesinroten Nägeln hat Jesus um ihren Hals
Swinging to the music, swinging to the music
Schwingend zur Musik, schwingend zur Musik
Ohh, ohh
Ohh, ohh
Hello, hello
Hallo, hallo
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Ich bin an einem Ort namens Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
Es ist alles, was ich nicht wissen wollte
You give me something I can feel
Du gibst mir etwas, das ich fühlen kann
All of this, all of this can be yours
All das, all das kann dir gehören
All of this, all of this can be yours
All das, all das kann dir gehören
All of this, all of this can be yours
All das, all das kann dir gehören
Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt
Gib mir einfach, was ich will und niemand wird verletzt
Hello, hello
Hallo, hallo
We're at a place called Vertigo
Wir sind an einem Ort namens Vertigo
Lights go down, and all I know
Die Lichter gehen aus und alles, was ich weiß
You give me something
Du gibst mir etwas
Can feel your love teaching me how, how, how, how
Kann deine Liebe fühlen, die mir beibringt, wie, wie, wie, wie
Your love is teaching me how
Deine Liebe bringt mir bei
How to kneel
Wie man kniet
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja
Lights go down, it's dark
Le luci si abbassano, è buio
The jungle is your head, can't rule your heart
La giungla è la tua testa, non può governare il tuo cuore
A feeling's so much stronger than a thought
Un sentimento è molto più forte di un pensiero
Your eyes are wide and though your soul, it can't be bought
I tuoi occhi sono spalancati e anche se la tua anima, non può essere comprata
Your mind can wander
La tua mente può vagare
Hello, hello
Ciao, ciao
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Sono in un posto chiamato Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
È tutto ciò che avrei voluto non sapere
You give me something
Mi dai qualcosa
I can feel
Posso sentire
Oh, feel
Oh, sentire
The night is full of holes
La notte è piena di buchi
'Cause bullets rip the sky of ink with gold
Perché i proiettili lacerano il cielo d'inchiostro con l'oro
Sparkle as the boys play rock and roll
Scintillano mentre i ragazzi suonano il rock and roll
They know that they can't dance, at least they know
Sanno che non possono ballare, almeno lo sanno
I can't stand the beats, I'm asking for the check
Non sopporto i battiti, sto chiedendo il conto
Girl with crimson nails has Jesus 'round her neck
Ragazza con unghie cremisi ha Gesù al collo
Swinging to the music, swinging to the music
Ballo al ritmo della musica, ballo al ritmo della musica
Ohh, ohh
Ohh, ohh
Hello, hello
Ciao, ciao
I'm at a place called Vertigo
Sono in un posto chiamato Vertigo
It's everything I wish I didn't know
È tutto ciò che avrei voluto non sapere
You give me something I can feel
Mi dai qualcosa che posso sentire
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tutto questo, tutto questo può essere tuo
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tutto questo, tutto questo può essere tuo
All of this, all of this can be yours
Tutto questo, tutto questo può essere tuo
Just give me what I want and no one gets hurt
Basta darmi quello che voglio e nessuno si farà male
Hello, hello
Ciao, ciao
We're at a place called Vertigo
Siamo in un posto chiamato Vertigo
Lights go down, and all I know
Le luci si abbassano, e tutto quello che so
You give me something
Mi dai qualcosa
Can feel your love teaching me how, how, how, how
Posso sentire il tuo amore che mi insegna come, come, come, come
Your love is teaching me how
Il tuo amore mi sta insegnando come
How to kneel
Come inginocchiarsi
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sì, sì, sì, sì, sì, sì, sì
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sì, sì, sì, sì, sì, sì

Curiosidades sobre la música Vertigo [Songs of Surrender] del U2

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Vertigo [Songs of Surrender]” por U2?
La canción Vertigo [Songs of Surrender] fue lanzada en 2023, en el álbum “Songs of Surrender”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Vertigo [Songs of Surrender]” de U2?
La canción “Vertigo [Songs of Surrender]” de U2 fue compuesta por Adam Clayton, Dave Evans, Larry Mullen, Paul David Hewson.

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