Miracle Drug [Songs Of Surrender]

Adam Clayton, Dave Evans, Larry Mullen, Paul David Hewson

Letra Traducción

I want to trip inside your head
Spend the day there
To hear the things you haven't said
And see what you might see

I want to hear you when you call
Do you feel anything at all?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
And walk right out

Freedom has a scent
Like the top of a new born baby's head

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
The songs won't be denied
I've had enough I'm not giving up
On a miracle, miracle drug

Of science and the human heart
There is no limit
There is no failure here sweetheart
Just when you quit

I am you and you are mine
Love makes nonsense of space
And time, will disappear
Love and logic keep us clear
Reason is on our side, love

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
The songs won't be denied
I've had enough I'm not giving up
On a miracle, a miracle drug
Miracle, miracle drug

Beneath the noise
Below the din
I hear your voice
It's whispering
In science and in medicine
I was a stranger
You took me in

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
The songs won't be denied
I've had enough of romantic love
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracle, miracle drug

I want to trip inside your head
Quiero viajar dentro de tu cabeza
Spend the day there
Pasar el día allí
To hear the things you haven't said
Para escuchar las cosas que no has dicho
And see what you might see
Y ver lo que podrías ver
I want to hear you when you call
Quiero escucharte cuando llamas
Do you feel anything at all?
¿Sientes algo en absoluto?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
Quiero ver tus pensamientos tomar forma
And walk right out
Y salir directamente
Freedom has a scent
La libertad tiene un aroma
Like the top of a new born baby's head
Como la cima de la cabeza de un bebé recién nacido
The songs are in your eyes
Las canciones están en tus ojos
I see them when you smile
Las veo cuando sonríes
The songs won't be denied
Las canciones no serán negadas
I've had enough I'm not giving up
He tenido suficiente, no me rindo
On a miracle, miracle drug
En un milagro, droga milagrosa
Of science and the human heart
De la ciencia y el corazón humano
There is no limit
No hay límite
There is no failure here sweetheart
No hay fracaso aquí, cariño
Just when you quit
Solo cuando te rindes
I am you and you are mine
Yo soy tú y tú eres mío
Love makes nonsense of space
El amor hace un sinsentido del espacio
And time, will disappear
Y el tiempo, desaparecerá
Love and logic keep us clear
El amor y la lógica nos mantienen claros
Reason is on our side, love
La razón está de nuestro lado, amor
The songs are in your eyes
Las canciones están en tus ojos
I see them when you smile
Las veo cuando sonríes
The songs won't be denied
Las canciones no serán negadas
I've had enough I'm not giving up
He tenido suficiente, no me rindo
On a miracle, a miracle drug
En un milagro, una droga milagrosa
Miracle, miracle drug
Milagro, droga milagrosa
Beneath the noise
Debajo del ruido
Below the din
Por debajo del estruendo
I hear your voice
Escucho tu voz
It's whispering
Está susurrando
In science and in medicine
En ciencia y en medicina
I was a stranger
Yo era un extraño
You took me in
Me acogiste
The songs are in your eyes
Las canciones están en tus ojos
I see them when you smile
Las veo cuando sonríes
The songs won't be denied
Las canciones no serán negadas
I've had enough of romantic love
He tenido suficiente de amor romántico
Miracle, miracle drug
Milagro, droga milagrosa
Miracle, miracle drug
Milagro, droga milagrosa
I want to trip inside your head
Eu quero viajar dentro da sua cabeça
Spend the day there
Passar o dia lá
To hear the things you haven't said
Para ouvir as coisas que você não disse
And see what you might see
E ver o que você poderia ver
I want to hear you when you call
Eu quero ouvir você quando você chama
Do you feel anything at all?
Você sente alguma coisa?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
Eu quero ver seus pensamentos tomar forma
And walk right out
E sair andando
Freedom has a scent
A liberdade tem um cheiro
Like the top of a new born baby's head
Como o topo da cabeça de um bebê recém-nascido
The songs are in your eyes
As canções estão em seus olhos
I see them when you smile
Eu as vejo quando você sorri
The songs won't be denied
As canções não serão negadas
I've had enough I'm not giving up
Eu já tive o suficiente, não vou desistir
On a miracle, miracle drug
De um milagre, droga milagrosa
Of science and the human heart
Da ciência e do coração humano
There is no limit
Não há limite
There is no failure here sweetheart
Não há falha aqui, querida
Just when you quit
Apenas quando você desiste
I am you and you are mine
Eu sou você e você é meu
Love makes nonsense of space
O amor faz do espaço um absurdo
And time, will disappear
E o tempo, vai desaparecer
Love and logic keep us clear
Amor e lógica nos mantêm claros
Reason is on our side, love
A razão está do nosso lado, amor
The songs are in your eyes
As canções estão em seus olhos
I see them when you smile
Eu as vejo quando você sorri
The songs won't be denied
As canções não serão negadas
I've had enough I'm not giving up
Eu já tive o suficiente, não vou desistir
On a miracle, a miracle drug
De um milagre, uma droga milagrosa
Miracle, miracle drug
Milagre, droga milagrosa
Beneath the noise
Abaixo do barulho
Below the din
Abaixo do estrondo
I hear your voice
Eu ouço sua voz
It's whispering
Está sussurrando
In science and in medicine
Na ciência e na medicina
I was a stranger
Eu era um estranho
You took me in
Você me acolheu
The songs are in your eyes
As canções estão em seus olhos
I see them when you smile
Eu as vejo quando você sorri
The songs won't be denied
As canções não serão negadas
I've had enough of romantic love
Eu já tive o suficiente de amor romântico
Miracle, miracle drug
Milagre, droga milagrosa
Miracle, miracle drug
Milagre, droga milagrosa
I want to trip inside your head
Je veux voyager dans ta tête
Spend the day there
Passer la journée là-bas
To hear the things you haven't said
Pour entendre les choses que tu n'as pas dites
And see what you might see
Et voir ce que tu pourrais voir
I want to hear you when you call
Je veux t'entendre quand tu appelles
Do you feel anything at all?
Ressens-tu quelque chose du tout ?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
Je veux voir tes pensées prendre forme
And walk right out
Et sortir tout droit
Freedom has a scent
La liberté a une odeur
Like the top of a new born baby's head
Comme le sommet de la tête d'un nouveau-né
The songs are in your eyes
Les chansons sont dans tes yeux
I see them when you smile
Je les vois quand tu souris
The songs won't be denied
Les chansons ne seront pas niées
I've had enough I'm not giving up
J'en ai assez, je n'abandonne pas
On a miracle, miracle drug
Sur un miracle, un médicament miracle
Of science and the human heart
De la science et du cœur humain
There is no limit
Il n'y a pas de limite
There is no failure here sweetheart
Il n'y a pas d'échec ici chérie
Just when you quit
Juste quand tu abandonnes
I am you and you are mine
Je suis toi et tu es moi
Love makes nonsense of space
L'amour rend le sens de l'espace
And time, will disappear
Et le temps, disparaîtra
Love and logic keep us clear
L'amour et la logique nous gardent clairs
Reason is on our side, love
La raison est de notre côté, amour
The songs are in your eyes
Les chansons sont dans tes yeux
I see them when you smile
Je les vois quand tu souris
The songs won't be denied
Les chansons ne seront pas niées
I've had enough I'm not giving up
J'en ai assez, je n'abandonne pas
On a miracle, a miracle drug
Sur un miracle, un médicament miracle
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracle, médicament miracle
Beneath the noise
Sous le bruit
Below the din
En dessous du vacarme
I hear your voice
J'entends ta voix
It's whispering
Elle chuchote
In science and in medicine
En science et en médecine
I was a stranger
J'étais un étranger
You took me in
Tu m'as accueilli
The songs are in your eyes
Les chansons sont dans tes yeux
I see them when you smile
Je les vois quand tu souris
The songs won't be denied
Les chansons ne seront pas niées
I've had enough of romantic love
J'en ai assez de l'amour romantique
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracle, médicament miracle
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracle, médicament miracle
I want to trip inside your head
Ich möchte in deinem Kopf herumreisen
Spend the day there
Den ganzen Tag dort verbringen
To hear the things you haven't said
Um die Dinge zu hören, die du nicht gesagt hast
And see what you might see
Und zu sehen, was du vielleicht sehen könntest
I want to hear you when you call
Ich möchte dich hören, wenn du rufst
Do you feel anything at all?
Fühlst du überhaupt etwas?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
Ich möchte sehen, wie deine Gedanken Form annehmen
And walk right out
Und direkt herausgehen
Freedom has a scent
Freiheit hat einen Duft
Like the top of a new born baby's head
Wie die Spitze eines neugeborenen Babys Kopf
The songs are in your eyes
Die Lieder sind in deinen Augen
I see them when you smile
Ich sehe sie, wenn du lächelst
The songs won't be denied
Die Lieder werden nicht verweigert
I've had enough I'm not giving up
Ich habe genug, ich gebe nicht auf
On a miracle, miracle drug
Auf ein Wunder, Wunderdroge
Of science and the human heart
Von Wissenschaft und dem menschlichen Herzen
There is no limit
Es gibt keine Grenze
There is no failure here sweetheart
Es gibt hier kein Versagen, Liebling
Just when you quit
Nur wenn du aufhörst
I am you and you are mine
Ich bin du und du bist mein
Love makes nonsense of space
Liebe macht Unsinn aus Raum
And time, will disappear
Und Zeit, wird verschwinden
Love and logic keep us clear
Liebe und Logik halten uns klar
Reason is on our side, love
Die Vernunft ist auf unserer Seite, Liebe
The songs are in your eyes
Die Lieder sind in deinen Augen
I see them when you smile
Ich sehe sie, wenn du lächelst
The songs won't be denied
Die Lieder werden nicht verweigert
I've had enough I'm not giving up
Ich habe genug, ich gebe nicht auf
On a miracle, a miracle drug
Auf ein Wunder, eine Wunderdroge
Miracle, miracle drug
Wunder, Wunderdroge
Beneath the noise
Unter dem Lärm
Below the din
Unter dem Getöse
I hear your voice
Ich höre deine Stimme
It's whispering
Es flüstert
In science and in medicine
In Wissenschaft und Medizin
I was a stranger
Ich war ein Fremder
You took me in
Du hast mich aufgenommen
The songs are in your eyes
Die Lieder sind in deinen Augen
I see them when you smile
Ich sehe sie, wenn du lächelst
The songs won't be denied
Die Lieder werden nicht verweigert
I've had enough of romantic love
Ich habe genug von romantischer Liebe
Miracle, miracle drug
Wunder, Wunderdroge
Miracle, miracle drug
Wunder, Wunderdroge
I want to trip inside your head
Voglio fare un viaggio dentro la tua testa
Spend the day there
Passare la giornata lì
To hear the things you haven't said
Per sentire le cose che non hai detto
And see what you might see
E vedere quello che potresti vedere
I want to hear you when you call
Voglio sentirti quando chiami
Do you feel anything at all?
Senti qualcosa per niente?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
Voglio vedere i tuoi pensieri prendere forma
And walk right out
E camminare fuori
Freedom has a scent
La libertà ha un profumo
Like the top of a new born baby's head
Come la cima della testa di un neonato
The songs are in your eyes
Le canzoni sono nei tuoi occhi
I see them when you smile
Le vedo quando sorridi
The songs won't be denied
Le canzoni non saranno negate
I've had enough I'm not giving up
Ne ho avuto abbastanza, non mi arrendo
On a miracle, miracle drug
Su un miracolo, un farmaco miracoloso
Of science and the human heart
Di scienza e del cuore umano
There is no limit
Non c'è limite
There is no failure here sweetheart
Non c'è fallimento qui, tesoro
Just when you quit
Solo quando rinunci
I am you and you are mine
Io sono te e tu sei mio
Love makes nonsense of space
L'amore rende senza senso lo spazio
And time, will disappear
E il tempo, scomparirà
Love and logic keep us clear
Amore e logica ci mantengono chiari
Reason is on our side, love
La ragione è dalla nostra parte, amore
The songs are in your eyes
Le canzoni sono nei tuoi occhi
I see them when you smile
Le vedo quando sorridi
The songs won't be denied
Le canzoni non saranno negate
I've had enough I'm not giving up
Ne ho avuto abbastanza, non mi arrendo
On a miracle, a miracle drug
Su un miracolo, un farmaco miracoloso
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracolo, farmaco miracoloso
Beneath the noise
Sotto il rumore
Below the din
Sotto il frastuono
I hear your voice
Sento la tua voce
It's whispering
Sta sussurrando
In science and in medicine
In scienza e in medicina
I was a stranger
Ero uno sconosciuto
You took me in
Mi hai accolto
The songs are in your eyes
Le canzoni sono nei tuoi occhi
I see them when you smile
Le vedo quando sorridi
The songs won't be denied
Le canzoni non saranno negate
I've had enough of romantic love
Ne ho avuto abbastanza dell'amore romantico
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracolo, farmaco miracoloso
Miracle, miracle drug
Miracolo, farmaco miracoloso

Curiosidades sobre la música Miracle Drug [Songs Of Surrender] del U2

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Miracle Drug [Songs Of Surrender]” por U2?
La canción Miracle Drug [Songs Of Surrender] fue lanzada en 2023, en el álbum “Songs of Surrender”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Miracle Drug [Songs Of Surrender]” de U2?
La canción “Miracle Drug [Songs Of Surrender]” de U2 fue compuesta por Adam Clayton, Dave Evans, Larry Mullen, Paul David Hewson.

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