Christmas Saves The Year

Tyler Joseph

Letra Traducción

Snow falls down from the gray sky
Ashes fall in the sea
Plans are thrown to the wayside
Frozen days of the week

But everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year

Dust off old photo boxes
This one's marked '92, yeah
Years past seemed so much grander
This one needs to come through

'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year

Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum

Everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured

Everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year

(Ho ho ho)

Snow falls down from the gray sky
La nieve cae del cielo gris
Ashes fall in the sea
Las cenizas caen en el mar
Plans are thrown to the wayside
Los planes se echan a un lado
Frozen days of the week
Días congelados de la semana
But everybody wants to make it home this year
Pero todos quieren llegar a casa este año
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Incluso si el mundo se está derrumbando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todos tienen a alguien que tiene su nombre en un estante
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decoración barata y alegría con sabor
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Puedes estar seguro de que la Navidad salva el año
Dust off old photo boxes
Desempolva las viejas cajas de fotos
This one's marked '92, yeah
Esta está marcada '92, sí
Years past seemed so much grander
Los años pasados parecían mucho más grandiosos
This one needs to come through
Este necesita salir adelante
'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Porque todos quieren llegar a casa este año
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Incluso si el mundo se está derrumbando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todos tienen a alguien que tiene su nombre en un estante
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decoración barata y alegría con sabor
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Puedes estar seguro de que la Navidad salva el año
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Todos quieren llegar a casa este año
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Incluso si el mundo se está derrumbando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todos tienen a alguien que tiene su nombre en un estante
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decoración barata y alegría con sabor
You rest assured
Puedes estar seguro
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Todos quieren llegar a casa este año
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Incluso si el mundo se está derrumbando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todos tienen a alguien que tiene su nombre en un estante
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decoración barata y alegría con sabor
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year
Puedes estar seguro, la Navidad salva el año
(Ho ho ho)
(Ho ho ho)
Snow falls down from the gray sky
A neve cai do céu cinzento
Ashes fall in the sea
Cinzas caem no mar
Plans are thrown to the wayside
Planos são jogados de lado
Frozen days of the week
Dias congelados da semana
But everybody wants to make it home this year
Mas todo mundo quer chegar em casa este ano
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Mesmo se o mundo estiver desmoronando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todo mundo tem alguém que tem seu nome numa prateleira
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Com decoração barata e alegria saborizada
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Você pode ter certeza que o Natal salva o ano
Dust off old photo boxes
Limpe as velhas caixas de fotos
This one's marked '92, yeah
Esta está marcada '92, sim
Years past seemed so much grander
Anos passados pareciam muito mais grandiosos
This one needs to come through
Este precisa dar certo
'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Porque todo mundo quer chegar em casa este ano
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Mesmo se o mundo estiver desmoronando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todo mundo tem alguém que tem seu nome numa prateleira
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Com decoração barata e alegria saborizada
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Você pode ter certeza que o Natal salva o ano
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Todo mundo quer chegar em casa este ano
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Mesmo se o mundo estiver desmoronando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todo mundo tem alguém que tem seu nome numa prateleira
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Com decoração barata e alegria saborizada
You rest assured
Você pode ter certeza
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Todo mundo quer chegar em casa este ano
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Mesmo se o mundo estiver desmoronando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Porque todo mundo tem alguém que tem seu nome numa prateleira
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Com decoração barata e alegria saborizada
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year
Você pode ter certeza, o Natal salva o ano
(Ho ho ho)
(Ho ho ho)
Snow falls down from the gray sky
La neige tombe du ciel gris
Ashes fall in the sea
Les cendres tombent dans la mer
Plans are thrown to the wayside
Les plans sont jetés de côté
Frozen days of the week
Jours gelés de la semaine
But everybody wants to make it home this year
Mais tout le monde veut rentrer à la maison cette année
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Même si le monde s'effondre
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Car tout le monde a quelqu'un qui a leur nom sur une étagère
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Avec une décoration bon marché et une joie parfumée
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Soyez assuré que Noël sauve l'année
Dust off old photo boxes
Dépoussiérez les vieilles boîtes de photos
This one's marked '92, yeah
Celle-ci est marquée '92, ouais
Years past seemed so much grander
Les années passées semblaient tellement plus grandioses
This one needs to come through
Celle-ci doit passer
'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Car tout le monde veut rentrer à la maison cette année
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Même si le monde s'effondre
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Car tout le monde a quelqu'un qui a leur nom sur une étagère
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Avec une décoration bon marché et une joie parfumée
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Soyez assuré que Noël sauve l'année
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Tout le monde veut rentrer à la maison cette année
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Même si le monde s'effondre
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Car tout le monde a quelqu'un qui a leur nom sur une étagère
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Avec une décoration bon marché et une joie parfumée
You rest assured
Soyez assuré
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Tout le monde veut rentrer à la maison cette année
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Même si le monde s'effondre
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Car tout le monde a quelqu'un qui a leur nom sur une étagère
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Avec une décoration bon marché et une joie parfumée
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year
Soyez assuré, Noël sauve l'année
(Ho ho ho)
(Ho ho ho)
Snow falls down from the gray sky
Schnee fällt vom grauen Himmel herab
Ashes fall in the sea
Asche fällt ins Meer
Plans are thrown to the wayside
Pläne werden über Bord geworfen
Frozen days of the week
Gefrorene Wochentage
But everybody wants to make it home this year
Aber jeder möchte dieses Jahr nach Hause kommen
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Selbst wenn die Welt zusammenbricht
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Denn jeder hat jemanden, der seinen Namen auf einem Regal hat
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Mit billiger Dekoration und gewürzter Freude
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Du kannst sicher sein, dass Weihnachten das Jahr rettet
Dust off old photo boxes
Staubt alte Fotokisten ab
This one's marked '92, yeah
Diese hier ist mit '92 markiert, ja
Years past seemed so much grander
Vergangene Jahre schienen so viel grandioser
This one needs to come through
Dieses muss durchkommen
'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Denn jeder möchte dieses Jahr nach Hause kommen
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Selbst wenn die Welt zusammenbricht
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Denn jeder hat jemanden, der seinen Namen auf einem Regal hat
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Mit billiger Dekoration und gewürzter Freude
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Du kannst sicher sein, dass Weihnachten das Jahr rettet
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Jeder möchte dieses Jahr nach Hause kommen
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Selbst wenn die Welt zusammenbricht
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Denn jeder hat jemanden, der seinen Namen auf einem Regal hat
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Mit billiger Dekoration und gewürzter Freude
You rest assured
Du kannst sicher sein
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Jeder möchte dieses Jahr nach Hause kommen
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Selbst wenn die Welt zusammenbricht
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Denn jeder hat jemanden, der seinen Namen auf einem Regal hat
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Mit billiger Dekoration und gewürzter Freude
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year
Du kannst sicher sein, Weihnachten rettet das Jahr
(Ho ho ho)
(Ho ho ho)
Snow falls down from the gray sky
La neve cade dal cielo grigio
Ashes fall in the sea
Le ceneri cadono nel mare
Plans are thrown to the wayside
I piani vengono messi da parte
Frozen days of the week
Giorni della settimana ghiacciati
But everybody wants to make it home this year
Ma tutti vogliono tornare a casa quest'anno
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Anche se il mondo sta crollando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Perché tutti hanno qualcuno che ha il loro nome su uno scaffale
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decorazioni senza sfarzo e allegria aromatizzata
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Puoi stare tranquillo che il Natale salva l'anno
Dust off old photo boxes
Spolvera le vecchie scatole di foto
This one's marked '92, yeah
Questa è contrassegnata '92, sì
Years past seemed so much grander
Gli anni passati sembravano molto più grandiosi
This one needs to come through
Questo deve venire fuori
'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Perché tutti vogliono tornare a casa quest'anno
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Anche se il mondo sta crollando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Perché tutti hanno qualcuno che ha il loro nome su uno scaffale
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decorazioni senza sfarzo e allegria aromatizzata
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Puoi stare tranquillo che il Natale salva l'anno
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Tutti vogliono tornare a casa quest'anno
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Anche se il mondo sta crollando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Perché tutti hanno qualcuno che ha il loro nome su uno scaffale
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decorazioni senza sfarzo e allegria aromatizzata
You rest assured
Puoi stare tranquillo
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Tutti vogliono tornare a casa quest'anno
Even if the world is crumblin' down
Anche se il mondo sta crollando
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
Perché tutti hanno qualcuno che ha il loro nome su uno scaffale
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
Con decorazioni senza sfarzo e allegria aromatizzata
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year
Puoi stare tranquillo, il Natale salva l'anno
(Ho ho ho)
(Ho ho ho)
Snow falls down from the gray sky
Ashes fall in the sea
Plans are thrown to the wayside
Frozen days of the week
But everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Dust off old photo boxes
This one's marked '92, yeah
Years past seemed so much grander
This one needs to come through
'Cause everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured that Christmas saves the year
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum-bum
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured
Everybody wants to make it home this year
Even if the world is crumblin' down
'Cause everybody's got somebody who's got their name on a shelf
With cheap décor and flavored cheer
You rest assured, Christmas saves the year
(Ho ho ho)
(Ho ho ho)

Curiosidades sobre la música Christmas Saves The Year del Twenty One Pilots

¿Quién compuso la canción “Christmas Saves The Year” de Twenty One Pilots?
La canción “Christmas Saves The Year” de Twenty One Pilots fue compuesta por Tyler Joseph.

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