The Song About Annihilating Poseurs
They haven't been in the scene as long as us
That's why we're gonna raise such a gosh-darned fuss
They make us so mad, we wanna stamp our feet
And throw a temper-tantrum out in the street
The poseurs are sissys, the poseurs are sissys
Nyeah-nyeah, nyeah-nyeah, PTHTHPT! Ha-ha!
We'll thwart the gol-darned poseurs
Gonna make 'em all go home
We'll teach those dirty so-n'-sos
That here they should not roam
We're gonna say mean things about them
Put 'еm in their place
And if you think we'rе kidding
We just might say it to their face!
If you're a poseur, we're gonna call you out!
But you're a scardy-cat and won't show up, no doubt
But if you do, then me an' 26 of my friends
Are gonna throw dirt-clods and bonk you on the head!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Oi! Bum! Skivies!