Say your prayers, little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
'Til the sandman he comes
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land
Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite (yeah)
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet, in your head
Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand
Oh, exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land
Say your prayers, little one
Reza tus oraciones, pequeño
Don't forget, my son
No olvides, hijo mío
To include everyone
Incluir a todos
Tuck you in, warm within
Te arropo, cálido por dentro
Keep you free from sin
Te mantengo libre de pecado
'Til the sandman he comes
Hasta que llegue el hombre de arena
Sleep with one eye open
Duerme con un ojo abierto
Gripping your pillow tight
Agarrando fuerte tu almohada
Exit light
Sal de la luz
Enter night
Entra en la noche
Take my hand
Toma mi mano
We're off to never never land
Nos vamos al país de nunca jamás
Something's wrong, shut the light
Algo va mal, apaga la luz
Heavy thoughts tonight
Pensamientos pesados esta noche
And they aren't of Snow White
Y no son de Blancanieves
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Sueños de guerra, sueños de mentirosos
Dreams of dragon's fire
Sueños de fuego de dragón
And of things that will bite (yeah)
Y de cosas que morderán (sí)
Sleep with one eye open
Duerme con un ojo abierto
Gripping your pillow tight
Agarrando fuerte tu almohada
Exit light
Sal de la luz
Enter night
Entra en la noche
Take my hand
Toma mi mano
We're off to never never land
Nos vamos al país de nunca jamás
Now I lay me down to sleep
Ahora me acuesto para dormir
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Rezo al Señor que guarde mi alma
If I die before I wake
Si muero antes de despertar
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Rezo al Señor que se lleve mi alma
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Calla pequeño bebé, no digas una palabra
And never mind that noise you heard
Y no te preocupes por ese ruido que oíste
It's just the beasts under your bed
Son solo las bestias debajo de tu cama
In your closet, in your head
En tu armario, en tu cabeza
Exit light
Sal de la luz
Enter night
Entra en la noche
Grain of sand
Grano de arena
Oh, exit light
Oh, sal de la luz
Enter night
Entra en la noche
Take my hand
Toma mi mano
We're off to never never land
Nos vamos al país de nunca jamás
Say your prayers, little one
Reze suas orações, pequenino
Don't forget, my son
Não se esqueça, meu filho
To include everyone
De incluir todos
Tuck you in, warm within
Te aconchego, quente por dentro
Keep you free from sin
Te mantenho livre do pecado
'Til the sandman he comes
Até que o homem da areia venha
Sleep with one eye open
Durma com um olho aberto
Gripping your pillow tight
Agarrando seu travesseiro com força
Exit light
Saia da luz
Enter night
Entre na noite
Take my hand
Pegue minha mão
We're off to never never land
Estamos indo para a terra do nunca nunca
Something's wrong, shut the light
Algo está errado, apague a luz
Heavy thoughts tonight
Pensamentos pesados esta noite
And they aren't of Snow White
E eles não são da Branca de Neve
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Sonhos de guerra, sonhos de mentirosos
Dreams of dragon's fire
Sonhos de fogo de dragão
And of things that will bite (yeah)
E de coisas que vão morder (sim)
Sleep with one eye open
Durma com um olho aberto
Gripping your pillow tight
Agarrando seu travesseiro com força
Exit light
Saia da luz
Enter night
Entre na noite
Take my hand
Pegue minha mão
We're off to never never land
Estamos indo para a terra do nunca nunca
Now I lay me down to sleep
Agora eu me deito para dormir
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Eu rezo ao Senhor para guardar minha alma
If I die before I wake
Se eu morrer antes de acordar
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Eu rezo ao Senhor para levar minha alma
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Calma pequeno bebê, não diga uma palavra
And never mind that noise you heard
E não se importe com o barulho que você ouviu
It's just the beasts under your bed
São apenas as feras debaixo da sua cama
In your closet, in your head
No seu armário, na sua cabeça
Exit light
Saia da luz
Enter night
Entre na noite
Grain of sand
Grão de areia
Oh, exit light
Oh, saia da luz
Enter night
Entre na noite
Take my hand
Pegue minha mão
We're off to never never land
Estamos indo para a terra do nunca nunca
Say your prayers, little one
Dis tes prières, petit
Don't forget, my son
N'oublie pas, mon fils
To include everyone
D'inclure tout le monde
Tuck you in, warm within
Je te borde, au chaud à l'intérieur
Keep you free from sin
Te garde libre du péché
'Til the sandman he comes
Jusqu'à ce que le marchand de sable arrive
Sleep with one eye open
Dors avec un œil ouvert
Gripping your pillow tight
Serre ton oreiller fort
Exit light
Sortie de lumière
Enter night
Entrée de nuit
Take my hand
Prends ma main
We're off to never never land
Nous partons au pays de jamais jamais
Something's wrong, shut the light
Quelque chose ne va pas, éteins la lumière
Heavy thoughts tonight
Pensées lourdes ce soir
And they aren't of Snow White
Et elles ne sont pas de Blanche Neige
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Rêves de guerre, rêves de menteurs
Dreams of dragon's fire
Rêves de feu de dragon
And of things that will bite (yeah)
Et de choses qui mordront (ouais)
Sleep with one eye open
Dors avec un œil ouvert
Gripping your pillow tight
Serre ton oreiller fort
Exit light
Sortie de lumière
Enter night
Entrée de nuit
Take my hand
Prends ma main
We're off to never never land
Nous partons au pays de jamais jamais
Now I lay me down to sleep
Maintenant je me couche pour dormir
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Je prie le Seigneur de garder mon âme
If I die before I wake
Si je meurs avant de me réveiller
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Je prie le Seigneur de prendre mon âme
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Chut petit bébé, ne dis pas un mot
And never mind that noise you heard
Et ne fais pas attention à ce bruit que tu as entendu
It's just the beasts under your bed
Ce ne sont que les bêtes sous ton lit
In your closet, in your head
Dans ton placard, dans ta tête
Exit light
Sortie de lumière
Enter night
Entrée de nuit
Grain of sand
Grain de sable
Oh, exit light
Oh, sortie de lumière
Enter night
Entrée de nuit
Take my hand
Prends ma main
We're off to never never land
Nous partons au pays de jamais jamais
Say your prayers, little one
Sprich deine Gebete, kleiner
Don't forget, my son
Vergiss nicht, mein Sohn
To include everyone
Jeden einzuschließen
Tuck you in, warm within
Ich decke dich zu, warm innen
Keep you free from sin
Halte dich frei von Sünde
'Til the sandman he comes
Bis der Sandmann kommt
Sleep with one eye open
Schlaf mit einem Auge offen
Gripping your pillow tight
Klammere dich fest an dein Kissen
Exit light
Ausgang Licht
Enter night
Betrete Nacht
Take my hand
Nimm meine Hand
We're off to never never land
Wir sind auf dem Weg ins Niemalsland
Something's wrong, shut the light
Etwas stimmt nicht, mach das Licht aus
Heavy thoughts tonight
Schwere Gedanken heute Nacht
And they aren't of Snow White
Und sie handeln nicht von Schneewittchen
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Träume von Krieg, Träume von Lügnern
Dreams of dragon's fire
Träume von Drachenfeuer
And of things that will bite (yeah)
Und von Dingen, die beißen (ja)
Sleep with one eye open
Schlaf mit einem Auge offen
Gripping your pillow tight
Klammere dich fest an dein Kissen
Exit light
Ausgang Licht
Enter night
Betrete Nacht
Take my hand
Nimm meine Hand
We're off to never never land
Wir sind auf dem Weg ins Niemalsland
Now I lay me down to sleep
Jetzt lege ich mich schlafen
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Ich bete den Herrn, meine Seele zu behalten
If I die before I wake
Wenn ich sterbe, bevor ich aufwache
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Ich bete den Herrn, meine Seele zu nehmen
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Husch, kleines Baby, sag kein Wort
And never mind that noise you heard
Und kümmere dich nicht um das Geräusch, das du gehört hast
It's just the beasts under your bed
Es sind nur die Bestien unter deinem Bett
In your closet, in your head
In deinem Schrank, in deinem Kopf
Exit light
Ausgang Licht
Enter night
Betrete Nacht
Grain of sand
Körnchen Sand
Oh, exit light
Oh, Ausgang Licht
Enter night
Betrete Nacht
Take my hand
Nimm meine Hand
We're off to never never land
Wir sind auf dem Weg ins Niemalsland
Say your prayers, little one
Dì le tue preghiere, piccolo
Don't forget, my son
Non dimenticare, mio figlio
To include everyone
Di includere tutti
Tuck you in, warm within
Ti infilo nel letto, caldo dentro
Keep you free from sin
Ti tengo lontano dal peccato
'Til the sandman he comes
Finché non arriva l'uomo della sabbia
Sleep with one eye open
Dormi con un occhio aperto
Gripping your pillow tight
Stringendo forte il tuo cuscino
Exit light
Esci dalla luce
Enter night
Entra nella notte
Take my hand
Prendi la mia mano
We're off to never never land
Stiamo andando nel paese di non ritorno
Something's wrong, shut the light
Qualcosa non va, spegni la luce
Heavy thoughts tonight
Pensieri pesanti stasera
And they aren't of Snow White
E non riguardano Biancaneve
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Sogni di guerra, sogni di bugiardi
Dreams of dragon's fire
Sogni di fuoco di drago
And of things that will bite (yeah)
E di cose che morderanno (sì)
Sleep with one eye open
Dormi con un occhio aperto
Gripping your pillow tight
Stringendo forte il tuo cuscino
Exit light
Esci dalla luce
Enter night
Entra nella notte
Take my hand
Prendi la mia mano
We're off to never never land
Stiamo andando nel paese di non ritorno
Now I lay me down to sleep
Ora mi corico per dormire
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Prego il Signore di custodire la mia anima
If I die before I wake
Se dovessi morire prima di svegliarmi
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Prego il Signore di prendere la mia anima
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Zitto piccolo, non dire una parola
And never mind that noise you heard
E non badare a quel rumore che hai sentito
It's just the beasts under your bed
Sono solo le bestie sotto il tuo letto
In your closet, in your head
Nel tuo armadio, nella tua testa
Exit light
Esci dalla luce
Enter night
Entra nella notte
Grain of sand
Granello di sabbia
Oh, exit light
Oh, esci dalla luce
Enter night
Entra nella notte
Take my hand
Prendi la mia mano
We're off to never never land
Stiamo andando nel paese di non ritorno