Back 40 Back

Driver Williams, Jeff Hyde, Luke Combs, Raymond Fulcher

Letra Traducción

For sale by owner sign on Highway 59
A signal of the times, a turning of the page
There used to be nothing here
But that nothing disappeared
The pond, the barn, the farm, the fields have long since been replaced
Asphalt parking where that ten pew, Pentecostal stood
Fast food, four lanes, and a subdivided neighborhood

The walls of the world are closin' in
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
The way of life that time moved past
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back

Maybe I'm a sucker for knowing who lives next door
A view from my back porch, a pinch of peace and quiet
I can't get back the used to bes
So I hang on to the memories
Of when I could still look up and see the stars not street lights shining

The walls of the world are closin' in
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
The way of life that time moved past
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back

Now I get that progress has its place
With no regard for what it takes
Wish it would slow its pace, and cut us all some slack
'Cause it's all changing way too fast
A way of life that time moved past
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back

For sale by owner sign on Highway 59
Anuncio de se vende por el dueño en la autopista 59
A signal of the times, a turning of the page
Una señal de los tiempos, un cambio de página
There used to be nothing here
Antes no había nada aquí
But that nothing disappeared
Pero ese nada desapareció
The pond, the barn, the farm, the fields have long since been replaced
La laguna, el granero, la granja, los campos llevan tiempo de haber sido reemplazados
Asphalt parking where that ten pew, Pentecostal stood
Un estacionamiento de asfalto donde estaba esa iglesia Pentecostal de diez bancos
Fast food, four lanes, and a subdivided neighborhood
Comida rápida, cuatro carriles y un barrio subdividido
The walls of the world are closin' in
Los muros del mundo se cierran
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
La ciudad que se extiende nos desgasta
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
No podemos hacer que nuestras cuentas cuadren
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Nunca hubiera pensado que no duraría
The way of life that time moved past
La forma de vida que el tiempo dejó atrás
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Lo que no daría por recuperar mis cuarenta acres
Maybe I'm a sucker for knowing who lives next door
Quizás soy un iluso por querer saber quién vive al lado
A view from my back porch, a pinch of peace and quiet
Una vista desde mi porche trasero, un poco de paz y tranquilidad
I can't get back the used to bes
No puedo recuperar lo que solía ser
So I hang on to the memories
Así que me aferro a los recuerdos
Of when I could still look up and see the stars not street lights shining
De cuando todavía podía mirar hacia arriba y ver el brillo de las estrellas, no el de las luces de la calle
The walls of the world are closin' in
Los muros del mundo se cierran
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
La ciudad que se extiende nos desgasta
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
No podemos hacer que nuestras cuentas cuadren
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Nunca hubiera pensado que no duraría
The way of life that time moved past
La forma de vida que el tiempo dejó atrás
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Lo que no daría por recuperar mis cuarenta acres
Now I get that progress has its place
Ahora entiendo que el progreso tiene su lugar
With no regard for what it takes
Sin importarle lo que cueste
Wish it would slow its pace, and cut us all some slack
Ojalá aminorara su ritmo y nos diera un respiro a todos
'Cause it's all changing way too fast
Porque todo está cambiando demasiado rápido
A way of life that time moved past
Una forma de vida que el tiempo dejó atrás
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Lo que no daría por recuperar mis cuarenta acres
For sale by owner sign on Highway 59
Placa de venda pelo proprietário na Rodovia 59
A signal of the times, a turning of the page
Um sinal dos tempos, uma virada de página
There used to be nothing here
Não costumava ter nada aqui
But that nothing disappeared
Mas esse nada desapareceu
The pond, the barn, the farm, the fields have long since been replaced
O lago, o celeiro, a fazenda, os campos há muito foram substituídos
Asphalt parking where that ten pew, Pentecostal stood
Estacionamento de asfalto onde ficava a igreja pentecostal de dez bancos
Fast food, four lanes, and a subdivided neighborhood
Fast food, quatro pistas e um bairro subdividido
The walls of the world are closin' in
As paredes do mundo estão se fechando
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
A cidade em expansão nos espalha
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Não conseguimos fazer nossas contas fecharem no preto
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Nunca teria pensado que não duraria
The way of life that time moved past
O modo de vida que o tempo ultrapassou
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
O que eu não daria para ter os quarenta hectares de volta
Maybe I'm a sucker for knowing who lives next door
Talvez eu seja um otário por saber quem mora ao lado
A view from my back porch, a pinch of peace and quiet
Uma vista do meu quintal, um pouco de paz e sossego
I can't get back the used to bes
Não consigo recuperar o que costumava ser
So I hang on to the memories
Então eu me apego às memórias
Of when I could still look up and see the stars not street lights shining
De quando eu ainda podia olhar para cima e ver as estrelas, não as luzes da rua brilhando
The walls of the world are closin' in
As paredes do mundo estão se fechando
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
A cidade em expansão nos espalha
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Não conseguimos fazer nossas contas fecharem no preto
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Nunca teria pensado que não duraria
The way of life that time moved past
O modo de vida que o tempo ultrapassou
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
O que eu não daria para ter os quarenta hectares de volta
Now I get that progress has its place
Agora eu entendo que o progresso tem seu lugar
With no regard for what it takes
Sem consideração pelo que leva
Wish it would slow its pace, and cut us all some slack
Gostaria que diminuísse o ritmo, e nos desse um descanso
'Cause it's all changing way too fast
Porque tudo está mudando rápido demais
A way of life that time moved past
Um modo de vida que o tempo ultrapassou
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
O que eu não daria para ter os quarenta hectares de volta
For sale by owner sign on Highway 59
À vendre par le propriétaire, panneau sur l'autoroute 59
A signal of the times, a turning of the page
Un signe des temps, un tournant de la page
There used to be nothing here
Il n'y avait rien ici auparavant
But that nothing disappeared
Mais ce rien a disparu
The pond, the barn, the farm, the fields have long since been replaced
L'étang, la grange, la ferme, les champs ont depuis longtemps été remplacés
Asphalt parking where that ten pew, Pentecostal stood
Parking en asphalte où se tenait ce temple pentecôtiste de dix bancs
Fast food, four lanes, and a subdivided neighborhood
Fast-food, quatre voies, et un quartier subdivisé
The walls of the world are closin' in
Les murs du monde se rapprochent
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
La ville qui s'étend nous éparpille
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
On n'arrive pas à joindre les deux bouts
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Qui aurait cru que ça ne durerait pas
The way of life that time moved past
Le mode de vie que le temps a dépassé
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Ce que je ne donnerais pas pour retrouver ces quarante acres
Maybe I'm a sucker for knowing who lives next door
Peut-être que je suis un pigeon pour savoir qui vit à côté
A view from my back porch, a pinch of peace and quiet
Une vue depuis ma véranda, un soupçon de paix et de tranquillité
I can't get back the used to bes
Je ne peux pas retrouver ce qui était avant
So I hang on to the memories
Alors je m'accroche aux souvenirs
Of when I could still look up and see the stars not street lights shining
Quand je pouvais encore lever les yeux et voir les étoiles et non les lampadaires
The walls of the world are closin' in
Les murs du monde se rapprochent
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
La ville qui s'étend nous éparpille
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
On n'arrive pas à joindre les deux bouts
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Qui aurait cru que ça ne durerait pas
The way of life that time moved past
Le mode de vie que le temps a dépassé
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Ce que je ne donnerais pas pour retrouver ces quarante acres
Now I get that progress has its place
Maintenant, je comprends que le progrès a sa place
With no regard for what it takes
Sans égard pour ce qu'il faut
Wish it would slow its pace, and cut us all some slack
J'aimerais qu'il ralentisse son rythme, et nous laisse un peu de répit
'Cause it's all changing way too fast
Car tout change beaucoup trop vite
A way of life that time moved past
Le mode de vie que le temps a dépassé
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Ce que je ne donnerais pas pour retrouver ces quarante acres
For sale by owner sign on Highway 59
Zum Verkauf durch den Eigentümer Schild an der Autobahn 59
A signal of the times, a turning of the page
Ein Zeichen der Zeit, ein Umblättern der Seite
There used to be nothing here
Früher war hier nichts
But that nothing disappeared
Aber dieses Nichts verschwand
The pond, the barn, the farm, the fields have long since been replaced
Der Teich, die Scheune, der Bauernhof, die Felder sind längst ersetzt worden
Asphalt parking where that ten pew, Pentecostal stood
Asphalt Parkplatz, wo diese zehn Bank, Pfingstkirche stand
Fast food, four lanes, and a subdivided neighborhood
Fast Food, vier Fahrspuren und eine unterteilte Nachbarschaft
The walls of the world are closin' in
Die Mauern der Welt schließen sich
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
Die sich ausbreitende Stadt breitet uns dünn aus
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Wir können unsere Enden nicht auf das Schwarze treffen
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Hätte nie gedacht, dass es nicht anhalten würde
The way of life that time moved past
Die Lebensweise, die die Zeit überholt hat
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Was würde ich nicht geben, um die hinteren vierzig zurück zu haben
Maybe I'm a sucker for knowing who lives next door
Vielleicht bin ich ein Trottel dafür, zu wissen, wer nebenan wohnt
A view from my back porch, a pinch of peace and quiet
Ein Blick von meiner hinteren Veranda, eine Prise Frieden und Ruhe
I can't get back the used to bes
Ich kann die früheren Zeiten nicht zurückbekommen
So I hang on to the memories
Also halte ich an den Erinnerungen fest
Of when I could still look up and see the stars not street lights shining
Als ich noch hochschauen und die Sterne und nicht die Straßenlaternen leuchten sehen konnte
The walls of the world are closin' in
Die Mauern der Welt schließen sich
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
Die sich ausbreitende Stadt breitet uns dünn aus
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Wir können unsere Enden nicht auf das Schwarze treffen
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Hätte nie gedacht, dass es nicht anhalten würde
The way of life that time moved past
Die Lebensweise, die die Zeit überholt hat
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Was würde ich nicht geben, um die hinteren vierzig zurück zu haben
Now I get that progress has its place
Jetzt verstehe ich, dass der Fortschritt seinen Platz hat
With no regard for what it takes
Ohne Rücksicht darauf, was es kostet
Wish it would slow its pace, and cut us all some slack
Wünschte, es würde sein Tempo verlangsamen und uns allen etwas Spielraum lassen
'Cause it's all changing way too fast
Denn alles ändert sich viel zu schnell
A way of life that time moved past
Eine Lebensweise, die die Zeit überholt hat
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Was würde ich nicht geben, um die hinteren vierzig zurück zu haben
For sale by owner sign on Highway 59
In vendita da proprietario, cartello sulla Highway 59
A signal of the times, a turning of the page
Un segno dei tempi, una svolta di pagina
There used to be nothing here
Non c'era nulla qui
But that nothing disappeared
Ma quel nulla è scomparso
The pond, the barn, the farm, the fields have long since been replaced
Lo stagno, la stalla, la fattoria, i campi sono stati sostituiti da tempo
Asphalt parking where that ten pew, Pentecostal stood
Parcheggio asfaltato dove c'era quella chiesa pentecostale con dieci panchine
Fast food, four lanes, and a subdivided neighborhood
Fast food, quattro corsie, e un quartiere suddiviso
The walls of the world are closin' in
Le mura del mondo si stanno chiudendo
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
La città in espansione ci rende sottili
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Non riusciamo a far quadrare i conti
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Non avrei mai pensato che non sarebbe durato
The way of life that time moved past
Il modo di vivere che il tempo ha superato
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Quanto darei per riavere indietro quei quaranta acri
Maybe I'm a sucker for knowing who lives next door
Forse sono un ingenuo per voler sapere chi vive accanto
A view from my back porch, a pinch of peace and quiet
Una vista dal mio portico sul retro, un pizzico di pace e tranquillità
I can't get back the used to bes
Non posso riavere indietro i bei vecchi tempi
So I hang on to the memories
Quindi mi aggrappo ai ricordi
Of when I could still look up and see the stars not street lights shining
Di quando potevo ancora guardare in alto e vedere le stelle, non le luci della strada
The walls of the world are closin' in
Le mura del mondo si stanno chiudendo
The spreadin' city spreads us thin
La città in espansione ci rende sottili
We can't seem to make our ends meet the black
Non riusciamo a far quadrare i conti
Never would've thought it wouldn't last
Non avrei mai pensato che non sarebbe durato
The way of life that time moved past
Il modo di vivere che il tempo ha superato
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Quanto darei per riavere indietro quei quaranta acri
Now I get that progress has its place
Ora capisco che il progresso ha il suo posto
With no regard for what it takes
Senza riguardo per ciò che richiede
Wish it would slow its pace, and cut us all some slack
Vorrei che rallentasse il suo ritmo, e ci desse un po' di tregua
'Cause it's all changing way too fast
Perché tutto sta cambiando troppo in fretta
A way of life that time moved past
Un modo di vivere che il tempo ha superato
What I wouldn't give to have the back forty back
Quanto darei per riavere indietro quei quaranta acri

Curiosidades sobre la música Back 40 Back del Luke Combs

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Back 40 Back” por Luke Combs?
La canción Back 40 Back fue lanzada en 2023, en el álbum “Gettin' Old”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Back 40 Back” de Luke Combs?
La canción “Back 40 Back” de Luke Combs fue compuesta por Driver Williams, Jeff Hyde, Luke Combs, Raymond Fulcher.

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