Letter To My 13 Year Old Self

Laufey Lin Jonsdottir

Letra Traducción

Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Voices echo in the gym
Another girl's had her first kiss
Please don't think too much of it, darling

I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
But, baby, know that

You'll grow up
And grow so tough and charm them
Write your story, fall in love a little too
The things you thought you'd never do
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Myself at thirteen
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful

Keep on going with your silly dream
Life is prettier than it may seem
One day, you'll be up on stage
Little girls will scream your name
The days of tears and failure fears
And no one cares
Will all make sense, 'cause

You'll grow up
And grow so confident, and
Write your story, fall in love a little too
The things you thought you'd never do
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Myself at thirteen
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful


Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
No te preocupes por tu cabello rizado
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Ropa que no te queda bien en ningún lugar
Voices echo in the gym
Las voces resuenan en el gimnasio
Another girl's had her first kiss
Otra chica ha tenido su primer beso
Please don't think too much of it, darling
Por favor, no le des demasiada importancia, querida
I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Lamento mucho que te elijan de último
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
Intentan decir tu nombre extranjero y se ríen
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Sé que te sientes ruidosa, tan diferente de la multitud
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
De grandes ojos azules, y largo cabello rubio, y chicos que miran
But, baby, know that
Pero, cariño, debes saber que
You'll grow up
And grow so tough and charm them
Y te harás fuerte y los encantarás
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Escribe tu historia, enamórate un poco también
The things you thought you'd never do
Las cosas que pensaste que nunca harías
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Desearía poder volver atrás y darle un abrazo
Myself at thirteen
A mí misma a los trece
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
Y simplemente hacerle saber, saber que es hermosa
Keep on going with your silly dream
Sigue adelante con tu sueño tonto
Life is prettier than it may seem
La vida es más bonita de lo que parece
One day, you'll be up on stage
Un día, estarás en el escenario
Little girls will scream your name
Las niñas gritarán tu nombre
The days of tears and failure fears
Los días de lágrimas y miedos al fracaso
And no one cares
Y a nadie le importa
Will all make sense, 'cause
Todo tendrá sentido, porque
You'll grow up
And grow so confident, and
Y te harás tan segura, y
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Escribe tu historia, enamórate un poco también
The things you thought you'd never do
Las cosas que pensaste que nunca harías
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Desearía poder volver atrás y darle un abrazo
Myself at thirteen
A mí misma a los trece
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
Y simplemente hacerle saber, saber que es hermosa
Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
Não se preocupe com o seu cabelo encaracolado
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Roupas que não te servem bem em lugar nenhum
Voices echo in the gym
Vozes ecoam no ginásio
Another girl's had her first kiss
Outra garota teve seu primeiro beijo
Please don't think too much of it, darling
Por favor, não pense muito nisso, querida
I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Sinto muito que eles te escolham por último
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
Tentam dizer o seu nome estrangeiro e riem
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Eu sei que você se sente alta, tão diferente da multidão
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
De grandes olhos azuis, e longos cabelos loiros, e meninos que encaram
But, baby, know that
Mas, querida, saiba que
You'll grow up
Você vai crescer
And grow so tough and charm them
E vai se tornar tão forte e encantá-los
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Escreva sua história, se apaixone um pouco também
The things you thought you'd never do
As coisas que você pensou que nunca faria
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Eu gostaria de poder voltar e dar um abraço nela
Myself at thirteen
Eu mesma aos treze
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
E apenas deixá-la saber, saber que ela é linda
Keep on going with your silly dream
Continue com o seu sonho bobo
Life is prettier than it may seem
A vida é mais bonita do que parece
One day, you'll be up on stage
Um dia, você estará no palco
Little girls will scream your name
Pequenas garotas vão gritar o seu nome
The days of tears and failure fears
Os dias de lágrimas e medo de falhar
And no one cares
E ninguém se importa
Will all make sense, 'cause
Tudo fará sentido, porque
You'll grow up
Você vai crescer
And grow so confident, and
E vai se tornar tão confiante, e
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Escreva sua história, se apaixone um pouco também
The things you thought you'd never do
As coisas que você pensou que nunca faria
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Eu gostaria de poder voltar e dar um abraço nela
Myself at thirteen
Eu mesma aos treze
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
E apenas deixá-la saber, saber que ela é linda
Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
Ne t'inquiète pas pour tes cheveux bouclés
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Des vêtements qui ne te vont pas vraiment nulle part
Voices echo in the gym
Les voix résonnent dans le gymnase
Another girl's had her first kiss
Une autre fille a eu son premier baiser
Please don't think too much of it, darling
Ne pense pas trop à ça, chérie
I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Je suis tellement désolé qu'ils te choisissent en dernier
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
Ils essaient de dire ton nom étranger et rient
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Je sais que tu te sens bruyante, si différente de la foule
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
De grands yeux bleus, et de longs cheveux blonds, et des garçons qui regardent
But, baby, know that
Mais, bébé, sache que
You'll grow up
Tu grandiras
And grow so tough and charm them
Et deviendras si forte et les charmeras
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Écris ton histoire, tombe un peu amoureuse aussi
The things you thought you'd never do
Les choses que tu pensais ne jamais faire
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
J'aimerais pouvoir revenir en arrière et lui faire un câlin
Myself at thirteen
Moi à treize ans
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
Et juste lui faire savoir, savoir qu'elle est belle
Keep on going with your silly dream
Continue avec ton rêve idiot
Life is prettier than it may seem
La vie est plus belle qu'elle ne le semble
One day, you'll be up on stage
Un jour, tu seras sur scène
Little girls will scream your name
Des petites filles crieront ton nom
The days of tears and failure fears
Les jours de larmes et de peurs d'échec
And no one cares
Et personne ne se soucie
Will all make sense, 'cause
Tout aura du sens, parce que
You'll grow up
Tu grandiras
And grow so confident, and
Et deviendras si confiante, et
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Écris ton histoire, tombe un peu amoureuse aussi
The things you thought you'd never do
Les choses que tu pensais ne jamais faire
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
J'aimerais pouvoir revenir en arrière et lui faire un câlin
Myself at thirteen
Moi à treize ans
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
Et juste lui faire savoir, savoir qu'elle est belle
Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
Mach dir keine Sorgen um deine lockigen Haare
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Kleidung, die dir nirgendwo richtig passt
Voices echo in the gym
Stimmen hallen in der Turnhalle wider
Another girl's had her first kiss
Ein anderes Mädchen hatte ihren ersten Kuss
Please don't think too much of it, darling
Bitte denk nicht zu viel darüber nach, Liebling
I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Es tut mir so leid, dass sie dich zuletzt auswählen
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
Versuchen, deinen ausländischen Namen auszusprechen und zu lachen
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
Ich weiß, dass du dich laut fühlst, so anders als die Menge
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
Von großen blauen Augen und langen blonden Haaren und Jungs, die starren
But, baby, know that
Aber, Baby, wisse das
You'll grow up
Du wirst erwachsen
And grow so tough and charm them
Und wirst so hart und bezaubernd
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Schreibe deine Geschichte, verliebe dich ein wenig zu
The things you thought you'd never do
Die Dinge, von denen du dachtest, du würdest sie nie tun
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Ich wünschte, ich könnte zurückgehen und ihr eine Umarmung geben
Myself at thirteen
Ich selbst mit dreizehn
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
Und lass sie einfach wissen, dass sie schön ist
Keep on going with your silly dream
Mach weiter mit deinem albernen Traum
Life is prettier than it may seem
Das Leben ist schöner, als es scheint
One day, you'll be up on stage
Eines Tages wirst du auf der Bühne stehen
Little girls will scream your name
Kleine Mädchen werden deinen Namen schreien
The days of tears and failure fears
Die Tage der Tränen und der Angst vor dem Scheitern
And no one cares
Und niemand kümmert sich
Will all make sense, 'cause
Werden alle Sinn machen, denn
You'll grow up
Du wirst erwachsen
And grow so confident, and
Und wirst so selbstbewusst, und
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Schreibe deine Geschichte, verliebe dich ein wenig zu
The things you thought you'd never do
Die Dinge, von denen du dachtest, du würdest sie nie tun
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Ich wünschte, ich könnte zurückgehen und ihr eine Umarmung geben
Myself at thirteen
Ich selbst mit dreizehn
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
Und lass sie einfach wissen, dass sie schön ist
Don't you worry 'bout your curly hair
Non preoccuparti dei tuoi capelli ricci
Clothes that don't quite fit you anywhere
Vestiti che non ti stanno bene da nessuna parte
Voices echo in the gym
Le voci risuonano nella palestra
Another girl's had her first kiss
Un'altra ragazza ha avuto il suo primo bacio
Please don't think too much of it, darling
Per favore, non pensarci troppo, tesoro
I'm so sorry that they pick you last
Mi dispiace tanto che ti scelgano per ultima
Try to say your foreign name and laugh
Provano a dire il tuo nome straniero e ridono
I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd
So che ti senti forte, così diversa dalla folla
Of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare
Di grandi occhi blu, e lunghi capelli biondi, e ragazzi che fissano
But, baby, know that
Ma, tesoro, sappi che
You'll grow up
And grow so tough and charm them
E diventerai così forte e affascinante
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Scrivi la tua storia, innamorati un po' troppo
The things you thought you'd never do
Le cose che pensavi non avresti mai fatto
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Vorrei poter tornare indietro e darle un abbraccio
Myself at thirteen
Me stessa a tredici anni
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
E farle sapere, sapere che è bellissima
Keep on going with your silly dream
Continua con il tuo sogno sciocco
Life is prettier than it may seem
La vita è più bella di quanto possa sembrare
One day, you'll be up on stage
Un giorno, sarai sul palco
Little girls will scream your name
Le piccole ragazze urleranno il tuo nome
The days of tears and failure fears
I giorni di lacrime e paure di fallimento
And no one cares
E nessuno si preoccupa
Will all make sense, 'cause
Avranno tutti un senso, perché
You'll grow up
And grow so confident, and
E diventerai così sicura, e
Write your story, fall in love a little too
Scrivi la tua storia, innamorati un po' troppo
The things you thought you'd never do
Le cose che pensavi non avresti mai fatto
I wish I could go back and give her a squeeze
Vorrei poter tornare indietro e darle un abbraccio
Myself at thirteen
Me stessa a tredici anni
And just let her know, know that she's beautiful
E farle sapere, sapere che è bellissima

[Verse 1]
Jangan kau khawatir akan rambut ikalmu
Pakaian yang tak cocok denganmu dimanapun
Suara-suara menggema di sasana olahraga
Anak perempuan lain telah mendapat ciuman pertama
Tolong jangan terlalu memikirkannya, sayang

[Verse 2]
Aku minta maaf mereka memilihmu terakhir
Mencoba menyebut nama asingmu dan tertawa
Aku tahu kau merasa lantang, sangat berbeda dari yang lain
Mereka dengan mata biru besar dan rambut pirang panjang, dan para laki-laki yang memandang
Tapi, sayang, tahulah bahwa

Kau akan bertumbuh
Dan bertumbuh jadi kuat dan memikat mereka
Tulis ceritamu, jatuh cinta sedikit juga
Hal-hal yang kau pikir takkan pernah kau lakukan
Aku harap aku bisa kembali dan memberi pelukan
Pada diriku berusia 13 tahun
Dan hanya memberitahukannya, memberitahukannya bahwa ia cantik

[Verse 3]
Teruslah bermimpi konyol
Hidup lebih indah dari yang kau bayangkan
Suatu hari, kau akan berada di panggung
Anak-anak perempuan akan meneriakkan namamu
Masa penuh air mata dan takut kegagalan
Dan tak ada yang peduli
Semuanya akan menjadi jelas, karena

Kau akan bertumbuh
Dan bertumbuh sangat percaya diri, dan
Tulis ceritamu, jatuh cinta sedikit juga
Hal-hal yang kau pikir takkan pernah kau lakukan
Aku harap aku bisa kembali dan memberi pelukan
Pada diriku berusia 13 tahun
Dan hanya memberitahukannya, memberitahukannya bahwa ia cantik


Curiosidades sobre la música Letter To My 13 Year Old Self del Laufey

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Letter To My 13 Year Old Self” por Laufey?
La canción Letter To My 13 Year Old Self fue lanzada en 2024, en el álbum “Bewitched: The Goddess Edition”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Letter To My 13 Year Old Self” de Laufey?
La canción “Letter To My 13 Year Old Self” de Laufey fue compuesta por Laufey Lin Jonsdottir.

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