
Laufey Lin Jonsdottir, Spencer Stewart

Letra Traducción

Wrapped me in your arms
Leaned in and whispered
"Keep me in your heart"
I'm so bewildered
What's this new desire called?
I didn't know that much at all
'Bout love before
But now, I think I'm learning

You bewitched me
From the first time that you kissed me
Waited all night
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight

You bewitch me
Every damn second you're with me
I try to think straight
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
And bewitched me
Bewitched me

You're not even gone
I already miss you
What's going on?
I've never been through
This all-consuming, fire fuming
Cursing at the moon and losing
All control and crying
'Cause I think I'm falling

You bewitched me
From the first time that you kissed me
Waited all night
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight

You bewitch me
Every damn second you're with me
I try to think straight
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
And bewitched me
You bewitched me

Wrapped me in your arms
Me envolviste en tus brazos
Leaned in and whispered
Te inclinaste y susurraste
"Keep me in your heart"
"Guárdame en tu corazón"
I'm so bewildered
Estoy tan desconcertado
What's this new desire called?
¿Cómo se llama este nuevo deseo?
I didn't know that much at all
No sabía mucho en absoluto
'Bout love before
Sobre el amor antes
But now, I think I'm learning
Pero ahora, creo que estoy aprendiendo
You bewitched me
Me hechizaste
From the first time that you kissed me
Desde la primera vez que me besaste
Waited all night
Esperé toda la noche
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Luego corrimos por la calle en la luz tardía de Londres
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
El mundo se congeló a nuestro alrededor, me diste las buenas noches con un beso
You bewitch me
Me hechizas
Every damn second you're with me
Cada maldito segundo que estás conmigo
I try to think straight
Intento pensar con claridad
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Pero estoy cayendo tan mal, me estoy desmoronando
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Me escribiste una nota, lanzaste un hechizo a mi corazón
And bewitched me
Y me hechizaste
Bewitched me
Me hechizaste
You're not even gone
Aún no te has ido
I already miss you
Ya te extraño
What's going on?
¿Qué está pasando?
I've never been through
Nunca he pasado por esto
This all-consuming, fire fuming
Todo consumiendo, fuego humeante
Cursing at the moon and losing
Maldiciendo a la luna y perdiendo
All control and crying
Todo control y llorando
'Cause I think I'm falling
Porque creo que me estoy enamorando
You bewitched me
Me hechizaste
From the first time that you kissed me
Desde la primera vez que me besaste
Waited all night
Esperé toda la noche
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Luego corrimos por la calle en la luz tardía de Londres
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
El mundo se congeló a nuestro alrededor, me diste las buenas noches con un beso
You bewitch me
Me hechizas
Every damn second you're with me
Cada maldito segundo que estás conmigo
I try to think straight
Intento pensar con claridad
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Pero estoy cayendo tan mal, me estoy desmoronando
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Me escribiste una nota, lanzaste un hechizo a mi corazón
And bewitched me
Y me hechizaste
You bewitched me
Me hechizaste
Wrapped me in your arms
Envolveu-me em seus braços
Leaned in and whispered
Inclinou-se e sussurrou
"Keep me in your heart"
"Mantenha-me em seu coração"
I'm so bewildered
Estou tão perplexo
What's this new desire called?
Como se chama esse novo desejo?
I didn't know that much at all
Eu não sabia muito sobre
'Bout love before
O amor antes
But now, I think I'm learning
Mas agora, acho que estou aprendendo
You bewitched me
Você me enfeitiçou
From the first time that you kissed me
Desde a primeira vez que me beijou
Waited all night
Esperei a noite toda
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Então corremos pela rua na luz tardia de Londres
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
O mundo congelou ao nosso redor, você me beijou boa noite
You bewitch me
Você me enfeitiça
Every damn second you're with me
A cada maldito segundo que está comigo
I try to think straight
Eu tento pensar direito
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Mas estou caindo tão mal, estou me desfazendo
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Você me escreveu uma nota, lançou um feitiço em meu coração
And bewitched me
E me enfeitiçou
Bewitched me
You're not even gone
Você nem mesmo se foi
I already miss you
Eu já sinto sua falta
What's going on?
O que está acontecendo?
I've never been through
Eu nunca passei por isso
This all-consuming, fire fuming
Esse todo consumidor, fogo fumegante
Cursing at the moon and losing
Amaldiçoando a lua e perdendo
All control and crying
Todo controle e chorando
'Cause I think I'm falling
Porque acho que estou caindo
You bewitched me
Você me enfeitiçou
From the first time that you kissed me
Desde a primeira vez que me beijou
Waited all night
Esperei a noite toda
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Então corremos pela rua na luz tardia de Londres
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
O mundo congelou ao nosso redor, você me beijou boa noite
You bewitch me
Você me enfeitiça
Every damn second you're with me
A cada maldito segundo que está comigo
I try to think straight
Eu tento pensar direito
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Mas estou caindo tão mal, estou me desfazendo
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Você me escreveu uma nota, lançou um feitiço em meu coração
And bewitched me
E me enfeitiçou
You bewitched me
Você me enfeitiçou
Wrapped me in your arms
Tu m'as enveloppé dans tes bras
Leaned in and whispered
Tu t'es penché et tu as chuchoté
"Keep me in your heart"
"Garde-moi dans ton cœur"
I'm so bewildered
Je suis tellement déconcerté
What's this new desire called?
Comment s'appelle ce nouveau désir ?
I didn't know that much at all
Je ne savais pas grand-chose du tout
'Bout love before
Sur l'amour avant
But now, I think I'm learning
Mais maintenant, je pense que j'apprends
You bewitched me
Tu m'as ensorcelé
From the first time that you kissed me
Dès la première fois que tu m'as embrassé
Waited all night
J'ai attendu toute la nuit
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Puis nous avons couru dans la rue sous la lumière tardive de Londres
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
Le monde s'est figé autour de nous, tu m'as embrassé bonne nuit
You bewitch me
Tu m'ensorcèles
Every damn second you're with me
Chaque putain de seconde que tu es avec moi
I try to think straight
J'essaie de penser clairement
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Mais je tombe si mal, je suis en train de m'effondrer
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Tu m'as écrit une note, tu as jeté un sort à mon cœur
And bewitched me
Et tu m'as ensorcelé
Bewitched me
Tu m'as ensorcelé
You're not even gone
Tu n'es même pas parti
I already miss you
Tu me manques déjà
What's going on?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
I've never been through
Je n'ai jamais vécu
This all-consuming, fire fuming
Tout cela consume, le feu fume
Cursing at the moon and losing
Maudissant la lune et perdant
All control and crying
Tout contrôle et pleurant
'Cause I think I'm falling
Parce que je pense que je tombe
You bewitched me
Tu m'as ensorcelé
From the first time that you kissed me
Dès la première fois que tu m'as embrassé
Waited all night
J'ai attendu toute la nuit
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Puis nous avons couru dans la rue sous la lumière tardive de Londres
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
Le monde s'est figé autour de nous, tu m'as embrassé bonne nuit
You bewitch me
Tu m'ensorcèles
Every damn second you're with me
Chaque putain de seconde que tu es avec moi
I try to think straight
J'essaie de penser clairement
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Mais je tombe si mal, je suis en train de m'effondrer
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Tu m'as écrit une note, tu as jeté un sort à mon cœur
And bewitched me
Et tu m'as ensorcelé
You bewitched me
Tu m'as ensorcelé
Wrapped me in your arms
Hüllte mich in deine Arme
Leaned in and whispered
Lehnte sich vor und flüsterte
"Keep me in your heart"
„Behalte mich in deinem Herzen“
I'm so bewildered
Ich bin so verwirrt
What's this new desire called?
Wie nennt man dieses neue Verlangen?
I didn't know that much at all
Ich wusste nicht viel
'Bout love before
Über Liebe zuvor
But now, I think I'm learning
Aber jetzt, glaube ich, lerne ich
You bewitched me
Du hast mich verzaubert
From the first time that you kissed me
Vom ersten Mal, dass du mich geküsst hast
Waited all night
Wartete die ganze Nacht
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Dann rannten wir die Straße entlang im späten Londoner Licht
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
Die Welt fror um uns herum ein, du hast mich gute Nacht geküsst
You bewitch me
Du verzauberst mich
Every damn second you're with me
Jede verdammte Sekunde, die du bei mir bist
I try to think straight
Ich versuche klar zu denken
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Aber ich falle so schlimm, ich falle auseinander
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Du hast mir eine Notiz geschrieben, einen Zauber auf mein Herz geworfen
And bewitched me
Und hast mich verzaubert
Bewitched me
Verzaubert mich
You're not even gone
Du bist noch nicht einmal weg
I already miss you
Ich vermisse dich schon
What's going on?
Was ist los?
I've never been through
Ich habe das noch nie durchgemacht
This all-consuming, fire fuming
Dieses alles verzehrende, Feuer speiende
Cursing at the moon and losing
Fluchen auf den Mond und Verlieren
All control and crying
Aller Kontrolle und Weinen
'Cause I think I'm falling
Denn ich glaube, ich falle
You bewitched me
Du hast mich verzaubert
From the first time that you kissed me
Vom ersten Mal, dass du mich geküsst hast
Waited all night
Wartete die ganze Nacht
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Dann rannten wir die Straße entlang im späten Londoner Licht
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
Die Welt fror um uns herum ein, du hast mich gute Nacht geküsst
You bewitch me
Du verzauberst mich
Every damn second you're with me
Jede verdammte Sekunde, die du bei mir bist
I try to think straight
Ich versuche klar zu denken
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Aber ich falle so schlimm, ich falle auseinander
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Du hast mir eine Notiz geschrieben, einen Zauber auf mein Herz geworfen
And bewitched me
Und hast mich verzaubert
You bewitched me
Du hast mich verzaubert
Wrapped me in your arms
Mi hai avvolto nelle tue braccia
Leaned in and whispered
Ti sei avvicinato e hai sussurrato
"Keep me in your heart"
"Tienimi nel tuo cuore"
I'm so bewildered
Sono così perplesso
What's this new desire called?
Come si chiama questo nuovo desiderio?
I didn't know that much at all
Non sapevo molto di tutto
'Bout love before
Dell'amore prima
But now, I think I'm learning
Ma ora, penso di star imparando
You bewitched me
Mi hai stregato
From the first time that you kissed me
Dalla prima volta che mi hai baciato
Waited all night
Ho aspettato tutta la notte
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Poi abbiamo corso per la strada nella tarda luce di Londra
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
Il mondo si è congelato intorno a noi, mi hai dato il bacio della buonanotte
You bewitch me
Mi stregi
Every damn second you're with me
Ogni maledetto secondo che sei con me
I try to think straight
Cerco di pensare con lucidità
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Ma sto cadendo così male, sto andando in pezzi
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Mi hai scritto un biglietto, hai gettato un incantesimo sul mio cuore
And bewitched me
E mi hai stregato
Bewitched me
Mi hai stregato
You're not even gone
Non sei nemmeno andato
I already miss you
Mi manchi già
What's going on?
Cosa sta succedendo?
I've never been through
Non sono mai passato attraverso
This all-consuming, fire fuming
Questo tutto che consuma, fuoco che fuma
Cursing at the moon and losing
Maledicendo la luna e perdendo
All control and crying
Tutto il controllo e piangendo
'Cause I think I'm falling
Perché penso di stare cadendo
You bewitched me
Mi hai stregato
From the first time that you kissed me
Dalla prima volta che mi hai baciato
Waited all night
Ho aspettato tutta la notte
Then we ran down the street in the late London light
Poi abbiamo corso per la strada nella tarda luce di Londra
The world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight
Il mondo si è congelato intorno a noi, mi hai dato il bacio della buonanotte
You bewitch me
Mi stregi
Every damn second you're with me
Ogni maledetto secondo che sei con me
I try to think straight
Cerco di pensare con lucidità
But I'm falling so badly, I'm coming apart
Ma sto cadendo così male, sto andando in pezzi
You wrote me a note, cast a spell on my heart
Mi hai scritto un biglietto, hai gettato un incantesimo sul mio cuore
And bewitched me
E mi hai stregato
You bewitched me
Mi hai stregato

[Verse 1]
Kau memelukku
Mendekat dan berbisik, "Jagalah aku di hatimu"
Aku sangat bingung
Keinginan baru ini disebut apa?
Aku tak begitu mengerti tentang semuanya
Tentang cinta sebelumnya
Tapi sekarang, sepertinya aku sedang belajar

Kau membuatku terpesona
Semenjak pertama kali kau menciumku
Menunggu sepanjang malam
Lalu kita berlari di jalanan London malam hari
Dunia sekitar kita membeku
Kau menciumku selamat malam

Kau memesonaku
Setiap detik kau bersamaku
Aku mencoba berpikir jеrnih tapi aku jatuh cinta sangat keras
Aku hancur
Kau menuliskanku surat, mengucapkan mantra pada hatiku
Dan mеmbuatku terpesona
Membuatku terpesona

[Verse 2]
Kau bahkan belum pergi
Aku sudah rindu padamu
Apa yang terjadi?
Aku tak pernah melalui hal seperti ini
Api yang menghanguskan yang memenuhi
Mengutuk pada bulan dan kehilangan
Segala kendali dan menangis
Karena aku merasa aku sedang jatuh

Kau membuatku terpesona
Semenjak pertama kali kau menciumku
Menunggu sepanjang malam
Lalu kita berlari di jalanan London malam hari
Dunia sekitar kita membeku
Kau menciumku selamat malam

Kau memesonaku
Setiap detik kau bersamaku
Aku mencoba berpikir jernih tapi aku jatuh cinta sangat keras
Aku hancur
Kau menuliskanku surat, mengucapkan mantra pada hatiku
Dan membuatku terpesona
Terpesona, kau membuatku terpesona

Curiosidades sobre la música Bewitched del Laufey

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Bewitched” por Laufey?
Laufey lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Bewitched” en 2023 y “Bewitched: The Goddess Edition” en 2024.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Bewitched” de Laufey?
La canción “Bewitched” de Laufey fue compuesta por Laufey Lin Jonsdottir, Spencer Stewart.

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