21 Guns

John Edmund Andrew Phillips, Billie Joe Armstrong, Frank Edwin III Wright, Mike Ryan Pritchard, David Bowie

Letra Traducción

Do you know what's worth fightin' for
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I

Do you know what's worth fightin' for
¿Sabes por qué vale la pena luchar
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Cuando no vale la pena morir?
Does it take your breath away
¿Te quita el aliento
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Y sientes que te estás asfixiando?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
¿El dolor pesa más que el orgullo
And you look for a place to hide?
Y buscas un lugar donde esconderte?
Did someone break your heart inside?
¿Alguien rompió tu corazón por dentro?
You're in ruins
Estás en ruinas
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Lay down your arms
Deja tus armas
Give up the fight
Rinde la lucha
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Throw up your arms
Levanta tus brazos
Into the sky
Hacia el cielo
You and I
Tú y yo
When you're at the end of the road
Cuando estás al final del camino
And you lost all sense of control
Y has perdido todo sentido de control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
Y tus pensamientos han cobrado su precio
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Cuando tu mente rompe el espíritu de tu alma
Your faith walks on broken glass
Tu fe camina sobre vidrios rotos
And the hangover doesn't pass
Y la resaca no pasa
Nothing's ever built to last
Nada está construido para durar
You're in ruins
Estás en ruinas
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Lay down your arms
Deja tus armas
Give up the fight
Rinde la lucha
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Throw up your arms
Levanta tus brazos
Into the sky
Hacia el cielo
You and I
Tú y yo
Did you try to live on your own
¿Intentaste vivir por tu cuenta
When you burned down the house and home?
Cuando quemaste la casa y el hogar?
Did you stand too close to the fire
¿Te paraste demasiado cerca del fuego
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
Como un mentiroso buscando perdón de una piedra?
When it's time to live and let die
Cuando es hora de vivir y dejar morir
And you can't get another try
Y no puedes tener otro intento
Something inside this heart has died
Algo dentro de este corazón ha muerto
You're in ruins
Estás en ruinas
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Lay down your arms
Deja tus armas
Give up the fight
Rinde la lucha
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Throw up your arms
Levanta tus brazos
Into the sky
Hacia el cielo
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Lay down your arms
Deja tus armas
Give up the fight
Rinde la lucha
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, veintiún armas
Throw up your arms
Levanta tus brazos
Into the sky
Hacia el cielo
You and I
Tú y yo
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
Você sabe pelo que vale a pena lutar
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Quando não vale a pena morrer por isso?
Does it take your breath away
Isso tira o seu fôlego
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
E você se sente sufocando?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
A dor pesa mais que o orgulho
And you look for a place to hide?
E você procura um lugar para se esconder?
Did someone break your heart inside?
Alguém partiu seu coração por dentro?
You're in ruins
Você está em ruínas
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Lay down your arms
Baixe suas armas
Give up the fight
Desista da luta
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Throw up your arms
Levante suas armas
Into the sky
Para o céu
You and I
Você e eu
When you're at the end of the road
Quando você está no fim da estrada
And you lost all sense of control
E você perdeu todo o controle
And your thoughts have taken their toll
E seus pensamentos cobraram seu preço
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Quando sua mente quebra o espírito de sua alma
Your faith walks on broken glass
Sua fé caminha sobre vidro quebrado
And the hangover doesn't pass
E a ressaca não passa
Nothing's ever built to last
Nada é construído para durar
You're in ruins
Você está em ruínas
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Lay down your arms
Baixe suas armas
Give up the fight
Desista da luta
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Throw up your arms
Levante suas armas
Into the sky
Para o céu
You and I
Você e eu
Did you try to live on your own
Você tentou viver por conta própria
When you burned down the house and home?
Quando você queimou a casa e o lar?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Você ficou muito perto do fogo
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
Como um mentiroso procurando perdão de uma pedra?
When it's time to live and let die
Quando é hora de viver e deixar morrer
And you can't get another try
E você não pode tentar novamente
Something inside this heart has died
Algo dentro deste coração morreu
You're in ruins
Você está em ruínas
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Lay down your arms
Baixe suas armas
Give up the fight
Desista da luta
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Throw up your arms
Levante suas armas
Into the sky
Para o céu
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Lay down your arms
Baixe suas armas
Give up the fight
Desista da luta
One, twenty-one guns
Um, vinte e uma armas
Throw up your arms
Levante suas armas
Into the sky
Para o céu
You and I
Você e eu
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
Sais-tu pour quoi ça vaut la peine de se battre
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Quand ça ne vaut pas la peine de mourir pour ça?
Does it take your breath away
Est-ce que ça te coupe le souffle
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Et tu te sens suffoquer?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
Est-ce que la douleur pèse plus que la fierté
And you look for a place to hide?
Et tu cherches un endroit où te cacher?
Did someone break your heart inside?
Quelqu'un a-t-il brisé ton cœur à l'intérieur?
You're in ruins
Tu es en ruines
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Lay down your arms
Pose tes armes
Give up the fight
Abandonne le combat
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Throw up your arms
Lève tes bras
Into the sky
Vers le ciel
You and I
Toi et moi
When you're at the end of the road
Quand tu es au bout du chemin
And you lost all sense of control
Et que tu as perdu tout contrôle
And your thoughts have taken their toll
Et que tes pensées ont pris leur péage
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Quand ton esprit brise l'esprit de ton âme
Your faith walks on broken glass
Ta foi marche sur du verre brisé
And the hangover doesn't pass
Et la gueule de bois ne passe pas
Nothing's ever built to last
Rien n'est jamais construit pour durer
You're in ruins
Tu es en ruines
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un fusil
Lay down your arms
Pose tes armes
Give up the fight
Abandonne le combat
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Throw up your arms
Lève tes bras
Into the sky
Vers le ciel
You and I
Toi et moi
Did you try to live on your own
As-tu essayé de vivre seul
When you burned down the house and home?
Quand tu as brûlé la maison et le foyer?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Es-tu resté trop près du feu
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
Comme un menteur cherchant le pardon d'une pierre?
When it's time to live and let die
Quand il est temps de vivre et de laisser mourir
And you can't get another try
Et que tu ne peux pas avoir une autre chance
Something inside this heart has died
Quelque chose à l'intérieur de ce cœur est mort
You're in ruins
Tu es en ruines
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Lay down your arms
Détends tes bras
Give up the fight
Abandonne le combat
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Throw up your arms
Lève tes bras
Into the sky
Vers le ciel
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Lay down your arms
Pose tes armes
Give up the fight
Abandonne le combat
One, twenty-one guns
Un, vingt et un canons
Throw up your arms
Lève tes bras
Into the sky
Vers le ciel
You and I
Toi et moi
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
Weißt du, wofür es sich zu kämpfen lohnt
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Wenn es nicht wert ist, dafür zu sterben?
Does it take your breath away
Nimmt es dir den Atem
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Und du fühlst dich erstickend?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
Wiegt der Schmerz den Stolz auf
And you look for a place to hide?
Und du suchst einen Ort zum Verstecken?
Did someone break your heart inside?
Hat jemand dein Herz im Inneren gebrochen?
You're in ruins
Du bist in Trümmern
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Lay down your arms
Leg deine Waffen nieder
Give up the fight
Gib den Kampf auf
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Throw up your arms
Wirf deine Arme
Into the sky
In den Himmel
You and I
Du und ich
When you're at the end of the road
Wenn du am Ende der Straße bist
And you lost all sense of control
Und du hast jegliche Kontrolle verloren
And your thoughts have taken their toll
Und deine Gedanken haben ihren Tribut gefordert
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Wenn dein Geist den Geist deiner Seele bricht
Your faith walks on broken glass
Dein Glaube geht auf zerbrochenem Glas
And the hangover doesn't pass
Und der Kater vergeht nicht
Nothing's ever built to last
Nichts ist jemals gebaut, um zu dauern
You're in ruins
Du bist in Trümmern
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Lay down your arms
Leg deine Waffen nieder
Give up the fight
Gib den Kampf auf
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Throw up your arms
Wirf deine Arme
Into the sky
In den Himmel
You and I
Du und ich
Did you try to live on your own
Hast du versucht, alleine zu leben
When you burned down the house and home?
Als du das Haus und Zuhause niederbranntest?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Standest du zu nah am Feuer
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
Wie ein Lügner, der um Vergebung von einem Stein bittet?
When it's time to live and let die
Wenn es Zeit ist zu leben und sterben zu lassen
And you can't get another try
Und du bekommst keinen weiteren Versuch
Something inside this heart has died
Etwas in diesem Herzen ist gestorben
You're in ruins
Du bist in Trümmern
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Lay down your arms
Leg deine Waffen nieder
Give up the fight
Gib den Kampf auf
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Throw up your arms
Wirf deine Arme
Into the sky
In den Himmel
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Lay down your arms
Leg deine Waffen nieder
Give up the fight
Gib den Kampf auf
One, twenty-one guns
Eins, einundzwanzig Gewehre
Throw up your arms
Wirf deine Arme
Into the sky
In den Himmel
You and I
Du und ich
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
Sai cosa vale la pena di combattere
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Quando non vale la pena di morire?
Does it take your breath away
Ti toglie il respiro
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
E ti senti soffocare?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
Il dolore supera l'orgoglio
And you look for a place to hide?
E cerchi un posto dove nasconderti?
Did someone break your heart inside?
Qualcuno ti ha spezzato il cuore dentro?
You're in ruins
Sei in rovina
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Lay down your arms
Deponi le tue armi
Give up the fight
Abbandona la lotta
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Throw up your arms
Alza le tue armi
Into the sky
Verso il cielo
You and I
Tu ed io
When you're at the end of the road
Quando sei alla fine della strada
And you lost all sense of control
E hai perso ogni senso di controllo
And your thoughts have taken their toll
E i tuoi pensieri hanno preso il loro tributo
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Quando la tua mente spezza lo spirito della tua anima
Your faith walks on broken glass
La tua fede cammina su vetri rotti
And the hangover doesn't pass
E la sbornia non passa
Nothing's ever built to last
Niente è mai costruito per durare
You're in ruins
Sei in rovina
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Lay down your arms
Deponi le tue armi
Give up the fight
Abbandona la lotta
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Throw up your arms
Alza le tue armi
Into the sky
Verso il cielo
You and I
Tu ed io
Did you try to live on your own
Hai provato a vivere da solo
When you burned down the house and home?
Quando hai bruciato la casa e la casa?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Ti sei avvicinato troppo al fuoco
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
Come un bugiardo in cerca di perdono da una pietra?
When it's time to live and let die
Quando è il momento di vivere e lasciare morire
And you can't get another try
E non puoi avere un altro tentativo
Something inside this heart has died
Qualcosa dentro questo cuore è morto
You're in ruins
Sei in rovina
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Lay down your arms
Deponi le tue armi
Give up the fight
Abbandona la lotta
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Throw up your arms
Alza le tue armi
Into the sky
Verso il cielo
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Lay down your arms
Deponi le tue armi
Give up the fight
Abbandona la lotta
One, twenty-one guns
Uno, ventuno cannoni
Throw up your arms
Alza le tue armi
Into the sky
Verso il cielo
You and I
Tu ed io
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
Apakah kamu tahu apa yang layak untuk diperjuangkan
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Ketika itu tidak layak untuk mati demi itu?
Does it take your breath away
Apakah itu membuatmu kehilangan napas
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Dan kamu merasa seperti tersedak?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
Apakah rasa sakit itu lebih berat dari kebanggaan
And you look for a place to hide?
Dan kamu mencari tempat untuk bersembunyi?
Did someone break your heart inside?
Apakah ada seseorang yang menghancurkan hatimu?
You're in ruins
Kamu hancur
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Lay down your arms
Letakkan senjatamu
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Throw up your arms
Angkat tanganmu
Into the sky
Ke langit
You and I
Kamu dan aku
When you're at the end of the road
Ketika kamu berada di ujung jalan
And you lost all sense of control
Dan kamu kehilangan semua kendali
And your thoughts have taken their toll
Dan pikiranmu telah mengambil tol
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Ketika pikiranmu memecahkan semangat jiwamu
Your faith walks on broken glass
Imanmu berjalan di atas kaca pecah
And the hangover doesn't pass
Dan mabuknya tidak hilang
Nothing's ever built to last
Tidak ada yang pernah dibangun untuk bertahan
You're in ruins
Kamu hancur
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Lay down your arms
Letakkan senjatamu
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Throw up your arms
Angkat tanganmu
Into the sky
Ke langit
You and I
Kamu dan aku
Did you try to live on your own
Apakah kamu mencoba hidup sendiri
When you burned down the house and home?
Ketika kamu membakar rumah dan tempat tinggal?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Apakah kamu berdiri terlalu dekat dengan api
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
Seperti seorang pembohong yang mencari pengampunan dari batu?
When it's time to live and let die
Ketika saatnya untuk hidup dan membiarkan mati
And you can't get another try
Dan kamu tidak bisa mencoba lagi
Something inside this heart has died
Sesuatu di dalam hati ini telah mati
You're in ruins
Kamu hancur
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Lay down your arms
Letakkan senjatamu
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Throw up your arms
Angkat tanganmu
Into the sky
Ke langit
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Lay down your arms
Letakkan senjatamu
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Satu, dua puluh satu senjata
Throw up your arms
Angkat tanganmu
Into the sky
Ke langit
You and I
Kamu dan aku
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
หนึ่ง, ยี่สิบเอ็ดปืน
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
Do you know what's worth fightin' for
When it's not worth dyin' for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocatin'?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
One, twenty-one guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, twenty-one guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I

Curiosidades sobre la música 21 Guns del Green Day

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “21 Guns” por Green Day?
Green Day lanzó la canción en los álbumes “The Green Day Collection” en 2009, “21st Century Breakdown” en 2009, “Last Night on Earth : Live in Tokyo” en 2009, “Last Night on Earth: Live in Tokyo - EP” en 2009, “21 Guns Live EP” en 2009, “American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording” en 2010, “Greatest Hits” en 2010, “Awesome As Fuck” en 2011, “Oh Love EP” en 2012 y “Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band” en 2017.
¿Quién compuso la canción “21 Guns” de Green Day?
La canción “21 Guns” de Green Day fue compuesta por John Edmund Andrew Phillips, Billie Joe Armstrong, Frank Edwin III Wright, Mike Ryan Pritchard, David Bowie.

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