Turn and run
Nothing can stop them
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Stamp them out
We must destroy them
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
They are invincible
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Long ago in the Russian hills
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
He captured it and brought it home
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Royal beast did not forget
He came home to London
And made a present of the Hogweed
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
Waste no time
They are approaching
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Strike by night
They are defenseless
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Still they're invincible
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Fashionable country gentlemen
Had some cultivated wild gardens
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Royal beast did not forget
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Preparing for an onslaught
Threatening the human race
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
Human bodies soon will know our anger
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
Turn and run
Gira y corre
Nothing can stop them
Nada puede detenerlos
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Alrededor de cada río y canal su poder está creciendo
Stamp them out
We must destroy them
Debemos destruirlos
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
Infiltran cada ciudad con su espeso y oscuro olor de advertencia
They are invincible
Son invencibles
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Parecen inmunes a todos nuestros ataques herbicidas
Long ago in the Russian hills
Hace mucho tiempo en las colinas rusas
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
Un explorador victoriano encontró la regia Hierba de cerdo junto a un pantano
He captured it and brought it home
La capturó y la trajo a casa
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
La criatura botánica se agita, buscando venganza
Royal beast did not forget
La bestia real no olvidó
He came home to London
Regresó a Londres
And made a present of the Hogweed
Y hizo un regalo de la Hierba de cerdo
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
A los Jardines Reales de Kew
Waste no time
No pierdas tiempo
They are approaching
Se están acercando
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Apresúrate ahora, debemos protegernos y encontrar algún refugio
Strike by night
Ataca de noche
They are defenseless
Están indefensos
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Todos necesitan el sol para fotosensibilizar su veneno
Still they're invincible
Aún son invencibles
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Aún son inmunes a todos nuestros ataques herbicidas
Fashionable country gentlemen
Elegantes caballeros de campo
Had some cultivated wild gardens
Tenían algunos jardines silvestres cultivados
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
En los que inocentemente plantaron la Hierba de cerdo gigante por todo el país
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
La criatura botánica se agita, buscando venganza
Royal beast did not forget
La bestia real no olvidó
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Pronto escaparon, esparciendo su semilla
Preparing for an onslaught
Preparándose para un ataque
Threatening the human race
Amenazando a la raza humana
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
La poderosa Hierba de cerdo se venga
Human bodies soon will know our anger
Los cuerpos humanos pronto conocerán nuestra ira
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Mátalos con tus pelos de Hierba de cerdo
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
¡La Hierba de cerdo gigante vive!
Turn and run
Vire e corra
Nothing can stop them
Nada pode pará-los
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Ao redor de cada rio e canal, seu poder está crescendo
Stamp them out
Acabe com eles
We must destroy them
Nós devemos destruí-los
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
Eles infiltram cada cidade com seu odor de aviso escuro e espesso
They are invincible
Eles são invencíveis
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Eles parecem imunes a todas as nossas investidas herbicidas
Long ago in the Russian hills
Há muito tempo nas colinas russas
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
Um explorador vitoriano encontrou a majestosa Heracleum ao lado de um pântano
He captured it and brought it home
Ele a capturou e a trouxe para casa
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Criatura botânica se agita, buscando vingança
Royal beast did not forget
A fera real não esqueceu
He came home to London
Ele voltou para Londres
And made a present of the Hogweed
E fez um presente da Heracleum
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
Para os Jardins Reais de Kew
Waste no time
Não perca tempo
They are approaching
Eles estão se aproximando
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Apresse-se agora, devemos nos proteger e encontrar algum abrigo
Strike by night
Ataque à noite
They are defenseless
Eles estão indefesos
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Todos eles precisam do sol para fotosensibilizar seu veneno
Still they're invincible
Ainda assim, eles são invencíveis
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Ainda assim, eles são imunes a todas as nossas investidas herbicidas
Fashionable country gentlemen
Cavalheiros do campo na moda
Had some cultivated wild gardens
Tinham alguns jardins selvagens cultivados
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
Nos quais inocentemente plantaram a Heracleum Gigante por toda a terra
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Criatura botânica se agita, buscando vingança
Royal beast did not forget
A fera real não esqueceu
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Logo eles escaparam, espalhando suas sementes
Preparing for an onslaught
Preparando-se para um ataque
Threatening the human race
Ameaçando a raça humana
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
A poderosa Heracleum é vingada
Human bodies soon will know our anger
Os corpos humanos logo conhecerão nossa raiva
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Mate-os com seus pelos de Heracleum
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
A Heracleum Gigante vive!
Turn and run
Tourne-toi et cours
Nothing can stop them
Rien ne peut les arrêter
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Autour de chaque rivière et canal, leur pouvoir grandit
Stamp them out
We must destroy them
Nous devons les détruire
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
Ils infiltrent chaque ville avec leur odeur d'avertissement épaisse et sombre
They are invincible
Ils sont invincibles
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Ils semblent immunisés contre tous nos assauts herbicides
Long ago in the Russian hills
Il y a longtemps, dans les collines russes
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
Un explorateur victorien a trouvé le noble Berce du Caucase près d'un marais
He captured it and brought it home
Il l'a capturée et l'a ramenée chez lui
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
La créature botanique s'agite, cherchant à se venger
Royal beast did not forget
La bête royale n'a pas oublié
He came home to London
Il est rentré à Londres
And made a present of the Hogweed
Et a offert la Berce du Caucase
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
Aux Jardins Royaux de Kew
Waste no time
Ne perdez pas de temps
They are approaching
Ils approchent
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Dépêchez-vous, nous devons nous protéger et trouver un abri
Strike by night
Frappez de nuit
They are defenseless
Ils sont sans défense
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Ils ont tous besoin du soleil pour photosensibiliser leur venin
Still they're invincible
Pourtant, ils sont invincibles
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Pourtant, ils sont immunisés contre tous nos assauts herbicides
Fashionable country gentlemen
Des gentilshommes de campagne à la mode
Had some cultivated wild gardens
Avaient des jardins sauvages cultivés
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
Dans lesquels ils ont innocemment planté la Berce du Caucase à travers le pays
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
La créature botanique s'agite, cherchant à se venger
Royal beast did not forget
La bête royale n'a pas oublié
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Bientôt ils se sont échappés, répandant leur graine
Preparing for an onslaught
Se préparant pour un assaut
Threatening the human race
Menace pour la race humaine
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
La puissante Berce du Caucase est vengée
Human bodies soon will know our anger
Les corps humains connaîtront bientôt notre colère
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Tuez-les avec vos poils de Berce du Caucase
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
La Berce du Caucase vit !
Turn and run
Dreh dich um und renne
Nothing can stop them
Nichts kann sie aufhalten
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Um jeden Fluss und Kanal wächst ihre Macht
Stamp them out
Stampfe sie aus
We must destroy them
Wir müssen sie zerstören
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
Sie infiltrieren jede Stadt mit ihrem dicken, dunklen Warngeruch
They are invincible
Sie sind unbesiegbar
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Sie scheinen immun gegen all unsere herbiziden Schläge zu sein
Long ago in the Russian hills
Vor langer Zeit in den russischen Hügeln
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
Fand ein viktorianischer Entdecker den königlichen Bärenklau an einem Sumpf
He captured it and brought it home
Er fing ihn und brachte ihn nach Hause
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Botanisches Wesen regt sich, sucht Rache
Royal beast did not forget
Das königliche Tier vergaß nicht
He came home to London
Er kam nach London zurück
And made a present of the Hogweed
Und machte ein Geschenk des Bärenklaus
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
An die königlichen Gärten in Kew
Waste no time
Verliere keine Zeit
They are approaching
Sie nähern sich
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Beeil dich jetzt, wir müssen uns schützen und einen Unterschlupf finden
Strike by night
Schlage in der Nacht zu
They are defenseless
Sie sind wehrlos
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Sie alle brauchen die Sonne, um ihr Gift zu photosensibilisieren
Still they're invincible
Noch immer sind sie unbesiegbar
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Noch immer sind sie immun gegen all unsere herbiziden Schläge
Fashionable country gentlemen
Modische Landgentlemen
Had some cultivated wild gardens
Hatten einige kultivierte Wildgärten
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
In denen sie unschuldig den Riesen-Bärenklau im ganzen Land pflanzten
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Botanisches Wesen regt sich, sucht Rache
Royal beast did not forget
Das königliche Tier vergaß nicht
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Bald entkamen sie, verbreiteten ihren Samen
Preparing for an onslaught
Bereiten einen Angriff vor
Threatening the human race
Bedrohen die menschliche Rasse
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
Der mächtige Bärenklau ist gerächt
Human bodies soon will know our anger
Menschliche Körper werden bald unseren Zorn kennen
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Töte sie mit deinen Bärenklauhaaren
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
Der Riesen-Bärenklau lebt!
Turn and run
Gira e scappa
Nothing can stop them
Niente può fermarli
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Attorno a ogni fiume e canale il loro potere sta crescendo
Stamp them out
We must destroy them
Dobbiamo distruggerli
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
Infiltrano ogni città con il loro odore di avvertimento spesso e scuro
They are invincible
Sono invincibili
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Sembrano immuni a tutte le nostre batterie erbicidi
Long ago in the Russian hills
Tanto tempo fa nelle colline russe
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
Un esploratore vittoriano trovò la regale Hogweed vicino a una palude
He captured it and brought it home
La catturò e la portò a casa
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
La creatura botanica si agita, cerca vendetta
Royal beast did not forget
La bestia reale non dimenticò
He came home to London
Tornò a casa a Londra
And made a present of the Hogweed
E fece un regalo della Hogweed
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
Ai Giardini Reali di Kew
Waste no time
Non perdere tempo
They are approaching
Si stanno avvicinando
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Affrettiamoci ora, dobbiamo proteggerci e trovare un rifugio
Strike by night
Colpisci di notte
They are defenseless
Sono indifesi
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Hanno tutti bisogno del sole per fotosensibilizzare il loro veleno
Still they're invincible
Ancora sono invincibili
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Ancora sono immuni a tutte le nostre batterie erbicidi
Fashionable country gentlemen
Signori di campagna alla moda
Had some cultivated wild gardens
Avevano alcuni giardini selvatici coltivati
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
In cui hanno piantato innocenti la Giant Hogweed in tutto il paese
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
La creatura botanica si agita, cerca vendetta
Royal beast did not forget
La bestia reale non dimenticò
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Presto scapparono, diffondendo il loro seme
Preparing for an onslaught
Preparandosi per un assalto
Threatening the human race
Minacciando la razza umana
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
La potente Hogweed si è vendicata
Human bodies soon will know our anger
I corpi umani presto conosceranno la nostra rabbia
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Uccidili con i tuoi peli di Hogweed
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
La Giant Hogweed vive!
Turn and run
Berbalik dan lari
Nothing can stop them
Tak ada yang bisa menghentikan mereka
Around every river and canal their power is growing
Di sekitar setiap sungai dan kanal, kekuatan mereka semakin tumbuh
Stamp them out
Hancurkan mereka
We must destroy them
Kita harus memusnahkan mereka
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
Mereka menyusup ke setiap kota dengan bau peringatan gelap yang tebal
They are invincible
Mereka tak terkalahkan
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Mereka tampaknya kebal terhadap semua serangan herbisida kita
Long ago in the Russian hills
Dahulu kala di bukit-bukit Rusia
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
Seorang penjelajah Victoria menemukan Hogweed yang mulia di sebuah rawa
He captured it and brought it home
Dia menangkapnya dan membawanya pulang
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Makhluk botani bergerak, mencari balas dendam
Royal beast did not forget
Binatang kerajaan tidak melupakan
He came home to London
Dia pulang ke London
And made a present of the Hogweed
Dan memberikan Hogweed sebagai hadiah
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
Ke Kebun Raya di Kew
Waste no time
Jangan buang waktu
They are approaching
Mereka mendekat
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
Buruan, kita harus melindungi diri kita dan mencari perlindungan
Strike by night
Serang di malam hari
They are defenseless
Mereka tak berdaya
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Mereka semua membutuhkan matahari untuk memfotosintesis racun mereka
Still they're invincible
Masih mereka tak terkalahkan
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Masih mereka kebal terhadap semua serangan herbisida kita
Fashionable country gentlemen
Pria negara yang modis
Had some cultivated wild gardens
Memiliki beberapa taman liar yang dibudidayakan
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
Di mana mereka dengan polos menanam Hogweed Raksasa di seluruh negeri
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
Makhluk botani bergerak, mencari balas dendam
Royal beast did not forget
Binatang kerajaan tidak melupakan
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
Segera mereka melarikan diri, menyebar benih mereka
Preparing for an onslaught
Mempersiapkan serangan
Threatening the human race
Mengancam ras manusia
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
Hogweed yang perkasa telah dibalas
Human bodies soon will know our anger
Tubuh manusia segera akan mengetahui kemarahan kita
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
Bunuh mereka dengan rambut Hogweedmu
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
Hogweed Raksasa hidup!
Turn and run
Nothing can stop them
Around every river and canal their power is growing
รอบ ๆ แม่น้ำและคลองทุกแห่ง พลังของพวกเขากำลังเติบโต
Stamp them out
We must destroy them
They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odor
They are invincible
They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering
Long ago in the Russian hills
A Victorian explorer found the regal Hogweed by a marsh
นักสำรวจยุควิคตอเรียนพบ Hogweed ที่มีศักดิ์ศรีอยู่ที่หนองน้ำ
He captured it and brought it home
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
สิ่งมีชีวิตทางพฤกษศาสตร์เริ่มตื่นขึ้น แสวงหาการแก้แค้น
Royal beast did not forget
He came home to London
And made a present of the Hogweed
และนำ Hogweed มาให้
To the Royal Gardens at Kew
กับสวนสาธารณะที่ Kew
Waste no time
They are approaching
Hurry now, we must protect ourselves and find some shelter
รีบเร็ว ตอนนี้เราต้องปกป้องตัวเองและหาที่หลบภัย
Strike by night
They are defenseless
They all need the sun to photosensitize their venom
Still they're invincible
Still they're immune to all our herbicidal battering
Fashionable country gentlemen
Had some cultivated wild gardens
In which they innocently planted the Giant Hogweed throughout the land
ซึ่งพวกเขาได้ปลูก Giant Hogweed ไปทั่วทั้งประเทศ
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge
สิ่งมีชีวิตทางพฤกษศาสตร์เริ่มตื่นขึ้น แสวงหาการแก้แค้น
Royal beast did not forget
Soon they escaped, spreading their seed
เร็วๆ นี้พวกเขาหนีออกมา กระจายเมล็ดพันธุ์ของพวกเขา
Preparing for an onslaught
Threatening the human race
Mighty Hogweed is avenged
Hogweed ที่ยิ่งใหญ่ได้รับการแก้แค้น
Human bodies soon will know our anger
ร่างกายมนุษย์เร็วๆ นี้จะรู้จักกับความโกรธเคืองของเรา
Kill them with your Hogweed hairs
ฆ่าพวกเขาด้วยขน Hogweed ของคุณ
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Heracleum Mantegazziani
Giant Hogweed lives!
Giant Hogweed ยังคงอยู่!