Alfred (Intro)
Andre Young, Jeff Alexander, Luis Edgardo Resto, Marshall B. III Mathers
Thus far, this album has provided musical accompaniment to make your passing pleasant
Our next number is designed to drown out the sound of shovels
Music to be buried by
Thus far, this album has provided musical accompaniment to make your passing pleasant
Hasta ahora, este álbum ha proporcionado acompañamiento musical para hacer tu partida agradable
Our next number is designed to drown out the sound of shovels
Nuestro próximo número está diseñado para ahogar el sonido de las palas
Music to be buried by
Música para ser enterrado por
Thus far, this album has provided musical accompaniment to make your passing pleasant
Até agora, este álbum forneceu acompanhamento musical para tornar sua passagem agradável
Our next number is designed to drown out the sound of shovels
Nosso próximo número é projetado para abafar o som das pás
Music to be buried by
Música para ser enterrado por
Thus far, this album has provided musical accompaniment to make your passing pleasant
Jusqu'à présent, cet album a fourni un accompagnement musical pour rendre votre passage agréable
Our next number is designed to drown out the sound of shovels
Notre prochain numéro est conçu pour couvrir le bruit des pelles
Music to be buried by
Musique pour être enterré par
Thus far, this album has provided musical accompaniment to make your passing pleasant
Bisher hat dieses Album musikalische Begleitung geboten, um Ihren Abschied angenehm zu gestalten
Our next number is designed to drown out the sound of shovels
Unsere nächste Nummer ist darauf ausgelegt, das Geräusch von Schaufeln zu übertönen
Music to be buried by
Musik, um begraben zu werden
Thus far, this album has provided musical accompaniment to make your passing pleasant
Finora, questo album ha fornito un accompagnamento musicale per rendere piacevole il tuo passaggio
Our next number is designed to drown out the sound of shovels
Il nostro prossimo numero è progettato per coprire il suono delle pale
Music to be buried by
Musica per essere seppellito da
[Перевод песни Eminem — «Alfred (Intro)»]
[Интро: Альфред Хичкок]
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