Somebody Bigger Than You and I

Sonny Burke, Hy Heath, Johnny Lange

Letra Traducción

Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
Somebody bigger than you and I

Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
Somebody bigger than you and I

He lights the way when the road is long
He keeps you company (company)
And with His love to guide you
He walks beside you
Just like He walks with me

When I am weary, filled with despair
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
Somebody bigger than you and I
(Bigger than you and I)

Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
¿Quién hizo las montañas? ¿Quién hizo los árboles?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
¿Quién hizo que los ríos fluyeran hacia el mar?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
¿Y quién manda la lluvia cuando la tierra está seca?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Alguien más grande que tú y yo
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
¿Quién hizo florecer las flores en la primavera?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
¿Quién hizo la canción para que la cantaran los petirrojos?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
¿Y quién colgó la luna en el cielo estrellado?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Alguien más grande que tú y yo
He lights the way when the road is long
Él ilumina el camino cuando el camino es largo
He keeps you company (company)
Él te acompaña (acompaña)
And with His love to guide you
Y con Su amor de guía
He walks beside you
Él camina a tu lado
Just like He walks with me
Como Él camina conmigo
When I am weary, filled with despair
Cuando estoy cansado, lleno de desesperación
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
¿Quién me da valor para seguir adelante?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
¿Y quién me da la fe que nunca morirá?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Alguien más grande que tú y yo
(Bigger than you and I)
(Más grande que tú y yo)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Quem formou as montanhas? Quem fez as árvores?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
Quem fez os rios desaguarem no mar?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
E quem manda a chuva quando a terra está seca?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Alguém maior do que eu e você
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Quem fez as flores desabrocharem na primavera?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
Quem fez a canção pra os rouxinóis cantarem?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
E quem dependurou a lua no céu estrelado?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Alguém maior do que eu e você
He lights the way when the road is long
Ele ilumina o caminho quando o caminho é longo
He keeps you company (company)
Ele Te faz companhia (companhia)
And with His love to guide you
E com o Seu amor pra te guiar
He walks beside you
Ele anda ao seu lado
Just like He walks with me
Assim como Ele anda comigo
When I am weary, filled with despair
Quando estou cansado e repleto de desespero
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
Quem dá a coragem pra continuar de lá?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
E quem me dá a fé que não vai morrer?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Alguém maior do que eu e você
(Bigger than you and I)
(Alguém maior do que eu e você)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Qui a crée les montagnes? Qui a fait les arbres?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
Qui a fait couler les rivières jusqu'à la mer?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
Et qui envoie la pluie lorsque la Terre est sèche?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Quelqu'un de plus grand que toi et moi
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Qui a fait fleurir les fleurs au printemps?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
Qui a fait la chanson pour que les rouges-gorges chantent?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
Et qui a accroché la lune dans le ciel étoilé?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Quelqu'un de plus grand que toi et moi
He lights the way when the road is long
Il éclaire le chemin lorsque la route est longue
He keeps you company (company)
Il te tient compagnie (compagnie)
And with His love to guide you
Et avec Son amour pour te guider
He walks beside you
Il marche à tes côtés
Just like He walks with me
Tout comme Il marche avec moi
When I am weary, filled with despair
Lorsque je suis fatigué et rempli de désespoir
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
Qui me donne le courage de continuer à partir de là?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
Et qui me donne la foi qui ne mourra jamais?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Quelqu'un de plus grand que toi et moi
(Bigger than you and I)
(Plus grand que toi et moi)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Wer hat die Berge gemacht? Wer hat die Bäume gemacht?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
Wer ließ die Flüsse ins Meer fließen?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
Und wer schickt den Regen, wenn die Erde trocken ist?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Jemand, der größer ist als du und ich
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Wer hat die Blumen dazu gebracht, im Frühling zu blühen?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
Wer hat das Lied gemacht, das die Rotkehlchen singen?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
Und wer hat den Mond an den Sternenhimmel gehängt?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Jemand, der größer ist als du und ich
He lights the way when the road is long
Er erleuchtet den Weg, wenn die Straße lang ist
He keeps you company (company)
Er leistet dir Gesellschaft (Gesellschaft)
And with His love to guide you
Und mit Seiner Liebe, um dich zu führen
He walks beside you
Er geht neben dir her
Just like He walks with me
So wie Er mit mir geht
When I am weary, filled with despair
Wenn ich müde bin, voller Verzweiflung
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
Wer gibt mir den Mut, von dort aus weiterzugehen?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
Und wer gibt mir den Glauben, der niemals stirbt?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Jemand, der größer ist als du und ich
(Bigger than you and I)
(Größer als du und ich)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Chi ha creato le montagne? Chi ha creato gli alberi?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
Chi ha fatto scorrere i fiumi verso il mare?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
E chi manda la pioggia quando la terra è secca?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Qualcuno più grande di te e di me
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Chi ha fatto sbocciare i fiori in primavera?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
Chi ha creato la canzone per i pettirossi da cantare?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
E chi ha appeso la luna nel cielo stellato?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Qualcuno più grande di te e di me
He lights the way when the road is long
Egli illumina la strada quando la strada è lunga
He keeps you company (company)
Ti fa compagnia (compagnia)
And with His love to guide you
E con il Suo amore per guidarti
He walks beside you
Cammina accanto a te
Just like He walks with me
Proprio come cammina con me
When I am weary, filled with despair
Quando sono stanco, pieno di disperazione
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
Chi mi dà il coraggio di andare avanti da lì?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
E chi mi dà la fede che non morirà mai?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Qualcuno più grande di te e di me
(Bigger than you and I)
(Più grande di te e di me)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Siapa yang membuat gunung? Siapa yang membuat pohon?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
Siapa yang membuat sungai mengalir ke laut?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
Dan siapa yang mengirim hujan ketika bumi kering?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Seseorang yang lebih besar dari kamu dan aku
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Siapa yang membuat bunga mekar di musim semi?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
Siapa yang membuat lagu untuk burung robin bernyanyi?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
Dan siapa yang menggantung bulan di langit berbintang?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Seseorang yang lebih besar dari kamu dan aku
He lights the way when the road is long
Dia menerangi jalan ketika jalan panjang
He keeps you company (company)
Dia menemani kamu (menemani)
And with His love to guide you
Dan dengan cintaNya untuk membimbingmu
He walks beside you
Dia berjalan di sampingmu
Just like He walks with me
Sama seperti Dia berjalan dengan saya
When I am weary, filled with despair
Ketika saya lelah, penuh dengan putus asa
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
Siapa yang memberi saya keberanian untuk melanjutkan dari sana?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
Dan siapa yang memberi saya iman yang tidak akan pernah mati?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Seseorang yang lebih besar dari kamu dan aku
(Bigger than you and I)
(Lebih besar dari kamu dan aku)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
ใครสร้างภูเขา? ใครสร้างต้นไม้?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
Somebody bigger than you and I
He lights the way when the road is long
He keeps you company (company)
เขาคอยเป็นเพื่อนคุณ (เพื่อนคุณ)
And with His love to guide you
He walks beside you
Just like He walks with me
When I am weary, filled with despair
เมื่อฉันเหนื่อยล้า, เต็มไปด้วยความสิ้นหวัง
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
Somebody bigger than you and I
(Bigger than you and I)
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees?
Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry?
Somebody bigger than you and I
Who made the flowers to bloom in the Spring?
Who made the song for the robins to sing?
And who hung the moon in the starry sky?
Somebody bigger than you and I
He lights the way when the road is long
He keeps you company (company)
And with His love to guide you
He walks beside you
Just like He walks with me
When I am weary, filled with despair
Who gives me courage to go on from there?
And who gives me faith that will never die?
Somebody bigger than you and I
(Bigger than you and I)

Curiosidades sobre la música Somebody Bigger Than You and I del Elvis Presley

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Somebody Bigger Than You and I” por Elvis Presley?
Elvis Presley lanzó la canción en los álbumes “How Great Thou Art” en 1967, “Amazing Grace: His Greatest Sacred Performances” en 1994, “Peace in the Valley: The Complete Gospel Recordings” en 1999, “Christmas Peace” en 2003 y “Elvis: Close Up” en 2003.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Somebody Bigger Than You and I” de Elvis Presley?
La canción “Somebody Bigger Than You and I” de Elvis Presley fue compuesta por Sonny Burke, Hy Heath, Johnny Lange.

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