When you heart's on the edge
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
When the nights don't seem to end
And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
I won't make a promise I can't keep
Like a river flows to the ocean deep
It goes on and on
Bound to forever
Even when we're gone
It goes on and on
We'll be together
At the rising of the dawn
It goes on
When your mind's on the loose
Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
When the days all look the same
When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
That's the kind of bond that you can't break
Like looking up at all the stars in space
It goes on and on
Bound to forever
Even when we're gone
It goes on and on
We'll be together
At the rising of the dawn
It goes on
Digging through the sands of time to find my way back home
Your memory's the thing that keeps me hanging on
To know I'm not alone, we're stronger than the bonds of blood
Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the gun
It goes on and on
Bound to forever
Even when we're gone
It goes on and on and on
We'll be together
At the rising of the dawn
We'll be together
At the rising of the dawn
When you heart's on the edge
Cuando tu corazón está al límite
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
Apenas aguantando como un cigarrillo de medianoche
When the nights don't seem to end
Cuando las noches parecen no terminar
And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
Y ese viento solitario te vuelve a cantar para dormir
I won't make a promise I can't keep
No haré una promesa que no pueda cumplir
Like a river flows to the ocean deep
Como un río fluye hacia el océano profundo
It goes on and on
Continúa y continúa
Bound to forever
Destinado a ser eterno
Even when we're gone
Incluso cuando nos hayamos ido
It goes on and on
Continúa y continúa
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Al amanecer
It goes on
When your mind's on the loose
Cuando tu mente está suelta
Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
Desgastándose lentamente como un viejo tatuaje descolorido
When the days all look the same
Cuando todos los días parecen iguales
When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
Cuando ese viento solitario sigue cantando solo tú puedes aliviar el dolor
That's the kind of bond that you can't break
Ese es el tipo de vínculo que no puedes romper
Like looking up at all the stars in space
Como mirar todas las estrellas en el espacio
It goes on and on
Continúa y continúa
Bound to forever
Destinado a ser eterno
Even when we're gone
Incluso cuando nos hayamos ido
It goes on and on
Continúa y continúa
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Al amanecer
It goes on
Digging through the sands of time to find my way back home
Excavando a través de las arenas del tiempo para encontrar mi camino de regreso a casa
Your memory's the thing that keeps me hanging on
Tu recuerdo es lo que me mantiene aferrado
To know I'm not alone, we're stronger than the bonds of blood
Para saber que no estoy solo, somos más fuertes que los lazos de sangre
Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the gun
Incluso en los días más oscuros juntos a través del valle de la pistola
It goes on and on
Continúa y continúa
Bound to forever
Destinado a ser eterno
Even when we're gone
Incluso cuando nos hayamos ido
It goes on and on and on
Continúa y continúa y continúa
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Al amanecer
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Al amanecer
When you heart's on the edge
Quando seu coração está à beira
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
Mal se agarrando como um cigarro à meia-noite
When the nights don't seem to end
Quando as noites parecem não ter fim
And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
E aquele vento solitário está te cantando para dormir novamente
I won't make a promise I can't keep
Eu não vou fazer uma promessa que não posso cumprir
Like a river flows to the ocean deep
Como um rio que flui para o oceano profundo
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
Bound to forever
Destinado a ser para sempre
Even when we're gone
Mesmo quando partirmos
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Ao nascer do dia
It goes on
When your mind's on the loose
Quando sua mente está à solta
Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
Desgastando-se lentamente como uma tatuagem velha e desbotada
When the days all look the same
Quando todos os dias parecem iguais
When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
Quando aquele vento solitário continua cantando, só você pode aliviar a dor
That's the kind of bond that you can't break
Esse é o tipo de vínculo que você não pode quebrar
Like looking up at all the stars in space
Como olhar para todas as estrelas no espaço
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
Bound to forever
Destinado a ser para sempre
Even when we're gone
Mesmo quando partirmos
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Ao nascer do dia
It goes on
Digging through the sands of time to find my way back home
Cavando através das areias do tempo para encontrar meu caminho de volta para casa
Your memory's the thing that keeps me hanging on
Sua memória é a coisa que me mantém agarrado
To know I'm not alone, we're stronger than the bonds of blood
Para saber que não estou sozinho, somos mais fortes que os laços de sangue
Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the gun
Mesmo nos dias mais escuros juntos através do vale da arma
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
Bound to forever
Destinado a ser para sempre
Even when we're gone
Mesmo quando partirmos
It goes on and on and on
Continua e continua e continua
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Ao nascer do dia
We'll be together
Estaremos juntos
At the rising of the dawn
Ao nascer do dia
When you heart's on the edge
Quand ton cœur est sur le bord
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
À peine accroché comme une cigarette de minuit
When the nights don't seem to end
Quand les nuits ne semblent pas se terminer
And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
Et que ce vent solitaire te berce encore une fois pour t'endormir
I won't make a promise I can't keep
Je ne ferai pas une promesse que je ne peux pas tenir
Like a river flows to the ocean deep
Comme une rivière qui coule vers l'océan profond
It goes on and on
Ça continue encore et encore
Bound to forever
Lié à jamais
Even when we're gone
Même quand nous ne serons plus là
It goes on and on
Ça continue encore et encore
We'll be together
Nous serons ensemble
At the rising of the dawn
À l'aube
It goes on
Ça continue
When your mind's on the loose
Quand ton esprit est en liberté
Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
S'usant lentement comme un vieux tatouage délavé
When the days all look the same
Quand tous les jours se ressemblent
When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
Quand ce vent solitaire continue de chanter que seul toi peux apaiser la douleur
That's the kind of bond that you can't break
C'est le genre de lien que tu ne peux pas briser
Like looking up at all the stars in space
Comme regarder toutes les étoiles dans l'espace
It goes on and on
Ça continue encore et encore
Bound to forever
Lié à jamais
Even when we're gone
Même quand nous ne serons plus là
It goes on and on
Ça continue encore et encore
We'll be together
Nous serons ensemble
At the rising of the dawn
À l'aube
It goes on
Ça continue
Digging through the sands of time to find my way back home
Creusant à travers les sables du temps pour retrouver mon chemin vers la maison
Your memory's the thing that keeps me hanging on
Ton souvenir est la chose qui me fait tenir bon
To know I'm not alone, we're stronger than the bonds of blood
Pour savoir que je ne suis pas seul, nous sommes plus forts que les liens du sang
Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the gun
Même dans les jours les plus sombres ensemble à travers la vallée du pistolet
It goes on and on
Ça continue encore et encore
Bound to forever
Lié à jamais
Even when we're gone
Même quand nous ne serons plus là
It goes on and on and on
Ça continue encore et encore et encore
We'll be together
Nous serons ensemble
At the rising of the dawn
À l'aube
We'll be together
Nous serons ensemble
At the rising of the dawn
À l'aube
When you heart's on the edge
Wenn dein Herz am Rande ist
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
Kaum noch hängend wie eine Mitternachtszigarette
When the nights don't seem to end
Wenn die Nächte kein Ende zu nehmen scheinen
And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
Und dieser einsame Wind dich wieder in den Schlaf singt
I won't make a promise I can't keep
Ich werde kein Versprechen machen, das ich nicht halten kann
Like a river flows to the ocean deep
Wie ein Fluss tief zum Ozean fließt
It goes on and on
Es geht immer weiter
Bound to forever
Gebunden an die Ewigkeit
Even when we're gone
Auch wenn wir nicht mehr da sind
It goes on and on
Es geht immer weiter
We'll be together
Wir werden zusammen sein
At the rising of the dawn
Beim Aufgang der Morgendämmerung
It goes on
Es geht weiter
When your mind's on the loose
Wenn dein Geist auf der Flucht ist
Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
Langsam ausbleichend wie ein verblasstes altes Tattoo
When the days all look the same
Wenn alle Tage gleich aussehen
When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
Wenn dieser einsame Wind singt, nur du kannst den Schmerz lindern
That's the kind of bond that you can't break
Das ist die Art von Bindung, die man nicht brechen kann
Like looking up at all the stars in space
Wie der Blick hinauf zu all den Sternen im Weltraum
It goes on and on
Es geht immer weiter
Bound to forever
Gebunden an die Ewigkeit
Even when we're gone
Auch wenn wir nicht mehr da sind
It goes on and on
Es geht immer weiter
We'll be together
Wir werden zusammen sein
At the rising of the dawn
Beim Aufgang der Morgendämmerung
It goes on
Es geht weiter
Digging through the sands of time to find my way back home
Ich grabe durch die Sande der Zeit, um meinen Weg nach Hause zu finden
Your memory's the thing that keeps me hanging on
Deine Erinnerung ist das, was mich am Leben hält
To know I'm not alone, we're stronger than the bonds of blood
Zu wissen, dass ich nicht alleine bin, wir sind stärker als die Bande des Blutes
Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the gun
Auch an den dunkelsten Tagen zusammen durch das Tal der Waffe
It goes on and on
Es geht immer weiter
Bound to forever
Gebunden an die Ewigkeit
Even when we're gone
Auch wenn wir nicht mehr da sind
It goes on and on and on
Es geht immer weiter und weiter
We'll be together
Wir werden zusammen sein
At the rising of the dawn
Beim Aufgang der Morgendämmerung
We'll be together
Wir werden zusammen sein
At the rising of the dawn
Beim Aufgang der Morgendämmerung
When you heart's on the edge
Quando il tuo cuore è sull'orlo
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
Appeso per un filo come una sigaretta di mezzanotte
When the nights don't seem to end
Quando le notti sembrano non finire mai
And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
E quel vento solitario ti canta ancora una volta per addormentarti
I won't make a promise I can't keep
Non farò una promessa che non posso mantenere
Like a river flows to the ocean deep
Come un fiume che scorre verso l'oceano profondo
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
Bound to forever
Legato per sempre
Even when we're gone
Anche quando non ci saremo più
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
We'll be together
Staremo insieme
At the rising of the dawn
It goes on
When your mind's on the loose
Quando la tua mente è in libertà
Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
Lentamente si consuma come un vecchio tatuaggio sbiadito
When the days all look the same
Quando i giorni sembrano tutti uguali
When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
Quando quel vento solitario continua a cantare solo tu puoi alleviare il dolore
That's the kind of bond that you can't break
Questo è il tipo di legame che non si può rompere
Like looking up at all the stars in space
Come guardare in alto tutte le stelle nello spazio
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
Bound to forever
Legato per sempre
Even when we're gone
Anche quando non ci saremo più
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
We'll be together
Staremo insieme
At the rising of the dawn
It goes on
Digging through the sands of time to find my way back home
Scavando attraverso le sabbie del tempo per trovare la mia strada verso casa
Your memory's the thing that keeps me hanging on
Il tuo ricordo è la cosa che mi tiene appeso
To know I'm not alone, we're stronger than the bonds of blood
Sapere che non sono solo, siamo più forti dei legami di sangue
Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the gun
Anche nei giorni più bui insieme attraverso la valle della pistola
It goes on and on
Continua e continua
Bound to forever
Legato per sempre
Even when we're gone
Anche quando non ci saremo più
It goes on and on and on
Continua e continua e continua
We'll be together
Staremo insieme
At the rising of the dawn
We'll be together
Staremo insieme
At the rising of the dawn