
Gordon Downie, Johnny Fay, Joseph Paul Langlois, Robert Baker, Robert Gordon Sinclair

Letra Traducción

I left your house this morning
'Bout a quarter after nine
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine

When I left your house this morning
It was a little after nine
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Reveal themselves, one star at a time

Drove back to town this morning
With working on my mind
I thought of maybe quittin'
Thought of leavin' it behind

Went back to bed this morning
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
And fallin' one cloud at a time

That night in Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Riding on horseback
And keeping order restored
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Stepped to the mic and sang
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang

I got to your house this morning
Just a little after nine
In the middle of that riot
Couldn't get you off my mind

So, I'm at your house this morning
Just a little after nine
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
One star at a time

I left your house this morning
Salí de tu casa esta mañana
'Bout a quarter after nine
Alrededor de las nueve y cuarto
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Podría haber sido Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
Podría haber sido el vino
When I left your house this morning
Cuando salí de tu casa esta mañana
It was a little after nine
Era un poco después de las nueve
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Fue en Bobcaygeon, vi las constelaciones
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Revelarse, una estrella a la vez
Drove back to town this morning
Regresé a la ciudad esta mañana
With working on my mind
Con el trabajo en mi mente
I thought of maybe quittin'
Pensé en quizás renunciar
Thought of leavin' it behind
Pensé en dejarlo atrás
Went back to bed this morning
Volví a la cama esta mañana
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Y mientras bajaba la persiana
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
Sí, el cielo era aburrido e hipotético
And fallin' one cloud at a time
Y caía una nube a la vez
That night in Toronto
Esa noche en Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Con sus suelos de tablero de ajedrez
Riding on horseback
Montando a caballo
And keeping order restored
Y manteniendo el orden restaurado
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Hasta que Los Hombres Que No Podían Colgar
Stepped to the mic and sang
Se acercaron al micrófono y cantaron
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
Y sus voces resonaron con ese acento ario
I got to your house this morning
Llegué a tu casa esta mañana
Just a little after nine
Justo un poco después de las nueve
In the middle of that riot
En medio de ese disturbio
Couldn't get you off my mind
No podía sacarte de mi mente
So, I'm at your house this morning
Así que, estoy en tu casa esta mañana
Just a little after nine
Justo un poco después de las nueve
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Porque, fue en Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
Donde vi las constelaciones revelarse
One star at a time
Una estrella a la vez
I left your house this morning
Saí de sua casa esta manhã
'Bout a quarter after nine
Por volta das nove e quinze
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Poderia ter sido o Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
Poderia ter sido o vinho
When I left your house this morning
Quando saí de sua casa esta manhã
It was a little after nine
Era um pouco depois das nove
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Foi em Bobcaygeon, eu vi as constelações
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Revelarem-se, uma estrela de cada vez
Drove back to town this morning
Voltei para a cidade esta manhã
With working on my mind
Com trabalho em minha mente
I thought of maybe quittin'
Pensei em talvez desistir
Thought of leavin' it behind
Pensei em deixar tudo para trás
Went back to bed this morning
Voltei para a cama esta manhã
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
E enquanto eu fechava a persiana
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
Sim, o céu estava opaco e hipotético
And fallin' one cloud at a time
E caindo uma nuvem de cada vez
That night in Toronto
Aquela noite em Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Com seus pisos em xadrez
Riding on horseback
Andando a cavalo
And keeping order restored
E mantendo a ordem restaurada
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Até que Os Homens Que Não Podiam Ser Enforcados
Stepped to the mic and sang
Subiram ao microfone e cantaram
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
E suas vozes soaram com aquele sotaque Arian
I got to your house this morning
Cheguei à sua casa esta manhã
Just a little after nine
Um pouco depois das nove
In the middle of that riot
No meio daquele tumulto
Couldn't get you off my mind
Não conseguia tirar você da minha mente
So, I'm at your house this morning
Então, estou em sua casa esta manhã
Just a little after nine
Um pouco depois das nove
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Porque, foi em Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
Onde eu vi as constelações se revelarem
One star at a time
Uma estrela de cada vez
I left your house this morning
J'ai quitté ta maison ce matin
'Bout a quarter after nine
Vers un quart après neuf
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Ça aurait pu être Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
Ça aurait pu être le vin
When I left your house this morning
Quand j'ai quitté ta maison ce matin
It was a little after nine
C'était un peu après neuf
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
C'était à Bobcaygeon, j'ai vu les constellations
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Se révéler, une étoile à la fois
Drove back to town this morning
Je suis rentré en ville ce matin
With working on my mind
Avec le travail en tête
I thought of maybe quittin'
J'ai pensé à peut-être abandonner
Thought of leavin' it behind
Pensé à tout laisser derrière moi
Went back to bed this morning
Je suis retourné au lit ce matin
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Et alors que je baisse les stores
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
Oui, le ciel était terne et hypothétique
And fallin' one cloud at a time
Et tombait un nuage à la fois
That night in Toronto
Cette nuit à Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Avec ses sols en damier
Riding on horseback
Chevauchant à cheval
And keeping order restored
Et maintenant l'ordre rétabli
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Jusqu'à ce que Les Hommes qu'on ne pouvait pendre
Stepped to the mic and sang
Se soient approchés du micro et aient chanté
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
Et leurs voix résonnaient avec cet accent aryen
I got to your house this morning
Je suis arrivé à ta maison ce matin
Just a little after nine
Juste un peu après neuf
In the middle of that riot
Au milieu de cette émeute
Couldn't get you off my mind
Je ne pouvais pas te sortir de ma tête
So, I'm at your house this morning
Alors, je suis à ta maison ce matin
Just a little after nine
Juste un peu après neuf
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Parce que, c'était à Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
Où j'ai vu les constellations se révéler
One star at a time
Une étoile à la fois
I left your house this morning
Ich habe dein Haus heute Morgen verlassen
'Bout a quarter after nine
Gegen Viertel nach neun
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Es könnte Willie Nelson gewesen sein
Could of been the wine
Es könnte der Wein gewesen sein
When I left your house this morning
Als ich dein Haus heute Morgen verließ
It was a little after nine
Es war kurz nach neun
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Es war in Bobcaygeon, ich sah die Sternbilder
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Sie offenbarten sich, ein Stern nach dem anderen
Drove back to town this morning
Fuhr heute Morgen zurück in die Stadt
With working on my mind
Mit Arbeit im Kopf
I thought of maybe quittin'
Ich dachte vielleicht ans Aufhören
Thought of leavin' it behind
Dachte daran, es hinter mir zu lassen
Went back to bed this morning
Ging heute Morgen wieder ins Bett
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Und während ich die Jalousie herunterziehe
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
Ja, der Himmel war trüb und hypothetisch
And fallin' one cloud at a time
Und fiel eine Wolke nach der anderen
That night in Toronto
Diese Nacht in Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Mit seinen Schachbrettböden
Riding on horseback
Auf dem Pferderücken reitend
And keeping order restored
Und die Ordnung wiederherstellend
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Bis die Männer, die sie nicht hängen konnten
Stepped to the mic and sang
Zum Mikrofon traten und sangen
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
Und ihre Stimmen klangen mit diesem arischen Akzent
I got to your house this morning
Ich kam heute Morgen zu deinem Haus
Just a little after nine
Kurz nach neun
In the middle of that riot
Mitten in diesem Aufruhr
Couldn't get you off my mind
Konnte dich nicht aus meinem Kopf bekommen
So, I'm at your house this morning
Also, ich bin heute Morgen bei dir
Just a little after nine
Kurz nach neun
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Denn, es war in Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
Wo ich die Sternbilder sich offenbaren sah
One star at a time
Ein Stern nach dem anderen
I left your house this morning
Ho lasciato la tua casa stamattina
'Bout a quarter after nine
Circa un quarto dopo le nove
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Potrebbe essere stato Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
Potrebbe essere stato il vino
When I left your house this morning
Quando ho lasciato la tua casa stamattina
It was a little after nine
Era poco dopo le nove
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Era a Bobcaygeon, ho visto le costellazioni
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Rivelarsi, una stella alla volta
Drove back to town this morning
Sono tornato in città stamattina
With working on my mind
Con il lavoro nella mia mente
I thought of maybe quittin'
Ho pensato di forse smettere
Thought of leavin' it behind
Ho pensato di lasciarlo alle spalle
Went back to bed this morning
Sono tornato a letto stamattina
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
E mentre sto abbassando la tapparella
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
Sì, il cielo era opaco e ipotetico
And fallin' one cloud at a time
E cadeva una nuvola alla volta
That night in Toronto
Quella notte a Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Con i suoi pavimenti a scacchiera
Riding on horseback
Cavalcando a cavallo
And keeping order restored
E mantenendo l'ordine ripristinato
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Fino a quando The Men They Couldn't Hang
Stepped to the mic and sang
Si sono avvicinati al microfono e hanno cantato
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
E le loro voci risuonavano con quel twang ariano
I got to your house this morning
Sono arrivato a casa tua stamattina
Just a little after nine
Poco dopo le nove
In the middle of that riot
Nel mezzo di quella rivolta
Couldn't get you off my mind
Non riuscivo a toglierti dalla mente
So, I'm at your house this morning
Quindi, sono a casa tua stamattina
Just a little after nine
Poco dopo le nove
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Perché, era a Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
Dove ho visto le costellazioni rivelarsi
One star at a time
Una stella alla volta
I left your house this morning
Aku meninggalkan rumahmu pagi ini
'Bout a quarter after nine
Sekitar pukul sembilan lewat seperempat
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Mungkin karena Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
Atau mungkin karena anggur
When I left your house this morning
Ketika aku meninggalkan rumahmu pagi ini
It was a little after nine
Sedikit setelah pukul sembilan
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Itu di Bobcaygeon, aku melihat konstelasi
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Mengungkapkan diri mereka, satu bintang pada satu waktu
Drove back to town this morning
Mengemudi kembali ke kota pagi ini
With working on my mind
Dengan pikiran bekerja
I thought of maybe quittin'
Aku berpikir mungkin berhenti
Thought of leavin' it behind
Pikir tentang meninggalkannya
Went back to bed this morning
Kembali ke tempat tidur pagi ini
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Dan saat aku menurunkan tirai
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
Ya, langit itu membosankan dan hipotetis
And fallin' one cloud at a time
Dan jatuh satu awan pada satu waktu
That night in Toronto
Malam itu di Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Dengan lantai catur
Riding on horseback
Mengendarai kuda
And keeping order restored
Dan menjaga agar tetap teratur
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Sampai The Men They Couldn't Hang
Stepped to the mic and sang
Mendekati mic dan bernyanyi
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
Dan suara mereka bergema dengan nada Aryan
I got to your house this morning
Aku sampai di rumahmu pagi ini
Just a little after nine
Sedikit setelah pukul sembilan
In the middle of that riot
Di tengah kerusuhan itu
Couldn't get you off my mind
Tidak bisa mengeluarkanmu dari pikiranku
So, I'm at your house this morning
Jadi, aku di rumahmu pagi ini
Just a little after nine
Sedikit setelah pukul sembilan
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Karena, itu di Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
Dimana aku melihat konstelasi mengungkapkan diri mereka
One star at a time
Satu bintang pada satu waktu
I left your house this morning
'Bout a quarter after nine
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
When I left your house this morning
It was a little after nine
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
ที่ Bobcaygeon, ฉันเห็นดาวนั้น
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
เปิดเผยตัวเอง ดาวต่อดาว
Drove back to town this morning
With working on my mind
I thought of maybe quittin'
Thought of leavin' it behind
Went back to bed this morning
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
ใช่, ท้องฟ้านั้นหม่นหมองและเป็นสมมุติฐาน
And fallin' one cloud at a time
และตกลงมา หนึ่งเมฆต่อหนึ่งเมฆ
That night in Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Riding on horseback
And keeping order restored
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
จนกว่า "The Men They Couldn't Hang"
Stepped to the mic and sang
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
I got to your house this morning
Just a little after nine
In the middle of that riot
Couldn't get you off my mind
So, I'm at your house this morning
ดังนั้น, ฉันอยู่ที่บ้านคุณเช้านี้
Just a little after nine
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
เพราะ, มันเป็นที่ Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
One star at a time
I left your house this morning
'Bout a quarter after nine
Coulda been the Willie Nelson
可能是因为Willie Nelson
Could of been the wine
When I left your house this morning
It was a little after nine
It was in Bobcaygeon, I saw the constellations
Reveal themselves, one star at a time
Drove back to town this morning
With working on my mind
I thought of maybe quittin'
Thought of leavin' it behind
Went back to bed this morning
And as I'm pullin' down the blind
Yeah, the sky was dull and hypothetical
And fallin' one cloud at a time
That night in Toronto
With its checkerboard floors
Riding on horseback
And keeping order restored
'Til The Men They Couldn't Hang
Stepped to the mic and sang
And their voices rang with that Aryan twang
I got to your house this morning
Just a little after nine
In the middle of that riot
Couldn't get you off my mind
So, I'm at your house this morning
Just a little after nine
'Cause, it was in Bobcaygeon
Where I saw the constellations reveal themselves
One star at a time

Curiosidades sobre la música Bobcaygeon del The Tragically Hip

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Bobcaygeon” por The Tragically Hip?
The Tragically Hip lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Phantom Power” en 1998, “Hipenonymous” en 2005 y “Yer Favourites” en 2005.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Bobcaygeon” de The Tragically Hip?
La canción “Bobcaygeon” de The Tragically Hip fue compuesta por Gordon Downie, Johnny Fay, Joseph Paul Langlois, Robert Baker, Robert Gordon Sinclair.

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