Terrible Thing

Brandon Flowers

Letra Traducción

The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
At the Jones' Rubber plant where all the guys end up
Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck
On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing

'Round here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name
But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game
Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk
Of this cobweb town where culture is king?
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing

I close my eyes and think of the water
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young

Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow
To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo
While her mother fights back proud tears, a young cowboy gives the nod
The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
The chute opens, the bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing

I close my eyes and think of the water
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
I close my eyes and think of the water
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young

The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
El estacionamiento está lleno de camionetas pickup con escopetas
At the Jones' Rubber plant where all the guys end up
En la planta de caucho de los Jones donde todos los chicos terminan
Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck
Boy scouts bebedores de cerveza viviendo la vida como si no estuvieran atrapados
On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling
En estas calles de arenas movedizas con sus chicas en un cabestrillo
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Estoy en mi habitación al borde de una cosa terrible
'Round here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name
Por aquí, todos cargamos con nuestra cruz y nos aferramos a Su santo nombre
But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game
Pero las cartas que me dieron te harán ser expulsado del juego
Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk
Hey mamá, ¿no ves que tu chico está envuelto en la seda estranguladora
Of this cobweb town where culture is king?
De esta ciudad de telarañas donde la cultura es reina?
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Estoy en mi habitación al borde de una cosa terrible
I close my eyes and think of the water
Cierro los ojos y pienso en el agua
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
En Salt Creek cuando era joven
Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow
En el Parque Viejo Molino, la mitad del pueblo está al acecho
To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo
Para coronar a la Belleza del Baño del rodeo
While her mother fights back proud tears, a young cowboy gives the nod
Mientras su madre lucha contra las lágrimas de orgullo, un joven vaquero asiente
The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
La compuerta se abre, el toro saca sangre, y el regalo es aceptado por Dios
The chute opens, the bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
La compuerta se abre, el toro saca sangre, y el regalo es aceptado por Dios
In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams
En esta ciudad de alambre de púas de sueños de alambre de púas
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Estoy en mi habitación al borde de una cosa terrible
I close my eyes and think of the water
Cierro los ojos y pienso en el agua
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
En Salt Creek cuando era joven
I close my eyes and think of the water
Cierro los ojos y pienso en el agua
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
En Salt Creek cuando era joven
The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
O estacionamento está lotado de caminhonetes com espingardas
At the Jones' Rubber plant where all the guys end up
Na fábrica de borracha dos Jones, onde todos os caras acabam
Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck
Escoteiros bebendo cerveja, vivendo a vida como se não estivessem presos
On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling
Nestas ruas movediças com suas garotas em uma tipóia
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Estou no meu quarto à beira de uma coisa terrível
'Round here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name
Por aqui, todos nós pegamos nossa cruz e nos apegamos ao Seu santo nome
But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game
Mas as cartas que me foram dadas te tirariam do jogo
Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk
Ei mãe, você não vê que seu garoto está envolvido na seda estranguladora
Of this cobweb town where culture is king?
Desta cidade de teias de aranha onde a cultura é rei?
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Estou no meu quarto à beira de uma coisa terrível
I close my eyes and think of the water
Eu fecho meus olhos e penso na água
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
No Salt Creek quando eu era jovem
Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow
No Parque Old Mill, metade da cidade está a reboque
To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo
Para coroar a Beleza do Banho do rodeio
While her mother fights back proud tears, a young cowboy gives the nod
Enquanto sua mãe segura as lágrimas de orgulho, um jovem cowboy acena com a cabeça
The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
A comporta se abre, o touro tira sangue, e o presente é aceito por Deus
The chute opens, the bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
A comporta se abre, o touro tira sangue, e o presente é aceito por Deus
In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams
Nesta cidade de arame farpado de sonhos de arame farpado
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Estou no meu quarto à beira de uma coisa terrível
I close my eyes and think of the water
Eu fecho meus olhos e penso na água
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
No Salt Creek quando eu era jovem
I close my eyes and think of the water
Eu fecho meus olhos e penso na água
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
No Salt Creek quando eu era jovem
The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
Le parking est bondé de camionnettes à fusil de chasse
At the Jones' Rubber plant where all the guys end up
À l'usine de caoutchouc Jones où tous les gars finissent
Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck
Des scouts buveurs de bière vivant la vie comme s'ils n'étaient pas coincés
On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling
Sur ces rues de sables mouvants avec leurs filles dans une écharpe
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Je suis dans ma chambre sur le point de faire une terrible chose
'Round here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name
'Autour d'ici, nous prenons tous notre croix et nous nous accrochons à Son saint nom
But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game
Mais les cartes que j'ai reçues vous feront expulser du jeu
Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk
Hey maman, ne vois-tu pas que ton garçon est enveloppé dans la soie étrangleuse
Of this cobweb town where culture is king?
De cette ville de toiles d'araignée où la culture est reine ?
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Je suis dans ma chambre sur le point de faire une terrible chose
I close my eyes and think of the water
Je ferme les yeux et pense à l'eau
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Au ruisseau Salt Creek quand j'étais jeune
Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow
Au parc Old Mill, la moitié de la ville est en remorque
To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo
Pour couronner la beauté du bain du rodéo
While her mother fights back proud tears, a young cowboy gives the nod
Alors que sa mère retient fièrement ses larmes, un jeune cowboy fait signe de la tête
The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
La trappe s'ouvre, le taureau saigne, et le cadeau est accepté par Dieu
The chute opens, the bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
La trappe s'ouvre, le taureau saigne, et le cadeau est accepté par Dieu
In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams
Dans cette ville de rêves de fil barbelé
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Je suis dans ma chambre sur le point de faire une terrible chose
I close my eyes and think of the water
Je ferme les yeux et pense à l'eau
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Au ruisseau Salt Creek quand j'étais jeune
I close my eyes and think of the water
Je ferme les yeux et pense à l'eau
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Au ruisseau Salt Creek quand j'étais jeune
The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
Der Parkplatz ist vollgestopft mit Schrotflinten-Pickup-Trucks
At the Jones' Rubber plant where all the guys end up
Bei der Gummifabrik der Jones', wo alle Kerle landen
Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck
Biertrinkende Pfadfinder, die leben, als wären sie nicht festgefahren
On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling
Auf diesen Treibsandstraßen mit ihren Mädchen in der Schlinge
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Ich bin in meinem Schlafzimmer am Rande einer schrecklichen Sache
'Round here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name
Hier nehmen wir alle unser Kreuz auf und hängen an seinem heiligen Namen
But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game
Aber die Karten, die ich bekommen habe, würden dich aus dem Spiel werfen
Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk
Hey Mama, siehst du nicht, dass dein Junge in der Würge-Seide gefangen ist
Of this cobweb town where culture is king?
In dieser Spinnwebenstadt, wo Kultur König ist?
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Ich bin in meinem Schlafzimmer am Rande einer schrecklichen Sache
I close my eyes and think of the water
Ich schließe meine Augen und denke an das Wasser
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Draußen am Salt Creek, als ich jung war
Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow
Unten im Old Mill Park ist die halbe Stadt auf den Beinen
To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo
Um die Badende Schönheit des Rodeos zu krönen
While her mother fights back proud tears, a young cowboy gives the nod
Während ihre Mutter stolze Tränen zurückhält, gibt ein junger Cowboy das Nicken
The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
Die Luke öffnet sich, der Stier zieht Blut und das Geschenk wird von Gott angenommen
The chute opens, the bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
Die Luke öffnet sich, der Stier zieht Blut und das Geschenk wird von Gott angenommen
In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams
In dieser Stacheldrahtstadt mit Stacheldrahtträumen
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Ich bin in meinem Schlafzimmer am Rande einer schrecklichen Sache
I close my eyes and think of the water
Ich schließe meine Augen und denke an das Wasser
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Draußen am Salt Creek, als ich jung war
I close my eyes and think of the water
Ich schließe meine Augen und denke an das Wasser
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Draußen am Salt Creek, als ich jung war
The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
Il parcheggio è pieno di pickup con fucili a pompa
At the Jones' Rubber plant where all the guys end up
Alla fabbrica di gomma dei Jones dove tutti i ragazzi finiscono
Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck
Boy scout bevitori di birra che vivono la vita come se non fossero bloccati
On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling
Su queste strade di sabbie mobili con le loro ragazze in difficoltà
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Sono nella mia camera da letto sull'orlo di una cosa terribile
'Round here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name
'Qui da noi, tutti prendiamo la nostra croce e ci aggrappiamo al Suo santo nome
But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game
Ma le carte che mi sono state date ti faranno buttare fuori dal gioco
Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk
Ehi mamma, non vedi che tuo figlio è avvolto nella seta strangolante
Of this cobweb town where culture is king?
Di questa città ragnatela dove la cultura è re?
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Sono nella mia camera da letto sull'orlo di una cosa terribile
I close my eyes and think of the water
Chiudo gli occhi e penso all'acqua
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Fuori al Salt Creek quando ero giovane
Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow
Giù al Old Mill Park, metà della città è in fila
To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo
Per incoronare la Bellezza del Bagno del rodeo
While her mother fights back proud tears, a young cowboy gives the nod
Mentre sua madre trattiene con orgoglio le lacrime, un giovane cowboy fa il cenno
The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
Il cancello si apre, il toro fa sangue, e il dono è accettato da Dio
The chute opens, the bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God
Il cancelo si apre, il toro fa sangue, e il dono è accettato da Dio
In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams
In questa città di filo spinato di sogni di filo spinato
I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
Sono nella mia camera da letto sull'orlo di una cosa terribile
I close my eyes and think of the water
Chiudo gli occhi e penso all'acqua
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Fuori al Salt Creek quando ero giovane
I close my eyes and think of the water
Chiudo gli occhi e penso all'acqua
Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
Fuori al Salt Creek quando ero giovane

Curiosidades sobre la música Terrible Thing del The Killers

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Terrible Thing” por The Killers?
La canción Terrible Thing fue lanzada en 2021, en el álbum “Pressure Machine”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Terrible Thing” de The Killers?
La canción “Terrible Thing” de The Killers fue compuesta por Brandon Flowers.

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