In Another Life

Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado

Letra Traducción

(Biggest thing I did about drugs in high school)
(Was a going out and drinking a beer)
(But uh, it's all here now, uh and it don't care who it hits)
(There's a lot of Opioids going around)
(It makes you feel pretty damn good)
(After a few hours you gotta to take more)
(And then after a while you're taking a ton and you don't feel great)
(Everyone's just trying to escape something)
(That's it on that)

Is this the life you chose yourself
Or just how it ended up?
Is that the yard you pictured when
You closed your eyes and dreamed
Of children in the grass running through the sprinklers?

Being somebody's wife
Or were you living in another life?

When will I make it home?
When I damn well feel like driving
Down these empty streets
That burn though our birthright

I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight
They reminded me of us in another life
Am I the man of your desire?
Or just a guy from your hometown?
Are these the arms that you saw when you
Pictured yourself wrapped around?
Baby, I can vouch for the hopeless dreamer
When you look at me, am I the man you hoped I'd be?

When will I make it home?
When that jukebox in the corner
Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine

I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line
I wonder what I would've been in another life
In another life
In another life
In another life

(Biggest thing I did about drugs in high school)
(Lo más grande que hice sobre las drogas en la escuela secundaria)
(Was a going out and drinking a beer)
(Fue salir y beber una cerveza)
(But uh, it's all here now, uh and it don't care who it hits)
(Pero uh, todo está aquí ahora, uh y no le importa a quién golpea)
(There's a lot of Opioids going around)
(Hay muchos opioides circulando)
(It makes you feel pretty damn good)
(Te hace sentir bastante bien)
(After a few hours you gotta to take more)
(Después de unas horas tienes que tomar más)
(And then after a while you're taking a ton and you don't feel great)
(Y luego después de un tiempo estás tomando un montón y no te sientes genial)
(Everyone's just trying to escape something)
(Todos solo están tratando de escapar de algo)
(That's it on that)
(Eso es todo sobre eso)
Is this the life you chose yourself
¿Es esta la vida que elegiste tú mismo
Or just how it ended up?
¿O simplemente cómo terminó?
Is that the yard you pictured when
¿Es ese el patio que imaginaste cuando
You closed your eyes and dreamed
Cerraste los ojos y soñaste
Of children in the grass running through the sprinklers?
Con niños en el césped corriendo por los aspersores?
Being somebody's wife
Ser la esposa de alguien
Or were you living in another life?
¿O estabas viviendo en otra vida?
When will I make it home?
¿Cuándo llegaré a casa?
When I damn well feel like driving
Cuando me dé la gana de conducir
Down these empty streets
Por estas calles vacías
That burn though our birthright
Que queman nuestro derecho de nacimiento
I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight
Pasé por un par de niños que se tomaban de la mano en la calle esta noche
They reminded me of us in another life
Me recordaron a nosotros en otra vida
Am I the man of your desire?
¿Soy el hombre de tus deseos?
Or just a guy from your hometown?
¿O simplemente un chico de tu ciudad natal?
Are these the arms that you saw when you
¿Son estos los brazos que viste cuando
Pictured yourself wrapped around?
Te imaginaste envuelta alrededor?
Baby, I can vouch for the hopeless dreamer
Cariño, puedo dar fe del soñador sin esperanza
When you look at me, am I the man you hoped I'd be?
Cuando me miras, ¿soy el hombre que esperabas que fuera?
When will I make it home?
¿Cuándo llegaré a casa?
When that jukebox in the corner
Cuando esa jukebox en la esquina
Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine
Deje de tocar canciones country de historias que suenan como la mía
I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line
Pasé mis mejores años poniendo goma en una línea de fábrica
I wonder what I would've been in another life
Me pregunto qué habría sido en otra vida
In another life
En otra vida
In another life
En otra vida
In another life
En otra vida
(Biggest thing I did about drugs in high school)
(A maior coisa que fiz sobre drogas no ensino médio)
(Was a going out and drinking a beer)
(Foi sair e beber uma cerveja)
(But uh, it's all here now, uh and it don't care who it hits)
(Mas uh, está tudo aqui agora, uh e não importa quem atinge)
(There's a lot of Opioids going around)
(Há muitos opioides por aí)
(It makes you feel pretty damn good)
(Isso faz você se sentir muito bem)
(After a few hours you gotta to take more)
(Após algumas horas você tem que tomar mais)
(And then after a while you're taking a ton and you don't feel great)
(E depois de um tempo você está tomando um monte e não se sente ótimo)
(Everyone's just trying to escape something)
(Todo mundo está apenas tentando escapar de algo)
(That's it on that)
(Isso é tudo sobre isso)
Is this the life you chose yourself
Esta é a vida que você escolheu para si mesmo
Or just how it ended up?
Ou apenas como acabou?
Is that the yard you pictured when
Esse é o quintal que você imaginou quando
You closed your eyes and dreamed
Você fechou os olhos e sonhou
Of children in the grass running through the sprinklers?
Com crianças na grama correndo pelos aspersores?
Being somebody's wife
Ser a esposa de alguém
Or were you living in another life?
Ou você estava vivendo em outra vida?
When will I make it home?
Quando eu vou chegar em casa?
When I damn well feel like driving
Quando eu bem entender por dirigir
Down these empty streets
Por essas ruas vazias
That burn though our birthright
Que queimam através do nosso direito de nascença
I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight
Eu passei por um casal de crianças de mãos dadas na rua esta noite
They reminded me of us in another life
Eles me lembraram de nós em outra vida
Am I the man of your desire?
Eu sou o homem do seu desejo?
Or just a guy from your hometown?
Ou apenas um cara da sua cidade natal?
Are these the arms that you saw when you
São esses os braços que você viu quando você
Pictured yourself wrapped around?
Imaginou-se envolvida?
Baby, I can vouch for the hopeless dreamer
Baby, eu posso garantir para o sonhador sem esperança
When you look at me, am I the man you hoped I'd be?
Quando você olha para mim, eu sou o homem que você esperava que eu fosse?
When will I make it home?
Quando eu vou chegar em casa?
When that jukebox in the corner
Quando aquela jukebox no canto
Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine
Para de tocar músicas country de histórias que soam como a minha
I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line
Eu passei meus melhores anos colocando borracha em uma linha de fábrica
I wonder what I would've been in another life
Eu me pergunto o que eu teria sido em outra vida
In another life
Em outra vida
In another life
Em outra vida
In another life
Em outra vida
(Biggest thing I did about drugs in high school)
(La plus grande chose que j'ai faite à propos des drogues au lycée)
(Was a going out and drinking a beer)
(C'était de sortir et boire une bière)
(But uh, it's all here now, uh and it don't care who it hits)
(Mais euh, tout est là maintenant, euh et ça ne se soucie pas de qui ça touche)
(There's a lot of Opioids going around)
(Il y a beaucoup d'opioïdes qui circulent)
(It makes you feel pretty damn good)
(Cela vous fait vous sentir plutôt bien)
(After a few hours you gotta to take more)
(Après quelques heures, vous devez en prendre plus)
(And then after a while you're taking a ton and you don't feel great)
(Et puis après un certain temps, vous en prenez une tonne et vous ne vous sentez pas bien)
(Everyone's just trying to escape something)
(Tout le monde essaie juste d'échapper à quelque chose)
(That's it on that)
(C'est tout pour ça)
Is this the life you chose yourself
Est-ce la vie que tu as choisie toi-même
Or just how it ended up?
Ou juste comment ça s'est terminé ?
Is that the yard you pictured when
Est-ce le jardin que tu imaginais quand
You closed your eyes and dreamed
Tu fermes les yeux et rêves
Of children in the grass running through the sprinklers?
D'enfants dans l'herbe courant à travers les arroseurs ?
Being somebody's wife
Être la femme de quelqu'un
Or were you living in another life?
Ou vivais-tu dans une autre vie ?
When will I make it home?
Quand rentrerai-je à la maison ?
When I damn well feel like driving
Quand j'aurai bien envie de conduire
Down these empty streets
Dans ces rues vides
That burn though our birthright
Qui brûlent à travers notre droit de naissance
I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight
J'ai croisé un couple d'enfants se tenant la main dans la rue ce soir
They reminded me of us in another life
Ils m'ont rappelé nous dans une autre vie
Am I the man of your desire?
Suis-je l'homme de tes désirs ?
Or just a guy from your hometown?
Ou juste un gars de ta ville natale ?
Are these the arms that you saw when you
Sont-ce les bras que tu as vus quand tu
Pictured yourself wrapped around?
T'imaginais enveloppée autour ?
Baby, I can vouch for the hopeless dreamer
Bébé, je peux témoigner pour le rêveur désespéré
When you look at me, am I the man you hoped I'd be?
Quand tu me regardes, suis-je l'homme que tu espérais que je serais ?
When will I make it home?
Quand rentrerai-je à la maison ?
When that jukebox in the corner
Quand ce jukebox dans le coin
Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine
Arrêtera de jouer des chansons country d'histoires qui ressemblent à la mienne
I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line
J'ai passé mes meilleures années à poser du caoutchouc sur une chaîne de montage
I wonder what I would've been in another life
Je me demande ce que j'aurais été dans une autre vie
In another life
Dans une autre vie
In another life
Dans une autre vie
In another life
Dans une autre vie
(Biggest thing I did about drugs in high school)
(Das Größte, was ich in der High School mit Drogen gemacht habe)
(Was a going out and drinking a beer)
(War rauszugehen und ein Bier zu trinken)
(But uh, it's all here now, uh and it don't care who it hits)
(Aber äh, es ist jetzt alles hier, äh und es ist egal, wen es trifft)
(There's a lot of Opioids going around)
(Es gibt eine Menge Opioide, die im Umlauf sind)
(It makes you feel pretty damn good)
(Es lässt dich ziemlich verdammt gut fühlen)
(After a few hours you gotta to take more)
(Nach ein paar Stunden musst du mehr nehmen)
(And then after a while you're taking a ton and you don't feel great)
(Und dann nimmst du nach einer Weile eine Menge und fühlst dich nicht großartig)
(Everyone's just trying to escape something)
(Jeder versucht nur, vor etwas zu fliehen)
(That's it on that)
(Das war's dazu)
Is this the life you chose yourself
Ist das das Leben, das du dir selbst ausgesucht hast
Or just how it ended up?
Oder einfach nur, wie es ausgegangen ist?
Is that the yard you pictured when
Ist das der Hof, den du dir vorgestellt hast, als
You closed your eyes and dreamed
Du deine Augen geschlossen und geträumt hast
Of children in the grass running through the sprinklers?
Von Kindern im Gras, die durch die Sprinkler laufen?
Being somebody's wife
Jemandes Ehefrau zu sein
Or were you living in another life?
Oder hast du in einem anderen Leben gelebt?
When will I make it home?
Wann werde ich nach Hause kommen?
When I damn well feel like driving
Wenn ich verdammt noch mal Lust habe zu fahren
Down these empty streets
Durch diese leeren Straßen
That burn though our birthright
Die durch unser Geburtsrecht brennen
I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight
Ich habe heute Abend ein paar Kinder gesehen, die auf der Straße Händchen halten
They reminded me of us in another life
Sie erinnerten mich an uns in einem anderen Leben
Am I the man of your desire?
Bin ich der Mann deiner Begierde?
Or just a guy from your hometown?
Oder einfach nur ein Kerl aus deiner Heimatstadt?
Are these the arms that you saw when you
Sind das die Arme, die du gesehen hast, als du
Pictured yourself wrapped around?
Dich selbst umschlungen vorgestellt hast?
Baby, I can vouch for the hopeless dreamer
Baby, ich kann für den hoffnungslosen Träumer bürgen
When you look at me, am I the man you hoped I'd be?
Wenn du mich ansiehst, bin ich der Mann, den du gehofft hast, dass ich es wäre?
When will I make it home?
Wann werde ich nach Hause kommen?
When that jukebox in the corner
Wenn dieser Jukebox in der Ecke
Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine
Aufhört, Country-Songs von Geschichten zu spielen, die wie meine klingen
I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line
Ich habe meine besten Jahre damit verbracht, Gummi auf einer Fabriklinie zu legen
I wonder what I would've been in another life
Ich frage mich, was ich in einem anderen Leben gewesen wäre
In another life
In einem anderen Leben
In another life
In einem anderen Leben
In another life
In einem anderen Leben
(Biggest thing I did about drugs in high school)
(La cosa più grande che ho fatto riguardo alle droghe al liceo)
(Was a going out and drinking a beer)
(Era uscire e bere una birra)
(But uh, it's all here now, uh and it don't care who it hits)
(Ma uh, è tutto qui ora, uh e non gli importa chi colpisce)
(There's a lot of Opioids going around)
(Ci sono un sacco di oppioidi in giro)
(It makes you feel pretty damn good)
(Ti fanno sentire piuttosto bene)
(After a few hours you gotta to take more)
(Dopo qualche ora devi prenderne di più)
(And then after a while you're taking a ton and you don't feel great)
(E poi dopo un po' ne stai prendendo un sacco e non ti senti bene)
(Everyone's just trying to escape something)
(Tutti stanno solo cercando di sfuggire a qualcosa)
(That's it on that)
(È tutto su questo)
Is this the life you chose yourself
È questa la vita che hai scelto tu stesso
Or just how it ended up?
O è solo come è finita?
Is that the yard you pictured when
È questo il cortile che immaginavi quando
You closed your eyes and dreamed
Chiudevi gli occhi e sognavi
Of children in the grass running through the sprinklers?
Di bambini nell'erba che corrono attraverso gli spruzzatori?
Being somebody's wife
Essere la moglie di qualcuno
Or were you living in another life?
O stavi vivendo in un'altra vita?
When will I make it home?
Quando arriverò a casa?
When I damn well feel like driving
Quando mi va di guidare
Down these empty streets
In queste strade vuote
That burn though our birthright
Che bruciano attraverso il nostro diritto di nascita
I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight
Ho superato un paio di ragazzi che si tenevano per mano in strada stasera
They reminded me of us in another life
Mi hanno ricordato noi in un'altra vita
Am I the man of your desire?
Sono l'uomo dei tuoi desideri?
Or just a guy from your hometown?
O solo un ragazzo della tua città natale?
Are these the arms that you saw when you
Sono queste le braccia che hai visto quando ti
Pictured yourself wrapped around?
Immaginavi avvolta intorno?
Baby, I can vouch for the hopeless dreamer
Baby, posso garantire per il sognatore senza speranza
When you look at me, am I the man you hoped I'd be?
Quando mi guardi, sono l'uomo che speravi fossi?
When will I make it home?
Quando arriverò a casa?
When that jukebox in the corner
Quando quel jukebox nell'angolo
Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine
Smette di suonare canzoni country di storie che suonano come la mia
I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line
Ho passato i miei migliori anni a mettere gomma su una linea di produzione
I wonder what I would've been in another life
Mi chiedo cosa sarei stato in un'altra vita
In another life
In un'altra vita
In another life
In un'altra vita
In another life
In un'altra vita

Curiosidades sobre la música In Another Life del The Killers

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “In Another Life” por The Killers?
La canción In Another Life fue lanzada en 2021, en el álbum “Pressure Machine”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “In Another Life” de The Killers?
La canción “In Another Life” de The Killers fue compuesta por Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado.

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