Happiness Is Easy

Mark David Hollis, Timothy Alan Friese-Greene

Letra Traducción

Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Of war, they assemble, they pray

Take good care of what the priests say
'After death it's so much fun'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray

Happiness is easy
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(And the sky above)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Gather us in love)

Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
It's easy to shoulder the blame

Happiness is easy
(Little ships of Galilee)
Happiness is easy
(Standing on the sea)
Happiness is easy
(Jesus tried to love us all)
Happiness is easy
(Be a friend to me)

Try to teach my children
To recognise excuse before it acts
From love and conviction to pray

Take good care of what the priests say:
"After death it's so much fun"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray

Happiness is easy
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Standing on the sea)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Be a friend to me)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Standing on the sea)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Be a friend to me)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(And the sky above)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Gather us in love)
(Gather us in love)

Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
Te hace sentir mucho mayor, sublime el desfile ciego
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Me destroza cómo justifican sus actos
Of war, they assemble, they pray
De guerra, se reúnen, rezan
Take good care of what the priests say
Cuida bien de lo que dicen los sacerdotes
'After death it's so much fun'
'Después de la muerte es muy divertido'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Pequeñas ovejas, no dejen que sus pies se desvíen
Happiness is easy
La felicidad es fácil
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(Que la alegría sea escrita en la Tierra)
(And the sky above)
(Y el cielo arriba)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jesús, estrella que brilla tanto)
(Gather us in love)
(Reúnenos en amor)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Culpa sobre sus hombros, cómo evade bien la causa
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
Infectando tus religiones, reclamando pactos
It's easy to shoulder the blame
Es fácil asumir la culpa
Happiness is easy
La felicidad es fácil
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Pequeños barcos de Galilea)
Happiness is easy
La felicidad es fácil
(Standing on the sea)
(De pie en el mar)
Happiness is easy
La felicidad es fácil
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesús intentó amarnos a todos)
Happiness is easy
La felicidad es fácil
(Be a friend to me)
(Sé un amigo para mí)
Try to teach my children
Intenta enseñar a mis hijos
To recognise excuse before it acts
A reconocer la excusa antes de que actúe
From love and conviction to pray
Desde el amor y la convicción para rezar
Take good care of what the priests say:
Cuida bien de lo que dicen los sacerdotes:
"After death it's so much fun"
"Después de la muerte es muy divertido"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Pequeñas ovejas, no dejen que sus pies se desvíen
Happiness is easy
La felicidad es fácil
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Pequeños barcos de Galilea)
(Standing on the sea)
(De pie en el mar)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesús intentó amarnos a todos)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sé un amigo para mí)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Pequeños barcos de Galilea)
(Standing on the sea)
(De pie en el mar)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesús intentó amarnos a todos)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sé un amigo para mí)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(Que la alegría sea escrita en la Tierra)
(And the sky above)
(Y el cielo arriba)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jesús, estrella que brilla tanto)
(Gather us in love)
(Reúnenos en amor)
(Gather us in love)
(Reúnenos en amor)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
Faz você se sentir muito mais velho, sublime a parada cega
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Me destrói como eles justificam seus atos
Of war, they assemble, they pray
De guerra, eles se reúnem, eles oram
Take good care of what the priests say
Cuide bem do que os padres dizem
'After death it's so much fun'
'Depois da morte é tão divertido'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Pequenas ovelhas, não deixem seus pés se desviarem
Happiness is easy
A felicidade é fácil
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(Alegria seja escrita na Terra)
(And the sky above)
(E no céu acima)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jesus, estrela que brilha tão brilhante)
(Gather us in love)
(Reúna-nos em amor)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Culpa sobre seus ombros, como a causa escapa bem
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
Infectando suas religiões, reivindicando pactos
It's easy to shoulder the blame
É fácil assumir a culpa
Happiness is easy
A felicidade é fácil
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Pequenos barcos da Galileia)
Happiness is easy
A felicidade é fácil
(Standing on the sea)
(Parados no mar)
Happiness is easy
A felicidade é fácil
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesus tentou nos amar a todos)
Happiness is easy
A felicidade é fácil
(Be a friend to me)
(Seja um amigo para mim)
Try to teach my children
Tente ensinar meus filhos
To recognise excuse before it acts
Para reconhecer desculpas antes que elas ajam
From love and conviction to pray
De amor e convicção para orar
Take good care of what the priests say:
Cuide bem do que os padres dizem:
"After death it's so much fun"
"Depois da morte é tão divertido"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Pequenas ovelhas, não deixem seus pés se desviarem
Happiness is easy
A felicidade é fácil
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Pequenos barcos da Galileia)
(Standing on the sea)
(Parados no mar)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesus tentou nos amar a todos)
(Be a friend to me)
(Seja um amigo para mim)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Pequenos barcos da Galileia)
(Standing on the sea)
(Parados no mar)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesus tentou nos amar a todos)
(Be a friend to me)
(Seja um amigo para mim)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(Alegria seja escrita na Terra)
(And the sky above)
(E no céu acima)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jesus, estrela que brilha tão brilhante)
(Gather us in love)
(Reúna-nos em amor)
(Gather us in love)
(Reúna-nos em amor)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
Ça te fait te sentir beaucoup plus vieux, sublime la parade aveugle
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Ça me détruit de voir comment ils justifient leurs actes
Of war, they assemble, they pray
De guerre, ils se rassemblent, ils prient
Take good care of what the priests say
Prenez bien soin de ce que disent les prêtres
'After death it's so much fun'
'Après la mort, c'est tellement amusant'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Petits moutons, ne laissez pas vos pieds s'égarer
Happiness is easy
Le bonheur est facile
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(Que la joie soit écrite sur la Terre)
(And the sky above)
(Et le ciel au-dessus)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jésus, étoile qui brille si fort)
(Gather us in love)
(Rassemble-nous dans l'amour)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
La culpabilité sur leurs épaules, comme la cause échappe bien
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
Infectant vos religions, revendiquant des pactes
It's easy to shoulder the blame
Il est facile de porter le blâme
Happiness is easy
Le bonheur est facile
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Petits navires de Galilée)
Happiness is easy
Le bonheur est facile
(Standing on the sea)
(Debout sur la mer)
Happiness is easy
Le bonheur est facile
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jésus a essayé de nous aimer tous)
Happiness is easy
Le bonheur est facile
(Be a friend to me)
(Sois un ami pour moi)
Try to teach my children
Essaye d'enseigner à mes enfants
To recognise excuse before it acts
À reconnaître l'excuse avant qu'elle n'agisse
From love and conviction to pray
De l'amour et de la conviction de prier
Take good care of what the priests say:
Prenez bien soin de ce que disent les prêtres :
"After death it's so much fun"
"Après la mort, c'est tellement amusant"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Petits moutons, ne laissez pas vos pieds s'égarer
Happiness is easy
Le bonheur est facile
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Petits navires de Galilée)
(Standing on the sea)
(Debout sur la mer)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jésus a essayé de nous aimer tous)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sois un ami pour moi)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Petits navires de Galilée)
(Standing on the sea)
(Debout sur la mer)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jésus a essayé de nous aimer tous)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sois un ami pour moi)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(Que la joie soit écrite sur la Terre)
(And the sky above)
(Et le ciel au-dessus)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jésus, étoile qui brille si fort)
(Gather us in love)
(Rassemble-nous dans l'amour)
(Gather us in love)
(Rassemble-nous dans l'amour)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
Macht dich viel älter fühlen, erhaben die blinde Parade
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Es zerstört mich, wie sie ihre Taten rechtfertigen
Of war, they assemble, they pray
Von Krieg, sie versammeln sich, sie beten
Take good care of what the priests say
Pass gut auf, was die Priester sagen
'After death it's so much fun'
'Nach dem Tod macht es so viel Spaß'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Kleine Schafe, lasst eure Füße nicht abkommen
Happiness is easy
Glück ist einfach
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(Freude sei auf der Erde geschrieben)
(And the sky above)
(Und dem Himmel darüber)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jesus, Stern, der so hell leuchtet)
(Gather us in love)
(Versammle uns in Liebe)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Schuld auf ihren Schultern, wie gut die Ursache ausweicht
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
Infiziert eure Religionen, behauptet Pakte
It's easy to shoulder the blame
Es ist einfach, die Schuld zu tragen
Happiness is easy
Glück ist einfach
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Kleine Schiffe von Galiläa)
Happiness is easy
Glück ist einfach
(Standing on the sea)
(Stehend auf dem Meer)
Happiness is easy
Glück ist einfach
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesus versuchte uns alle zu lieben)
Happiness is easy
Glück ist einfach
(Be a friend to me)
(Sei ein Freund für mich)
Try to teach my children
Versuche meinen Kindern beizubringen
To recognise excuse before it acts
Entschuldigungen zu erkennen, bevor sie handeln
From love and conviction to pray
Aus Liebe und Überzeugung zu beten
Take good care of what the priests say:
Pass gut auf, was die Priester sagen:
"After death it's so much fun"
„Nach dem Tod macht es so viel Spaß“
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Kleine Schafe, lasst eure Füße nicht abkommen
Happiness is easy
Glück ist einfach
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Kleine Schiffe von Galiläa)
(Standing on the sea)
(Stehend auf dem Meer)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesus versuchte uns alle zu lieben)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sei ein Freund für mich)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Kleine Schiffe von Galiläa)
(Standing on the sea)
(Stehend auf dem Meer)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Jesus versuchte uns alle zu lieben)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sei ein Freund für mich)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(Freude sei auf der Erde geschrieben)
(And the sky above)
(Und dem Himmel darüber)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Jesus, Stern, der so hell leuchtet)
(Gather us in love)
(Versammle uns in Liebe)
(Gather us in love)
(Versammle uns in Liebe)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
Ti fa sentire molto più vecchio, sublime la parata cieca
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Mi distrugge come giustificano i loro atti
Of war, they assemble, they pray
Di guerra, si radunano, pregano
Take good care of what the priests say
Prenditi cura di ciò che dicono i preti
'After death it's so much fun'
'Dopo la morte è così divertente'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Piccole pecore, non lasciate che i vostri piedi si allontanino
Happiness is easy
La felicità è facile
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(La gioia sia scritta sulla Terra)
(And the sky above)
(E il cielo sopra)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Gesù, stella che brilla così luminosa)
(Gather us in love)
(Raccoglici nell'amore)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Colpa sulle loro spalle, come bene la causa sfugge
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
Infettando le vostre religioni, rivendicando patti
It's easy to shoulder the blame
È facile prendersi la colpa
Happiness is easy
La felicità è facile
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Piccole navi di Galilea)
Happiness is easy
La felicità è facile
(Standing on the sea)
(In piedi sul mare)
Happiness is easy
La felicità è facile
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Gesù ha cercato di amarci tutti)
Happiness is easy
La felicità è facile
(Be a friend to me)
(Sii un amico per me)
Try to teach my children
Cerco di insegnare ai miei figli
To recognise excuse before it acts
A riconoscere le scuse prima che agiscano
From love and conviction to pray
Dall'amore e dalla convinzione di pregare
Take good care of what the priests say:
Prenditi cura di ciò che dicono i preti:
"After death it's so much fun"
"Dopo la morte è così divertente"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Piccole pecore, non lasciate che i vostri piedi si allontanino
Happiness is easy
La felicità è facile
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Piccole navi di Galilea)
(Standing on the sea)
(In piedi sul mare)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Gesù ha cercato di amarci tutti)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sii un amico per me)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Piccole navi di Galilea)
(Standing on the sea)
(In piedi sul mare)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Gesù ha cercato di amarci tutti)
(Be a friend to me)
(Sii un amico per me)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(La gioia sia scritta sulla Terra)
(And the sky above)
(E il cielo sopra)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Gesù, stella che brilla così luminosa)
(Gather us in love)
(Raccoglici nell'amore)
(Gather us in love)
(Raccoglici nell'amore)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
Membuatmu merasa jauh lebih tua, mempesona parade buta
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Menghancurkanku bagaimana mereka membenarkan tindakan mereka
Of war, they assemble, they pray
Dari perang, mereka berkumpul, mereka berdoa
Take good care of what the priests say
Jagalah baik-baik apa yang dikatakan para imam
'After death it's so much fun'
'Setelah mati itu sangat menyenangkan'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Domba kecil, jangan biarkan kakimu tersesat
Happiness is easy
Kebahagiaan itu mudah
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(Kebahagiaan tertulis di Bumi)
(And the sky above)
(Dan langit di atas)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Yesus, bintang yang bersinar begitu terang)
(Gather us in love)
(Kumpulkan kami dalam cinta)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Rasa bersalah di pundak mereka, betapa baiknya penyebab itu menghindar
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
Menginfeksi agama-agamamu, mengklaim perjanjian
It's easy to shoulder the blame
Sangat mudah untuk menanggung beban
Happiness is easy
Kebahagiaan itu mudah
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Kapal-kapal kecil dari Galilea)
Happiness is easy
Kebahagiaan itu mudah
(Standing on the sea)
(Berdiri di atas laut)
Happiness is easy
Kebahagiaan itu mudah
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Yesus mencoba mencintai kita semua)
Happiness is easy
Kebahagiaan itu mudah
(Be a friend to me)
(Jadilah teman untukku)
Try to teach my children
Coba untuk mengajari anak-anakku
To recognise excuse before it acts
Untuk mengenali alasan sebelum bertindak
From love and conviction to pray
Dari cinta dan keyakinan untuk berdoa
Take good care of what the priests say:
Jagalah baik-baik apa yang dikatakan para imam:
"After death it's so much fun"
"Setelah mati itu sangat menyenangkan"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Domba kecil, jangan biarkan kakimu tersesat
Happiness is easy
Kebahagiaan itu mudah
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Kapal-kapal kecil dari Galilea)
(Standing on the sea)
(Berdiri di atas laut)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Yesus mencoba mencintai kita semua)
(Be a friend to me)
(Jadilah teman untukku)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Kapal-kapal kecil dari Galilea)
(Standing on the sea)
(Berdiri di atas laut)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Yesus mencoba mencintai kita semua)
(Be a friend to me)
(Jadilah teman untukku)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(Kebahagiaan tertulis di Bumi)
(And the sky above)
(Dan langit di atas)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Yesus, bintang yang bersinar begitu terang)
(Gather us in love)
(Kumpulkan kami dalam cinta)
(Gather us in love)
(Kumpulkan kami dalam cinta)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
ทำให้คุณรู้สึกว่าแก่ขึ้นมาก, สง่างามในการเดินขบวนของคนตาบอด
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Of war, they assemble, they pray
ของสงคราม, พวกเขารวมตัวกัน, พวกเขาสวดมนต์
Take good care of what the priests say
ดูแลสิ่งที่พระครูพูดดี ๆ
'After death it's so much fun'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
แกะน้อย ๆ, อย่าปล่อยให้เท้าของคุณหลงทาง
Happiness is easy
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(And the sky above)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(พระเยซู, ดาวที่ส่องสว่างมาก)
(Gather us in love)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
ความรู้สึกผิดที่อยู่บนไหล่ของพวกเขา, สาเหตุที่หลีกเลี่ยงได้ดี
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
ติดเชื้อในศาสนาของคุณ, การสัญญา
It's easy to shoulder the blame
Happiness is easy
(Little ships of Galilee)
(เรือเล็ก ๆ ของกาลิลี)
Happiness is easy
(Standing on the sea)
Happiness is easy
(Jesus tried to love us all)
Happiness is easy
(Be a friend to me)
Try to teach my children
พยายามสอนลูก ๆ ของฉัน
To recognise excuse before it acts
From love and conviction to pray
Take good care of what the priests say:
ดูแลสิ่งที่พระครูพูดดี ๆ:
"After death it's so much fun"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
แกะน้อย ๆ, อย่าปล่อยให้เท้าของคุณหลงทาง
Happiness is easy
(Little ships of Galilee)
(เรือเล็ก ๆ ของกาลิลี)
(Standing on the sea)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Be a friend to me)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(เรือเล็ก ๆ ของกาลิลี)
(Standing on the sea)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Be a friend to me)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(And the sky above)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(พระเยซู, ดาวที่ส่องสว่างมาก)
(Gather us in love)
(Gather us in love)
Makes you feel much older, sublime the blind parade
It wrecks me how they justify their acts
Of war, they assemble, they pray
Take good care of what the priests say
'After death it's so much fun'
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Happiness is easy
(Joy be written on the Earth)
(And the sky above)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Gather us in love)
Guilt upon their shoulders, how well the cause evades
Infecting your religions, claiming pacts
It's easy to shoulder the blame
Happiness is easy
(Little ships of Galilee)
Happiness is easy
(Standing on the sea)
Happiness is easy
(Jesus tried to love us all)
Happiness is easy
(Be a friend to me)
Try to teach my children
To recognise excuse before it acts
From love and conviction to pray
Take good care of what the priests say:
"After death it's so much fun"
Little sheep, don't let your feet stray
Happiness is easy
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Standing on the sea)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Be a friend to me)
(Little ships of Galilee)
(Standing on the sea)
(Jesus tried to love us all)
(Be a friend to me)
(Joy be written upon the Earth)
(And the sky above)
(Jesus, star that shines so bright)
(Gather us in love)
(Gather us in love)

Curiosidades sobre la música Happiness Is Easy del Talk Talk

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Happiness Is Easy” por Talk Talk?
Talk Talk lanzó la canción en los álbumes “The Colour of Spring” en 1986, “Essential” en 2003 y “Introducing... Talk Talk” en 2007.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Happiness Is Easy” de Talk Talk?
La canción “Happiness Is Easy” de Talk Talk fue compuesta por Mark David Hollis, Timothy Alan Friese-Greene.

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