
Alida Garpestad, Larus Arnarson, Michael McHenry, Paris Carney

Letra Traducción

Confrontation never has been my strength
Always feel like I should take all the blame
But something is changing
And I can't contain it no more, yeah

All the speeches that I made in my head
All the no's I know that I should've said
Like waves in this water
We're rising up stronger, come on

If I was a man
Then you would understand
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama

Are you getting uncomfortable now?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Don't try to calm me down
I was made to be loud
Goodbye to living a lie
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Don't try to calm me down
I was made to be loud, yeah

I don't care if you don't like what you see
I'm not pleasing you 'cause I'm pleasing me
Not wasting more time
I'ma speak up my mind when I want

If I was a man (man)
Then you would understand ('stand)
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama

Are you getting uncomfortable now?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Don't try to calm me down (down)
I was made to be loud
Goodbye to living a lie
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Don't try to calm me down
I was made to be loud, yeah

Are you getting uncomfortable now?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Don't try to calm me down
I was made to be loud
Goodbye to living a lie
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Don't try to calm me down
I was made to be loud, yeah

Confrontation never has been my strength
La confrontación nunca ha sido mi fuerte
Always feel like I should take all the blame
Siempre siento que debería asumir toda la culpa
But something is changing
Pero algo está cambiando
And I can't contain it no more, yeah
Y ya no puedo contenerlo más, sí
All the speeches that I made in my head
Todos los discursos que hice en mi cabeza
All the no's I know that I should've said
Todos los no's que sé que debería haber dicho
Like waves in this water
Como olas en esta agua
We're rising up stronger, come on
Nos levantamos más fuertes, vamos
If I was a man
Si yo fuera un hombre
Then you would understand
Entonces lo entenderías
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
No dirías que estoy causando todo este drama
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
¿Te estás sintiendo incómodo ahora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Soy un poco demasiado ruidosa para ti ahora
Don't try to calm me down
No intentes calmarme
I was made to be loud
Fui hecha para ser ruidosa
Goodbye to living a lie
Adiós a vivir una mentira
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Porque eso no me llevó a ninguna parte en la vida
Don't try to calm me down
No intentes calmarme
I was made to be loud, yeah
Fui hecha para ser ruidosa, sí
I don't care if you don't like what you see
No me importa si no te gusta lo que ves
I'm not pleasing you 'cause I'm pleasing me
No te estoy complaciendo porque me estoy complaciendo a mí misma
Not wasting more time
No voy a perder más tiempo
I'ma speak up my mind when I want
Voy a decir lo que pienso cuando quiera
If I was a man (man)
Si yo fuera un hombre (hombre)
Then you would understand ('stand)
Entonces lo entenderías ('stand)
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
No dirías que estoy causando todo este drama
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
¿Te estás sintiendo incómodo ahora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Soy un poco demasiado ruidosa para ti ahora
Don't try to calm me down (down)
No intentes calmarme (abajo)
I was made to be loud
Fui hecha para ser ruidosa
Goodbye to living a lie
Adiós a vivir una mentira
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Porque eso no me llevó a ninguna parte en la vida
Don't try to calm me down
No intentes calmarme
I was made to be loud, yeah
Fui hecha para ser ruidosa, sí
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
¿Te estás sintiendo incómodo ahora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Soy un poco demasiado ruidosa para ti ahora
Don't try to calm me down
No intentes calmarme
I was made to be loud
Fui hecha para ser ruidosa
Goodbye to living a lie
Adiós a vivir una mentira
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Porque eso no me llevó a ninguna parte en la vida
Don't try to calm me down
No intentes calmarme
I was made to be loud, yeah
Fui hecha para ser ruidosa, sí
Confrontation never has been my strength
O confronto nunca foi o meu forte
Always feel like I should take all the blame
Sempre sinto que devo assumir toda a culpa
But something is changing
Mas algo está mudando
And I can't contain it no more, yeah
E eu não posso mais conter isso, sim
All the speeches that I made in my head
Todos os discursos que fiz na minha cabeça
All the no's I know that I should've said
Todos os nãos que sei que deveria ter dito
Like waves in this water
Como ondas nesta água
We're rising up stronger, come on
Estamos nos levantando mais fortes, vamos lá
If I was a man
Se eu fosse um homem
Then you would understand
Então você entenderia
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Você não diria que estou causando todo esse drama
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Você está se sentindo desconfortável agora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Estou um pouco alto demais para você agora
Don't try to calm me down
Não tente me acalmar
I was made to be loud
Eu fui feito para ser alto
Goodbye to living a lie
Adeus a viver uma mentira
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Porque isso não me levou a lugar nenhum na vida
Don't try to calm me down
Não tente me acalmar
I was made to be loud, yeah
Eu fui feito para ser alto, sim
I don't care if you don't like what you see
Não me importo se você não gosta do que vê
I'm not pleasing you 'cause I'm pleasing me
Não estou agradando você porque estou me agradando
Not wasting more time
Não vou perder mais tempo
I'ma speak up my mind when I want
Vou falar o que penso quando quiser
If I was a man (man)
Se eu fosse um homem (homem)
Then you would understand ('stand)
Então você entenderia ('entenderia)
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Você não diria que estou causando todo esse drama
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Você está se sentindo desconfortável agora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Estou um pouco alto demais para você agora
Don't try to calm me down (down)
Não tente me acalmar (acalmar)
I was made to be loud
Eu fui feito para ser alto
Goodbye to living a lie
Adeus a viver uma mentira
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Porque isso não me levou a lugar nenhum na vida
Don't try to calm me down
Não tente me acalmar
I was made to be loud, yeah
Eu fui feito para ser alto, sim
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Você está se sentindo desconfortável agora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Estou um pouco alto demais para você agora
Don't try to calm me down
Não tente me acalmar
I was made to be loud
Eu fui feito para ser alto
Goodbye to living a lie
Adeus a viver uma mentira
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Porque isso não me levou a lugar nenhum na vida
Don't try to calm me down
Não tente me acalmar
I was made to be loud, yeah
Eu fui feito para ser alto, sim
Confrontation never has been my strength
La confrontation n'a jamais été mon point fort
Always feel like I should take all the blame
J'ai toujours l'impression que je devrais prendre tout le blâme
But something is changing
Mais quelque chose est en train de changer
And I can't contain it no more, yeah
Et je ne peux plus le contenir, ouais
All the speeches that I made in my head
Tous les discours que j'ai faits dans ma tête
All the no's I know that I should've said
Tous les non que je sais que j'aurais dû dire
Like waves in this water
Comme des vagues dans cette eau
We're rising up stronger, come on
Nous nous levons plus forts, allez
If I was a man
Si j'étais un homme
Then you would understand
Alors tu comprendrais
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Tu ne dirais pas que je cause tout ce drame
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Es-tu en train de te sentir mal à l'aise maintenant ?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Je suis un peu trop bruyante pour toi maintenant
Don't try to calm me down
N'essaie pas de me calmer
I was made to be loud
J'ai été faite pour être bruyante
Goodbye to living a lie
Au revoir à vivre un mensonge
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Parce que ça ne m'a mené nulle part dans la vie
Don't try to calm me down
N'essaie pas de me calmer
I was made to be loud, yeah
J'ai été faite pour être bruyante, ouais
I don't care if you don't like what you see
Je m'en fiche si tu n'aimes pas ce que tu vois
I'm not pleasing you 'cause I'm pleasing me
Je ne te plais pas parce que je me plais
Not wasting more time
Je ne perds plus de temps
I'ma speak up my mind when I want
Je vais dire ce que je pense quand je veux
If I was a man (man)
Si j'étais un homme (homme)
Then you would understand ('stand)
Alors tu comprendrais ('comprendrais)
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Tu ne dirais pas que je cause tout ce drame
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Es-tu en train de te sentir mal à l'aise maintenant ?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Je suis un peu trop bruyante pour toi maintenant
Don't try to calm me down (down)
N'essaie pas de me calmer (calmer)
I was made to be loud
J'ai été faite pour être bruyante
Goodbye to living a lie
Au revoir à vivre un mensonge
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Parce que ça ne m'a mené nulle part dans la vie
Don't try to calm me down
N'essaie pas de me calmer
I was made to be loud, yeah
J'ai été faite pour être bruyante, ouais
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Es-tu en train de te sentir mal à l'aise maintenant ?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Je suis un peu trop bruyante pour toi maintenant
Don't try to calm me down
N'essaie pas de me calmer
I was made to be loud
J'ai été faite pour être bruyante
Goodbye to living a lie
Au revoir à vivre un mensonge
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Parce que ça ne m'a mené nulle part dans la vie
Don't try to calm me down
N'essaie pas de me calmer
I was made to be loud, yeah
J'ai été faite pour être bruyante, ouais
Confrontation never has been my strength
Konfrontation war noch nie meine Stärke
Always feel like I should take all the blame
Fühle immer, dass ich die ganze Schuld tragen sollte
But something is changing
Aber etwas verändert sich
And I can't contain it no more, yeah
Und ich kann es nicht mehr zurückhalten, ja
All the speeches that I made in my head
Alle Reden, die ich in meinem Kopf gehalten habe
All the no's I know that I should've said
Alle Neins, von denen ich weiß, dass ich sie hätte sagen sollen
Like waves in this water
Wie Wellen in diesem Wasser
We're rising up stronger, come on
Wir steigen stärker auf, los geht's
If I was a man
Wenn ich ein Mann wäre
Then you would understand
Dann würdest du verstehen
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Du würdest nicht sagen, dass ich all dieses Drama verursache
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Fühlst du dich jetzt unwohl?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Bin ich dir jetzt ein bisschen zu laut?
Don't try to calm me down
Versuche nicht, mich zu beruhigen
I was made to be loud
Ich wurde dazu gemacht, laut zu sein
Goodbye to living a lie
Auf Wiedersehen, ein Lügner zu sein
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Denn das hat mich im Leben nirgendwohin gebracht
Don't try to calm me down
Versuche nicht, mich zu beruhigen
I was made to be loud, yeah
Ich wurde dazu gemacht, laut zu sein, ja
I don't care if you don't like what you see
Es ist mir egal, ob dir gefällt, was du siehst
I'm not pleasing you 'cause I'm pleasing me
Ich gefalle nicht dir, weil ich mir gefalle
Not wasting more time
Verschwende keine Zeit mehr
I'ma speak up my mind when I want
Ich werde meine Meinung äußern, wann ich will
If I was a man (man)
Wenn ich ein Mann wäre (Mann)
Then you would understand ('stand)
Dann würdest du verstehen ('verstehen)
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Du würdest nicht sagen, dass ich all dieses Drama verursache
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Fühlst du dich jetzt unwohl?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Bin ich dir jetzt ein bisschen zu laut?
Don't try to calm me down (down)
Versuche nicht, mich zu beruhigen (runter)
I was made to be loud
Ich wurde dazu gemacht, laut zu sein
Goodbye to living a lie
Auf Wiedersehen, ein Lügner zu sein
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Denn das hat mich im Leben nirgendwohin gebracht
Don't try to calm me down
Versuche nicht, mich zu beruhigen
I was made to be loud, yeah
Ich wurde dazu gemacht, laut zu sein, ja
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Fühlst du dich jetzt unwohl?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Bin ich dir jetzt ein bisschen zu laut?
Don't try to calm me down
Versuche nicht, mich zu beruhigen
I was made to be loud
Ich wurde dazu gemacht, laut zu sein
Goodbye to living a lie
Auf Wiedersehen, ein Lügner zu sein
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Denn das hat mich im Leben nirgendwohin gebracht
Don't try to calm me down
Versuche nicht, mich zu beruhigen
I was made to be loud, yeah
Ich wurde dazu gemacht, laut zu sein, ja
Confrontation never has been my strength
Il confronto non è mai stato il mio punto di forza
Always feel like I should take all the blame
Mi sento sempre come se dovessi prendermi tutta la colpa
But something is changing
Ma qualcosa sta cambiando
And I can't contain it no more, yeah
E non riesco più a contenerlo, sì
All the speeches that I made in my head
Tutti i discorsi che ho fatto nella mia testa
All the no's I know that I should've said
Tutti i no che so che avrei dovuto dire
Like waves in this water
Come onde in quest'acqua
We're rising up stronger, come on
Stiamo risorgendo più forti, andiamo
If I was a man
Se fossi un uomo
Then you would understand
Allora capiresti
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Non diresti che sto causando tutto questo dramma
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Ti stai sentendo a disagio ora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Sono un po' troppo rumorosa per te ora
Don't try to calm me down
Non cercare di calmarmi
I was made to be loud
Sono nata per essere rumorosa
Goodbye to living a lie
Addio a vivere una bugia
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Perché non mi ha portato da nessuna parte nella vita
Don't try to calm me down
Non cercare di calmarmi
I was made to be loud, yeah
Sono nata per essere rumorosa, sì
I don't care if you don't like what you see
Non mi importa se non ti piace quello che vedi
I'm not pleasing you 'cause I'm pleasing me
Non sto cercando di compiacerti perché sto cercando di compiacere me stessa
Not wasting more time
Non sprecherò più tempo
I'ma speak up my mind when I want
Dirò quello che penso quando voglio
If I was a man (man)
Se fossi un uomo (uomo)
Then you would understand ('stand)
Allora capiresti ('stand)
You wouldn't say I'm causing all this drama
Non diresti che sto causando tutto questo dramma
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Ti stai sentendo a disagio ora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Sono un po' troppo rumorosa per te ora
Don't try to calm me down (down)
Non cercare di calmarmi (giù)
I was made to be loud
Sono nata per essere rumorosa
Goodbye to living a lie
Addio a vivere una bugia
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Perché non mi ha portato da nessuna parte nella vita
Don't try to calm me down
Non cercare di calmarmi
I was made to be loud, yeah
Sono nata per essere rumorosa, sì
Are you getting uncomfortable now?
Ti stai sentendo a disagio ora?
I'm a little too loud for you now
Sono un po' troppo rumorosa per te ora
Don't try to calm me down
Non cercare di calmarmi
I was made to be loud
Sono nata per essere rumorosa
Goodbye to living a lie
Addio a vivere una bugia
'Cause that got me nowhere in life
Perché non mi ha portato da nessuna parte nella vita
Don't try to calm me down
Non cercare di calmarmi
I was made to be loud, yeah
Sono nata per essere rumorosa, sì

Curiosidades sobre la música Loud del Sofia Carson

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Loud” por Sofia Carson?
La canción Loud fue lanzada en 2022, en el álbum “Sofia Carson”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Loud” de Sofia Carson?
La canción “Loud” de Sofia Carson fue compuesta por Alida Garpestad, Larus Arnarson, Michael McHenry, Paris Carney.

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