Top of the World

Benj Pasek, Joriah Kwame, Justin Paul

Letra Traducción

In the shadow of the city
When the days have disappeared
Some might say it's sorta gritty
Full of faces to be feared

But there are wonders that are waiting
Underneath the midnight sky
We got the stars illuminating
It's a place for you and I
A little space for you and I

At the top of the world tonight
Where no one ever has to hide
At the top of the world tonight
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
There is treasure you can find
And something someone left behind
At the top of the world tonight
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light

Through the darkness someone's singing
Like an old familiar song
Like you fell into a melody that's bringing you
Right here where you can belong

And there are wonders that are waiting
Underneath the midnight sky
And by the stars, we're navigating
To a place for you and I

At the top of the world tonight
Where no one ever has to hide
At the top of the world tonight
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
There is treasure you can find
And something someone left behind
At the top of the world tonight
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light

At the top of the world
The top of the world
The top of the world tonight

In the shadow of the city
En la sombra de la ciudad
When the days have disappeared
Cuando los días han desaparecido
Some might say it's sorta gritty
Algunos podrían decir que es un poco sucio
Full of faces to be feared
Lleno de caras a temer
But there are wonders that are waiting
Pero hay maravillas que están esperando
Underneath the midnight sky
Debajo del cielo de medianoche
We got the stars illuminating
Tenemos las estrellas iluminando
It's a place for you and I
Es un lugar para ti y para mí
A little space for you and I
Un pequeño espacio para ti y para mí
At the top of the world tonight
En la cima del mundo esta noche
Where no one ever has to hide
Donde nadie nunca tiene que esconderse
At the top of the world tonight
En la cima del mundo esta noche
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Estás sentado seguro y con ojos estrellados
There is treasure you can find
Hay un tesoro que puedes encontrar
And something someone left behind
Y algo que alguien dejó atrás
At the top of the world tonight
En la cima del mundo esta noche
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Puede quedarse así, al menos hasta la luz de la mañana
Through the darkness someone's singing
A través de la oscuridad alguien está cantando
Like an old familiar song
Como una canción familiar antigua
Like you fell into a melody that's bringing you
Como si cayeras en una melodía que te está llevando
Right here where you can belong
Justo aquí donde puedes pertenecer
And there are wonders that are waiting
Y hay maravillas que están esperando
Underneath the midnight sky
Debajo del cielo de medianoche
And by the stars, we're navigating
Y por las estrellas, estamos navegando
To a place for you and I
Hacia un lugar para ti y para mí
At the top of the world tonight
En la cima del mundo esta noche
Where no one ever has to hide
Donde nadie nunca tiene que esconderse
At the top of the world tonight
En la cima del mundo esta noche
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Estás sentado seguro y con ojos estrellados
There is treasure you can find
Hay un tesoro que puedes encontrar
And something someone left behind
Y algo que alguien dejó atrás
At the top of the world tonight
En la cima del mundo esta noche
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Puede quedarse así, al menos hasta la luz de la mañana
At the top of the world
En la cima del mundo
The top of the world
La cima del mundo
The top of the world tonight
La cima del mundo esta noche
In the shadow of the city
Na sombra da cidade
When the days have disappeared
Quando os dias desapareceram
Some might say it's sorta gritty
Alguns podem dizer que é meio sujo
Full of faces to be feared
Cheio de rostos a serem temidos
But there are wonders that are waiting
Mas há maravilhas que estão esperando
Underneath the midnight sky
Debaixo do céu da meia-noite
We got the stars illuminating
Temos as estrelas iluminando
It's a place for you and I
É um lugar para você e eu
A little space for you and I
Um pequeno espaço para você e eu
At the top of the world tonight
No topo do mundo esta noite
Where no one ever has to hide
Onde ninguém nunca precisa se esconder
At the top of the world tonight
No topo do mundo esta noite
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Você está sentado seguro e com olhos estrelados
There is treasure you can find
Há um tesouro que você pode encontrar
And something someone left behind
E algo que alguém deixou para trás
At the top of the world tonight
No topo do mundo esta noite
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Pode ficar assim, pelo menos até a luz da manhã
Through the darkness someone's singing
Através da escuridão alguém está cantando
Like an old familiar song
Como uma música familiar antiga
Like you fell into a melody that's bringing you
Como se você caísse em uma melodia que está te trazendo
Right here where you can belong
Bem aqui onde você pode pertencer
And there are wonders that are waiting
E há maravilhas que estão esperando
Underneath the midnight sky
Debaixo do céu da meia-noite
And by the stars, we're navigating
E pelas estrelas, estamos navegando
To a place for you and I
Para um lugar para você e eu
At the top of the world tonight
No topo do mundo esta noite
Where no one ever has to hide
Onde ninguém nunca precisa se esconder
At the top of the world tonight
No topo do mundo esta noite
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Você está sentado seguro e com olhos estrelados
There is treasure you can find
Há um tesouro que você pode encontrar
And something someone left behind
E algo que alguém deixou para trás
At the top of the world tonight
No topo do mundo esta noite
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Pode ficar assim, pelo menos até a luz da manhã
At the top of the world
No topo do mundo
The top of the world
O topo do mundo
The top of the world tonight
O topo do mundo esta noite
In the shadow of the city
Dans l'ombre de la ville
When the days have disappeared
Quand les jours ont disparu
Some might say it's sorta gritty
Certains pourraient dire que c'est un peu crasseux
Full of faces to be feared
Plein de visages à craindre
But there are wonders that are waiting
Mais il y a des merveilles qui attendent
Underneath the midnight sky
Sous le ciel de minuit
We got the stars illuminating
Nous avons les étoiles qui illuminent
It's a place for you and I
C'est un endroit pour toi et moi
A little space for you and I
Un petit espace pour toi et moi
At the top of the world tonight
Au sommet du monde ce soir
Where no one ever has to hide
Où personne n'a jamais à se cacher
At the top of the world tonight
Au sommet du monde ce soir
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Tu es assis en sécurité et les yeux étoilés
There is treasure you can find
Il y a un trésor que tu peux trouver
And something someone left behind
Et quelque chose que quelqu'un a laissé derrière
At the top of the world tonight
Au sommet du monde ce soir
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Ça peut rester comme ça, au moins jusqu'à la lumière du matin
Through the darkness someone's singing
À travers l'obscurité, quelqu'un chante
Like an old familiar song
Comme une vieille chanson familière
Like you fell into a melody that's bringing you
Comme si tu étais tombé dans une mélodie qui t'emmène
Right here where you can belong
Juste ici où tu peux appartenir
And there are wonders that are waiting
Et il y a des merveilles qui attendent
Underneath the midnight sky
Sous le ciel de minuit
And by the stars, we're navigating
Et par les étoiles, nous naviguons
To a place for you and I
Vers un endroit pour toi et moi
At the top of the world tonight
Au sommet du monde ce soir
Where no one ever has to hide
Où personne n'a jamais à se cacher
At the top of the world tonight
Au sommet du monde ce soir
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Tu es assis en sécurité et les yeux étoilés
There is treasure you can find
Il y a un trésor que tu peux trouver
And something someone left behind
Et quelque chose que quelqu'un a laissé derrière
At the top of the world tonight
Au sommet du monde ce soir
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Ça peut rester comme ça, au moins jusqu'à la lumière du matin
At the top of the world
Au sommet du monde
The top of the world
Le sommet du monde
The top of the world tonight
Le sommet du monde ce soir
In the shadow of the city
Im Schatten der Stadt
When the days have disappeared
Wenn die Tage verschwunden sind
Some might say it's sorta gritty
Manche könnten sagen, es ist irgendwie schmuddelig
Full of faces to be feared
Voll von Gesichtern, die man fürchten sollte
But there are wonders that are waiting
Aber es warten Wunder
Underneath the midnight sky
Unter dem Mitternachtshimmel
We got the stars illuminating
Wir haben die Sterne, die leuchten
It's a place for you and I
Es ist ein Ort für dich und mich
A little space for you and I
Ein kleiner Raum für dich und mich
At the top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
Where no one ever has to hide
Wo niemand sich jemals verstecken muss
At the top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Du sitzt sicher und mit sternenklaren Augen da
There is treasure you can find
Es gibt Schätze, die du finden kannst
And something someone left behind
Und etwas, das jemand zurückgelassen hat
At the top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Es kann so bleiben, zumindest bis zum Morgengrauen
Through the darkness someone's singing
Durch die Dunkelheit singt jemand
Like an old familiar song
Wie ein altbekanntes Lied
Like you fell into a melody that's bringing you
Als ob du in eine Melodie gefallen bist, die dich bringt
Right here where you can belong
Genau hier, wo du hingehörst
And there are wonders that are waiting
Und es warten Wunder
Underneath the midnight sky
Unter dem Mitternachtshimmel
And by the stars, we're navigating
Und nach den Sternen navigieren wir
To a place for you and I
Zu einem Ort für dich und mich
At the top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
Where no one ever has to hide
Wo niemand sich jemals verstecken muss
At the top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Du sitzt sicher und mit sternenklaren Augen da
There is treasure you can find
Es gibt Schätze, die du finden kannst
And something someone left behind
Und etwas, das jemand zurückgelassen hat
At the top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Es kann so bleiben, zumindest bis zum Morgengrauen
At the top of the world
An der Spitze der Welt
The top of the world
Die Spitze der Welt
The top of the world tonight
Heute Abend an der Spitze der Welt
In the shadow of the city
Nell'ombra della città
When the days have disappeared
Quando i giorni sono scomparsi
Some might say it's sorta gritty
Alcuni potrebbero dire che è un po' sporco
Full of faces to be feared
Pieno di volti da temere
But there are wonders that are waiting
Ma ci sono meraviglie che stanno aspettando
Underneath the midnight sky
Sotto il cielo di mezzanotte
We got the stars illuminating
Abbiamo le stelle che illuminano
It's a place for you and I
È un posto per te e me
A little space for you and I
Un piccolo spazio per te e me
At the top of the world tonight
In cima al mondo stasera
Where no one ever has to hide
Dove nessuno deve mai nascondersi
At the top of the world tonight
In cima al mondo stasera
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Sei seduto al sicuro e con gli occhi stellati
There is treasure you can find
C'è un tesoro che puoi trovare
And something someone left behind
E qualcosa che qualcuno ha lasciato indietro
At the top of the world tonight
In cima al mondo stasera
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Può rimanere così, almeno fino alla luce del mattino
Through the darkness someone's singing
Attraverso l'oscurità qualcuno sta cantando
Like an old familiar song
Come una vecchia canzone familiare
Like you fell into a melody that's bringing you
Come se fossi caduto in una melodia che ti sta portando
Right here where you can belong
Proprio qui dove puoi appartenere
And there are wonders that are waiting
E ci sono meraviglie che stanno aspettando
Underneath the midnight sky
Sotto il cielo di mezzanotte
And by the stars, we're navigating
E per le stelle, stiamo navigando
To a place for you and I
Verso un posto per te e me
At the top of the world tonight
In cima al mondo stasera
Where no one ever has to hide
Dove nessuno deve mai nascondersi
At the top of the world tonight
In cima al mondo stasera
You're sitting safe and starry-eyed
Sei seduto al sicuro e con gli occhi stellati
There is treasure you can find
C'è un tesoro che puoi trovare
And something someone left behind
E qualcosa che qualcuno ha lasciato indietro
At the top of the world tonight
In cima al mondo stasera
It can stay this way, at least until the morning light
Può rimanere così, almeno fino alla luce del mattino
At the top of the world
In cima al mondo
The top of the world
La cima del mondo
The top of the world tonight
La cima del mondo stasera

Curiosidades sobre la música Top of the World del Shawn Mendes

¿Quién compuso la canción “Top of the World” de Shawn Mendes?
La canción “Top of the World” de Shawn Mendes fue compuesta por Benj Pasek, Joriah Kwame, Justin Paul.

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