John the Fisherman


Letra Traducción

When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Alienated from the clique society,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
And he says
When I grow up I want to be,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
I think before my days are done,
I want to be a fisherman.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
To bring his catch back to this small community.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
And he says
When I grow up I want to be,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
I think before my days are done,
I want to be a fisherman.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Calling John the fisherman.

When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
Cuando era joven, no lo encontrarías haciéndolo bien en la escuela,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Su mente se volcaría hacia las aguas.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
Siempre el foco de la burla adolescente,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
No tiene tiempo para las hijas del granjero.
Alienated from the clique society,
Alienado de la sociedad de la camarilla,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
Un chico solitario encuentra paz en la pesca.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Su madre dice John, esta no es la forma en que se supone que debe ser la vida.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
¿No ves la vida que te estás perdiendo?
And he says
Y él dice
When I grow up I want to be,
Cuando crezca quiero ser,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Uno de los recolectores del mar.
I think before my days are done,
Creo que antes de que se acaben mis días,
I want to be a fisherman.
Quiero ser un pescador.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
Ahora, con los años, encontramos al hombre que gobierna el mar.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
Se embarca en una oscura mañana de mayo.
To bring his catch back to this small community.
Para traer su captura de vuelta a esta pequeña comunidad.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
No ve el peligro que se avecina.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
Cuatro horas arriba, oh el océano se hinchó y se hinchó,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
La niebla rodó y empezó a llover.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
La proa de estribor. ¡Dios mío, nos estamos hundiendo!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
No escuchan su mayday frenético.
And he says
Y él dice
When I grow up I want to be,
Cuando crezca quiero ser,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Uno de los recolectores del mar.
I think before my days are done,
Creo que antes de que se acaben mis días,
I want to be a fisherman.
Quiero ser un pescador.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Viviré y moriré como pescador.
Calling John the fisherman.
Llamando a John el pescador.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
Quando ele era jovem, você não o encontraria indo bem na escola,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Sua mente se voltava para as águas.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
Sempre o foco do ridículo adolescente,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Ele não tem tempo para as filhas do fazendeiro.
Alienated from the clique society,
Alienado da sociedade de clique,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
Um menino solitário encontra paz na pesca.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Sua mãe diz John, essa não é a maneira como a vida deveria ser.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
Você não vê a vida que está perdendo?
And he says
E ele diz
When I grow up I want to be,
Quando eu crescer, quero ser,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Um dos colhedores do mar.
I think before my days are done,
Acho que antes de meus dias acabarem,
I want to be a fisherman.
Eu quero ser um pescador.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
Agora, anos se passaram, encontramos o homem que governa o mar.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
Ele sai em uma manhã escura de maio.
To bring his catch back to this small community.
Para trazer sua captura de volta a esta pequena comunidade.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Ele não vê o perigo amanhecendo.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
Quatro horas acima, oh o oceano inchou e inchou,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
O nevoeiro rolou, começou a chover.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
A proa de estibordo. Meu Deus, estamos afundando!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
Eles não ouvem seu pedido de socorro frenético.
And he says
E ele diz
When I grow up I want to be,
Quando eu crescer, quero ser,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Um dos colhedores do mar.
I think before my days are done,
Acho que antes de meus dias acabarem,
I want to be a fisherman.
Eu quero ser um pescador.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Vou viver e morrer como um pescador.
Calling John the fisherman.
Chamando John, o pescador.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
Quand il était jeune, on ne le trouvait pas bien à l'école,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Son esprit se tournait vers les eaux.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
Toujours la cible des moqueries adolescentes,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Il n'a pas de temps pour les filles de fermiers.
Alienated from the clique society,
Aliéné de la société cliquée,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
Un garçon solitaire trouve la paix en pêchant.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Sa mère dit John ce n'est pas comme ça que la vie est censée être.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
Ne vois-tu pas la vie que tu manques ?
And he says
Et il dit
When I grow up I want to be,
Quand je grandirai, je veux être,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
L'un des moissonneurs de la mer.
I think before my days are done,
Je pense qu'avant que mes jours ne soient finis,
I want to be a fisherman.
Je veux être un pêcheur.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
Maintenant, des années plus tard, nous trouvons un homme qui règne sur la mer.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
Il part un sombre matin de mai.
To bring his catch back to this small community.
Pour ramener sa prise à cette petite communauté.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Il ne voit pas le danger qui se profile.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
Quatre heures plus tard, oh l'océan a gonflé et gonflé,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
Le brouillard est entré, il a commencé à pleuvoir.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
La proue tribord. Oh mon Dieu, nous coulons !
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
Ils n'entendent pas son mayday frénétique.
And he says
Et il dit
When I grow up I want to be,
Quand je grandirai, je veux être,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
L'un des moissonneurs de la mer.
I think before my days are done,
Je pense qu'avant que mes jours ne soient finis,
I want to be a fisherman.
Je veux être un pêcheur.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Je vivrai et mourrai en tant que pêcheur.
Calling John the fisherman.
Appelant John le pêcheur.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
Als er jung war, fand man ihn nicht gut in der Schule,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Sein Geist wendete sich den Gewässern zu.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
Immer das Ziel jugendlicher Spott,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Er hat keine Zeit für Bauernstöchter.
Alienated from the clique society,
Ausgegrenzt von der Clique-Gesellschaft,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
Ein einsamer Junge findet Frieden beim Angeln.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Seine Mutter sagt John, so sollte das Leben nicht sein.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
Siehst du nicht das Leben, das du verpasst?
And he says
Und er sagt
When I grow up I want to be,
Wenn ich groß bin, möchte ich,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Einer der Erntehelfer des Meeres sein.
I think before my days are done,
Ich denke, bevor meine Tage vorbei sind,
I want to be a fisherman.
Ich möchte ein Fischer sein.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
Jetzt, Jahre später, finden wir einen Mann, der das Meer beherrscht.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
Er macht sich an einem dunklen Maimorgen auf den Weg.
To bring his catch back to this small community.
Um seinen Fang zurück in diese kleine Gemeinschaft zu bringen.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Er sieht die heraufziehende Gefahr nicht.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
Vier Stunden auf, oh das Meer schwoll und schwoll,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
Der Nebel zog ein, es fing an zu regnen.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
Der Steuerbordbug. Oh mein Gott, wir gehen unter!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
Sie hören seinen verzweifelten Mayday nicht.
And he says
Und er sagt
When I grow up I want to be,
Wenn ich groß bin, möchte ich,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Einer der Erntehelfer des Meeres sein.
I think before my days are done,
Ich denke, bevor meine Tage vorbei sind,
I want to be a fisherman.
Ich möchte ein Fischer sein.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Ich werde leben und sterben als Fischer.
Calling John the fisherman.
Rufend nach John, dem Fischer.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
Quando era giovane non lo trovavi a fare bene a scuola,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
La sua mente si rivolgeva verso le acque.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
Sempre il bersaglio del ridicolo adolescenziale,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Non ha tempo per le figlie dei contadini.
Alienated from the clique society,
Alienato dalla società di gruppo,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
Un ragazzo solitario trova pace nella pesca.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Sua madre dice John questo non è il modo in cui la vita dovrebbe essere.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
Non vedi la vita che ti stai perdendo?
And he says
E lui dice
When I grow up I want to be,
Quando sarò grande voglio essere,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Uno dei mietitori del mare.
I think before my days are done,
Penso che prima che i miei giorni siano finiti,
I want to be a fisherman.
Voglio essere un pescatore.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
Ora gli anni sono passati e troviamo l'uomo che governa il mare.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
Parte in una buia mattina di maggio.
To bring his catch back to this small community.
Per riportare il suo pescato in questa piccola comunità.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Non vede il pericolo che si avvicina.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
Quattro ore su, oh l'oceano si gonfiava e si gonfiava,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
La nebbia si insinuava ha iniziato a piovere.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
La prua di dritta. Oh mio Dio stiamo affondando!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
Non sentono il suo mayday disperato.
And he says
E lui dice
When I grow up I want to be,
Quando sarò grande voglio essere,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Uno dei mietitori del mare.
I think before my days are done,
Penso che prima che i miei giorni siano finiti,
I want to be a fisherman.
Voglio essere un pescatore.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Vivrò e morirò un pescatore.
Calling John the fisherman.
Chiamando John il pescatore.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
Ketika dia masih muda, kamu tidak akan menemukannya berprestasi di sekolah,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Pikirannya selalu tertuju pada air.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
Selalu menjadi sasaran ejekan remaja,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Dia tidak punya waktu untuk anak-anak petani.
Alienated from the clique society,
Terasing dari masyarakat kelas atas,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
Seorang anak laki-laki yang kesepian menemukan kedamaian dalam memancing.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Ibunya berkata, John, ini bukan cara hidup seharusnya.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
Tidakkah kamu melihat kehidupan yang kamu lewatkan?
And he says
Dan dia berkata
When I grow up I want to be,
Ketika saya dewasa, saya ingin menjadi,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Salah satu pemanen di laut.
I think before my days are done,
Saya pikir sebelum hari-hari saya berakhir,
I want to be a fisherman.
Saya ingin menjadi seorang nelayan.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
Sekarang bertahun-tahun berlalu kita menemukan pria yang menguasai laut.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
Dia berangkat pada suatu pagi Mei yang gelap.
To bring his catch back to this small community.
Untuk membawa tangkapannya kembali ke komunitas kecil ini.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Dia tidak melihat bahaya yang datang.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
Empat jam berlalu, oh lautan menggembung dan menggembung,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
Kabut masuk, hujan mulai turun.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
Buritan kanan. Oh Tuhan kita tenggelam!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
Mereka tidak mendengar panggilan daruratnya yang panik.
And he says
Dan dia berkata
When I grow up I want to be,
Ketika saya dewasa, saya ingin menjadi,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
Salah satu pemanen di laut.
I think before my days are done,
Saya pikir sebelum hari-hari saya berakhir,
I want to be a fisherman.
Saya ingin menjadi seorang nelayan.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Saya akan hidup dan mati sebagai seorang nelayan.
Calling John the fisherman.
Memanggil John sang nelayan.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
เมื่อเขายังเด็ก คุณจะไม่พบเขาทำได้ดีในโรงเรียน
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Alienated from the clique society,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
แม่ของเขาบอกว่า จอห์น นี่ไม่ใช่วิธีชีวิตที่ควรจะเป็น
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
And he says
When I grow up I want to be,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
I think before my days are done,
I want to be a fisherman.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
To bring his catch back to this small community.
เพื่อนำปลาที่จับได้กลับมายังชุมชนเล็ก ๆ นี้
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
สี่ชั่วโมงขึ้น โอ้ มหาสมุทรพองและพอง
The fog rolled in it started raining.
หมอกเข้ามา มันเริ่มต้นฝนตก
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
ท้ายเรือด้านขวา โอ้พระเจ้า เรากำลังจะล่ม!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
And he says
When I grow up I want to be,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
I think before my days are done,
I want to be a fisherman.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Calling John the fisherman.
When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school,
His mind would turn unto the waters.
Always the focus of adolescent ridicule,
He has no time for farmer's daughters.
Alienated from the clique society,
A lonely boy finds peace in fishing.
His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be.
Don't you see the life that you are missing?
And he says
When I grow up I want to be,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
I think before my days are done,
I want to be a fisherman.
Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea.
He sets out on a dark May morning .
To bring his catch back to this small community.
He doesn't see the danger dawning.
Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled,
The fog rolled in it started raining.
The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down!
They do not hear his frantic mayday.
And he says
When I grow up I want to be,
One of the harvesters of the sea.
I think before my days are done,
I want to be a fisherman.
I'll live and die a fisherman.
Calling John the fisherman.

Curiosidades sobre la música John the Fisherman del Primus

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “John the Fisherman” por Primus?
Primus lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Frizzle Fry” en 1990 y “They Can't All Be Zingers” en 2006.
¿Quién compuso la canción “John the Fisherman” de Primus?
La canción “John the Fisherman” de Primus fue compuesta por LES CLAYPOOL, TIMOTHY W. ALEXANDER, TODD HUTH.

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