
Jeremy Dussolliet, Leroy Clampitt, Madison Beer, Timothy Sommers

Letra Traducción


Did the world stop spinnin'?
Nothing seems to change
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm in pain
Did the sun stop risin'?
'Cause the sky's so gray
Did the world stop spinnin' today?

I woke up, fell back to sleep
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams
I lay here wonderin' why

Did the world stop spinnin'?
Am I frozen in time?
'Cause the birds stopped singin'
Are we flawed by design?
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet
Did the world stop spinnin' today?

I woke up, fell back to sleep (sleep)
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams (ah, ah, ah)
I lay here wonderin' why

Did the world stop spinnin' or did I?
The world has stopped spinnin'
The lights are all dimmin'
And ah-ah
The world has stopped spinnin'
The end is beginning, ah-ah

Will the world stop spinnin'?
Nothing seems to change
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm still in pain
Why'd the sun stop shinin'?
Why's the sky still grey?
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today

Did the world stop spinnin'?
¿Dejó de girar el mundo?
Nothing seems to change
Nada parece cambiar
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm in pain
Estoy atrapado en el principio, y estoy en dolor
Did the sun stop risin'?
¿Dejó de salir el sol?
'Cause the sky's so gray
Porque el cielo está tan gris
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
¿Dejó de girar el mundo hoy?
I woke up, fell back to sleep
Me desperté, volví a dormir
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams
Porque prefiero vivir en mis sueños
I lay here wonderin' why
Me quedo aquí preguntándome por qué
Did the world stop spinnin'?
¿Dejó de girar el mundo?
Am I frozen in time?
¿Estoy congelado en el tiempo?
'Cause the birds stopped singin'
Porque los pájaros dejaron de cantar
Are we flawed by design?
¿Estamos defectuosos por diseño?
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet
Mi corazón late acelerado como un extraño ballet
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
¿Dejó de girar el mundo hoy?
I woke up, fell back to sleep (sleep)
Me desperté, volví a dormir (dormir)
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams (ah, ah, ah)
Porque prefiero vivir en mis sueños (ah, ah, ah)
I lay here wonderin' why
Me quedo aquí preguntándome por qué
Did the world stop spinnin' or did I?
¿Dejó de girar el mundo o fui yo?
The world has stopped spinnin'
El mundo ha dejado de girar
The lights are all dimmin'
Las luces se están apagando
And ah-ah
Y ah-ah
The world has stopped spinnin'
El mundo ha dejado de girar
The end is beginning, ah-ah
El final está comenzando, ah-ah
Will the world stop spinnin'?
¿Dejará de girar el mundo?
Nothing seems to change
Nada parece cambiar
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm still in pain
Estoy atrapado en el principio, y todavía estoy en dolor
Why'd the sun stop shinin'?
¿Por qué dejó de brillar el sol?
Why's the sky still grey?
¿Por qué el cielo sigue gris?
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today
Oh, el mundo dejó de girar hoy
Did the world stop spinnin'?
O mundo parou de girar?
Nothing seems to change
Nada parece mudar
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm in pain
Estou preso no começo, e estou em dor
Did the sun stop risin'?
O sol parou de nascer?
'Cause the sky's so gray
Porque o céu está tão cinza
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
O mundo parou de girar hoje?
I woke up, fell back to sleep
Acordei, voltei a dormir
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams
Porque prefiro viver nos meus sonhos
I lay here wonderin' why
Fico aqui me perguntando por quê
Did the world stop spinnin'?
O mundo parou de girar?
Am I frozen in time?
Estou congelado no tempo?
'Cause the birds stopped singin'
Porque os pássaros pararam de cantar
Are we flawed by design?
Somos falhos por design?
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet
Meu coração está acelerado como um estranho balé
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
O mundo parou de girar hoje?
I woke up, fell back to sleep (sleep)
Acordei, voltei a dormir (dormir)
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams (ah, ah, ah)
Porque prefiro viver nos meus sonhos (ah, ah, ah)
I lay here wonderin' why
Fico aqui me perguntando por quê
Did the world stop spinnin' or did I?
O mundo parou de girar ou fui eu?
The world has stopped spinnin'
O mundo parou de girar
The lights are all dimmin'
As luzes estão todas se apagando
And ah-ah
E ah-ah
The world has stopped spinnin'
O mundo parou de girar
The end is beginning, ah-ah
O fim está começando, ah-ah
Will the world stop spinnin'?
O mundo vai parar de girar?
Nothing seems to change
Nada parece mudar
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm still in pain
Estou preso no começo, e ainda estou em dor
Why'd the sun stop shinin'?
Por que o sol parou de brilhar?
Why's the sky still grey?
Por que o céu ainda está cinza?
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today
Oh, o mundo parou de girar hoje
Did the world stop spinnin'?
Le monde a-t-il cessé de tourner ?
Nothing seems to change
Rien ne semble changer
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm in pain
Je suis coincé au début, et j'ai mal
Did the sun stop risin'?
Le soleil a-t-il cessé de se lever ?
'Cause the sky's so gray
Parce que le ciel est si gris
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
Le monde a-t-il cessé de tourner aujourd'hui ?
I woke up, fell back to sleep
Je me suis réveillé, je me suis rendormi
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams
Parce que je préfère vivre dans mes rêves
I lay here wonderin' why
Je reste ici à me demander pourquoi
Did the world stop spinnin'?
Le monde a-t-il cessé de tourner ?
Am I frozen in time?
Suis-je figé dans le temps ?
'Cause the birds stopped singin'
Parce que les oiseaux ont cessé de chanter
Are we flawed by design?
Sommes-nous imparfaits par conception ?
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet
Mon cœur bat la chamade comme un étrange ballet
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
Le monde a-t-il cessé de tourner aujourd'hui ?
I woke up, fell back to sleep (sleep)
Je me suis réveillé, je me suis rendormi (dormi)
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams (ah, ah, ah)
Parce que je préfère vivre dans mes rêves (ah, ah, ah)
I lay here wonderin' why
Je reste ici à me demander pourquoi
Did the world stop spinnin' or did I?
Le monde a-t-il cessé de tourner ou est-ce moi ?
The world has stopped spinnin'
Le monde a cessé de tourner
The lights are all dimmin'
Les lumières s'assombrissent toutes
And ah-ah
Et ah-ah
The world has stopped spinnin'
Le monde a cessé de tourner
The end is beginning, ah-ah
La fin commence, ah-ah
Will the world stop spinnin'?
Le monde va-t-il cesser de tourner ?
Nothing seems to change
Rien ne semble changer
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm still in pain
Je suis coincé au début, et j'ai toujours mal
Why'd the sun stop shinin'?
Pourquoi le soleil a-t-il cessé de briller ?
Why's the sky still grey?
Pourquoi le ciel est-il toujours gris ?
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today
Oh, le monde a cessé de tourner aujourd'hui
Did the world stop spinnin'?
Hat die Welt aufgehört sich zu drehen?
Nothing seems to change
Nichts scheint sich zu ändern
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm in pain
Ich stecke am Anfang fest und ich habe Schmerzen
Did the sun stop risin'?
Hat die Sonne aufgehört aufzugehen?
'Cause the sky's so gray
Denn der Himmel ist so grau
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
Hat die Welt heute aufgehört sich zu drehen?
I woke up, fell back to sleep
Ich wachte auf, fiel wieder in den Schlaf
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams
Denn ich lebe lieber in meinen Träumen
I lay here wonderin' why
Ich liege hier und frage mich warum
Did the world stop spinnin'?
Hat die Welt aufgehört sich zu drehen?
Am I frozen in time?
Bin ich in der Zeit eingefroren?
'Cause the birds stopped singin'
Denn die Vögel haben aufgehört zu singen
Are we flawed by design?
Sind wir fehlerhaft konstruiert?
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet
Mein Herzschlag rast wie ein seltsames Ballett
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
Hat die Welt heute aufgehört sich zu drehen?
I woke up, fell back to sleep (sleep)
Ich wachte auf, fiel wieder in den Schlaf (Schlaf)
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams (ah, ah, ah)
Denn ich lebe lieber in meinen Träumen (ah, ah, ah)
I lay here wonderin' why
Ich liege hier und frage mich warum
Did the world stop spinnin' or did I?
Hat die Welt aufgehört sich zu drehen oder habe ich es getan?
The world has stopped spinnin'
Die Welt hat aufgehört sich zu drehen
The lights are all dimmin'
Die Lichter werden alle dunkler
And ah-ah
Und ah-ah
The world has stopped spinnin'
Die Welt hat aufgehört sich zu drehen
The end is beginning, ah-ah
Das Ende beginnt, ah-ah
Will the world stop spinnin'?
Wird die Welt aufhören sich zu drehen?
Nothing seems to change
Nichts scheint sich zu ändern
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm still in pain
Ich stecke immer noch am Anfang fest und ich habe immer noch Schmerzen
Why'd the sun stop shinin'?
Warum hat die Sonne aufgehört zu scheinen?
Why's the sky still grey?
Warum ist der Himmel immer noch grau?
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today
Oh, die Welt hat heute aufgehört sich zu drehen
Did the world stop spinnin'?
Il mondo ha smesso di girare?
Nothing seems to change
Niente sembra cambiare
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm in pain
Sono bloccato all'inizio, e sto soffrendo
Did the sun stop risin'?
Il sole ha smesso di sorgere?
'Cause the sky's so gray
Perché il cielo è così grigio
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
Il mondo ha smesso di girare oggi?
I woke up, fell back to sleep
Mi sono svegliato, sono tornato a dormire
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams
Perché preferirei vivere nei miei sogni
I lay here wonderin' why
Sto qui a chiedermi perché
Did the world stop spinnin'?
Il mondo ha smesso di girare?
Am I frozen in time?
Sono congelato nel tempo?
'Cause the birds stopped singin'
Perché gli uccelli hanno smesso di cantare
Are we flawed by design?
Siamo difettosi per progettazione?
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet
Il mio cuore batte veloce come un strano balletto
Did the world stop spinnin' today?
Il mondo ha smesso di girare oggi?
I woke up, fell back to sleep (sleep)
Mi sono svegliato, sono tornato a dormire (dormire)
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams (ah, ah, ah)
Perché preferirei vivere nei miei sogni (ah, ah, ah)
I lay here wonderin' why
Sto qui a chiedermi perché
Did the world stop spinnin' or did I?
Il mondo ha smesso di girare o sono stato io?
The world has stopped spinnin'
Il mondo ha smesso di girare
The lights are all dimmin'
Le luci si stanno affievolendo
And ah-ah
E ah-ah
The world has stopped spinnin'
Il mondo ha smesso di girare
The end is beginning, ah-ah
L'inizio è la fine, ah-ah
Will the world stop spinnin'?
Il mondo smetterà di girare?
Nothing seems to change
Niente sembra cambiare
I'm stuck at the beginning, and I'm still in pain
Sono bloccato all'inizio, e sto ancora soffrendo
Why'd the sun stop shinin'?
Perché il sole ha smesso di splendere?
Why's the sky still grey?
Perché il cielo è ancora grigio?
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today
Oh, il mondo ha smesso di girare oggi

(Ah, ah)
(Ah, ah)

[Verse 1]
Did the world stop spinnin'? Nothin' seems to change

آیا دنیا از چرخش ایستاد؟ ب نظر نمیاد چیزی عوض شده باشه
I'm stuck at the beginnin' and I'm in pain

من در شروع گیر کردم و دارم درد میکشم
Did the sun stop risin'? 'Cause the sky's so gray

آیا خورشید دیگه طلوع نمیکنه؟ چون آسمون خاکستری رنگه
Did the world stop spinnin' today?

آیا امروز جهان از چرخش ایستاد؟

I woke up, fell back to sleep

من بیدار شدم، دوباره برگشتم ب خواب
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams

چون ترجیح میدم در خواب هام زندگی کنم
I lay here wondering why

اینجا دراز کشیدم و متعجبم چرا

[Verse 2]
Did the world stop spinnin'? Am I frozen in time?

آیا جهان از چرخش ایستاد؟ آیا من در لحظه خشکم زده؟
'Cause the birds stopped singin', are we flawed by design?

چون دیگه پرنده ها آواز نمیخونن، آیا ما با نقص طراحی شدیم؟
My heartbeat's racin' like a strange ballet

ضربان قلبم مثل یک رقص باله عجیب میتپه
Did the world stop spinnin' today?

آیا امروز جهان از چرخش ایستاد؟

I woke up, fell back to sleep

من بیدار شدم، دوباره برگشتم ب خواب
'Cause I'd rather live in my dreams

چون ترجیح میدم در خواب هام زندگی کنم
I lay here wondering why (Ah)

اینجا دراز کشیدم و متعجبم چرا
Did thе world stop spinning or did I?

آیا جهان از چرخش ایستاد یا من ؟

The world has stopped spinning

زمین از چرخش ایستاده
The lights arе all dimming and, ah

نورها دارن ضعیف میشن و آه
The world has stopped spinning

زمین از چرخش ایستاده
The end is beginning and, ah

پایان داره شروع میشه و آه
(Ah, ah)
(Ah, ah)

Oh, the world stopped spinnin', nothin' seems to change

اوه جهان از چرخیدن ایستاد، ب نظر نمیاد چیزی تغییر کرده باشه
I'm stuck at the beginnin' and I'm still in pain

من در شروع گیر کردم و هنوزم دارم درد میکشم
Why'd the sun stop shinin'? Why's the sky still gray?

چرا خورشید دیگه نمیدرخشه؟ چرا آسمون تیرست؟
Oh, the world stopped spinnin' today

اوه امروز جهان از چرخش ایستاد

[Перевод песни Madison Beer – «Spinnin»]

(А, а)
(А, а)

[Куплет 1]
Мир перестал вращаться? Кажется, ничего не меняется
Я все ещё застряла в начале и мне больно
Солнце перестало восходить? Потому что небо такое серое
Сегодня мир перестал вращаться?

Я проснулась и вернулась ко сну
Лучше я поживу в своих снах
Лежу здесь, задаваясь вопросом, что не так?

[Куплет 2]
Мир перестал вращаться? Я замерла во времени?
Птицы перестали петь, мы испорчены намеренно?
Моё сердцебиение выстукивает странный балет
Сегодня мир перестал вращаться?

Я проснулась и вернулась ко сну
Лучше я поживу в своих снах
Лежу здесь, задаваясь вопросом, что не так?
Это мир перестал вращаться, или это была я?

Мир перестал вращаться
Свет потухает и, а
Мир перестал вращаться
Конец это начало и, а
(А, а)
(А, а)

О, мир перестанет вращаться? Кажется, ничего не меняется
Я все ещё застряла в начале и мне больно
Почему солнце перестало сиять? Почему небо до сих пор серое?
А, сегодня мир перестал вращаться

Prevod pesme "Spinnin " od Madison Beer

[Strofa 1]
Da li je svet prestao da se okreće?
Izgleda kao da se ništa ne menja
Zaglavljena sam na samom početku i sa bolom
Da li je sunce prestalo da izlazi?
Jer nebo je tako sivo
Da li je danas svet prestao da se okreće ?

Probudila sam se, zaspala istog trena
Jer radije bih da živim u snovima
Ležim ovde i pitam se zašto

[Strofa 2]
Da li je svet prestao da se okreće?
Da li sam zaleđena u vremenu?
Ptice su prestale da pevaju, jesmo li stvoreni sa manama?
Srce mi brzo kuca kao u ritmu neke muzike za balet
Da li je danas svet prestao da se okreće?

Probudila sam se, zaspala istog trena
Jer radije bih da živim u snovima
Ležim ovde i pitam se zašto
Da li je svet prestao da se okreće ili jednostavno ja?

Svet je prestao da se okreće
Svetla se polako prigušavaju
Svet je prestao da se okreće
Počinje kraj

Svet prestao da se okreće, izgleda kao da se ništa ne menja
Zaglavljena sam na samom početku i sa bolom
Zašto je sunce prestalo da sija?
Zašto je nebo idalje sivo?
Svet je danas prestao da se okreće

Curiosidades sobre la música Spinnin del Madison Beer

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Spinnin” por Madison Beer?
La canción Spinnin fue lanzada en 2023, en el álbum “Silence Between Songs”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Spinnin” de Madison Beer?
La canción “Spinnin” de Madison Beer fue compuesta por Jeremy Dussolliet, Leroy Clampitt, Madison Beer, Timothy Sommers.

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