Jared MacEachern, Robb Flynn

Letra Traducción

Faithless weaponized, mass corrupted lies, poison everything
False conspiracy, soulless enemy, dead for all to see
Look around and see the great decay
Violence turns the fearful into slaves

Choke on the ashes of your hate
Now it's far too late
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Glittering inside it's rotting cage

Sick society, lost in vanity, paid to slowly die
Lifeless reprobate, soul incarcerate, cutting like a knife
Shoving their vile venom down our throats like Klonopin
Force feed their lies back like medicine

Choke on the ashes of your hate
Now it's far too late
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Glittering inside it's rotting cage

Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
We don't care no more, this is fucking war

Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
We don't care no more, this is fucking war

Mutator, bastard
Bow to your master
Dead men, no worry
Welcome hell's fury

Mock and penalize, vex and victimize, starving refugee
Race identity, burning you and me, cinders char the free
Lowering like a shackled animal
Day of slaughter only time will tell

Choke on the ashes of your hate
Now it's far too late
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Glittering inside it's rotting cage

Choke on the ashes of your hate
Now it's far too late
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Glittering inside it's rotting cage, go

Faithless weaponized, mass corrupted lies, poison everything
Arma sin fe, mentiras masivamente corrompidas, envenenan todo
False conspiracy, soulless enemy, dead for all to see
Falsa conspiración, enemigo sin alma, muerto para que todos lo vean
Look around and see the great decay
Mira a tu alrededor y ve la gran decadencia
Violence turns the fearful into slaves
La violencia convierte a los temerosos en esclavos
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Ahógate en las cenizas de tu odio
Now it's far too late
Ahora es demasiado tarde
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Mira a tu alrededor y ve, la gran hipocresía
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Brillando dentro de su jaula podrida
Sick society, lost in vanity, paid to slowly die
Sociedad enferma, perdida en la vanidad, pagada para morir lentamente
Lifeless reprobate, soul incarcerate, cutting like a knife
Réprobo sin vida, alma encarcelada, cortando como un cuchillo
Shoving their vile venom down our throats like Klonopin
Empujando su vil veneno por nuestras gargantas como Klonopin
Force feed their lies back like medicine
Fuerza a alimentar sus mentiras de vuelta como medicina
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Ahógate en las cenizas de tu odio
Now it's far too late
Ahora es demasiado tarde
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Mira a tu alrededor y ve, la gran hipocresía
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Brillando dentro de su jaula podrida
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Caos creciente, disturbios, anarquía
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
La ilegalidad abunda, todos nosotros condenados al infierno
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Somos los dañados, quedamos con el daño hecho
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Ya no nos importa más, esto es una maldita guerra
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Caos creciente, disturbios, anarquía
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
La ilegalidad abunda, todos nosotros condenados al infierno
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Somos los dañados, quedamos con el daño hecho
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Ya no nos importa más, esto es una maldita guerra
Mutator, bastard
Mutador, bastardo
Bow to your master
Inclínate ante tu amo
Dead men, no worry
Hombres muertos, no te preocupes
Welcome hell's fury
Bienvenido a la furia del infierno
Mock and penalize, vex and victimize, starving refugee
Burla y penaliza, molesta y victimiza, refugiado hambriento
Race identity, burning you and me, cinders char the free
Identidad racial, quemándote a ti y a mí, las cenizas carbonizan a los libres
Lowering like a shackled animal
Agachándose como un animal encadenado
Day of slaughter only time will tell
El día de la matanza solo el tiempo lo dirá
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Ahógate en las cenizas de tu odio
Now it's far too late
Ahora es demasiado tarde
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Mira a tu alrededor y ve, la gran hipocresía
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Brillando dentro de su jaula podrida
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Ahógate en las cenizas de tu odio
Now it's far too late
Ahora es demasiado tarde
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Mira a tu alrededor y ve, la gran hipocresía
Glittering inside it's rotting cage, go
Brillando dentro de su jaula podrida, vete
Faithless weaponized, mass corrupted lies, poison everything
Arma sem fé, mentiras massivamente corrompidas, envenenam tudo
False conspiracy, soulless enemy, dead for all to see
Falsa conspiração, inimigo sem alma, morto para todos verem
Look around and see the great decay
Olhe em volta e veja a grande decadência
Violence turns the fearful into slaves
A violência transforma os medrosos em escravos
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Engasgue com as cinzas do seu ódio
Now it's far too late
Agora é tarde demais
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Olhe em volta e veja, a grande hipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Brilhando dentro de sua gaiola apodrecida
Sick society, lost in vanity, paid to slowly die
Sociedade doente, perdida na vaidade, paga para morrer lentamente
Lifeless reprobate, soul incarcerate, cutting like a knife
Réprobo sem vida, alma encarcerada, cortando como uma faca
Shoving their vile venom down our throats like Klonopin
Empurrando seu veneno vil goela abaixo como Klonopin
Force feed their lies back like medicine
Forçam suas mentiras de volta como remédio
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Engasgue com as cinzas do seu ódio
Now it's far too late
Agora é tarde demais
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Olhe em volta e veja, a grande hipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Brilhando dentro de sua gaiola apodrecida
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Caos craterizando, tumultos, anarquia
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
A ilegalidade abunda, todos nós condenados ao inferno
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Somos os danificados, deixados com o dano feito
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Não nos importamos mais, isso é uma guerra
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Caos craterizando, tumultos, anarquia
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
A ilegalidade abunda, todos nós condenados ao inferno
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Somos os danificados, deixados com o dano feito
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Não nos importamos mais, isso é uma guerra
Mutator, bastard
Mutador, bastardo
Bow to your master
Ajoelhe-se ao seu mestre
Dead men, no worry
Homens mortos, sem preocupação
Welcome hell's fury
Bem-vindo à fúria do inferno
Mock and penalize, vex and victimize, starving refugee
Zombar e penalizar, vexar e vitimar, refugiado faminto
Race identity, burning you and me, cinders char the free
Identidade racial, queimando você e eu, cinzas carbonizam os livres
Lowering like a shackled animal
Abaixando como um animal acorrentado
Day of slaughter only time will tell
Dia do abate, só o tempo dirá
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Engasgue com as cinzas do seu ódio
Now it's far too late
Agora é tarde demais
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Olhe em volta e veja, a grande hipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Brilhando dentro de sua gaiola apodrecida
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Engasgue com as cinzas do seu ódio
Now it's far too late
Agora é tarde demais
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Olhe em volta e veja, a grande hipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage, go
Brilhando dentro de sua gaiola apodrecida, vá
Faithless weaponized, mass corrupted lies, poison everything
Arme sans foi, mensonges corrompus en masse, tout empoisonner
False conspiracy, soulless enemy, dead for all to see
Fausse conspiration, ennemi sans âme, mort pour tous à voir
Look around and see the great decay
Regarde autour de toi et vois la grande décadence
Violence turns the fearful into slaves
La violence transforme les craintifs en esclaves
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Étouffe-toi avec les cendres de ta haine
Now it's far too late
Maintenant, il est bien trop tard
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Regarde autour de toi et vois, la grande hypocrisie
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Scintillant à l'intérieur de sa cage pourrissante
Sick society, lost in vanity, paid to slowly die
Société malade, perdue dans la vanité, payée pour mourir lentement
Lifeless reprobate, soul incarcerate, cutting like a knife
Réprouvé sans vie, âme incarcérée, coupant comme un couteau
Shoving their vile venom down our throats like Klonopin
Ils nous enfoncent leur venin ignoble dans la gorge comme du Klonopin
Force feed their lies back like medicine
Ils nous gavent de leurs mensonges comme de la médecine
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Étouffe-toi avec les cendres de ta haine
Now it's far too late
Maintenant, il est bien trop tard
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Regarde autour de toi et vois, la grande hypocrisie
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Scintillant à l'intérieur de sa cage pourrissante
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Chaos créant des cratères, émeutes, anarchie
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
La loi n'a plus de place, nous sommes tous destinés à l'enfer
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Nous sommes les endommagés, laissés avec les dégâts causés
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
On s'en fout maintenant, c'est la putain de guerre
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Chaos créant des cratères, émeutes, anarchie
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
La loi n'a plus de place, nous sommes tous destinés à l'enfer
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Nous sommes les endommagés, laissés avec les dégâts causés
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
On s'en fout maintenant, c'est la putain de guerre
Mutator, bastard
Mutateur, bâtard
Bow to your master
Incline-toi devant ton maître
Dead men, no worry
Hommes morts, pas de soucis
Welcome hell's fury
Bienvenue à la fureur de l'enfer
Mock and penalize, vex and victimize, starving refugee
Se moquer et pénaliser, vexer et victimiser, réfugié affamé
Race identity, burning you and me, cinders char the free
Identité raciale, brûlant toi et moi, les cendres carbonisent les libres
Lowering like a shackled animal
S'abaissant comme un animal enchaîné
Day of slaughter only time will tell
Le jour de l'abattage, seul le temps le dira
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Étouffe-toi avec les cendres de ta haine
Now it's far too late
Maintenant, il est bien trop tard
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Regarde autour de toi et vois, la grande hypocrisie
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Scintillant à l'intérieur de sa cage pourrissante
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Étouffe-toi avec les cendres de ta haine
Now it's far too late
Maintenant, il est bien trop tard
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Regarde autour de toi et vois, la grande hypocrisie
Glittering inside it's rotting cage, go
Scintillant à l'intérieur de sa cage pourrissante, vas-y
Faithless weaponized, mass corrupted lies, poison everything
Glaubenslose Waffe, massenkorrupte Lügen, vergiften alles
False conspiracy, soulless enemy, dead for all to see
Falsche Verschwörung, seelenloser Feind, tot für alle sichtbar
Look around and see the great decay
Schau dich um und sieh den großen Verfall
Violence turns the fearful into slaves
Gewalt verwandelt die Ängstlichen in Sklaven
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Würge an der Asche deines Hasses
Now it's far too late
Jetzt ist es viel zu spät
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Schau dich um und sieh, die große Heuchelei
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Glitzernd in seinem verrottenden Käfig
Sick society, lost in vanity, paid to slowly die
Kranke Gesellschaft, verloren in Eitelkeit, bezahlt um langsam zu sterben
Lifeless reprobate, soul incarcerate, cutting like a knife
Lebloses Scheusal, Seele eingekerkert, schneidend wie ein Messer
Shoving their vile venom down our throats like Klonopin
Sie stopfen ihr abscheuliches Gift in unsere Kehlen wie Klonopin
Force feed their lies back like medicine
Zwangsweise ihre Lügen zurück wie Medizin
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Würge an der Asche deines Hasses
Now it's far too late
Jetzt ist es viel zu spät
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Schau dich um und sieh, die große Heuchelei
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Glitzernd in seinem verrottenden Käfig
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Chaos kraterbildend, Aufstände, Anarchie
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
Gesetzlosigkeit herrscht vor, wir alle sind zur Hölle verdammt
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Wir sind die Geschädigten, zurückgelassen mit dem angerichteten Schaden
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Es ist uns egal, das ist verdammter Krieg
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Chaos kraterbildend, Aufstände, Anarchie
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
Gesetzlosigkeit herrscht vor, wir alle sind zur Hölle verdammt
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Wir sind die Geschädigten, zurückgelassen mit dem angerichteten Schaden
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Es ist uns egal, das ist verdammter Krieg
Mutator, bastard
Mutator, Bastard
Bow to your master
Verbeuge dich vor deinem Meister
Dead men, no worry
Tote Männer, keine Sorge
Welcome hell's fury
Willkommen Hölle's Wut
Mock and penalize, vex and victimize, starving refugee
Verspotten und bestrafen, ärgern und opfern, hungernder Flüchtling
Race identity, burning you and me, cinders char the free
Rassenidentität, verbrennt dich und mich, Asche versengt die Freien
Lowering like a shackled animal
Niedergehend wie ein angekettetes Tier
Day of slaughter only time will tell
Tag des Schlachtens, nur die Zeit wird es zeigen
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Würge an der Asche deines Hasses
Now it's far too late
Jetzt ist es viel zu spät
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Schau dich um und sieh, die große Heuchelei
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Glitzernd in seinem verrottenden Käfig
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Würge an der Asche deines Hasses
Now it's far too late
Jetzt ist es viel zu spät
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Schau dich um und sieh, die große Heuchelei
Glittering inside it's rotting cage, go
Glitzernd in seinem verrottenden Käfig, geh
Faithless weaponized, mass corrupted lies, poison everything
Arma infedele, massa di bugie corrotte, avvelena tutto
False conspiracy, soulless enemy, dead for all to see
Falsa cospirazione, nemico senza anima, morto per tutti da vedere
Look around and see the great decay
Guardati intorno e vedi il grande decadimento
Violence turns the fearful into slaves
La violenza trasforma i timorosi in schiavi
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Soffoca sulle ceneri del tuo odio
Now it's far too late
Ora è troppo tardi
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Guardati intorno e vedi, la grande ipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Luccicante all'interno della sua gabbia in decomposizione
Sick society, lost in vanity, paid to slowly die
Società malata, persa nella vanità, pagata per morire lentamente
Lifeless reprobate, soul incarcerate, cutting like a knife
Riprovato senza vita, anima incarcerata, tagliente come un coltello
Shoving their vile venom down our throats like Klonopin
Spingendo il loro vile veleno giù per la nostra gola come Klonopin
Force feed their lies back like medicine
Forza alimenta le loro bugie indietro come medicina
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Soffoca sulle ceneri del tuo odio
Now it's far too late
Ora è troppo tardi
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Guardati intorno e vedi, la grande ipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Luccicante all'interno della sua gabbia in decomposizione
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Caos che crea crateri, rivolte, anarchia
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
La illegalità abbonda, tutti noi destinati all'inferno
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Siamo quelli danneggiati, lasciati con il danno fatto
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Non ci importa più, questa è una fottuta guerra
Chaos cratering, riots, anarchy
Caos che crea crateri, rivolte, anarchia
Lawlessness abounds, all of us hell-bound
La illegalità abbonda, tutti noi destinati all'inferno
We're the damaged ones, left with the damage done
Siamo quelli danneggiati, lasciati con il danno fatto
We don't care no more, this is fucking war
Non ci importa più, questa è una fottuta guerra
Mutator, bastard
Mutatore, bastardo
Bow to your master
Inchinatevi al vostro padrone
Dead men, no worry
Uomini morti, nessuna preoccupazione
Welcome hell's fury
Benvenuti nella furia dell'inferno
Mock and penalize, vex and victimize, starving refugee
Deridere e penalizzare, infastidire e vittimizzare, rifugiato affamato
Race identity, burning you and me, cinders char the free
Identità razziale, bruciando te e me, le ceneri carbonizzano i liberi
Lowering like a shackled animal
Abbassandosi come un animale incatenato
Day of slaughter only time will tell
Il giorno della strage solo il tempo dirà
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Soffoca sulle ceneri del tuo odio
Now it's far too late
Ora è troppo tardi
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Guardati intorno e vedi, la grande ipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage
Luccicante all'interno della sua gabbia in decomposizione
Choke on the ashes of your hate
Soffoca sulle ceneri del tuo odio
Now it's far too late
Ora è troppo tardi
Look around and see, the great hypocrisy
Guardati intorno e vedi, la grande ipocrisia
Glittering inside it's rotting cage, go
Luccicante all'interno della sua gabbia in decomposizione, vai

Curiosidades sobre la música CHØKE ØN THE ASHES ØF YØUR HATE del Machine Head

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “CHØKE ØN THE ASHES ØF YØUR HATE” por Machine Head?
La canción CHØKE ØN THE ASHES ØF YØUR HATE fue lanzada en 2022, en el álbum “ØF KINGDØM AND CRØWN”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “CHØKE ØN THE ASHES ØF YØUR HATE” de Machine Head?
La canción “CHØKE ØN THE ASHES ØF YØUR HATE” de Machine Head fue compuesta por Jared MacEachern, Robb Flynn.

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