I’m Gonna Miss This Town
A Catholic church, a Baptist church
Come Monday morning everyone got back to work
Post office and a bank where they knew my name
Smile and a thanks with my receipt and change
Norman Rockwell couldn't paint it any better
I thought this place would stay the same forever
I'm gonna miss this town, it's so different now
Don't know if its me or is it just how
The world comes unwound, everything breaks down
I'm gonna miss this town
The cross walk paint is peeling up
The houses have grown bigger and cost twice as much
They're renting by the week at the Budgetel
Where the cashier wears a flag pin in his lapel
My mother wonders why I don't visit more
Every time I'm here I just miss it more
I'm gonna miss this town it's so different now
Don't know if its me, or is it just how
The world comes unwound, everything breaks down
I'm gonna miss this town
Who I used to be, how it was before, don't know which I'm missing more