Holding You in My Heart
Missed your call on Sunday, tried you back on Monday
Can't seem to get the timing right, try again tomorrow night
We both get so busy, there's a thousand things it could be
But we'll catch up one of these days, and if we don't that's ok
When the miles are too much, and the hours are too long
When you think you're not here with me you're wrong
I'm holding you in my heart
Keep you there all the time
It's a place where forever and always aren't just words that we said one time
Holding you in my heart
And I'm never going to turn you loose
So wherever you are in the world tonight, there's still one thing that's true
I'll be holding you in my heart
Played together in our child days
Ran together in our wild days
Diet Coke and cigarettes
Some high school boys we tried to forget
Held each other through the heartache
Learned together through the mistakes
Growing up and settling down
To different lives in different towns
But I love you right now
Like I loved you back then
So here's what I'll do til I see you again
I'm holding you in my heart
Keep you there all the time
That's a place where forever and always
Aren't just words we said one time
Holding you in my heart
And I'm never going to turn you loose
So wherever you are in the world tonight
There's still one thing that's true
I'll be holding you in my heart