Quiet Moves

Katie Melua, Tobias Felix Kuhn, William Taylor

Letra Traducción

Rhythm pounds and ascending chords are all I hear
A voice that tells me I can't dance won't disappear
Seconds are making my heart and my head go baddum baddum baddum
Having you here makes that all go away
It's amazing how you dance, it's never a lie
Picking out imperfect steps to put 'em in time
All of your life on those ten thousand hours while the seasons are changing
Having you here makes that all go away

And I like your quiet moves
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Growing up in England made you who you are

You had to learn to fend for yourself when you were young
You don't need those grown up toys so many rely on
Your endless journeys and adventures always hummed but never sung
While everyone wants their names in lights

And I like your quiet moves
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Growing up in England made you who you are
Who you are
Who you are

And I like your quiet moves
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Growing up in England made you who you are
And I like your quiet moves
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Growing up in England made you who you are
Who you are (who)
Who you are (who)

Rhythm pounds and ascending chords are all I hear
El ritmo palpita y los acordes ascendentes son todo lo que oigo
A voice that tells me I can't dance won't disappear
Una voz que me dice que no puedo bailar no desaparece
Seconds are making my heart and my head go baddum baddum baddum
Los segundos hacen que mi corazón y mi cabeza vayan baddum baddum baddum
Having you here makes that all go away
Tenerte aquí hace que todo eso desaparezca
It's amazing how you dance, it's never a lie
Es increíble cómo bailas, nunca es una mentira
Picking out imperfect steps to put 'em in time
Escogiendo pasos imperfectos para ponerlos a tiempo
All of your life on those ten thousand hours while the seasons are changing
Toda tu vida en esas diez mil horas mientras las estaciones están cambiando
Having you here makes that all go away
Tenerte aquí hace que todo eso desaparezca
And I like your quiet moves
Y me gustan tus movimientos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Hablan del día y de cómo te sientas y las cosas que eliges
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil y tranquilo junto a un fuego
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crecer en Inglaterra te hizo quien eres
You had to learn to fend for yourself when you were young
Tuviste que aprender a defenderte por ti mismo cuando eras joven
You don't need those grown up toys so many rely on
No necesitas esos juguetes de adultos en los que muchos confían
Your endless journeys and adventures always hummed but never sung
Tus interminables viajes y aventuras siempre zumbaban pero nunca cantaban
While everyone wants their names in lights
Mientras todos quieren sus nombres en luces
And I like your quiet moves
Y me gustan tus movimientos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Hablan del día y de cómo te sientas y las cosas que eliges
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil y tranquilo junto a un fuego
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crecer en Inglaterra te hizo quien eres
Who you are
Quien eres
Who you are
Quien eres
And I like your quiet moves
Y me gustan tus movimientos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Hablan del día y de cómo te sientas y las cosas que eliges
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil y tranquilo junto a un fuego
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crecer en Inglaterra te hizo quien eres
And I like your quiet moves
Y me gustan tus movimientos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Hablan del día y de cómo te sientas y las cosas que eliges
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil y tranquilo junto a un fuego
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crecer en Inglaterra te hizo quien eres
Who you are (who)
Quien eres (quien)
Who you are (who)
Quien eres (quien)
Rhythm pounds and ascending chords are all I hear
O ritmo pulsa e os acordes ascendentes são tudo o que ouço
A voice that tells me I can't dance won't disappear
Uma voz que me diz que não posso dançar não desaparece
Seconds are making my heart and my head go baddum baddum baddum
Segundos estão fazendo meu coração e minha cabeça irem baddum baddum baddum
Having you here makes that all go away
Ter você aqui faz tudo isso desaparecer
It's amazing how you dance, it's never a lie
É incrível como você dança, nunca é uma mentira
Picking out imperfect steps to put 'em in time
Escolhendo passos imperfeitos para colocá-los no tempo
All of your life on those ten thousand hours while the seasons are changing
Toda a sua vida nessas dez mil horas enquanto as estações estão mudando
Having you here makes that all go away
Ter você aqui faz tudo isso desaparecer
And I like your quiet moves
E eu gosto dos seus movimentos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Fale do dia e da maneira como você se senta e das coisas que você escolhe
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil e quieto perto de uma fogueira
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescer na Inglaterra fez de você quem você é
You had to learn to fend for yourself when you were young
Você teve que aprender a se defender quando era jovem
You don't need those grown up toys so many rely on
Você não precisa desses brinquedos de adulto que muitos dependem
Your endless journeys and adventures always hummed but never sung
Suas jornadas e aventuras intermináveis sempre zumbiam, mas nunca cantavam
While everyone wants their names in lights
Enquanto todos querem seus nomes nas luzes
And I like your quiet moves
E eu gosto dos seus movimentos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Fale do dia e da maneira como você se senta e das coisas que você escolhe
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil e quieto perto de uma fogueira
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescer na Inglaterra fez de você quem você é
Who you are
Quem você é
Who you are
Quem você é
And I like your quiet moves
E eu gosto dos seus movimentos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Fale do dia e da maneira como você se senta e das coisas que você escolhe
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil e quieto perto de uma fogueira
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescer na Inglaterra fez de você quem você é
And I like your quiet moves
E eu gosto dos seus movimentos silenciosos
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Fale do dia e da maneira como você se senta e das coisas que você escolhe
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sutil e quieto perto de uma fogueira
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescer na Inglaterra fez de você quem você é
Who you are (who)
Quem você é (quem)
Who you are (who)
Quem você é (quem)
Rhythm pounds and ascending chords are all I hear
Le rythme bat et les accords montants sont tout ce que j'entends
A voice that tells me I can't dance won't disappear
Une voix qui me dit que je ne peux pas danser ne disparaît pas
Seconds are making my heart and my head go baddum baddum baddum
Les secondes font battre mon cœur et ma tête baddum baddum baddum
Having you here makes that all go away
T'avoir ici fait tout disparaître
It's amazing how you dance, it's never a lie
C'est incroyable comment tu danses, ce n'est jamais un mensonge
Picking out imperfect steps to put 'em in time
Choisir des pas imparfaits pour les mettre en temps
All of your life on those ten thousand hours while the seasons are changing
Toute ta vie sur ces dix mille heures pendant que les saisons changent
Having you here makes that all go away
T'avoir ici fait tout disparaître
And I like your quiet moves
Et j'aime tes mouvements silencieux
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parle de la journée et de la façon dont tu t'assois et des choses que tu choisis
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil et silencieux près d'un feu
Growing up in England made you who you are
Grandir en Angleterre a fait de toi ce que tu es
You had to learn to fend for yourself when you were young
Tu as dû apprendre à te débrouiller seul quand tu étais jeune
You don't need those grown up toys so many rely on
Tu n'as pas besoin de ces jouets pour adultes sur lesquels tant de gens comptent
Your endless journeys and adventures always hummed but never sung
Tes voyages et aventures sans fin ont toujours bourdonné mais jamais chanté
While everyone wants their names in lights
Alors que tout le monde veut voir son nom en lumière
And I like your quiet moves
Et j'aime tes mouvements silencieux
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parle de la journée et de la façon dont tu t'assois et des choses que tu choisis
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil et silencieux près d'un feu
Growing up in England made you who you are
Grandir en Angleterre a fait de toi ce que tu es
Who you are
Qui tu es
Who you are
Qui tu es
And I like your quiet moves
Et j'aime tes mouvements silencieux
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parle de la journée et de la façon dont tu t'assois et des choses que tu choisis
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil et silencieux près d'un feu
Growing up in England made you who you are
Grandir en Angleterre a fait de toi ce que tu es
And I like your quiet moves
Et j'aime tes mouvements silencieux
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parle de la journée et de la façon dont tu t'assois et des choses que tu choisis
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil et silencieux près d'un feu
Growing up in England made you who you are
Grandir en Angleterre a fait de toi ce que tu es
Who you are (who)
Qui tu es (qui)
Who you are (who)
Qui tu es (qui)
Rhythm pounds and ascending chords are all I hear
Rhythmus hämmert und aufsteigende Akkorde sind alles, was ich höre
A voice that tells me I can't dance won't disappear
Eine Stimme, die mir sagt, dass ich nicht tanzen kann, verschwindet nicht
Seconds are making my heart and my head go baddum baddum baddum
Sekunden lassen mein Herz und meinen Kopf baddum baddum baddum schlagen
Having you here makes that all go away
Dich hier zu haben, lässt all das verschwinden
It's amazing how you dance, it's never a lie
Es ist erstaunlich, wie du tanzt, es ist nie eine Lüge
Picking out imperfect steps to put 'em in time
Unperfekte Schritte auswählen, um sie in die Zeit zu setzen
All of your life on those ten thousand hours while the seasons are changing
Dein ganzes Leben in diesen zehntausend Stunden, während die Jahreszeiten wechseln
Having you here makes that all go away
Dich hier zu haben, lässt all das verschwinden
And I like your quiet moves
Und ich mag deine leisen Bewegungen
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Sprich vom Tag und wie du sitzt und was du wählst
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil und leise an einem Feuer
Growing up in England made you who you are
Aufwachsen in England hat dich zu dem gemacht, der du bist
You had to learn to fend for yourself when you were young
Du musstest lernen, dich selbst zu versorgen, als du jung warst
You don't need those grown up toys so many rely on
Du brauchst nicht diese erwachsenen Spielzeuge, auf die so viele angewiesen sind
Your endless journeys and adventures always hummed but never sung
Deine endlosen Reisen und Abenteuer wurden immer gesummt, aber nie gesungen
While everyone wants their names in lights
Während jeder seinen Namen in Lichtern haben will
And I like your quiet moves
Und ich mag deine leisen Bewegungen
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Sprich vom Tag und wie du sitzt und was du wählst
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil und leise an einem Feuer
Growing up in England made you who you are
Aufwachsen in England hat dich zu dem gemacht, der du bist
Who you are
Wer du bist
Who you are
Wer du bist
And I like your quiet moves
Und ich mag deine leisen Bewegungen
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Sprich vom Tag und wie du sitzt und was du wählst
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil und leise an einem Feuer
Growing up in England made you who you are
Aufwachsen in England hat dich zu dem gemacht, der du bist
And I like your quiet moves
Und ich mag deine leisen Bewegungen
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Sprich vom Tag und wie du sitzt und was du wählst
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Subtil und leise an einem Feuer
Growing up in England made you who you are
Aufwachsen in England hat dich zu dem gemacht, der du bist
Who you are (who)
Wer du bist (wer)
Who you are (who)
Wer du bist (wer)
Rhythm pounds and ascending chords are all I hear
Il ritmo batte e gli accordi ascendenti sono tutto ciò che sento
A voice that tells me I can't dance won't disappear
Una voce che mi dice che non posso ballare non scompare
Seconds are making my heart and my head go baddum baddum baddum
I secondi fanno andare il mio cuore e la mia testa baddum baddum baddum
Having you here makes that all go away
Averti qui fa sparire tutto questo
It's amazing how you dance, it's never a lie
È incredibile come balli, non è mai una bugia
Picking out imperfect steps to put 'em in time
Scegliendo passi imperfetti per metterli in tempo
All of your life on those ten thousand hours while the seasons are changing
Tutta la tua vita in quelle diecimila ore mentre le stagioni stanno cambiando
Having you here makes that all go away
Averti qui fa sparire tutto questo
And I like your quiet moves
E mi piacciono i tuoi movimenti silenziosi
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parlano del giorno e del modo in cui ti siedi e delle cose che scegli
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sottile e silenzioso vicino a un fuoco
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescere in Inghilterra ti ha fatto diventare chi sei
You had to learn to fend for yourself when you were young
Hai dovuto imparare a cavartela da solo quando eri giovane
You don't need those grown up toys so many rely on
Non hai bisogno di quei giocattoli da adulti su cui molti contano
Your endless journeys and adventures always hummed but never sung
I tuoi viaggi e avventure senza fine sempre ronzavano ma non cantavano
While everyone wants their names in lights
Mentre tutti vogliono i loro nomi in luci
And I like your quiet moves
E mi piacciono i tuoi movimenti silenziosi
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parlano del giorno e del modo in cui ti siedi e delle cose che scegli
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sottile e silenzioso vicino a un fuoco
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescere in Inghilterra ti ha fatto diventare chi sei
Who you are
Chi sei
Who you are
Chi sei
And I like your quiet moves
E mi piacciono i tuoi movimenti silenziosi
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parlano del giorno e del modo in cui ti siedi e delle cose che scegli
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sottile e silenzioso vicino a un fuoco
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescere in Inghilterra ti ha fatto diventare chi sei
And I like your quiet moves
E mi piacciono i tuoi movimenti silenziosi
Speak of the day and the way you sit and the things you choose
Parlano del giorno e del modo in cui ti siedi e delle cose che scegli
Subtle and quiet by a fire
Sottile e silenzioso vicino a un fuoco
Growing up in England made you who you are
Crescere in Inghilterra ti ha fatto diventare chi sei
Who you are (who)
Chi sei (chi)
Who you are (who)
Chi sei (chi)

Curiosidades sobre la música Quiet Moves del Katie Melua

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Quiet Moves” por Katie Melua?
La canción Quiet Moves fue lanzada en 2023, en el álbum “Love & Money”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Quiet Moves” de Katie Melua?
La canción “Quiet Moves” de Katie Melua fue compuesta por Katie Melua, Tobias Felix Kuhn, William Taylor.

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