

Letra Traducción

Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Tout ce que tu disais
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Que tu gardais parfois
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
Et l'amour que tu es

We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again

Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Tout ce que tu disais
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Qui tiraillait parfois
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
Et le coeur que tu mets

We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again

We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again

We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again

Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Cuando supe todo lo que sabías
Tout ce que tu disais
Todo lo que decías
Anything at all
Cualquier cosa en absoluto
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Cuando vi en ti el color
Que tu gardais parfois
Que a veces guardabas
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
Y el sentido que pones en tus pasos
Et l'amour que tu es
Y el amor que eres
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanzaremos todos nuestros arrepentimientos a la luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre los puentes de una mentira
Algún día
We'll start everything in different place
Comenzaremos todo en un lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Eliges a tu familia y a tu amigo
Again, over and over again
De nuevo, una y otra vez
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Cuando supe todo lo que sabías
Tout ce que tu disais
Todo lo que decías
Anything at all
Cualquier cosa en absoluto
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Cuando vi en ti la ira
Qui tiraillait parfois
Que a veces te desgarraba
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
Y la fuerza que se descarrila en tu voz
Et le coeur que tu mets
Y el corazón que pones
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanzaremos todos nuestros arrepentimientos a la luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre los puentes de una mentira
Algún día
We'll start everything in different place
Comenzaremos todo en un lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Eliges a tu familia y a tu amigo
Again, over and over again
De nuevo, una y otra vez
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanzaremos todos nuestros arrepentimientos a la luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre los puentes de una mentira
Algún día
We'll start everything in different place
Comenzaremos todo en un lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Eliges a tu familia y a tu amigo
Again, over and over again
De nuevo, una y otra vez
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanzaremos todos nuestros arrepentimientos a la luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre los puentes de una mentira
Algún día
We'll start everything in different place
Comenzaremos todo en un lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Eliges a tu familia y a tu amigo
Again, over and over again
De nuevo, una y otra vez
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Quando soube tudo o que você sabia
Tout ce que tu disais
Tudo o que você dizia
Anything at all
Qualquer coisa
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Quando vi em você a cor
Que tu gardais parfois
Que às vezes você guardava
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
E o sentido que você dá aos seus passos
Et l'amour que tu es
E o amor que você é
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Vamos jogar todos os nossos arrependimentos em uma luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre as pontes de uma mentira
Um dia
We'll start everything in different place
Vamos começar tudo em um lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Você escolhe sua família e seu amigo
Again, over and over again
De novo, de novo e de novo
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Quando soube tudo o que você sabia
Tout ce que tu disais
Tudo o que você dizia
Anything at all
Qualquer coisa
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Quando vi em você a raiva
Qui tiraillait parfois
Que às vezes te atormentava
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
E a força que falha na sua voz
Et le coeur que tu mets
E o coração que você coloca
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Vamos jogar todos os nossos arrependimentos em uma luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre as pontes de uma mentira
Um dia
We'll start everything in different place
Vamos começar tudo em um lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Você escolhe sua família e seu amigo
Again, over and over again
De novo, de novo e de novo
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Vamos jogar todos os nossos arrependimentos em uma luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre as pontes de uma mentira
Um dia
We'll start everything in different place
Vamos começar tudo em um lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Você escolhe sua família e seu amigo
Again, over and over again
De novo, de novo e de novo
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Vamos jogar todos os nossos arrependimentos em uma luz
Over the bridges of a lie
Sobre as pontes de uma mentira
Um dia
We'll start everything in different place
Vamos começar tudo em um lugar diferente
You choose your family and your friend
Você escolhe sua família e seu amigo
Again, over and over again
De novo, de novo e de novo
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
When I knew everything you knew
Tout ce que tu disais
Everything you said
Anything at all
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
When I saw in you the color
Que tu gardais parfois
That you sometimes kept
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
And the meaning you put in your steps
Et l'amour que tu es
And the love that you are
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
We'll start everything in a different place
You choose your family and your friend
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
Again, over and over again
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
When I knew everything you knew
Tout ce que tu disais
Everything you said
Anything at all
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
When I saw in you the anger
Qui tiraillait parfois
That sometimes tore at you
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
And the strength that derails in your voice
Et le coeur que tu mets
And the heart that you put
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
We'll start everything in a different place
You choose your family and your friend
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
Again, over and over again
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
We'll start everything in a different place
You choose your family and your friend
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
Again, over and over again
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
We'll start everything in a different place
You choose your family and your friend
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
Again, over and over again
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Als ich wusste, was du wusstest
Tout ce que tu disais
Alles, was du sagtest
Anything at all
Irgendetwas überhaupt
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Als ich in dir die Farbe sah
Que tu gardais parfois
Die du manchmal bewahrst
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
Und die Bedeutung, die du in deine Schritte legst
Et l'amour que tu es
Und die Liebe, die du bist
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Wir werden all unsere Bedauern in ein Licht werfen
Over the bridges of a lie
Über die Brücken einer Lüge
Eines Tages
We'll start everything in different place
Wir werden alles an einem anderen Ort beginnen
You choose your family and your friend
Du wählst deine Familie und deinen Freund
Again, over and over again
Wieder und wieder und wieder
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Als ich wusste, was du wusstest
Tout ce que tu disais
Alles, was du sagtest
Anything at all
Irgendetwas überhaupt
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Als ich in dir den Zorn sah
Qui tiraillait parfois
Der manchmal zerrt
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
Und die Kraft, die in deiner Stimme ins Stocken gerät
Et le coeur que tu mets
Und das Herz, das du einbringst
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Wir werden all unsere Bedauern in ein Licht werfen
Over the bridges of a lie
Über die Brücken einer Lüge
Eines Tages
We'll start everything in different place
Wir werden alles an einem anderen Ort beginnen
You choose your family and your friend
Du wählst deine Familie und deinen Freund
Again, over and over again
Wieder und wieder und wieder
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Wir werden all unsere Bedauern in ein Licht werfen
Over the bridges of a lie
Über die Brücken einer Lüge
Eines Tages
We'll start everything in different place
Wir werden alles an einem anderen Ort beginnen
You choose your family and your friend
Du wählst deine Familie und deinen Freund
Again, over and over again
Wieder und wieder und wieder
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Wir werden all unsere Bedauern in ein Licht werfen
Over the bridges of a lie
Über die Brücken einer Lüge
Eines Tages
We'll start everything in different place
Wir werden alles an einem anderen Ort beginnen
You choose your family and your friend
Du wählst deine Familie und deinen Freund
Again, over and over again
Wieder und wieder und wieder
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Quando ho saputo tutto quello che sapevi
Tout ce que tu disais
Tutto quello che dicevi
Anything at all
Qualsiasi cosa
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Quando ho visto in te il colore
Que tu gardais parfois
Che a volte nascondevi
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
E il senso che metti nei tuoi passi
Et l'amour que tu es
E l'amore che sei
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanceremo tutti i nostri rimpianti in una luce
Over the bridges of a lie
Sopra i ponti di una bugia
Un giorno
We'll start everything in different place
Inizieremo tutto in un posto diverso
You choose your family and your friend
Scegli la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici
Again, over and over again
Ancora, ancora e ancora
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Quando ho saputo tutto quello che sapevi
Tout ce que tu disais
Tutto quello che dicevi
Anything at all
Qualsiasi cosa
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Quando ho visto in te la rabbia
Qui tiraillait parfois
Che a volte ti tormentava
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
E la forza che si blocca nella tua voce
Et le coeur que tu mets
E il cuore che metti
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanceremo tutti i nostri rimpianti in una luce
Over the bridges of a lie
Sopra i ponti di una bugia
Un giorno
We'll start everything in different place
Inizieremo tutto in un posto diverso
You choose your family and your friend
Scegli la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici
Again, over and over again
Ancora, ancora e ancora
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanceremo tutti i nostri rimpianti in una luce
Over the bridges of a lie
Sopra i ponti di una bugia
Un giorno
We'll start everything in different place
Inizieremo tutto in un posto diverso
You choose your family and your friend
Scegli la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici
Again, over and over again
Ancora, ancora e ancora
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Lanceremo tutti i nostri rimpianti in una luce
Over the bridges of a lie
Sopra i ponti di una bugia
Un giorno
We'll start everything in different place
Inizieremo tutto in un posto diverso
You choose your family and your friend
Scegli la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici
Again, over and over again
Ancora, ancora e ancora
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Ketika aku tahu semua yang kamu tahu
Tout ce que tu disais
Semua yang kamu katakan
Anything at all
Apapun itu
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Ketika aku melihat dalam dirimu warna
Que tu gardais parfois
Yang terkadang kamu simpan
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
Dan makna yang kamu berikan pada langkahmu
Et l'amour que tu es
Dan cinta yang kamu adalah
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Kita akan membuang semua penyesalan kita dalam cahaya
Over the bridges of a lie
Di atas jembatan kebohongan
Suatu hari nanti
We'll start everything in different place
Kita akan memulai segalanya di tempat yang berbeda
You choose your family and your friend
Kamu memilih keluarga dan temanmu
Again, over and over again
Lagi, berulang-ulang
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Ketika aku tahu semua yang kamu tahu
Tout ce que tu disais
Semua yang kamu katakan
Anything at all
Apapun itu
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Ketika aku melihat dalam dirimu kemarahan
Qui tiraillait parfois
Yang terkadang mengganggu
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
Dan kekuatan yang tersendat dalam suaramu
Et le coeur que tu mets
Dan hati yang kamu berikan
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Kita akan membuang semua penyesalan kita dalam cahaya
Over the bridges of a lie
Di atas jembatan kebohongan
Suatu hari nanti
We'll start everything in different place
Kita akan memulai segalanya di tempat yang berbeda
You choose your family and your friend
Kamu memilih keluarga dan temanmu
Again, over and over again
Lagi, berulang-ulang
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Kita akan membuang semua penyesalan kita dalam cahaya
Over the bridges of a lie
Di atas jembatan kebohongan
Suatu hari nanti
We'll start everything in different place
Kita akan memulai segalanya di tempat yang berbeda
You choose your family and your friend
Kamu memilih keluarga dan temanmu
Again, over and over again
Lagi, berulang-ulang
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Kita akan membuang semua penyesalan kita dalam cahaya
Over the bridges of a lie
Di atas jembatan kebohongan
Suatu hari nanti
We'll start everything in different place
Kita akan memulai segalanya di tempat yang berbeda
You choose your family and your friend
Kamu memilih keluarga dan temanmu
Again, over and over again
Lagi, berulang-ulang
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Tout ce que tu disais
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Que tu gardais parfois
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
Et l'amour que tu es
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
อีกครั้ง, ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Tout ce que tu disais
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Qui tiraillait parfois
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
Et le coeur que tu mets
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
อีกครั้ง, ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
อีกครั้ง, ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
อีกครั้ง, ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Tout ce que tu disais
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la couleur
Que tu gardais parfois
Et le sens que tu mets dans tes pas
Et l'amour que tu es
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
Lorsque j'ai su tout ce que tu savais
Tout ce que tu disais
Anything at all
Lorsque j'ai vu en toi la colère
Qui tiraillait parfois
Et la force qui s'enraille dans ta voix
Et le coeur que tu mets
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again
We'll throw all our regrets in a light
Over the bridges of a lie
We'll start everything in different place
You choose your family and your friend
Again, over and over again

Curiosidades sobre la música Bridges del Izia

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Bridges” por Izia?
La canción Bridges fue lanzada en 2015, en el álbum “La Vague”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Bridges” de Izia?
La canción “Bridges” de Izia fue compuesta por IZIA HIGELIN, SEBASTIEN HOOG.

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