I saw the light fade from the sky
On the wind I heard a sigh
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
I will say this last goodbye
Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away
Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Over snow one winter's morn
I turn at last to paths that lead home
And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell
Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don't regret
Nor will I forget
All who took the road with me
Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away
Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea
To these memories I will hold
With your blessing I will go
To turn at last to paths that lead home
And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell
I bid you all a very fond farewell
I saw the light fade from the sky
Vi la luz desvanecerse del cielo
On the wind I heard a sigh
En el viento escuché un suspiro
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
Mientras los copos de nieve cubren a mis hermanos caídos
I will say this last goodbye
Diré este último adiós
Night is now falling
La noche está cayendo ahora
So ends this day
Así termina este día
The road is now calling
El camino está llamando ahora
And I must away
Y debo marcharme
Over hill and under tree
Sobre la colina y bajo el árbol
Through lands where never light has shone
A través de tierras donde nunca ha brillado la luz
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Por arroyos plateados que corren hacia el mar
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Bajo la nube, debajo de las estrellas
Over snow one winter's morn
Sobre la nieve una mañana de invierno
I turn at last to paths that lead home
Finalmente me dirijo a los caminos que llevan a casa
And though where the road then takes me
Y aunque a donde luego me lleve el camino
I cannot tell
No puedo decirlo
We came all this way
Hemos venido todo este camino
But now comes the day
Pero ahora llega el día
To bid you farewell
Para despedirme de ti
Many places I have been
Muchos lugares he visitado
Many sorrows I have seen
Muchas penas he visto
But I don't regret
Pero no me arrepiento
Nor will I forget
Ni olvidaré
All who took the road with me
A todos los que tomaron el camino conmigo
Night is now falling
La noche está cayendo ahora
So ends this day
Así termina este día
The road is now calling
El camino está llamando ahora
And I must away
Y debo marcharme
Over hill and under tree
Sobre la colina y bajo el árbol
Through lands where never light has shone
A través de tierras donde nunca ha brillado la luz
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Por arroyos plateados que corren hacia el mar
To these memories I will hold
A estos recuerdos me aferraré
With your blessing I will go
Con tu bendición me iré
To turn at last to paths that lead home
Para finalmente dirigirme a los caminos que llevan a casa
And though where the road then takes me
Y aunque a donde luego me lleve el camino
I cannot tell
No puedo decirlo
We came all this way
Hemos venido todo este camino
But now comes the day
Pero ahora llega el día
To bid you farewell
Para despedirme de ti
I bid you all a very fond farewell
Os deseo a todos una despedida muy cariñosa.
I saw the light fade from the sky
Eu vi a luz desvanecer do céu
On the wind I heard a sigh
No vento eu ouvi um suspiro
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
Enquanto os flocos de neve cobrem meus irmãos caídos
I will say this last goodbye
Eu direi este último adeus
Night is now falling
A noite está agora caindo
So ends this day
Assim termina este dia
The road is now calling
A estrada está agora chamando
And I must away
E eu devo partir
Over hill and under tree
Sobre a colina e sob a árvore
Through lands where never light has shone
Através de terras onde nunca a luz brilhou
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Por riachos prateados que correm para o mar
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Sob a nuvem, sob as estrelas
Over snow one winter's morn
Sobre a neve numa manhã de inverno
I turn at last to paths that lead home
Eu finalmente me volto para os caminhos que levam para casa
And though where the road then takes me
E embora onde a estrada então me leve
I cannot tell
Eu não posso dizer
We came all this way
Nós viemos todo este caminho
But now comes the day
Mas agora chega o dia
To bid you farewell
Para te dizer adeus
Many places I have been
Muitos lugares eu estive
Many sorrows I have seen
Muitas tristezas eu vi
But I don't regret
Mas eu não me arrependo
Nor will I forget
Nem vou esquecer
All who took the road with me
Todos que pegaram a estrada comigo
Night is now falling
A noite está agora caindo
So ends this day
Assim termina este dia
The road is now calling
A estrada está agora chamando
And I must away
E eu devo partir
Over hill and under tree
Sobre a colina e sob a árvore
Through lands where never light has shone
Através de terras onde nunca a luz brilhou
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Por riachos prateados que correm para o mar
To these memories I will hold
A estas memórias eu vou me apegar
With your blessing I will go
Com sua bênção eu vou
To turn at last to paths that lead home
Para finalmente me voltar para os caminhos que levam para casa
And though where the road then takes me
E embora onde a estrada então me leve
I cannot tell
Eu não posso dizer
We came all this way
Nós viemos todo este caminho
But now comes the day
Mas agora chega o dia
To bid you farewell
Para te dizer adeus
I bid you all a very fond farewell
Eu te dou a todos um adeus muito carinhoso
I saw the light fade from the sky
J'ai vu la lumière s'estomper du ciel
On the wind I heard a sigh
Sur le vent, j'ai entendu un soupir
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
Alors que les flocons de neige recouvrent mes frères tombés
I will say this last goodbye
Je dirai ce dernier adieu
Night is now falling
La nuit tombe maintenant
So ends this day
Ainsi se termine cette journée
The road is now calling
La route m'appelle maintenant
And I must away
Et je dois partir
Over hill and under tree
Par-dessus la colline et sous l'arbre
Through lands where never light has shone
À travers des terres où jamais la lumière n'a brillé
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Par des ruisseaux d'argent qui coulent vers la mer
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Sous les nuages, sous les étoiles
Over snow one winter's morn
Sur la neige un matin d'hiver
I turn at last to paths that lead home
Je me tourne enfin vers les chemins qui mènent à la maison
And though where the road then takes me
Et bien que là où la route me mène ensuite
I cannot tell
Je ne peux le dire
We came all this way
Nous avons fait tout ce chemin
But now comes the day
Mais maintenant vient le jour
To bid you farewell
Pour vous dire adieu
Many places I have been
Beaucoup d'endroits où j'ai été
Many sorrows I have seen
Beaucoup de chagrins que j'ai vus
But I don't regret
Mais je ne regrette pas
Nor will I forget
Ni n'oublierai
All who took the road with me
Tous ceux qui ont pris la route avec moi
Night is now falling
La nuit tombe maintenant
So ends this day
Ainsi se termine cette journée
The road is now calling
La route m'appelle maintenant
And I must away
Et je dois partir
Over hill and under tree
Par-dessus la colline et sous l'arbre
Through lands where never light has shone
À travers des terres où jamais la lumière n'a brillé
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Par des ruisseaux d'argent qui coulent vers la mer
To these memories I will hold
À ces souvenirs je m'accrocherai
With your blessing I will go
Avec votre bénédiction, je partirai
To turn at last to paths that lead home
Pour me tourner enfin vers les chemins qui mènent à la maison
And though where the road then takes me
Et bien que là où la route me mène ensuite
I cannot tell
Je ne peux le dire
We came all this way
Nous avons fait tout ce chemin
But now comes the day
Mais maintenant vient le jour
To bid you farewell
Pour vous dire adieu
I bid you all a very fond farewell
Je vous dis à tous un adieu très affectueux
I saw the light fade from the sky
Ich sah das Licht vom Himmel verblassen
On the wind I heard a sigh
Im Wind hörte ich ein Seufzen
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
Während die Schneeflocken meine gefallenen Brüder bedecken
I will say this last goodbye
Sage ich diesen letzten Abschied
Night is now falling
Die Nacht fällt jetzt ein
So ends this day
So endet dieser Tag
The road is now calling
Die Straße ruft jetzt
And I must away
Und ich muss fort
Over hill and under tree
Über Hügel und unter Bäumen
Through lands where never light has shone
Durch Länder, in denen nie Licht geschienen hat
By silver streams that run down to the sea
An silbernen Bächen, die zum Meer hinabfließen
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Unter Wolken, unter den Sternen
Over snow one winter's morn
Über Schnee an einem Wintermorgen
I turn at last to paths that lead home
Ich wende mich endlich den Wegen zu, die nach Hause führen
And though where the road then takes me
Und obwohl, wohin die Straße mich dann führt
I cannot tell
Ich kann es nicht sagen
We came all this way
Wir sind all diesen Weg gekommen
But now comes the day
Aber jetzt kommt der Tag
To bid you farewell
Um dir Lebewohl zu sagen
Many places I have been
Viele Orte habe ich gesehen
Many sorrows I have seen
Viele Sorgen habe ich erlebt
But I don't regret
Aber ich bereue nichts
Nor will I forget
Noch werde ich vergessen
All who took the road with me
Alle, die mit mir den Weg gegangen sind
Night is now falling
Die Nacht fällt jetzt ein
So ends this day
So endet dieser Tag
The road is now calling
Die Straße ruft jetzt
And I must away
Und ich muss fort
Over hill and under tree
Über Hügel und unter Bäumen
Through lands where never light has shone
Durch Länder, in denen nie Licht geschienen hat
By silver streams that run down to the sea
An silbernen Bächen, die zum Meer hinabfließen
To these memories I will hold
An diese Erinnerungen werde ich mich halten
With your blessing I will go
Mit deinem Segen werde ich gehen
To turn at last to paths that lead home
Um mich endlich den Wegen zuzuwenden, die nach Hause führen
And though where the road then takes me
Und obwohl, wohin die Straße mich dann führt
I cannot tell
Ich kann es nicht sagen
We came all this way
Wir sind all diesen Weg gekommen
But now comes the day
Aber jetzt kommt der Tag
To bid you farewell
Um dir Lebewohl zu sagen
I bid you all a very fond farewell
Ich verabschiede mich sehr herzlich von euch allen.
I saw the light fade from the sky
Ho visto la luce svanire dal cielo
On the wind I heard a sigh
Sul vento ho sentito un sospiro
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
Mentre i fiocchi di neve coprono i miei fratelli caduti
I will say this last goodbye
Dirò questo ultimo addio
Night is now falling
La notte sta ora calando
So ends this day
Così termina questo giorno
The road is now calling
La strada ora mi chiama
And I must away
E io devo andare
Over hill and under tree
Oltre la collina e sotto l'albero
Through lands where never light has shone
Attraverso terre dove mai la luce ha brillato
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Da argentei ruscelli che scorrono verso il mare
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Sotto la nuvola, sotto le stelle
Over snow one winter's morn
Sopra la neve un mattino d'inverno
I turn at last to paths that lead home
Mi volto infine verso i sentieri che portano a casa
And though where the road then takes me
E anche se dove poi mi porterà la strada
I cannot tell
Non posso dirlo
We came all this way
Siamo venuti fino a qui
But now comes the day
Ma ora arriva il giorno
To bid you farewell
Per dirvi addio
Many places I have been
Molti luoghi ho visitato
Many sorrows I have seen
Molti dolori ho visto
But I don't regret
Ma non mi pento
Nor will I forget
Né dimenticherò
All who took the road with me
Tutti coloro che hanno percorso la strada con me
Night is now falling
La notte sta ora calando
So ends this day
Così termina questo giorno
The road is now calling
La strada ora mi chiama
And I must away
E io devo andare
Over hill and under tree
Oltre la collina e sotto l'albero
Through lands where never light has shone
Attraverso terre dove mai la luce ha brillato
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Da argentei ruscelli che scorrono verso il mare
To these memories I will hold
A questi ricordi mi aggrapperò
With your blessing I will go
Con la tua benedizione andrò
To turn at last to paths that lead home
Per voltarmi infine verso i sentieri che portano a casa
And though where the road then takes me
E anche se dove poi mi porterà la strada
I cannot tell
Non posso dirlo
We came all this way
Siamo venuti fino a qui
But now comes the day
Ma ora arriva il giorno
To bid you farewell
Per dirvi addio
I bid you all a very fond farewell
Vi saluto tutti con un affettuoso addio
I saw the light fade from the sky
Saya melihat cahaya memudar dari langit
On the wind I heard a sigh
Di angin, saya mendengar desahan
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
Saat serpihan salju menutupi saudara-saudara saya yang telah gugur
I will say this last goodbye
Saya akan mengucapkan selamat tinggal yang terakhir ini
Night is now falling
Malam kini tiba
So ends this day
Hari ini pun berakhir
The road is now calling
Jalan kini memanggil
And I must away
Dan saya harus pergi
Over hill and under tree
Melewati bukit dan di bawah pohon
Through lands where never light has shone
Melalui tanah di mana cahaya tak pernah bersinar
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Di samping aliran sungai yang mengalir ke laut
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Di bawah awan, di bawah bintang-bintang
Over snow one winter's morn
Di atas salju di suatu pagi musim dingin
I turn at last to paths that lead home
Saya berbalik ke jalan yang menuju rumah
And though where the road then takes me
Dan meskipun kemana jalan itu membawa saya
I cannot tell
Saya tidak bisa mengatakan
We came all this way
Kami telah datang sejauh ini
But now comes the day
Tapi kini tiba hari
To bid you farewell
Untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Anda
Many places I have been
Banyak tempat yang telah saya kunjungi
Many sorrows I have seen
Banyak kesedihan yang telah saya lihat
But I don't regret
Tapi saya tidak menyesal
Nor will I forget
Dan saya tidak akan lupa
All who took the road with me
Semua orang yang telah menempuh jalan bersama saya
Night is now falling
Malam kini tiba
So ends this day
Hari ini pun berakhir
The road is now calling
Jalan kini memanggil
And I must away
Dan saya harus pergi
Over hill and under tree
Melewati bukit dan di bawah pohon
Through lands where never light has shone
Melalui tanah di mana cahaya tak pernah bersinar
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Di samping aliran sungai yang mengalir ke laut
To these memories I will hold
Untuk kenangan ini saya akan berpegang
With your blessing I will go
Dengan berkat Anda, saya akan pergi
To turn at last to paths that lead home
Untuk berbalik ke jalan yang menuju rumah
And though where the road then takes me
Dan meskipun kemana jalan itu membawa saya
I cannot tell
Saya tidak bisa mengatakan
We came all this way
Kami telah datang sejauh ini
But now comes the day
Tapi kini tiba hari
To bid you farewell
Untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Anda
I bid you all a very fond farewell
Saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal yang sangat hangat kepada Anda semua
I saw the light fade from the sky
On the wind I heard a sigh
บนสายลม ฉันได้ยินเสียงถอนหายใจ
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers
I will say this last goodbye
Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away
Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea
Under cloud, beneath the stars
ใต้เมฆ, ใต้ดวงดาว
Over snow one winter's morn
I turn at last to paths that lead home
And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell
Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don't regret
Nor will I forget
All who took the road with me
Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away
Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea
To these memories I will hold
กับความทรงจำเหล่านี้ ฉันจะยึดมั่น
With your blessing I will go
ด้วยพรของคุณ ฉันจะไป
To turn at last to paths that lead home
And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell
I bid you all a very fond farewell