
Jason Beck, Leslie Feist

Letra Traducción

Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
It's the scene you set for new lovers
You play your part, painting in a new start
But each gate will open another

June, July and August said
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
June, July and August said
"It's better to bask in each others"

Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Made the summer go on and on

Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Making love and making their dinner
Only to find out the love that they grew
In the summer froze

February, April said
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
February, April said
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"

Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Made the winter go on and on

Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Seasons wait for your nod

Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Bueno, es hora de comenzar mientras el verano se instala
It's the scene you set for new lovers
Es la escena que preparas para los nuevos amantes
You play your part, painting in a new start
Juegas tu papel, pintando un nuevo comienzo
But each gate will open another
Pero cada puerta abrirá otra
June, July and August said
Junio, julio y agosto dijeron
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
"Probablemente sea difícil planificar con anticipación"
June, July and August said
Junio, julio y agosto dijeron
"It's better to bask in each others"
"Es mejor disfrutar el uno del otro"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Guardián, las estaciones esperan tu asentimiento
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Guardián, contuviste la respiración
Made the summer go on and on
Hiciste que el verano continuara y continuara
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Bueno, intentaron quedarse adentro del frío y el viento
Making love and making their dinner
Haciendo el amor y preparando su cena
Only to find out the love that they grew
Solo para descubrir que el amor que creció
In the summer froze
En el verano se congeló
February, April said
Febrero, abril dijeron
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
"No te dejes engañar por ese verano otra vez"
February, April said
Febrero, abril dijeron
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
"Esa mitad del año, bueno, nunca seremos amigos"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Guardián, las estaciones esperan tu asentimiento
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Guardián, contuviste la respiración
Made the winter go on and on
Hiciste que el invierno continuara y continuara
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Guardián, guardián, guardián
Seasons wait for your nod
Las estaciones esperan tu asentimiento
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Bem, é hora de começar enquanto o verão se instala
It's the scene you set for new lovers
É a cena que você prepara para novos amantes
You play your part, painting in a new start
Você desempenha seu papel, pintando um novo começo
But each gate will open another
Mas cada portão abrirá outro
June, July and August said
Junho, julho e agosto disseram
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
"Provavelmente é difícil planejar com antecedência"
June, July and August said
Junho, julho e agosto disseram
"It's better to bask in each others"
"É melhor aproveitar um ao outro"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Guardião, as estações esperam pelo seu aceno
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Guardião, você prendeu a respiração
Made the summer go on and on
Fez o verão continuar e continuar
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Bem, eles tentaram ficar longe do frio e do vento
Making love and making their dinner
Fazendo amor e preparando o jantar
Only to find out the love that they grew
Apenas para descobrir que o amor que eles cultivaram
In the summer froze
No verão congelou
February, April said
Fevereiro, abril disseram
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
"Não se deixe enganar por aquele verão novamente"
February, April said
Fevereiro, abril disseram
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
"Metade do ano, bem, nunca seremos amigos"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Guardião, as estações esperam pelo seu aceno
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Guardião, você prendeu a respiração
Made the winter go on and on
Fez o inverno continuar e continuar
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Guardião, guardião, guardião
Seasons wait for your nod
As estações esperam pelo seu aceno
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Eh bien, il est temps de commencer alors que l'été s'installe
It's the scene you set for new lovers
C'est la scène que tu as préparée pour les nouveaux amoureux
You play your part, painting in a new start
Tu joues ton rôle, peignant un nouveau départ
But each gate will open another
Mais chaque porte ouvrira une autre
June, July and August said
Juin, juillet et août ont dit
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
"C'est probablement difficile de planifier à l'avance"
June, July and August said
Juin, juillet et août ont dit
"It's better to bask in each others"
"Il vaut mieux se prélasser l'un dans l'autre"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Gardien, les saisons attendent ton signe
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Gardien, tu as retenu ton souffle
Made the summer go on and on
Faisant durer l'été encore et encore
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Eh bien, ils ont essayé de rester à l'abri du froid et du vent
Making love and making their dinner
Faisant l'amour et préparant leur dîner
Only to find out the love that they grew
Seulement pour découvrir que l'amour qu'ils ont cultivé
In the summer froze
En été a gelé
February, April said
Février, avril ont dit
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
"Ne te laisse pas tromper par cet été encore une fois"
February, April said
Février, avril ont dit
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
"Cette moitié de l'année, eh bien, nous ne serons jamais amis"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Gardien, les saisons attendent ton signe
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Gardien, tu as retenu ton souffle
Made the winter go on and on
Faisant durer l'hiver encore et encore
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Gardien, gardien, gardien
Seasons wait for your nod
Les saisons attendent ton signe
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Nun, es ist Zeit zu beginnen, während der Sommer einsetzt
It's the scene you set for new lovers
Es ist die Szene, die du für neue Liebende setzt
You play your part, painting in a new start
Du spielst deine Rolle, malst einen neuen Anfang
But each gate will open another
Aber jedes Tor wird ein anderes öffnen
June, July and August said
Juni, Juli und August sagten
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
„Es ist wahrscheinlich schwer, vorauszuplanen“
June, July and August said
Juni, Juli und August sagten
"It's better to bask in each others"
„Es ist besser, sich gegenseitig zu genießen“
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Torwächter, die Jahreszeiten warten auf dein Nicken
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Torwächter, du hast den Atem angehalten
Made the summer go on and on
Hast den Sommer immer weiter gehen lassen
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Nun, sie versuchten, vor der Kälte und dem Wind drinnen zu bleiben
Making love and making their dinner
Liebe machen und ihr Abendessen zubereiten
Only to find out the love that they grew
Nur um herauszufinden, dass die Liebe, die sie im Sommer wuchsen
In the summer froze
Im Winter gefroren ist
February, April said
Februar, April sagten
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
„Lass dich nicht wieder von diesem Sommer täuschen“
February, April said
Februar, April sagten
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
„Die Hälfte des Jahres, nun, wir werden nie Freunde sein“
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Torwächter, die Jahreszeiten warten auf dein Nicken
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Torwächter, du hast den Atem angehalten
Made the winter go on and on
Hast den Winter immer weiter gehen lassen
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Torwächter, Torwächter, Torwächter
Seasons wait for your nod
Die Jahreszeiten warten auf dein Nicken
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Beh, è ora di iniziare mentre l'estate si insedia
It's the scene you set for new lovers
È la scena che hai preparato per i nuovi amanti
You play your part, painting in a new start
Reciti la tua parte, dipingendo un nuovo inizio
But each gate will open another
Ma ogni cancello aprirà un altro
June, July and August said
Giugno, luglio e agosto hanno detto
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
"Probabilmente è difficile pianificare in anticipo"
June, July and August said
Giugno, luglio e agosto hanno detto
"It's better to bask in each others"
"È meglio crogiolarsi l'uno nell'altro"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Custode, le stagioni aspettano il tuo cenno
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Custode, hai trattenuto il respiro
Made the summer go on and on
Hai fatto durare l'estate all'infinito
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Beh, hanno cercato di restare al riparo dal freddo e dal vento
Making love and making their dinner
Facendo l'amore e preparando la loro cena
Only to find out the love that they grew
Solo per scoprire che l'amore che hanno coltivato
In the summer froze
Nell'estate si è congelato
February, April said
Febbraio, aprile hanno detto
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
"Non farti ingannare di nuovo da quell'estate"
February, April said
Febbraio, aprile hanno detto
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
"Quella metà dell'anno, beh, non saremo mai amici"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Custode, le stagioni aspettano il tuo cenno
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Custode, hai trattenuto il respiro
Made the winter go on and on
Hai fatto durare l'inverno all'infinito
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Custode, custode, custode
Seasons wait for your nod
Le stagioni aspettano il tuo cenno
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Nah, saatnya untuk memulai saat musim panas tiba
It's the scene you set for new lovers
Itu adalah adegan yang kamu buat untuk para kekasih baru
You play your part, painting in a new start
Kamu memainkan peranmu, melukis awal yang baru
But each gate will open another
Namun setiap gerbang akan membuka yang lain
June, July and August said
Juni, Juli dan Agustus berkata
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
"Mungkin sulit untuk merencanakan ke depan"
June, July and August said
Juni, Juli dan Agustus berkata
"It's better to bask in each others"
"Lebih baik menikmati satu sama lain"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Penjaga gerbang, musim menunggu anggukanmu
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Penjaga gerbang, kamu menahan nafasmu
Made the summer go on and on
Membuat musim panas berlangsung terus menerus
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Nah, mereka mencoba untuk tetap di dalam dari dingin dan angin
Making love and making their dinner
Membuat cinta dan membuat makan malam mereka
Only to find out the love that they grew
Hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa cinta yang mereka tumbuhkan
In the summer froze
Di musim panas membeku
February, April said
Februari, April berkata
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
"Jangan tertipu oleh musim panas itu lagi"
February, April said
Februari, April berkata
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
"Setengah tahun itu, kita tidak akan pernah menjadi teman"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Penjaga gerbang, musim menunggu anggukanmu
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Penjaga gerbang, kamu menahan nafasmu
Made the winter go on and on
Membuat musim dingin berlangsung terus menerus
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Penjaga gerbang, penjaga gerbang, penjaga gerbang
Seasons wait for your nod
Musim menunggu anggukanmu
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
เอาล่ะ ถึงเวลาเริ่มต้นแล้ว ในขณะที่ฤดูร้อนกำลังจะมา
It's the scene you set for new lovers
You play your part, painting in a new start
คุณทำหน้าที่ของคุณ วาดภาพเริ่มต้นใหม่
But each gate will open another
แต่ทุกประตูที่เปิด จะเปิดอีกประตูหนึ่ง
June, July and August said
มิถุนายน, กรกฎาคม และสิงหาคมกล่าวว่า
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
June, July and August said
มิถุนายน, กรกฎาคม และสิงหาคมกล่าวว่า
"It's better to bask in each others"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
ผู้คุมประตู, ฤดูกาลรอคำสั่งจากคุณ
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
ผู้คุมประตู, คุณหายใจไม่ออก
Made the summer go on and on
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
เอาล่ะ พวกเขาพยายามที่จะอยู่ในบ้านจากความหนาวและลม
Making love and making their dinner
Only to find out the love that they grew
In the summer froze
February, April said
กุมภาพันธ์, เมษายนกล่าวว่า
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
February, April said
กุมภาพันธ์, เมษายนกล่าวว่า
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
"ครึ่งปีนั้น คุณเราจะไม่เคยเป็นเพื่อนกัน"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
ผู้คุมประตู, ฤดูกาลรอคำสั่งจากคุณ
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
ผู้คุมประตู, คุณหายใจไม่ออก
Made the winter go on and on
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
ผู้คุมประตู, ผู้คุมประตู, ผู้คุมประตู
Seasons wait for your nod
Well, it's time to begin as the summer sets in
It's the scene you set for new lovers
You play your part, painting in a new start
But each gate will open another
June, July and August said
"It's probably hard to plan ahead"
June, July and August said
"It's better to bask in each others"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Made the summer go on and on
Well, they tried to stay in from the cold and wind
Making love and making their dinner
Only to find out the love that they grew
In the summer froze
February, April said
"Don't be fooled by that summer again"
February, April said
"That half of the year, well, we'll never be friends"
Gatekeeper, seasons wait for your nod
Gatekeeper, you held your breath
Made the winter go on and on
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
Seasons wait for your nod

Curiosidades sobre la música Gatekeeper del Feist

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Gatekeeper” por Feist?
Feist lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Let It Die” en 2004, “Open Season: Remixes and Collabs” en 2006 y “Open Season” en 2006.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Gatekeeper” de Feist?
La canción “Gatekeeper” de Feist fue compuesta por Jason Beck, Leslie Feist.

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