
Elena Jane Goulding, John Frederik Fortis

Letra Traducción

You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
And I gave in
I lack the things you need the most
You said, "Where have you been?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
I wonder why
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
But you never tried
I've fallen from grace
Took a blow to my face
I've loved and I've lost
I've loved and I've lost

Explosions on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same
It will never be the same

You left my soul bleeding in the dark
So you could be king, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
And I've lost my faith in everything
The nights you could cope
Your intentions were gold
But the mountains will shake
I need to know I can still make

Explosions on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same

And as the floods move in
And your body starts to sink
I was the last thing on your mind
I know you better than you think
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
I pray that you will find peace of mind
And I'll find you another time
I'll love you, another time

Explosions on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same

You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
Temblaste como si hubieras visto un fantasma
And I gave in
Y yo cedí
I lack the things you need the most
Me faltan las cosas que más necesitas
You said, "Where have you been?"
Dijiste, "¿Dónde has estado?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
Desperdiciaste toda esa dulzura para correr y esconderte
I wonder why
Me pregunto por qué
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
Te recuerdo los días en los que pusiste tu corazón
But you never tried
Pero nunca lo intentaste
I've fallen from grace
He caído en desgracia
Took a blow to my face
Recibí un golpe en la cara
I've loved and I've lost
He amado y he perdido
I've loved and I've lost
He amado y he perdido
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosiones el día que te despiertas
Needing somebody and you've learned
Necesitando a alguien y has aprendido
It's okay to be afraid
Está bien tener miedo
But it will never be the same
Pero nunca será lo mismo
It will never be the same
Nunca será lo mismo
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
Dejaste mi alma sangrando en la oscuridad
So you could be king, ah
Para que pudieras ser rey, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
Las reglas que estableciste aún no me han sido contadas
And I've lost my faith in everything
Y he perdido mi fe en todo
The nights you could cope
Las noches que pudiste sobrellevar
Your intentions were gold
Tus intenciones eran oro
But the mountains will shake
Pero las montañas temblarán
I need to know I can still make
Necesito saber que aún puedo hacer
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosiones el día que te despiertas
Needing somebody and you've learned
Necesitando a alguien y has aprendido
It's okay to be afraid
Está bien tener miedo
But it will never be the same
Pero nunca será lo mismo
And as the floods move in
Y mientras las inundaciones avanzan
And your body starts to sink
Y tu cuerpo empieza a hundirse
I was the last thing on your mind
Yo era lo último en tu mente
I know you better than you think
Te conozco mejor de lo que piensas
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Porque es simple, cariño, te di una advertencia
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
Ahora todo lo que posees está cayendo del cielo en pedazos
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
Así que míralos caer contigo, en cámara lenta
I pray that you will find peace of mind
Rezo para que encuentres paz mental
And I'll find you another time
Y te encontraré en otro momento
I'll love you, another time
Te amaré, en otro momento
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosiones el día que te despiertas
Needing somebody and you've learned
Necesitando a alguien y has aprendido
It's okay to be afraid
Está bien tener miedo
But it will never be the same
Pero nunca será lo mismo
You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
Tremeste como se tivesses visto um fantasma
And I gave in
E eu cedi
I lack the things you need the most
Faltam-me as coisas de que mais precisas
You said, "Where have you been?"
Perguntaste, "Onde estiveste?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
Desperdiçaste toda essa doçura para correr e te esconder
I wonder why
Pergunto-me porquê
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
Lembro-te dos dias em que despejaste o teu coração
But you never tried
Mas nunca tentaste
I've fallen from grace
Caí da graça
Took a blow to my face
Levei um golpe no rosto
I've loved and I've lost
Amei e perdi
I've loved and I've lost
Amei e perdi
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosões no dia em que acordas
Needing somebody and you've learned
Precisando de alguém e aprendeste
It's okay to be afraid
Está tudo bem ter medo
But it will never be the same
Mas nunca será o mesmo
It will never be the same
Nunca será o mesmo
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
Deixaste a minha alma a sangrar na escuridão
So you could be king, ah
Para que pudesses ser rei, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
As regras que estabeleceste ainda são desconhecidas para mim
And I've lost my faith in everything
E perdi a minha fé em tudo
The nights you could cope
As noites em que conseguias lidar
Your intentions were gold
As tuas intenções eram ouro
But the mountains will shake
Mas as montanhas vão tremer
I need to know I can still make
Preciso saber que ainda posso fazer
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosões no dia em que acordas
Needing somebody and you've learned
Precisando de alguém e aprendeste
It's okay to be afraid
Está tudo bem ter medo
But it will never be the same
Mas nunca será o mesmo
And as the floods move in
E à medida que as inundações avançam
And your body starts to sink
E o teu corpo começa a afundar
I was the last thing on your mind
Eu era a última coisa na tua mente
I know you better than you think
Conheço-te melhor do que pensas
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Porque é simples, querida, eu te avisei
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
Agora tudo o que possuis está caindo do céu em pedaços
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
Então assiste-os cair contigo, em câmera lenta
I pray that you will find peace of mind
Rezo para que encontres paz de espírito
And I'll find you another time
E eu te encontrarei em outra ocasião
I'll love you, another time
Amo-te, em outro momento
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosões no dia em que acordas
Needing somebody and you've learned
Precisando de alguém e aprendeste
It's okay to be afraid
Está tudo bem ter medo
But it will never be the same
Mas nunca será o mesmo
You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
Tu tremblais comme si tu avais vu un fantôme
And I gave in
Et j'ai cédé
I lack the things you need the most
Il me manque les choses dont tu as le plus besoin
You said, "Where have you been?"
Tu as dit, "Où étais-tu ?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
Tu as gaspillé toute cette douceur pour courir et te cacher
I wonder why
Je me demande pourquoi
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
Je te rappelle les jours où tu as mis ton cœur à l'ouvrage
But you never tried
Mais tu n'as jamais essayé
I've fallen from grace
Je suis tombé en disgrâce
Took a blow to my face
J'ai pris un coup au visage
I've loved and I've lost
J'ai aimé et j'ai perdu
I've loved and I've lost
J'ai aimé et j'ai perdu
Explosions on the day you wake up
Des explosions le jour où tu te réveilles
Needing somebody and you've learned
Besoin de quelqu'un et tu as appris
It's okay to be afraid
C'est normal d'avoir peur
But it will never be the same
Mais ça ne sera jamais pareil
It will never be the same
Ça ne sera jamais pareil
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
Tu as laissé mon âme saigner dans le noir
So you could be king, ah
Pour que tu puisses être roi, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
Les règles que tu as établies me sont toujours inconnues
And I've lost my faith in everything
Et j'ai perdu ma foi en tout
The nights you could cope
Les nuits où tu pouvais faire face
Your intentions were gold
Tes intentions étaient en or
But the mountains will shake
Mais les montagnes vont trembler
I need to know I can still make
J'ai besoin de savoir que je peux encore réussir
Explosions on the day you wake up
Des explosions le jour où tu te réveilles
Needing somebody and you've learned
Besoin de quelqu'un et tu as appris
It's okay to be afraid
C'est normal d'avoir peur
But it will never be the same
Mais ça ne sera jamais pareil
And as the floods move in
Et alors que les inondations arrivent
And your body starts to sink
Et que ton corps commence à couler
I was the last thing on your mind
J'étais la dernière chose à laquelle tu pensais
I know you better than you think
Je te connais mieux que tu ne le penses
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Parce que c'est simple, chérie, je t'ai donné un avertissement
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
Maintenant tout ce que tu possèdes tombe du ciel en morceaux
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
Alors regarde-les tomber avec toi, au ralenti
I pray that you will find peace of mind
Je prie pour que tu trouves la paix de l'esprit
And I'll find you another time
Et je te retrouverai une autre fois
I'll love you, another time
Je t'aimerai, une autre fois
Explosions on the day you wake up
Des explosions le jour où tu te réveilles
Needing somebody and you've learned
Besoin de quelqu'un et tu as appris
It's okay to be afraid
C'est normal d'avoir peur
But it will never be the same
Mais ça ne sera jamais pareil
You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
Du zittertest, als hättest du einen Geist gesehen
And I gave in
Und ich gab nach
I lack the things you need the most
Mir fehlen die Dinge, die du am meisten brauchst
You said, "Where have you been?"
Du fragtest, „Wo warst du?“
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
Du hast all diese Süße verschwendet, um zu fliehen und dich zu verstecken
I wonder why
Ich frage mich warum
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
Ich erinnere dich an die Tage, in die du dein Herz hineingegossen hast
But you never tried
Aber du hast es nie versucht
I've fallen from grace
Ich bin in Ungnade gefallen
Took a blow to my face
Habe einen Schlag ins Gesicht bekommen
I've loved and I've lost
Ich habe geliebt und ich habe verloren
I've loved and I've lost
Ich habe geliebt und ich habe verloren
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosionen an dem Tag, an dem du aufwachst
Needing somebody and you've learned
Jemanden brauchend und du hast gelernt
It's okay to be afraid
Es ist okay, Angst zu haben
But it will never be the same
Aber es wird nie wieder dasselbe sein
It will never be the same
Es wird nie wieder dasselbe sein
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
Du hast meine Seele blutend in der Dunkelheit zurückgelassen
So you could be king, ah
Damit du König sein könntest, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
Die Regeln, die du aufgestellt hast, sind mir immer noch unbekannt
And I've lost my faith in everything
Und ich habe meinen Glauben an alles verloren
The nights you could cope
Die Nächte, in denen du zurechtkamst
Your intentions were gold
Deine Absichten waren gold
But the mountains will shake
Aber die Berge werden beben
I need to know I can still make
Ich muss wissen, dass ich es immer noch schaffen kann
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosionen an dem Tag, an dem du aufwachst
Needing somebody and you've learned
Jemanden brauchend und du hast gelernt
It's okay to be afraid
Es ist okay, Angst zu haben
But it will never be the same
Aber es wird nie wieder dasselbe sein
And as the floods move in
Und als die Fluten hereinbrechen
And your body starts to sink
Und dein Körper zu sinken beginnt
I was the last thing on your mind
Ich war das Letzte, an das du gedacht hast
I know you better than you think
Ich kenne dich besser als du denkst
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Denn es ist einfach, Liebling, ich habe dich gewarnt
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
Jetzt fällt alles, was du besitzt, in Stücken vom Himmel
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
Also sieh zu, wie sie mit dir in Zeitlupe fallen
I pray that you will find peace of mind
Ich bete, dass du inneren Frieden finden wirst
And I'll find you another time
Und ich werde dich ein anderes Mal finden
I'll love you, another time
Ich werde dich lieben, ein anderes Mal
Explosions on the day you wake up
Explosionen an dem Tag, an dem du aufwachst
Needing somebody and you've learned
Jemanden brauchend und du hast gelernt
It's okay to be afraid
Es ist okay, Angst zu haben
But it will never be the same
Aber es wird nie wieder dasselbe sein
You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
Hai tremato come se avessi visto un fantasma
And I gave in
E io ho ceduto
I lack the things you need the most
Mi mancano le cose di cui hai più bisogno
You said, "Where have you been?"
Hai detto, "Dove sei stato?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
Hai sprecato tutta quella dolcezza per correre e nasconderti
I wonder why
Mi chiedo perché
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
Ti ricordo i giorni in cui hai messo tutto il tuo cuore
But you never tried
Ma non hai mai provato
I've fallen from grace
Sono caduto in disgrazia
Took a blow to my face
Ho preso un colpo in faccia
I've loved and I've lost
Ho amato e ho perso
I've loved and I've lost
Ho amato e ho perso
Explosions on the day you wake up
Esplosioni nel giorno in cui ti svegli
Needing somebody and you've learned
Hai bisogno di qualcuno e hai imparato
It's okay to be afraid
Va bene avere paura
But it will never be the same
Ma non sarà mai lo stesso
It will never be the same
Non sarà mai lo stesso
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
Hai lasciato la mia anima sanguinante nel buio
So you could be king, ah
Così tu potresti essere re, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
Le regole che hai stabilito sono ancora sconosciute a me
And I've lost my faith in everything
E ho perso la mia fede in tutto
The nights you could cope
Le notti in cui potevi farcela
Your intentions were gold
Le tue intenzioni erano d'oro
But the mountains will shake
Ma le montagne tremeranno
I need to know I can still make
Ho bisogno di sapere che posso ancora farcela
Explosions on the day you wake up
Esplosioni nel giorno in cui ti svegli
Needing somebody and you've learned
Hai bisogno di qualcuno e hai imparato
It's okay to be afraid
Va bene avere paura
But it will never be the same
Ma non sarà mai lo stesso
And as the floods move in
E mentre le inondazioni avanzano
And your body starts to sink
E il tuo corpo inizia ad affondare
I was the last thing on your mind
Ero l'ultima cosa nella tua mente
I know you better than you think
Ti conosco meglio di quanto tu pensi
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Perché è semplice, tesoro, ti ho dato un avvertimento
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
Ora tutto ciò che possiedi sta cadendo dal cielo a pezzi
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
Quindi guardali cadere con te, in slow motion
I pray that you will find peace of mind
Prego che tu trovi la pace della mente
And I'll find you another time
E ti troverò un'altra volta
I'll love you, another time
Ti amerò, un'altra volta
Explosions on the day you wake up
Esplosioni nel giorno in cui ti svegli
Needing somebody and you've learned
Hai bisogno di qualcuno e hai imparato
It's okay to be afraid
Va bene avere paura
But it will never be the same
Ma non sarà mai lo stesso
You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
Kamu gemetar seolah-olah kamu melihat hantu
And I gave in
Dan aku menyerah
I lack the things you need the most
Aku kekurangan hal-hal yang kamu butuhkan paling
You said, "Where have you been?"
Kamu berkata, "Kamu kemana saja?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
Kamu membuang semua kelembutan itu untuk berlari dan bersembunyi
I wonder why
Aku bertanya-tanya mengapa
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
Aku mengingatkanmu pada hari-hari kamu curahkan hatimu
But you never tried
Tapi kamu tidak pernah mencoba
I've fallen from grace
Aku telah jatuh dari anugerah
Took a blow to my face
Menerima pukulan di wajahku
I've loved and I've lost
Aku telah mencintai dan aku telah kehilangan
I've loved and I've lost
Aku telah mencintai dan aku telah kehilangan
Explosions on the day you wake up
Ledakan pada hari kamu bangun
Needing somebody and you've learned
Membutuhkan seseorang dan kamu telah belajar
It's okay to be afraid
Tidak apa-apa untuk takut
But it will never be the same
Tapi itu tidak akan pernah sama lagi
It will never be the same
Itu tidak akan pernah sama lagi
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
Kamu meninggalkan jiwaku berdarah dalam kegelapan
So you could be king, ah
Agar kamu bisa menjadi raja, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
Aturan yang kamu tetapkan masih belum kujelaskan
And I've lost my faith in everything
Dan aku telah kehilangan imanku pada segalanya
The nights you could cope
Malam-malam kamu bisa mengatasi
Your intentions were gold
Niatmu adalah emas
But the mountains will shake
Tapi gunung akan berguncang
I need to know I can still make
Aku perlu tahu aku masih bisa membuat
Explosions on the day you wake up
Ledakan pada hari kamu bangun
Needing somebody and you've learned
Membutuhkan seseorang dan kamu telah belajar
It's okay to be afraid
Tidak apa-apa untuk takut
But it will never be the same
Tapi itu tidak akan pernah sama lagi
And as the floods move in
Dan saat banjir datang
And your body starts to sink
Dan tubuhmu mulai tenggelam
I was the last thing on your mind
Aku adalah hal terakhir di pikiranmu
I know you better than you think
Aku tahu kamu lebih baik dari yang kamu pikirkan
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
Karena itu sederhana, sayang, aku memberimu peringatan
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
Sekarang segala yang kamu miliki jatuh dari langit menjadi serpihan
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
Jadi saksikan mereka jatuh bersamamu, dalam gerakan lambat
I pray that you will find peace of mind
Aku berdoa agar kamu akan menemukan ketenangan pikiran
And I'll find you another time
Dan aku akan menemukanmu di lain waktu
I'll love you, another time
Aku akan mencintaimu, di lain waktu
Explosions on the day you wake up
Ledakan pada hari kamu bangun
Needing somebody and you've learned
Membutuhkan seseorang dan kamu telah belajar
It's okay to be afraid
Tidak apa-apa untuk takut
But it will never be the same
Tapi itu tidak akan pernah sama lagi
You trembled like you'd seen a ghost
And I gave in
I lack the things you need the most
You said, "Where have you been?"
คุณพูดว่า "คุณไปไหนมา?"
You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide
I wonder why
I remind you of the days you poured your heart into
But you never tried
I've fallen from grace
Took a blow to my face
I've loved and I've lost
I've loved and I've lost
Explosions on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same
It will never be the same
You left my soul bleeding in the dark
So you could be king, ah
The rules you set are still untold to me
And I've lost my faith in everything
The nights you could cope
Your intentions were gold
But the mountains will shake
I need to know I can still make
Explosions on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same
And as the floods move in
And your body starts to sink
I was the last thing on your mind
I know you better than you think
'Cause it's simple, darling, I gave you a warning
เพราะมันง่ายดาย, ที่รัก, ฉันเตือนคุณแล้ว
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
ดังนั้นจงดูพวกมันตกลงมากับคุณ, อย่างช้าๆ
I pray that you will find peace of mind
And I'll find you another time
I'll love you, another time
ฉันจะรักคุณ, ในอีกเวลาหนึ่ง
Explosions on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same

Curiosidades sobre la música Explosions del Ellie Goulding

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Explosions” por Ellie Goulding?
Ellie Goulding lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Halcyon” en 2012, “iTunes Festival: London 2012” en 2012, “iTunes Festival: London 2013” en 2013, “Halcyon Days” en 2013, “Songbook for Christmas” en 2020 y “Halcyon Nights” en 2022.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Explosions” de Ellie Goulding?
La canción “Explosions” de Ellie Goulding fue compuesta por Elena Jane Goulding, John Frederik Fortis.

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