
Chris Stein, Deborah Harry

Letra Traducción

When I met you in the restaurant
You could tell I was no debutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
"A movie or a measure?"
I'll have a cup of tea
And tell you of my

Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Dreamin', dreamin' is free

I don't want to live on charity
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Reel to reel is living rarity
People stop and stare at me
We just walk on by
We just keep on dreamin'

Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Fade away (woo), radiate

I sit by and watch the river flow
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Imagine something of your very own
Something you can have and hold
I'd build a road in gold just to have some

Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Dreamin', dreamin' is free

Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
(Dream) dreamin' is free

When I met you in the restaurant
Cuando te conocí en el restaurante
You could tell I was no debutante
Podías decir que no era debutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
Me preguntaste cuál es mi placer
"A movie or a measure?"
"¿Una película o una medida?"
I'll have a cup of tea
Tomaré una taza de té
And tell you of my
Y te contaré de mi
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Soñando, soñar es gratis
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Soñando, soñar es gratis
I don't want to live on charity
No quiero vivir de la caridad
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
¿El placer es real o es fantasía?
Reel to reel is living rarity
De carrete a carrete es una rareza viviente
People stop and stare at me
La gente se para y me mira
We just walk on by
Simplemente pasamos de largo
We just keep on dreamin'
Simplemente seguimos soñando
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Pisando fuerte, caminando dos millas
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
Encuéntrame, encuéntrame en el torniquete
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Nunca lo conocí, nunca lo olvidaré
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Sueña, sueña, aunque sea por un rato
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Sueña, sueña, llenando una hora ociosa
Fade away (woo), radiate
Desvanecerse (woo), irradiar
I sit by and watch the river flow
Me siento y miro el río fluir
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Me siento y miro el tráfico pasar
Imagine something of your very own
Imagina algo propio
Something you can have and hold
Algo que puedes tener y sostener
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Construiría una carretera de oro solo para tener algo
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Soñando, soñar es gratis
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Soñando, soñar es gratis
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
Soñando, (sueño) soñar es gratis
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(Sueño) soñar es gratis
When I met you in the restaurant
Quando te conheci no restaurante
You could tell I was no debutante
Já dava pra você saber que eu não era debutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
Você me perguntou qual é o meu prazer
"A movie or a measure?"
"Um filme ou uma medida?"
I'll have a cup of tea
Vou tomar uma xícara de chá
And tell you of my
E te contar do meu
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sonhar, sonhar é grátis
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sonhar, sonhar é grátis
I don't want to live on charity
Eu não quero viver de caridade
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
O prazer é verdadeiro ou é fantasia?
Reel to reel is living rarity
Reel to reel é uma raridade viva
People stop and stare at me
As pessoas param e olham para mim
We just walk on by
Nós apenas caminhamos
We just keep on dreamin'
Apenas continuamos sonhando
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Bata os pés, caminhando duas milhas
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
Me encontre, me encontre na catraca
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Eu nunca o conheci, nunca vou esquecê-lo
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Sonhe, sonhe, mesmo que por pouco tempo
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Sonhe, sonhe, preencha uma hora ociosa
Fade away (woo), radiate
Desapareça (wuh), irradie
I sit by and watch the river flow
Eu sento e vejo o fluxo do rio
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Eu sento e vejo o tráfego passar
Imagine something of your very own
Imagine algo só seu
Something you can have and hold
Algo que você pode ter e segurar
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Eu construiria uma estrada de ouro só para ter um pouco
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sonhar, sonhar é grátis
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sonhar, sonhar é grátis
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
Sonhar, (sonhar) sonhar é grátis
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(Sonho) sonhar é grátis
When I met you in the restaurant
Lorsque je t'avais rencontré au restaurant
You could tell I was no debutante
Tu avais deviné que je n'étais pas une débutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
Tu m'avais demandé quel était mon plaisir
"A movie or a measure?"
"Un film ou une mesure?"
I'll have a cup of tea
Je prendrai une tasse de thé
And tell you of my
Et te parlerai de mon
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Rêver, c'est gratuit de rêver
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Rêver, c'est gratuit de rêver
I don't want to live on charity
Je ne veux pas vivre de charité
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Le plaisir est-il réel ou est-ce un fantasme?
Reel to reel is living rarity
Bobine à bobine est une rareté vivante
People stop and stare at me
Les gens s'arrêtent pour me regarder
We just walk on by
Nous passons simplement par là
We just keep on dreamin'
Nous continuons simplement à rêver
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Battre les pieds, marcher deux miles
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
Rencontre-moi, rencontre-moi à la tourniquet
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Je ne l'ai jamais rencontré, je ne l'oublierai jamais
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Rêver, rêver, même pour un cours instant
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Rêver, rêver, et remplir une heure d'inactivité
Fade away (woo), radiate
S'estomper (wow) rayonner
I sit by and watch the river flow
Je m'assois et je regarde la rivière couler
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Je m'assois et je regarde le trafic passer
Imagine something of your very own
Imagine quelque chose qui t'est propre
Something you can have and hold
Quelque chose que tu pourrais avoir et serrer
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Je construirais une route en or juste pour en avoir
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Rêver, c'est gratuit de rêver
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Rêver, c'est gratuit de rêver
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
Rêver (rêver) c'est gratuit de rêver
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(Rêve) c'est gratuit de rêver
When I met you in the restaurant
Als ich dich im Restaurant traf
You could tell I was no debutante
Du wusstest, dass ich keine Debütantin bin
You asked me what's my pleasure
Du fragtest mich, was mir Freude macht
"A movie or a measure?"
„Ein Film oder ein Maß?“
I'll have a cup of tea
Ich werde eine Tasse Tee trinken
And tell you of my
Und erzähle dir von meinem
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Träumen, träumen ist frei
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Träumen, träumen ist frei
I don't want to live on charity
Ich will nicht von Almosen leben
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Ist das Vergnügen real oder ist es Fantasie?
Reel to reel is living rarity
Reel to reel ist eine lebende Rarität
People stop and stare at me
Die Leute bleiben stehen und starren mich an
We just walk on by
Wir gehen einfach vorbei
We just keep on dreamin'
Wir träumen einfach weiter
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Schlagen Sie die Füße, gehen Sie eine zwei Meile
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
Triff mich, triff mich am Drehkreuz
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Ich habe ihn nie getroffen, ich werde ihn nie vergessen
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Träumen, träumen, sogar für eine kleine Weile
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Träumen, träumen, eine müßige Stunde ausfüllen
Fade away (woo), radiate
Verblassen (woo), strahlen
I sit by and watch the river flow
Ich sitze daneben und schaue dem Fluss zu
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Ich sitze daneben und schaue dem Verkehr zu
Imagine something of your very own
Stell dir etwas ganz Eigenes vor
Something you can have and hold
Etwas, das du haben und halten kannst
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Ich würde eine Straße aus Gold bauen, nur um etwas zu haben
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Träumen, träumen ist frei
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Träumen, träumen ist frei
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
Träumen, (träumen) träumen ist frei
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(Traum) träumen ist frei
When I met you in the restaurant
Quando ti ho incontrato nel ristorante
You could tell I was no debutante
Potevi capire che non ero una debuttante
You asked me what's my pleasure
Mi hai chiesto quale fosse il mio piacere
"A movie or a measure?"
"Un film o una bevuta?"
I'll have a cup of tea
Prenderò una tazza di tè
And tell you of my
E ti racconterò dei miei
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sognare, sognare è gratuito
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sognare, sognare è gratuito
I don't want to live on charity
Non voglio vivere di carità
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Il piacere è reale o è fantasia?
Reel to reel is living rarity
Il nastro su nastro è una rarità viva
People stop and stare at me
La gente si ferma e mi guarda
We just walk on by
Noi semplicemente passiamo oltre
We just keep on dreamin'
Continuiamo solo a sognare
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Cammina, cammina per due miglia
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
Incontrami, incontrami al tornello
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Non l'ho mai incontrato, non lo dimenticherò mai
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Sogna, sogna, anche solo per un po'
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Sogna, sogna, riempiendo un'ora vuota
Fade away (woo), radiate
Svanisci (woo), irradia
I sit by and watch the river flow
Mi siedo e guardo il fiume scorrere
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Mi siedo e guardo il traffico passare
Imagine something of your very own
Immagina qualcosa di tuo
Something you can have and hold
Qualcosa che puoi avere e tenere
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Costruirei una strada d'oro solo per avere un po' di
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sognare, sognare è gratuito
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Sognare, sognare è gratuito
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
Sognare, (sogno) sognare è gratuito
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(Sogno) sognare è gratuito
When I met you in the restaurant
Ketika aku bertemu kamu di restoran
You could tell I was no debutante
Kamu bisa bilang aku bukan debutan
You asked me what's my pleasure
Kamu bertanya apa kesukaanku
"A movie or a measure?"
"Film atau ukuran?"
I'll have a cup of tea
Aku akan minum secangkir teh
And tell you of my
Dan ceritakan tentang mimpiku
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Mimpi, bermimpi itu gratis
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Mimpi, bermimpi itu gratis
I don't want to live on charity
Aku tidak ingin hidup dari amal
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Kenikmatan itu nyata atau hanya fantasi?
Reel to reel is living rarity
Reel ke reel adalah kehidupan yang langka
People stop and stare at me
Orang-orang berhenti dan menatapku
We just walk on by
Kita hanya berjalan melewati
We just keep on dreamin'
Kita hanya terus bermimpi
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Berjalan cepat, berjalan dua mil
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
Temui aku, temui aku di pintu putar
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Aku tidak pernah bertemu dengannya, aku tidak akan pernah melupakannya
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Mimpi, mimpi, meski hanya sebentar
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Mimpi, mimpi, mengisi waktu luang
Fade away (woo), radiate
Memudar (woo), memancar
I sit by and watch the river flow
Aku duduk dan menonton aliran sungai
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Aku duduk dan menonton lalu lintas berlalu
Imagine something of your very own
Bayangkan sesuatu yang benar-benar milikmu
Something you can have and hold
Sesuatu yang bisa kamu miliki dan pegang
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Aku akan membangun jalan emas hanya untuk memiliki beberapa
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Mimpi, bermimpi itu gratis
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Mimpi, bermimpi itu gratis
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
Mimpi, (mimpi) bermimpi itu gratis
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(Mimpi) bermimpi itu gratis
When I met you in the restaurant
You could tell I was no debutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
"A movie or a measure?"
I'll have a cup of tea
And tell you of my
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
ฝันของฉัน, การฝันเป็นฟรี
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
ฝันของฉัน, การฝันเป็นฟรี
I don't want to live on charity
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Reel to reel is living rarity
People stop and stare at me
We just walk on by
We just keep on dreamin'
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
เดินเร็ว, เดินสองไมล์
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
พบฉัน, พบฉันที่ประตูหมุน
I never met him, I'll never forget him
ฉันไม่เคยพบเขา, ฉันจะไม่ลืมเขา
Dream, dream, even for a little while
ฝัน, ฝัน, แม้แต่เพียงสักครู่
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
ฝัน, ฝัน, เติมเต็มชั่วโมงว่าง
Fade away (woo), radiate
สลายไป (วู), ส่งแสง
I sit by and watch the river flow
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Imagine something of your very own
Something you can have and hold
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
ฝันของฉัน, การฝันเป็นฟรี
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
ฝันของฉัน, การฝันเป็นฟรี
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
ฝันของฉัน, (ฝัน) การฝันเป็นฟรี
(Dream) dreamin' is free
(ฝัน) การฝันเป็นฟรี
When I met you in the restaurant
You could tell I was no debutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
"A movie or a measure?"
I'll have a cup of tea
And tell you of my
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
I don't want to live on charity
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Reel to reel is living rarity
People stop and stare at me
We just walk on by
We just keep on dreamin'
Beat feet, walking a two-mile
Meet me, meet me at the turnstile
I never met him, I'll never forget him
Dream, dream, even for a little while
Dream, dream, filling up an idle hour
Fade away (woo), radiate
I sit by and watch the river flow
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Imagine something of your very own
Something you can have and hold
I'd build a road in gold just to have some
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Dreamin', (dream) dreamin' is free
(Dream) dreamin' is free

Curiosidades sobre la música Dreaming del Blondie

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Dreaming” por Blondie?
Blondie lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Eat to the Beat” en 1979, “Dreaming” en 1979, “The Best of Blondie” en 1981, “The Platinum Collection” en 1994, “Essential Blondie - Picture This Live” en 1997, “Live” en 1999, “Blondie: Live” en 1999, “Greatest Hits” en 2002, “Blondie at the BBC” en 2010, “Greatest Hits Deluxe Redux” en 2014 y “iTunes Festival: London 2014” en 2014.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Dreaming” de Blondie?
La canción “Dreaming” de Blondie fue compuesta por Chris Stein, Deborah Harry.

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