
Carl-Mikael Berlander, Jonatan Leandoer Hastad

Letra Traducción

Take a pill and go to sleep
I'm chasing witches in the street
I'm the last page in your book
Can't write a song, only do hooks
Watching horses in the fields
The dragon rests in agony
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
It's fine, it happens all the time
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
It's fine, it happens all the time

Isolation caved in
I adore you
The sound of your skin

So many lies that I've found
Blood, Heaven, I stick to the ground
So many times I realized
What I seek for is right in front of my eyes
I'm alone in a hole in the ground
A theater of dogs is still around
My furniture has come alive
I'm dancing with a candlestick tonight
Flying kites, raven outside my window
Smiles with fright

Isolation caved in
I adore you
The sound of your skin
Isolation caved in
I adore you
The sound of your skin
Isolation caved in
I adore you
The sound of your skin

Take a pill and go to sleep
Toma una pastilla y ve a dormir
I'm chasing witches in the street
Estoy casando brujas en la calle
I'm the last page in your book
Estoy en la última página de tu libro
Can't write a song, only do hooks
No puedo escribir una canción, solo hacer ganchos
Watching horses in the fields
Viendo caballos en los campos
The dragon rests in agony
El dragón descansa en agonía
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Cuando estoy asustado, pierdo la cabeza
It's fine, it happens all the time
Está bien, pasa todo el tiempo
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Cuando tengo miedo, pierdo la cabeza
It's fine, it happens all the time
Esta bien, pasa todo el tiempo
Isolation caved in
El aislamiento hizo efecto
I adore you
Te adoro
The sound of your skin
El sonido de tu piel
So many lies that I've found
Tantas mentiras que he encontrado
Blood, Heaven, I stick to the ground
Sangre, Cielo, to me pego al suelo
So many times I realized
Tantas veces que me he dado cuenta
What I seek for is right in front of my eyes
Lo que busco está justo frente a mis ojos
I'm alone in a hole in the ground
Estoy solo en un agujero en el suelo
A theater of dogs is still around
Un teatro de perros sigue al rededor
My furniture has come alive
Mis muebles han vuelto a la vida
I'm dancing with a candlestick tonight
Estoy bailando con una vela esta noche
Flying kites, raven outside my window
Volando cometas, un cuervo fuera de mi ventana
Smiles with fright
Sonríe con espanto
Isolation caved in
El aislamiento hizo efecto
I adore you
Te adoro
The sound of your skin
El sonido de tu piel
Isolation caved in
El aislamiento hizo efecto
I adore you
Te adoro
The sound of your skin
El sonido de tu piel
Isolation caved in
El aislamiento hizo efecto
I adore you
Te adoro
The sound of your skin
El sonido de tu piel
Take a pill and go to sleep
Tome um comprimido e vá dormir
I'm chasing witches in the street
Estou perseguindo bruxas na rua
I'm the last page in your book
Sou a última página do seu livro
Can't write a song, only do hooks
Não consigo escrever uma música, só faço refrões
Watching horses in the fields
Observando cavalos nos campos
The dragon rests in agony
O dragão descansa em agonia
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Quando tenho medo, perco a cabeça
It's fine, it happens all the time
Tudo bem, acontece o tempo todo
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Quando tenho medo, perco a cabeça
It's fine, it happens all the time
Tudo bem, acontece o tempo todo
Isolation caved in
O isolamento cedeu
I adore you
Eu te adoro
The sound of your skin
O som da sua pele
So many lies that I've found
Tantas mentiras que descobri
Blood, Heaven, I stick to the ground
Sangue, céu, eu me apego ao chão
So many times I realized
Tantas vezes percebi
What I seek for is right in front of my eyes
O que procuro está bem diante dos meus olhos
I'm alone in a hole in the ground
Estou sozinho em um buraco no chão
A theater of dogs is still around
Um teatro de cães ainda está por perto
My furniture has come alive
Meus móveis ganharam vida
I'm dancing with a candlestick tonight
Estou dançando com um castiçal esta noite
Flying kites, raven outside my window
Voando pipas, corvo fora da minha janela
Smiles with fright
Sorri com medo
Isolation caved in
O isolamento cedeu
I adore you
Eu te adoro
The sound of your skin
O som da sua pele
Isolation caved in
O isolamento cedeu
I adore you
Eu te adoro
The sound of your skin
O som da sua pele
Isolation caved in
O isolamento cedeu
I adore you
Eu te adoro
The sound of your skin
O som da sua pele
Take a pill and go to sleep
Prends une pilule et va dormir
I'm chasing witches in the street
Je chasse des sorcières dans la rue
I'm the last page in your book
Je suis la dernière page de ton livre
Can't write a song, only do hooks
Je ne peux pas écrire une chanson, je ne fais que des refrains
Watching horses in the fields
Regardant des chevaux dans les champs
The dragon rests in agony
Le dragon repose dans l'agonie
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Quand j'ai peur, je perds la tête
It's fine, it happens all the time
C'est bien, ça arrive tout le temps
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Quand j'ai peur, je perds la tête
It's fine, it happens all the time
C'est bien, ça arrive tout le temps
Isolation caved in
L'isolement a cédé
I adore you
Je t'adore
The sound of your skin
Le son de ta peau
So many lies that I've found
Tant de mensonges que j'ai découverts
Blood, Heaven, I stick to the ground
Sang, Paradis, je reste au sol
So many times I realized
Tant de fois j'ai réalisé
What I seek for is right in front of my eyes
Ce que je cherche est juste devant mes yeux
I'm alone in a hole in the ground
Je suis seul dans un trou dans le sol
A theater of dogs is still around
Un théâtre de chiens est toujours là
My furniture has come alive
Mes meubles sont devenus vivants
I'm dancing with a candlestick tonight
Je danse avec un chandelier ce soir
Flying kites, raven outside my window
Faisant voler des cerfs-volants, un corbeau à l'extérieur de ma fenêtre
Smiles with fright
Sourit avec effroi
Isolation caved in
L'isolement a cédé
I adore you
Je t'adore
The sound of your skin
Le son de ta peau
Isolation caved in
L'isolement a cédé
I adore you
Je t'adore
The sound of your skin
Le son de ta peau
Isolation caved in
L'isolement a cédé
I adore you
Je t'adore
The sound of your skin
Le son de ta peau
Take a pill and go to sleep
Nimm eine Pille und geh schlafen
I'm chasing witches in the street
Ich jage Hexen auf der Straße
I'm the last page in your book
Ich bin die letzte Seite in deinem Buch
Can't write a song, only do hooks
Kann keinen Song schreiben, nur Hooks machen
Watching horses in the fields
Beobachte Pferde auf den Feldern
The dragon rests in agony
Der Drache ruht in Qualen
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Wenn ich Angst habe, verliere ich den Verstand
It's fine, it happens all the time
Es ist in Ordnung, es passiert die ganze Zeit
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Wenn ich Angst habe, verliere ich den Verstand
It's fine, it happens all the time
Es ist in Ordnung, es passiert die ganze Zeit
Isolation caved in
Isolation brach ein
I adore you
Ich verehre dich
The sound of your skin
Der Klang deiner Haut
So many lies that I've found
So viele Lügen, die ich gefunden habe
Blood, Heaven, I stick to the ground
Blut, Himmel, ich halte mich am Boden fest
So many times I realized
So oft habe ich erkannt
What I seek for is right in front of my eyes
Was ich suche, ist direkt vor meinen Augen
I'm alone in a hole in the ground
Ich bin allein in einem Loch im Boden
A theater of dogs is still around
Ein Theater voller Hunde ist immer noch da
My furniture has come alive
Mein Mobiliar ist zum Leben erwacht
I'm dancing with a candlestick tonight
Ich tanze heute Abend mit einem Kerzenständer
Flying kites, raven outside my window
Drachen fliegen, ein Rabe vor meinem Fenster
Smiles with fright
Lächeln vor Angst
Isolation caved in
Isolation brach ein
I adore you
Ich verehre dich
The sound of your skin
Der Klang deiner Haut
Isolation caved in
Isolation brach ein
I adore you
Ich verehre dich
The sound of your skin
Der Klang deiner Haut
Isolation caved in
Isolation brach ein
I adore you
Ich verehre dich
The sound of your skin
Der Klang deiner Haut
Take a pill and go to sleep
Prendi una pillola e vai a dormire
I'm chasing witches in the street
Insegno streghe per strada
I'm the last page in your book
Sono l'ultima pagina del tuo libro
Can't write a song, only do hooks
Non riesco a scrivere una canzone, posso solo fare ritornelli
Watching horses in the fields
Guardando i cavalli nei campi
The dragon rests in agony
Il drago riposa in agonia
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Quando ho paura, perdo la testa
It's fine, it happens all the time
Va bene, succede sempre
When I'm afraid, I lose my mind
Quando ho paura, perdo la testa
It's fine, it happens all the time
Va bene, succede sempre
Isolation caved in
L'isolamento ha ceduto
I adore you
Ti adoro
The sound of your skin
Il suono della tua pelle
So many lies that I've found
Tante bugie che ho scoperto
Blood, Heaven, I stick to the ground
Sangue, Paradiso, mi attacco al suolo
So many times I realized
Tante volte mi sono reso conto
What I seek for is right in front of my eyes
Quello che cerco è proprio davanti ai miei occhi
I'm alone in a hole in the ground
Sono solo in un buco nel terreno
A theater of dogs is still around
Un teatro di cani è ancora in giro
My furniture has come alive
I miei mobili sono diventati vivi
I'm dancing with a candlestick tonight
Stasera ballo con un candelabro
Flying kites, raven outside my window
Aquiloni volanti, corvo fuori dalla mia finestra
Smiles with fright
Sorride con paura
Isolation caved in
L'isolamento ha ceduto
I adore you
Ti adoro
The sound of your skin
Il suono della tua pelle
Isolation caved in
L'isolamento ha ceduto
I adore you
Ti adoro
The sound of your skin
Il suono della tua pelle
Isolation caved in
L'isolamento ha ceduto
I adore you
Ti adoro
The sound of your skin
Il suono della tua pelle

[Куплет 1]
Выпил таблетку и лёг спать
Я гоняюсь за ведьмами по улице
Я последняя страница в твоей книге
Не могу написать песню, лишь припевы
Смотрю за лошадями в поле
Дракон лежит в агонии
Когда мне становится страшно, я схожу с ума
Все хорошо, это происходит постоянно
Когда мне становится страшно, я схожу с ума
Все хорошо, это происходит постоянно

Изоляция обрушена
Я обожаю тебя, звук твоей кожи

[Куплет 2]
Я встретил так много лжи
Кровь, небеса — я прилипаю к земле
Так часто осознавал
То, что я ищу, прямо перед моими глазами
Я один в этой дыре в земле
Театр собак никуда не уходил
Моя мебель ожила
Сегодня я танцую с подсвечником
Летающие воздушные змеи, ворон за моим окном улыбается с гордостью

Изоляция обрушена
Я обожаю тебя, звук твоей кожи
Изоляция обрушена
Я обожаю тебя, звук твоей кожи
Изоляция обрушена
Я обожаю тебя, звук твоей кожи

Curiosidades sobre la música Agony del Yung Lean

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Agony” por Yung Lean?
La canción Agony fue lanzada en 2017, en el álbum “Stranger”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Agony” de Yung Lean?
La canción “Agony” de Yung Lean fue compuesta por Carl-Mikael Berlander, Jonatan Leandoer Hastad.

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