We're All To Blame

We demand some answers, who is responsible

Someone needs to go

It was all my fault, I'm the one
To blame it was my idea
And now I'm filled with shame
As you all well know, I lost control
So I'm the one to blame

Ahem when you say it's all your fault
That's not correct after all
I was the architect

Eh, well, I was the major, and I voted, yes
So we share the blame

So it was the three of you yes
And Kjersti too
Oh yes definetly me, I screwed up royally

So that's a total of four
Uhh, I'm afraid it's two
More the project leader, and me

Yes it was all my fault, and mine
And mine, and me, me to, and me, and him
And you

Who is responsible, I need a single name

We can't, we're all to blame

We were the ones who decided to
Anchor the tower in styrofoam

We were the engineers who made sure
The process were very slow

I was the right coordinator
Who totally lost control

And we the people of Hamar didn't
Support you guys at all

But are you sorry yes we are

Apologize of course we do

Will you fire anyone

If I could, I would, but who?

We're all just tiny pieces
In this catastrophic stew

We're all to blame, we're all to blame

Yes we are all to blame, and
You can fire us all
There wouldn't be a single person
Left in city hall

People of Hamar
Do you want to spend a couple of millions
Maybe more, who knows to finish the tower?


We'll get a giant diving board
Who cares what Hamar can afford
We'll get the most expensive
Tower on the planet

It will be oversized, and
Analyzed, and overpriced
But customized for Hamar
(in the tower, diving board)
Will be magical, fantastical
Affordable for Hamar town

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