Ignorant (In)Ability
From The Earliest Traces Of Man To The Modern Day And Beyond Technology Has Had A Profound Effect On How We Make War Against Each Other
Warfare is the extension of the animalistic survival instinct combined with our more emotional human state
Despite developing technologicaly the species has never found it as easy to develope socialy, once again survival anxiety Rules
Without Instinct We Would Have Fallen Prey To A Greater Predator
We Found Out At Our Earliest Moments The Flesh Is Subject To
Feeding Us Instinct Survival To Protect Our Flesh From Harm
The Reality Of Betrayal Of Course Being A Key Factor To Our Current Situation
And With Betrayal The Technology Of Death Advanced Ten Fold
We Sculpt Chaos/Nature Just As It Sculpts Us
Without the threat of our mortality we would still be the amoebae in the primordial soup
Yet the concrete jungles we fled to are now the very mirror of the jungles we left behind, where the weak are prayed upon and Darwinism is the order of the day
We have to realise that we all are tribe- every man woman and child is part of nature and nature is part of us