Nobody Else Will Tell You
I went for a walk
And now I feel a difference
Imagine, a moment
That the trees and the shades are displaced
All of a sudden
The world unravels before you
The controlled destruction
Of the walls, the fence, the washing line
I don’t say anything as it’s not my place to say
But nobody else will tell you
I had determined
The forest was a border, infinite
But now I feel my place is wider because of it
And in the nearer thickets
Of paths and avenues
There was so much to bend with
To break and magnify
There is so much to see
Understand and set free
That nobody else could tell you
All those circles you see
Can just be so enveloping
But nobody else will tell you otherwise
There is no banality
Within your vicinity
But nobody else will tell you
All those circles you see
Can be so enveloping
But nobody else will tell you -
Nobody but you can tell you