The Black Glass Incident
[Tarvos Expedition, Command]
This is Tarvos Expedition to Command, commencing unscheduled situation report, Command do you copy?
Tarvos this is Command, you are go for situation report, over
Situation status as follows: landing and establishment phases were smooth, progress is on schedule. The research facility has been operational for 2 terrestrial months to date. Last night we encountered substantial unidentified seismic and geothermal activity, resulting in minor structural damage to multiple apparatuses. Please advise
Tarvos, we have recеived no abnormal electromagnеtic or seismic readings from satellite probes local to the system, can you validate system data?
Command, we are attempting data validation, but there are unexpected weather patterns impeding our transmission, please advise. Over
Tarvos, if you are experiencing facility damage and communication drops we need to extract personnel and abort mission, do you copy?
I copy Command, we - wait...
What the hell was that?
Command, there is an unidentified disturbance outside the facility
There's something moving out there. Good lord something just flipped over a barracks pod, we need to get everyone the hell out of here befo-[static]
Tarvos, give situation report. Do you require support?
Mayday, mayday, mayday
Tarvos, Tarvos do you copy? Tarvos!