False Pretense

Ronnie Winter

Letra Traducción

Oh, it's time to let it go

The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Don't sweat it
Set a false pretense

Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know

In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again

All along you know you thought you got the best of me
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Don't sweat it
Set a false pretense

Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know

In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again

Oh, it's time to let it go

I can't seem to understand it
How you've turned out to be so cold
You tried but were caught red handed
Are you happy with your role?

It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke

In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again

So play the game until you run out
And play the game into my head

Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, es hora de dejarlo ir
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
El mundo tiene una forma divertida de darte la vuelta
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Cuando un amigo intenta apuñalarte justo en la cara
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Perdiendo la fe en todo lo que pensé, esperé y supe
Don't sweat it
No te preocupes
Set a false pretense
Establece un falso pretexto
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Traicionar, no vas a estar dispuesto a cambiar
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Sí, y no parece probable que se desvanezca
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Traicionar, no vas a estar dispuesto a cambiar
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ca-ca-ca-ca-porque tú sabes
In sacrifice
En sacrificio
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretexto, te lastimarás de nuevo
Stop pretending to deny
Deja de pretender negar
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretexto, te lastimarás de nuevo
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
Todo el tiempo sabías que pensabas que te habías aprovechado de mí
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
Estabas equivocado y me estoy riendo en tu cara
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
No puedo creer que afirmaras que eras mi familia
Don't sweat it
No te preocupes
Set a false pretense
Establece un falso pretexto
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Traicionar, no vas a estar dispuesto a cambiar
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Sí, y no parece probable que se desvanezca
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Traicionar, no vas a estar dispuesto a cambiar
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ca-ca-ca-ca-porque tú sabes
In sacrifice
En sacrificio
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretexto, te lastimarás de nuevo
Stop pretending to deny
Deja de pretender negar
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretexto, te lastimarás de nuevo
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, es hora de dejarlo ir
I can't seem to understand it
No parece que pueda entenderlo
How you've turned out to be so cold
Cómo te has vuelto tan frío
You tried but were caught red handed
Lo intentaste pero te pillaron con las manos en la masa
Are you happy with your role?
¿Estás contento con tu papel?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
Es gracioso para mí cómo te has convertido en tal chiste
In sacrifice
En sacrificio
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretexto, te lastimarás de nuevo
Stop pretending to deny
Deja de pretender negar
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretexto, te lastimarás de nuevo
So play the game until you run out
Así que juega el juego hasta que te quedes sin
And play the game into my head
Y juega el juego en mi cabeza
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, é hora de deixar pra lá
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
O mundo tem um jeito engraçado de virar contra você
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Quando um amigo tenta te apunhalar bem na cara
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Perdendo a fé em tudo que eu pensei, esperava e sabia
Don't sweat it
Não se preocupe
Set a false pretense
Estabeleça uma falsa pretensão
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trair, você não vai estar disposto a mudar
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Sim, e não parece provável que desapareça
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trair, você não vai estar disposto a mudar
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Por-por-por-porque você sabe
In sacrifice
Em sacrifício
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falsa pretensão, você vai se machucar de novo
Stop pretending to deny
Pare de fingir negar
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falsa pretensão, você vai se machucar de novo
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
O tempo todo você pensou que tinha o melhor de mim
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
Você estava errado e eu estou rindo bem na sua cara
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Não consigo acreditar que você afirmou ser minha família
Don't sweat it
Não se preocupe
Set a false pretense
Estabeleça uma falsa pretensão
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trair, você não vai estar disposto a mudar
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Sim, e não parece provável que desapareça
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trair, você não vai estar disposto a mudar
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Por-por-por-porque você sabe
In sacrifice
Em sacrifício
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falsa pretensão, você vai se machucar de novo
Stop pretending to deny
Pare de fingir negar
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falsa pretensão, você vai se machucar de novo
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, é hora de deixar pra lá
I can't seem to understand it
Não consigo entender
How you've turned out to be so cold
Como você se tornou tão frio
You tried but were caught red handed
Você tentou, mas foi pego em flagrante
Are you happy with your role?
Você está feliz com o seu papel?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
É engraçado para mim como você se tornou uma piada
In sacrifice
Em sacrifício
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falsa pretensão, você vai se machucar de novo
Stop pretending to deny
Pare de fingir negar
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falsa pretensão, você vai se machucar de novo
So play the game until you run out
Então jogue o jogo até acabar
And play the game into my head
E jogue o jogo na minha cabeça
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, il est temps de laisser tomber
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
Le monde a une drôle de façon de se retourner contre toi
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Quand un ami essaie de te poignarder en plein visage
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Perdre la foi en tout ce que je pensais, j'espérais et savais
Don't sweat it
Ne t'en fais pas
Set a false pretense
Établis un faux prétexte
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trahison, tu ne seras pas prêt à changer
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Oui, et cela ne semble pas susceptible de s'estomper
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trahison, tu ne seras pas prêt à changer
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ca-ca-ca-ca-car tu sais
In sacrifice
Dans le sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Faux prétexte, tu souffriras encore
Stop pretending to deny
Arrête de prétendre nier
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Faux prétexte, tu souffriras encore
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
Tout le long tu pensais que tu avais le dessus sur moi
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
Tu avais tort et je ris en plein dans ton visage
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Je ne peux pas croire que tu prétendais être ma famille
Don't sweat it
Ne t'en fais pas
Set a false pretense
Établis un faux prétexte
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trahison, tu ne seras pas prêt à changer
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Oui, et cela ne semble pas susceptible de s'estomper
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Trahison, tu ne seras pas prêt à changer
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ca-ca-ca-ca-car tu sais
In sacrifice
Dans le sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Faux prétexte, tu souffriras encore
Stop pretending to deny
Arrête de prétendre nier
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Faux prétexte, tu souffriras encore
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, il est temps de laisser tomber
I can't seem to understand it
Je ne semble pas comprendre
How you've turned out to be so cold
Comment tu as fini par être si froid
You tried but were caught red handed
Tu as essayé mais tu as été pris la main dans le sac
Are you happy with your role?
Es-tu heureux de ton rôle ?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
C'est drôle pour moi comment tu es devenu une telle blague
In sacrifice
Dans le sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Faux prétexte, tu souffriras encore
Stop pretending to deny
Arrête de prétendre nier
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Faux prétexte, tu souffriras encore
So play the game until you run out
Alors joue le jeu jusqu'à ce que tu sois à court
And play the game into my head
Et joue le jeu dans ma tête
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, es ist Zeit, es loszulassen
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
Die Welt hat eine lustige Art, sich gegen dich zu wenden
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Wenn ein Freund versucht, dich direkt ins Gesicht zu stechen
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Den Glauben an alles verlieren, was ich dachte, hoffte und wusste
Don't sweat it
Mach dir keine Sorgen
Set a false pretense
Setze einen falschen Schein
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Verrat, du wirst nicht bereit sein zu ändern
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Ja, und es scheint nicht wahrscheinlich zu verblassen
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Verrat, du wirst nicht bereit sein zu ändern
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ca-ca-ca-ca-weil du weißt
In sacrifice
Im Opfer
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falscher Schein, du wirst wieder verletzt
Stop pretending to deny
Hör auf zu tun, als würdest du es leugnen
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falscher Schein, du wirst wieder verletzt
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
Die ganze Zeit dachtest du, du hättest das Beste von mir
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
Du lagst falsch und ich lache dir ins Gesicht
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du behauptet hast, du wärst meine Familie
Don't sweat it
Mach dir keine Sorgen
Set a false pretense
Setze einen falschen Schein
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Verrat, du wirst nicht bereit sein zu ändern
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Ja, und es scheint nicht wahrscheinlich zu verblassen
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Verrat, du wirst nicht bereit sein zu ändern
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ca-ca-ca-ca-weil du weißt
In sacrifice
Im Opfer
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falscher Schein, du wirst wieder verletzt
Stop pretending to deny
Hör auf zu tun, als würdest du es leugnen
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falscher Schein, du wirst wieder verletzt
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, es ist Zeit, es loszulassen
I can't seem to understand it
Ich kann es nicht zu verstehen scheinen
How you've turned out to be so cold
Wie du so kalt geworden bist
You tried but were caught red handed
Du hast es versucht, aber wurdest auf frischer Tat ertappt
Are you happy with your role?
Bist du glücklich mit deiner Rolle?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
Es ist lustig für mich, wie du zu so einem Witz geworden bist
In sacrifice
Im Opfer
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falscher Schein, du wirst wieder verletzt
Stop pretending to deny
Hör auf zu tun, als würdest du es leugnen
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falscher Schein, du wirst wieder verletzt
So play the game until you run out
Also spiel das Spiel, bis du am Ende bist
And play the game into my head
Und spiel das Spiel in meinem Kopf
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, è ora di lasciar andare
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
Il mondo ha un modo divertente di girarti contro
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Quando un amico cerca di pugnalarti proprio in faccia
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Perdendo la fede in tutto ciò che pensavo, speravo e sapevo
Don't sweat it
Non preoccuparti
Set a false pretense
Stabilisci un falso pretesto
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Tradimento, non sarai disposto a cambiare
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Sì, e non sembra probabile che svanirà
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Tradimento, non sarai disposto a cambiare
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Per-per-per-perché lo sai
In sacrifice
Nel sacrificio
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretesto, farai male di nuovo
Stop pretending to deny
Smetti di fingere di negare
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretesto, farai male di nuovo
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
Tutto il tempo pensavi di aver avuto il meglio di me
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
Ti sbagliavi e sto ridendo proprio in faccia
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Non riesco a credere che tu abbia affermato di essere la mia famiglia
Don't sweat it
Non preoccuparti
Set a false pretense
Stabilisci un falso pretesto
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Tradimento, non sarai disposto a cambiare
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Sì, e non sembra probabile che svanirà
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Tradimento, non sarai disposto a cambiare
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Per-per-per-perché lo sai
In sacrifice
Nel sacrificio
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretesto, farai male di nuovo
Stop pretending to deny
Smetti di fingere di negare
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretesto, farai male di nuovo
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, è ora di lasciar andare
I can't seem to understand it
Non riesco a capire
How you've turned out to be so cold
Come sei diventato così freddo
You tried but were caught red handed
Hai provato ma sei stato preso con le mani nel sacco
Are you happy with your role?
Sei felice del tuo ruolo?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
È divertente per me come sei diventato un tale scherzo
In sacrifice
Nel sacrificio
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretesto, farai male di nuovo
Stop pretending to deny
Smetti di fingere di negare
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Falso pretesto, farai male di nuovo
So play the game until you run out
Quindi gioca il gioco fino a quando non finisci
And play the game into my head
E gioca il gioco nella mia testa
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, sudah waktunya untuk melepaskannya
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
Dunia punya cara yang lucu untuk berbalik padamu
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Ketika seorang teman mencoba menusukmu tepat di wajah
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Kehilangan kepercayaan pada segala yang kupikir, kuharap, dan kutahu
Don't sweat it
Jangan terlalu memikirkannya
Set a false pretense
Menetapkan sebuah kedok
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Mengkhianati, kamu tidak akan mau berubah
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Ya, dan sepertinya tidak akan memudar
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Mengkhianati, kamu tidak akan mau berubah
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ka-ka-ka-ka-karena kamu tahu
In sacrifice
Dalam pengorbanan
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Kedok, kamu akan terluka lagi
Stop pretending to deny
Berhenti berpura-pura menyangkal
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Kedok, kamu akan terluka lagi
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
Selama ini kamu pikir kamu telah mendapatkan yang terbaik dariku
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
Kamu salah dan aku tertawa tepat di wajahmu
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Tidak bisa percaya kamu mengaku sebagai keluargaku
Don't sweat it
Jangan terlalu memikirkannya
Set a false pretense
Menetapkan sebuah kedok
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Mengkhianati, kamu tidak akan mau berubah
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Ya, dan sepertinya tidak akan memudar
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Mengkhianati, kamu tidak akan mau berubah
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
Ka-ka-ka-ka-karena kamu tahu
In sacrifice
Dalam pengorbanan
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Kedok, kamu akan terluka lagi
Stop pretending to deny
Berhenti berpura-pura menyangkal
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Kedok, kamu akan terluka lagi
Oh, it's time to let it go
Oh, sudah waktunya untuk melepaskannya
I can't seem to understand it
Saya tidak bisa mengerti
How you've turned out to be so cold
Bagaimana kamu bisa menjadi begitu dingin
You tried but were caught red handed
Kamu mencoba tetapi tertangkap basah
Are you happy with your role?
Apakah kamu senang dengan peranmu?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
Bagi saya lucu bagaimana kamu berubah menjadi lelucon
In sacrifice
Dalam pengorbanan
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Kedok, kamu akan terluka lagi
Stop pretending to deny
Berhenti berpura-pura menyangkal
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Kedok, kamu akan terluka lagi
So play the game until you run out
Jadi mainkan permainan sampai kamu kehabisan
And play the game into my head
Dan mainkan permainan dalam kepalaku
Oh, it's time to let it go
โอ้, ถึงเวลาที่ต้องปล่อยมันไป
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
การสูญเสียความเชื่อในทุกสิ่งที่ฉันคิด, ฉันหวัง, และฉันรู้
Don't sweat it
Set a false pretense
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
การทรยศ, คุณจะไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนแปลง
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
ใช่, และมันดูไม่น่าจะจางหายไป
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
การทรยศ, คุณจะไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนแปลง
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
เงื่อนไขเท็จ, คุณจะเจ็บอีก
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again
เงื่อนไขเท็จ, คุณจะเจ็บอีก
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
คุณคิดผิด และฉันกำลังหัวเราะใส่หน้าคุณ
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Don't sweat it
Set a false pretense
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
การทรยศ, คุณจะไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนแปลง
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
ใช่, และมันดูไม่น่าจะจางหายไป
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
การทรยศ, คุณจะไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนแปลง
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
เงื่อนไขเท็จ, คุณจะเจ็บอีก
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again
เงื่อนไขเท็จ, คุณจะเจ็บอีก
Oh, it's time to let it go
โอ้, ถึงเวลาที่ต้องปล่อยมันไป
I can't seem to understand it
How you've turned out to be so cold
You tried but were caught red handed
Are you happy with your role?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
เงื่อนไขเท็จ, คุณจะเจ็บอีก
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again
เงื่อนไขเท็จ, คุณจะเจ็บอีก
So play the game until you run out
And play the game into my head
Oh, it's time to let it go
The world's got a funny way of turning round on you
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Losing faith in everything I thought, I hoped and knew
Don't sweat it
Set a false pretense
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Don't sweat it
Set a false pretense
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Yeah, and it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betray, you're not gonna be willing to change
Ca-ca-ca-ca-cause you know
In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Oh, it's time to let it go
I can't seem to understand it
How you've turned out to be so cold
You tried but were caught red handed
Are you happy with your role?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke
In sacrifice
False pretense, you'll hurt again
Stop pretending to deny
False pretense, you'll hurt again
So play the game until you run out
And play the game into my head

Curiosidades sobre la música False Pretense del The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “False Pretense” por The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus?
La canción False Pretense fue lanzada en 2006, en el álbum “Don't You Fake It”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “False Pretense” de The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus?
La canción “False Pretense” de The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus fue compuesta por Ronnie Winter.

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