Venomous Spider's Web
Delete-headache-hang up-dizzy
Ito wo hawa su gokusaishiki no wana de
Haitoku kan wo kise raretamama
( aisou yoku waratte kurenaika ?)
Mozaiku no saki dechiratsukasu mukuge mukuge shii ha
Like a bacteria
You repeat an increase
Like a bacteria
The spider which undermines me
Betabeta to karami tsuku moudoku ni
Marude hone no zui madeshaburi tsukusa reteruyousa
Mischief of the venomous spider
Delete this deadly poison
Mischief of the venomous spider
Sono doku ha mitsu yori amai nosa
This is skillful trap
Delete this deadly poison
Like a bacteria
The spider which undermines me
Perfect trap...
Delete this deadly poison