Sunday Morning


Letra Traducción

I remember when I was young
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
I don't want to do it anymore

Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Clean it up on Sunday morning
I don't want to do it anymore

One day a week we turn the cheek
One day a week we turn the cheek
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, we were so quiet
Never any light there
I don't care, it's not right there

Get up early, do your hair
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Well, I don't want to see it anymore

Tea and toast in the social hall
We had it all on Sunday morning
I don't want to see it anymore

We come in fear , to worship here
We come in fear , to worship here

Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, we were so quiet
Never any light there
I don't care, it's not right there

It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
You must not steal, you must not swear

Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, we were so quiet
Never any light there
I don't care, it's not right there

I don't want to do it anymore
I don't want to see it anymore

Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning

I remember when I was young
Recuerdo cuando era joven
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
Sentirme enfermo el domingo por la mañana
I don't want to do it anymore
Ya no quiero hacerlo más
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Parado en una fila con una mente sucia
Clean it up on Sunday morning
Límpiala el domingo por la mañana
I don't want to do it anymore
Ya no quiero hacerlo más
One day a week we turn the cheek
Un día a la semana volvemos la mejilla
One day a week we turn the cheek
Un día a la semana volvemos la mejilla
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, cómo nos arrodillábamos
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, estábamos tan tranquilos
Never any light there
Nunca había luz allí
I don't care, it's not right there
No me importa, no está bien allí
Get up early, do your hair
Levántate temprano, arregla tu cabello
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Lo mejor del domingo por la mañana
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Bueno, ya no quiero verlo más
Tea and toast in the social hall
Té y tostadas en el salón social
We had it all on Sunday morning
Lo teníamos todo el domingo por la mañana
I don't want to see it anymore
Ya no quiero verlo más
We come in fear , to worship here
Venimos con miedo, para adorar aquí
We come in fear , to worship here
Venimos con miedo, para adorar aquí
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, cómo nos arrodillábamos
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, estábamos tan tranquilos
Never any light there
Nunca había luz allí
I don't care, it's not right there
No me importa, no está bien allí
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
Está mal sentir, está mal preocuparse
You must not steal, you must not swear
No debes robar, no debes jurar
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, cómo nos arrodillábamos
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, estábamos tan tranquilos
Never any light there
Nunca había luz allí
I don't care, it's not right there
No me importa, no está bien allí
I don't want to do it anymore
Ya no quiero hacerlo más
I don't want to see it anymore
Ya no quiero verlo más
Sunday morning
Domingo por la mañana
Sunday morning
Domingo por la mañana
Sunday morning
Domingo por la mañana
Sunday morning
Domingo por la mañana
Sunday morning
Domingo por la mañana
I remember when I was young
Lembro-me de quando eu era jovem
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
Sentindo-me doente na manhã de domingo
I don't want to do it anymore
Eu não quero mais fazer isso
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Em pé numa fila com a mente suja
Clean it up on Sunday morning
Limpe-a na manhã de domingo
I don't want to do it anymore
Eu não quero mais fazer isso
One day a week we turn the cheek
Um dia por semana nós viramos a outra face
One day a week we turn the cheek
Um dia por semana nós viramos a outra face
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, como nos ajoelhávamos
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, éramos tão silenciosos
Never any light there
Nunca havia luz lá
I don't care, it's not right there
Eu não me importo, não está certo lá
Get up early, do your hair
Levante cedo, arrume seu cabelo
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Melhor roupa de domingo na manhã de domingo
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Bem, eu não quero mais ver isso
Tea and toast in the social hall
Chá e torrada no salão social
We had it all on Sunday morning
Nós tínhamos tudo na manhã de domingo
I don't want to see it anymore
Eu não quero mais ver isso
We come in fear , to worship here
Nós viemos com medo, para adorar aqui
We come in fear , to worship here
Nós viemos com medo, para adorar aqui
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, como nos ajoelhávamos
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, éramos tão silenciosos
Never any light there
Nunca havia luz lá
I don't care, it's not right there
Eu não me importo, não está certo lá
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
É errado sentir, é errado se importar
You must not steal, you must not swear
Você não deve roubar, você não deve jurar
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, como nos ajoelhávamos
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, éramos tão silenciosos
Never any light there
Nunca havia luz lá
I don't care, it's not right there
Eu não me importo, não está certo lá
I don't want to do it anymore
Eu não quero mais fazer isso
I don't want to see it anymore
Eu não quero mais ver isso
Sunday morning
Manhã de domingo
Sunday morning
Manhã de domingo
Sunday morning
Manhã de domingo
Sunday morning
Manhã de domingo
Sunday morning
Manhã de domingo
I remember when I was young
Je me souviens quand j'étais jeune
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
Se sentir malade le dimanche matin
I don't want to do it anymore
Je ne veux plus le faire
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Debout dans une file avec un esprit sale
Clean it up on Sunday morning
Nettoyez-le le dimanche matin
I don't want to do it anymore
Je ne veux plus le faire
One day a week we turn the cheek
Un jour par semaine, nous tournons la joue
One day a week we turn the cheek
Un jour par semaine, nous tournons la joue
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, comme nous nous agenouillions
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, nous étions si silencieux
Never any light there
Jamais de lumière là-bas
I don't care, it's not right there
Je m'en fiche, ce n'est pas juste là
Get up early, do your hair
Levez-vous tôt, faites vos cheveux
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Le meilleur du dimanche matin
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Eh bien, je ne veux plus le voir
Tea and toast in the social hall
Thé et toast dans la salle sociale
We had it all on Sunday morning
Nous avions tout le dimanche matin
I don't want to see it anymore
Je ne veux plus le voir
We come in fear , to worship here
Nous venons dans la peur, pour adorer ici
We come in fear , to worship here
Nous venons dans la peur, pour adorer ici
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, comme nous nous agenouillions
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, nous étions si silencieux
Never any light there
Jamais de lumière là-bas
I don't care, it's not right there
Je m'en fiche, ce n'est pas juste là
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
C'est mal de ressentir, c'est mal de se soucier
You must not steal, you must not swear
Tu ne dois pas voler, tu ne dois pas jurer
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, comme nous nous agenouillions
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, nous étions si silencieux
Never any light there
Jamais de lumière là-bas
I don't care, it's not right there
Je m'en fiche, ce n'est pas juste là
I don't want to do it anymore
Je ne veux plus le faire
I don't want to see it anymore
Je ne veux plus le voir
Sunday morning
Dimanche matin
Sunday morning
Dimanche matin
Sunday morning
Dimanche matin
Sunday morning
Dimanche matin
Sunday morning
Dimanche matin
I remember when I was young
Ich erinnere mich, als ich jung war
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
Mir war schlecht am Sonntagmorgen
I don't want to do it anymore
Ich will es nicht mehr tun
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
In einer Reihe stehen mit einem schmutzigen Verstand
Clean it up on Sunday morning
Reinige es am Sonntagmorgen
I don't want to do it anymore
Ich will es nicht mehr tun
One day a week we turn the cheek
Einen Tag in der Woche wenden wir die Wange zu
One day a week we turn the cheek
Einen Tag in der Woche wenden wir die Wange zu
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, wie wir uns hinknieten
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, wir waren so still
Never any light there
Nie gab es dort Licht
I don't care, it's not right there
Es ist mir egal, es ist dort nicht richtig
Get up early, do your hair
Steh früh auf, mach deine Haare
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Sonntagsbestes am Sonntagmorgen
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Nun, ich will es nicht mehr sehen
Tea and toast in the social hall
Tee und Toast im Gemeindesaal
We had it all on Sunday morning
Wir hatten alles am Sonntagmorgen
I don't want to see it anymore
Ich will es nicht mehr sehen
We come in fear , to worship here
Wir kommen in Angst, um hier anzubeten
We come in fear , to worship here
Wir kommen in Angst, um hier anzubeten
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, wie wir uns hinknieten
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, wir waren so still
Never any light there
Nie gab es dort Licht
I don't care, it's not right there
Es ist mir egal, es ist dort nicht richtig
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
Es ist falsch zu fühlen, es ist falsch zu kümmern
You must not steal, you must not swear
Du darfst nicht stehlen, du darfst nicht fluchen
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, wie wir uns hinknieten
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, wir waren so still
Never any light there
Nie gab es dort Licht
I don't care, it's not right there
Es ist mir egal, es ist dort nicht richtig
I don't want to do it anymore
Ich will es nicht mehr tun
I don't want to see it anymore
Ich will es nicht mehr sehen
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
I remember when I was young
Mi ricordo quando ero giovane
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
Sentendomi malato la domenica mattina
I don't want to do it anymore
Non voglio più farlo
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
In piedi in fila con una mente sporca
Clean it up on Sunday morning
Puliscila la domenica mattina
I don't want to do it anymore
Non voglio più farlo
One day a week we turn the cheek
Un giorno a settimana voltiamo la guancia
One day a week we turn the cheek
Un giorno a settimana voltiamo la guancia
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, come ci inginocchiavamo
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, eravamo così silenziosi
Never any light there
Mai nessuna luce lì
I don't care, it's not right there
Non mi importa, non è giusto lì
Get up early, do your hair
Alzati presto, fai i tuoi capelli
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Il meglio della domenica mattina
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Beh, non voglio più vederlo
Tea and toast in the social hall
Tè e toast nella sala sociale
We had it all on Sunday morning
Avevamo tutto la domenica mattina
I don't want to see it anymore
Non voglio più vederlo
We come in fear , to worship here
Veniamo con paura, per adorare qui
We come in fear , to worship here
Veniamo con paura, per adorare qui
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, come ci inginocchiavamo
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, eravamo così silenziosi
Never any light there
Mai nessuna luce lì
I don't care, it's not right there
Non mi importa, non è giusto lì
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
È sbagliato sentire, è sbagliato preoccuparsi
You must not steal, you must not swear
Non devi rubare, non devi bestemmiare
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, come ci inginocchiavamo
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, eravamo così silenziosi
Never any light there
Mai nessuna luce lì
I don't care, it's not right there
Non mi importa, non è giusto lì
I don't want to do it anymore
Non voglio più farlo
I don't want to see it anymore
Non voglio più vederlo
Sunday morning
Domenica mattina
Sunday morning
Domenica mattina
Sunday morning
Domenica mattina
Sunday morning
Domenica mattina
Sunday morning
Domenica mattina
I remember when I was young
Saya ingat ketika saya masih muda
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
Merasa sakit di Minggu pagi
I don't want to do it anymore
Saya tidak ingin melakukannya lagi
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Berdiri dalam barisan dengan pikiran kotor
Clean it up on Sunday morning
Membersihkannya di Minggu pagi
I don't want to do it anymore
Saya tidak ingin melakukannya lagi
One day a week we turn the cheek
Satu hari dalam seminggu kita berpaling
One day a week we turn the cheek
Satu hari dalam seminggu kita berpaling
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, betapa kita berlutut
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, kita sangat tenang
Never any light there
Tidak pernah ada cahaya di sana
I don't care, it's not right there
Saya tidak peduli, itu tidak benar di sana
Get up early, do your hair
Bangun pagi, atur rambutmu
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Pakaian terbaik di Minggu pagi
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Nah, saya tidak ingin melihatnya lagi
Tea and toast in the social hall
Teh dan roti panggang di aula sosial
We had it all on Sunday morning
Kita memiliki semuanya di Minggu pagi
I don't want to see it anymore
Saya tidak ingin melihatnya lagi
We come in fear , to worship here
Kita datang dalam ketakutan, untuk beribadah di sini
We come in fear , to worship here
Kita datang dalam ketakutan, untuk beribadah di sini
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, betapa kita berlutut
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, kita sangat tenang
Never any light there
Tidak pernah ada cahaya di sana
I don't care, it's not right there
Saya tidak peduli, itu tidak benar di sana
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
Salah untuk merasa, salah untuk peduli
You must not steal, you must not swear
Anda tidak boleh mencuri, Anda tidak boleh bersumpah
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, betapa kita berlutut
Oh, we were so quiet
Oh, kita sangat tenang
Never any light there
Tidak pernah ada cahaya di sana
I don't care, it's not right there
Saya tidak peduli, itu tidak benar di sana
I don't want to do it anymore
Saya tidak ingin melakukannya lagi
I don't want to see it anymore
Saya tidak ingin melihatnya lagi
Sunday morning
Minggu pagi
Sunday morning
Minggu pagi
Sunday morning
Minggu pagi
Sunday morning
Minggu pagi
Sunday morning
Minggu pagi
I remember when I was young
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
I don't want to do it anymore
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Clean it up on Sunday morning
I don't want to do it anymore
One day a week we turn the cheek
One day a week we turn the cheek
Oh, how we'd kneel down
โอ้, เราจะก้มหัวลง
Oh, we were so quiet
โอ้, เราเงียบมาก
Never any light there
ไม่มีแสงใด ๆ ที่นั่น
I don't care, it's not right there
ฉันไม่สนใจ, มันไม่ถูกต้องที่นั่น
Get up early, do your hair
ตื่นเช้า, ทำผมของคุณ
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
เอาล่ะ, ฉันไม่อยากเห็นมันอีกต่อไป
Tea and toast in the social hall
We had it all on Sunday morning
I don't want to see it anymore
We come in fear , to worship here
เรามาที่นี่ด้วยความกลัว, เพื่อไปสักการะ
We come in fear , to worship here
เรามาที่นี่ด้วยความกลัว, เพื่อไปสักการะ
Oh, how we'd kneel down
โอ้, เราจะก้มหัวลง
Oh, we were so quiet
โอ้, เราเงียบมาก
Never any light there
ไม่มีแสงใด ๆ ที่นั่น
I don't care, it's not right there
ฉันไม่สนใจ, มันไม่ถูกต้องที่นั่น
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
มันผิดที่จะรู้สึก, มันผิดที่จะห่วงใย
You must not steal, you must not swear
คุณต้องไม่ขโมย, คุณต้องไม่สาบาน
Oh, how we'd kneel down
โอ้, เราจะก้มหัวลง
Oh, we were so quiet
โอ้, เราเงียบมาก
Never any light there
ไม่มีแสงใด ๆ ที่นั่น
I don't care, it's not right there
ฉันไม่สนใจ, มันไม่ถูกต้องที่นั่น
I don't want to do it anymore
I don't want to see it anymore
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
I remember when I was young
Feeling sick on Sunday morning
I don't want to do it anymore
Standing in a line with a dirty mind
Clean it up on Sunday morning
I don't want to do it anymore
One day a week we turn the cheek
One day a week we turn the cheek
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, we were so quiet
Never any light there
I don't care, it's not right there
Get up early, do your hair
Sunday best on Sunday morning
Well, I don't want to see it anymore
Tea and toast in the social hall
We had it all on Sunday morning
I don't want to see it anymore
We come in fear , to worship here
We come in fear , to worship here
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, we were so quiet
Never any light there
I don't care, it's not right there
It's wrong to feel, it's wrong to care
You must not steal, you must not swear
Oh, how we'd kneel down
Oh, we were so quiet
Never any light there
I don't care, it's not right there
I don't want to do it anymore
I don't want to see it anymore
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning

Curiosidades sobre la música Sunday Morning del The Bolshoi

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Sunday Morning” por The Bolshoi?
The Bolshoi lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Friends” en 1986, “Sunday Morning” en 1986, “Giants EP & Friends LP” en 1987 y “Away” en 1999.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Sunday Morning” de The Bolshoi?
La canción “Sunday Morning” de The Bolshoi fue compuesta por TODD N. TERRY.

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