The Pin Drop

Steven John Wilson

Letra Traducción

Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Beginnings and endings
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart

Love learned (love learned)
In turn (in turn)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)

Love learned
In turn
Dreams burned

I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
I did not hear the pin drop down
I did not hear my heart

I have not lived and loved enough
Things are left unsaid, undone
It was not meant to be like this
Drifting off without a kiss
We built our love, we built our ark
Nothing ends before it starts
I cannot feel my arms and legs
I don't deserve this bitter end

Love learned (love learned)
In turn (in turn)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)

Love learned
In turn
Dreams burned

I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
I did not hear the pin drop down
I did not hear my heart

Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Llevado por el río que pasa entre juncos hacia el mar
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Arrastrado por la corriente para descansar en los pilares del rompeolas, sombreado por árboles
Beginnings and endings
Comienzos y finales
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
El amor interponiendo una grieta que nos separará
Love learned (love learned)
Amor aprendido (amor aprendido)
In turn (in turn)
A su vez (a su vez)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Sueños quemados (sueños quemados)
Love learned
Amor aprendido
In turn
A su vez
Dreams burned
Sueños quemados
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Estoy cansado de luchar y la lluvia cae sobre mí
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Intenté ser como él quería que fuera
I did not hear the pin drop down
No escuché el sonido del alfiler cayendo
I did not hear my heart
No escuché mi corazón
I have not lived and loved enough
No he vivido y amado lo suficiente
Things are left unsaid, undone
Las cosas quedan sin decir, sin hacer
It was not meant to be like this
No estaba destinado a ser así
Drifting off without a kiss
Alejándonos sin un beso
We built our love, we built our ark
Construimos nuestro amor, construimos nuestro arca
Nothing ends before it starts
Nada termina antes de empezar
I cannot feel my arms and legs
No puedo sentir mis brazos y piernas
I don't deserve this bitter end
No merezco este amargo final
Love learned (love learned)
Amor aprendido (amor aprendido)
In turn (in turn)
A su vez (a su vez)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Sueños quemados (sueños quemados)
Love learned
Amor aprendido
In turn
A su vez
Dreams burned
Sueños quemados
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Estoy cansado de luchar y la lluvia cae sobre mí
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Intenté ser como él quería que fuera
I did not hear the pin drop down
No escuché el sonido del alfiler cayendo
I did not hear my heart
No escuché mi corazón
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Levada pelo rio que passa pelos juncos até o mar
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Arrastada pela corrente para descansar nas estacas do quebra-mar sombreado por árvores
Beginnings and endings
Inícios e finais
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
Amor intersectando uma fenda que nos separará
Love learned (love learned)
Amor aprendido (amor aprendido)
In turn (in turn)
Por sua vez (por sua vez)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Sonhos queimados (sonhos queimados)
Love learned
Amor aprendido
In turn
Por sua vez
Dreams burned
Sonhos queimados
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Estou cansada de lutar e a chuva está caindo sobre mim
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Tentei ser do jeito que ele queria que eu fosse
I did not hear the pin drop down
Não ouvi o pino cair
I did not hear my heart
Não ouvi meu coração
I have not lived and loved enough
Não vivi e amei o suficiente
Things are left unsaid, undone
Coisas ficaram por dizer, por fazer
It was not meant to be like this
Não era para ser assim
Drifting off without a kiss
Derivando sem um beijo
We built our love, we built our ark
Construímos nosso amor, construímos nossa arca
Nothing ends before it starts
Nada termina antes de começar
I cannot feel my arms and legs
Não consigo sentir meus braços e pernas
I don't deserve this bitter end
Não mereço este amargo fim
Love learned (love learned)
Amor aprendido (amor aprendido)
In turn (in turn)
Por sua vez (por sua vez)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Sonhos queimados (sonhos queimados)
Love learned
Amor aprendido
In turn
Por sua vez
Dreams burned
Sonhos queimados
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Estou cansada de lutar e a chuva está caindo sobre mim
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Tentei ser do jeito que ele queria que eu fosse
I did not hear the pin drop down
Não ouvi o pino cair
I did not hear my heart
Não ouvi meu coração
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Emporté par la rivière qui passe à travers les roseaux vers la mer
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Traîné par le courant pour se reposer sur les pieux de la digue ombragée par les arbres
Beginnings and endings
Débuts et fins
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
L'amour croisant une faille qui nous séparera
Love learned (love learned)
Amour appris (amour appris)
In turn (in turn)
À tour de rôle (à tour de rôle)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Rêves brûlés (rêves brûlés)
Love learned
Amour appris
In turn
À tour de rôle
Dreams burned
Rêves brûlés
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Je suis fatigué de lutter et la pluie me bat
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
J'ai essayé d'être comme il voulait que je sois
I did not hear the pin drop down
Je n'ai pas entendu la goupille tomber
I did not hear my heart
Je n'ai pas entendu mon cœur
I have not lived and loved enough
Je n'ai pas assez vécu et aimé
Things are left unsaid, undone
Des choses restent non dites, non faites
It was not meant to be like this
Ce n'était pas censé être comme ça
Drifting off without a kiss
Derivant sans un baiser
We built our love, we built our ark
Nous avons construit notre amour, nous avons construit notre arche
Nothing ends before it starts
Rien ne se termine avant de commencer
I cannot feel my arms and legs
Je ne sens pas mes bras et mes jambes
I don't deserve this bitter end
Je ne mérite pas cette fin amère
Love learned (love learned)
Amour appris (amour appris)
In turn (in turn)
À tour de rôle (à tour de rôle)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Rêves brûlés (rêves brûlés)
Love learned
Amour appris
In turn
À tour de rôle
Dreams burned
Rêves brûlés
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Je suis fatigué de lutter et la pluie me bat
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
J'ai essayé d'être comme il voulait que je sois
I did not hear the pin drop down
Je n'ai pas entendu la goupille tomber
I did not hear my heart
Je n'ai pas entendu mon cœur
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Mitgerissen vom Fluss, der durch Schilfrohr zum Meer führt
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Vom Strom zu den von Bäumen beschatteten Pfählen des Wellenbrechers gezogen
Beginnings and endings
Anfänge und Enden
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
Liebe kreuzt eine Kluft, die uns auseinanderreißen wird
Love learned (love learned)
Liebe gelernt (Liebe gelernt)
In turn (in turn)
Im Wechsel (im Wechsel)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Träume verbrannt (Träume verbrannt)
Love learned
Liebe gelernt
In turn
Im Wechsel
Dreams burned
Träume verbrannt
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Ich bin müde zu kämpfen und der Regen prasselt auf mich nieder
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Ich habe versucht, so zu sein, wie er wollte, dass ich bin
I did not hear the pin drop down
Ich habe die Stecknadel nicht fallen hören
I did not hear my heart
Ich habe mein Herz nicht gehört
I have not lived and loved enough
Ich habe nicht genug gelebt und geliebt
Things are left unsaid, undone
Dinge bleiben unausgesprochen, ungetan
It was not meant to be like this
Es sollte nicht so sein
Drifting off without a kiss
Abdriften ohne einen Kuss
We built our love, we built our ark
Wir haben unsere Liebe aufgebaut, wir haben unsere Arche gebaut
Nothing ends before it starts
Nichts endet, bevor es beginnt
I cannot feel my arms and legs
Ich kann meine Arme und Beine nicht fühlen
I don't deserve this bitter end
Ich verdiene dieses bittere Ende nicht
Love learned (love learned)
Liebe gelernt (Liebe gelernt)
In turn (in turn)
Im Wechsel (im Wechsel)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Träume verbrannt (Träume verbrannt)
Love learned
Liebe gelernt
In turn
Im Wechsel
Dreams burned
Träume verbrannt
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Ich bin müde zu kämpfen und der Regen prasselt auf mich nieder
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Ich habe versucht, so zu sein, wie er wollte, dass ich bin
I did not hear the pin drop down
Ich habe die Stecknadel nicht fallen hören
I did not hear my heart
Ich habe mein Herz nicht gehört
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Trascinata via dal fiume che passa attraverso i giunchi verso il mare
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Trascinata dalla corrente a riposare sui pali del frangiflutti ombreggiato dagli alberi
Beginnings and endings
Inizi e fini
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
L'amore interseca una frattura che ci separerà
Love learned (love learned)
Amore appreso (amore appreso)
In turn (in turn)
A turno (a turno)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Sogni bruciati (sogni bruciati)
Love learned
Amore appreso
In turn
A turno
Dreams burned
Sogni bruciati
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Sono stanco di lottare e la pioggia sta battendo su di me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Ho cercato di essere come lui voleva che fossi
I did not hear the pin drop down
Non ho sentito cadere la spilla
I did not hear my heart
Non ho sentito il mio cuore
I have not lived and loved enough
Non ho vissuto e amato abbastanza
Things are left unsaid, undone
Le cose sono lasciate non dette, non fatte
It was not meant to be like this
Non doveva essere così
Drifting off without a kiss
Allontanandosi senza un bacio
We built our love, we built our ark
Abbiamo costruito il nostro amore, abbiamo costruito la nostra arca
Nothing ends before it starts
Niente finisce prima che inizi
I cannot feel my arms and legs
Non riesco a sentire le mie braccia e le mie gambe
I don't deserve this bitter end
Non merito questa amara fine
Love learned (love learned)
Amore appreso (amore appreso)
In turn (in turn)
A turno (a turno)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Sogni bruciati (sogni bruciati)
Love learned
Amore appreso
In turn
A turno
Dreams burned
Sogni bruciati
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Sono stanco di lottare e la pioggia sta battendo su di me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Ho cercato di essere come lui voleva che fossi
I did not hear the pin drop down
Non ho sentito cadere la spilla
I did not hear my heart
Non ho sentito il mio cuore
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Dibawa arus sungai yang melintasi buluh menuju ke laut
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Ditarik oleh arus untuk beristirahat di tiang-tiang pemecah ombak yang teduh oleh pohon-pohon
Beginnings and endings
Permulaan dan akhir
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
Cinta yang bersinggungan dengan retakan yang akan memisahkan kita
Love learned (love learned)
Cinta dipelajari (cinta dipelajari)
In turn (in turn)
Pada gilirannya (pada gilirannya)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Mimpi terbakar (mimpi terbakar)
Love learned
Cinta dipelajari
In turn
Pada gilirannya
Dreams burned
Mimpi terbakar
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Saya lelah berjuang dan hujan terus menghantam saya
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Saya mencoba menjadi seperti yang dia inginkan
I did not hear the pin drop down
Saya tidak mendengar penjatuhan pin
I did not hear my heart
Saya tidak mendengar hati saya
I have not lived and loved enough
Saya belum cukup hidup dan mencintai
Things are left unsaid, undone
Banyak hal yang belum terucap, belum terlaksana
It was not meant to be like this
Ini tidak seharusnya seperti ini
Drifting off without a kiss
Mengambang tanpa sebuah ciuman
We built our love, we built our ark
Kami membangun cinta kami, kami membangun bahtera kami
Nothing ends before it starts
Tidak ada yang berakhir sebelum dimulai
I cannot feel my arms and legs
Saya tidak bisa merasakan tangan dan kaki saya
I don't deserve this bitter end
Saya tidak pantas mendapatkan akhir yang pahit ini
Love learned (love learned)
Cinta dipelajari (cinta dipelajari)
In turn (in turn)
Pada gilirannya (pada gilirannya)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Mimpi terbakar (mimpi terbakar)
Love learned
Cinta dipelajari
In turn
Pada gilirannya
Dreams burned
Mimpi terbakar
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
Saya lelah berjuang dan hujan terus menghantam saya
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
Saya mencoba menjadi seperti yang dia inginkan
I did not hear the pin drop down
Saya tidak mendengar penjatuhan pin
I did not hear my heart
Saya tidak mendengar hati saya
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Beginnings and endings
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
Love learned (love learned)
ความรักที่เรียนรู้ (ความรักที่เรียนรู้)
In turn (in turn)
ตามลำดับ (ตามลำดับ)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
ความฝันที่ถูกเผา (ความฝันที่ถูกเผา)
Love learned
In turn
Dreams burned
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
I did not hear the pin drop down
I did not hear my heart
I have not lived and loved enough
Things are left unsaid, undone
มีสิ่งที่ยังไม่ได้พูด, ยังไม่ได้ทำ
It was not meant to be like this
Drifting off without a kiss
We built our love, we built our ark
เราสร้างความรักของเรา, เราสร้างเรือของเรา
Nothing ends before it starts
I cannot feel my arms and legs
I don't deserve this bitter end
Love learned (love learned)
ความรักที่เรียนรู้ (ความรักที่เรียนรู้)
In turn (in turn)
ตามลำดับ (ตามลำดับ)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
ความฝันที่ถูกเผา (ความฝันที่ถูกเผา)
Love learned
In turn
Dreams burned
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
I did not hear the pin drop down
I did not hear my heart
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea
Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees
Beginnings and endings
Love intersecting a rift that will break us apart
Love learned (love learned)
In turn (in turn)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Love learned
In turn
Dreams burned
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
I did not hear the pin drop down
I did not hear my heart
I have not lived and loved enough
Things are left unsaid, undone
It was not meant to be like this
Drifting off without a kiss
We built our love, we built our ark
Nothing ends before it starts
I cannot feel my arms and legs
I don't deserve this bitter end
Love learned (love learned)
In turn (in turn)
Dreams burned (dreams burned)
Love learned
In turn
Dreams burned
I am tired of struggling and the rain is beating down on me
I tried to be the way that he wanted me to be
I did not hear the pin drop down
I did not hear my heart

Curiosidades sobre la música The Pin Drop del Steven Wilson

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “The Pin Drop” por Steven Wilson?
Steven Wilson lanzó la canción en los álbumes “The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)” en 2013 y “Transience” en 2015.
¿Quién compuso la canción “The Pin Drop” de Steven Wilson?
La canción “The Pin Drop” de Steven Wilson fue compuesta por Steven John Wilson.

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