We are Star Feminine Band
We are Star Feminine Band, we are musicians sisters
The music is our job
The music is our job
We are strong
We are strong
We will to the end of the world to defend the values of the women
We will to the end of the world to defend the values of the women
Music is a noble job, which needs a lot of work
Music is a noble job, which needs a lot of work
Without music the world would, not make sense
Without music the world would, not make sense
It is without borders
it rejoices the heart
It is without borders
It is without borders
Long live music, long live music
Long live music, long live music
Our music long live music, long live music
Star Feminine Band music
long live music, long live music
cfrica music
Long live music, long live music
Europe music
Long live music, long live music
From cmericas music
Long live music, long live music
csia music
Long live music, long live music
Oceania music
Long live music, long live music