24 Hours
It took us a while To realize that time would Run ahead of us See- I don’t remember how We ended up together In the first place But, I thank my lucky stars nonetheless.
Then you say, “What if, we don’t try to do a thing when We can, Because believe me it’s a blessing, That we’re here now, And we won’t be tomorrow, We’ve only got 24 hours to stay in bed.
You’ll be missing me Thinking we should be Always staying here…
Now I can’t get up Even if I try I think I’m afraid of us Losing the magic of it all. Your gravity pulls me in And I lie back down Ready to give in and give up.
Then you say, “What if, we don’t try to do a thing when We can, Because believe me it’s a blessing, That we’re here now, And we won’t be tomorrow, We’ve only got 24 hours to stay in bed.
You’ll be missing me Thinking we should be Always staying here…