Hail Satan!
I was nearly drowned by a goddamn priest
On the day that I was born
Daddy's little demon from the
Tip of the womb
They try to hide me like kiddie porn
I don't wanna be a cross
Bearing lemming like Matthew, Luke and John
Wearing virgin white never felt
That right cause
It's the horns that turn me on
I'm an abomination in
This Christ-driven nation
Hell bound and heaven spent
I'm the worm in Eve's apple rotten to the
Core get off my father fcking 10 percent
I got so drunk on the blood of Christ
His big balls got me seeing double
I'm not here to start a fcking cult
I just wanna start some female trouble
Hail Satan hey
Hail Satan hey
Hail Satan hey
Hail Satan hey
I burn the good book
I'm the baddest witch around
I'd rather depend on a sugar daddy
Than depend on a holy father
I'd rather drop dead of dehydration than
Depend on your holy water
Stick your fist in my aspetorium you know
I use it as an ash tray
Jim Baker's in the trunk and I'm
Riding shotgun with Mrs anton LaVey
I got a stiff 666 under my skirt
All you got is a burning bush
Jesus is your grown up Santa Clause
And Pat Robertson needs to flush
Keep your white hood I look best in red
Let me be your wicked witch of the West
You can keep your 700 clubs
I'm no damsel in distress
Hey hail Satan
Hey hail Satan
Hey hail Satan
Hey i burn the good book
I'm the baddest witch around
Praise the lord
God told me to kill you revelations 21: 8
The cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile
The murderers the sexually immoral
Those who practice the magic arts
And those who worship idols
And all the liars their place will be in the
Fiery lake of burning sulfur
This is called the second death hail Satan
Hey hail Satan
Hey hail Satan
Hey hail Satan
Hey i burn the good book
I'm the baddest witch around
Satan is a biscuit!