Unfair is the game, the one you can’t participate in
But forced to see how it plays out on someone else’s whim
Unfair is something unattractive, unfair is a practice
Devoid of values you hold precious, with an outcome that’s vicious
And few are the things that cut so deep
Unfair is a prize, a win you don’t want to collect
Ushered upon you, with implications that are unchecked
Unfair is agreed and objective, but sometimes elective
Devoid of values you hold precious with an outcome that’s vicious
And few are the things that cut as deep
Unfair is not just, just according to your view
Unfair is a residue, that gathers, impossible to undo
Unfair is someone else getting the spoils of your toil
And watching your yield wither on contaminated soil
And few are the things that cut as deep
It’s unfair