Out with the old
In with the new
It's a new dawn
And it ain't you
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Out with the old, now I'm in with the new gen (I'm free)
Oh so meticulous, I'm drafting up my new plans (I'm free)
Oh so perfectionist, I'm vetting all my new friends (yeah, yeah)
This ain't no cute trend, this is the new gen (uh-huh)
Out in the sun, march to hilltop (hilltop)
I'm blazing trails, the grind be goin' nonstop (nonstop)
All good, all good when they hear my name you know they chop chop (chop chop)
You watch your blindspot (blindspot)
'Cause I'm a big shot (hey)
Uh, when they see me they think powerful ( powerful)
Nah I don't play, I rep the bay, I'm untouchable (uh-huh)
Sit on my throne, got here on my own, now you wanna cast the first stone?
Uh, that's adorable
(They don't know) they don't know, they don't know, what I got up my sleeve
By the time they do, we no longer friends
Yeah, I tie up all my loose ends
(They all know) they all know, they all know that I've always been strong
While I get the job done and get the song sung
You'll be on your swan song
(They all know)
Out with the old, in with the new gen
Sorry, this isn't a new trend
Stand up straight, you're speaking to the new gen, ah
Out at dawn, back in when the job's done
We're your tale of caution
In it for the long run
Out with the old
In with the new
It's a new dawn
And it ain't you
Out with the old
In with the new
Out with the old
Fuera con lo viejo
In with the new
Dentro con lo nuevo
It's a new dawn
Es un nuevo amanecer
And it ain't you
Y no eres tú
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí)
Out with the old, now I'm in with the new gen (I'm free)
Fuera con lo viejo, ahora estoy con la nueva generación (soy libre)
Oh so meticulous, I'm drafting up my new plans (I'm free)
Oh tan meticuloso, estoy elaborando mis nuevos planes (soy libre)
Oh so perfectionist, I'm vetting all my new friends (yeah, yeah)
Oh tan perfeccionista, estoy evaluando a todos mis nuevos amigos (sí, sí)
This ain't no cute trend, this is the new gen (uh-huh)
Esto no es una tendencia linda, esta es la nueva generación (uh-huh)
Out in the sun, march to hilltop (hilltop)
Fuera en el sol, marcha a la cima de la colina (cima de la colina)
I'm blazing trails, the grind be goin' nonstop (nonstop)
Estoy abriendo caminos, la rutina no se detiene (sin parar)
All good, all good when they hear my name you know they chop chop (chop chop)
Todo bien, todo bien cuando escuchan mi nombre sabes que se apresuran (se apresuran)
You watch your blindspot (blindspot)
Vigila tu punto ciego (punto ciego)
'Cause I'm a big shot (hey)
Porque soy un gran pez (hey)
Uh, when they see me they think powerful ( powerful)
Uh, cuando me ven piensan que soy poderoso (poderoso)
Nah I don't play, I rep the bay, I'm untouchable (uh-huh)
Nah, no juego, represento la bahía, soy intocable (uh-huh)
Sit on my throne, got here on my own, now you wanna cast the first stone?
Me siento en mi trono, llegué aquí por mi cuenta, ¿ahora quieres lanzar la primera piedra?
Uh, that's adorable
Uh, eso es adorable
(They don't know) they don't know, they don't know, what I got up my sleeve
(Ellos no saben) ellos no saben, ellos no saben, lo que tengo bajo la manga
By the time they do, we no longer friends
Para cuando lo hagan, ya no seremos amigos
Yeah, I tie up all my loose ends
Sí, ato todos mis cabos sueltos
(They all know) they all know, they all know that I've always been strong
(Todos saben) todos saben, todos saben que siempre he sido fuerte
While I get the job done and get the song sung
Mientras hago el trabajo y canto la canción
You'll be on your swan song
Estarás en tu canto del cisne
(They all know)
(Todos saben)
Out with the old, in with the new gen
Fuera con lo viejo, dentro con la nueva generación
Sorry, this isn't a new trend
Lo siento, esto no es una nueva tendencia
Stand up straight, you're speaking to the new gen, ah
Ponte de pie, estás hablando con la nueva generación, ah
Out at dawn, back in when the job's done
Fuera al amanecer, de vuelta cuando el trabajo está hecho
We're your tale of caution
Somos tu cuento de precaución
In it for the long run
En esto para el largo plazo
Out with the old
Fuera con lo viejo
In with the new
Dentro con lo nuevo
It's a new dawn
Es un nuevo amanecer
And it ain't you
Y no eres tú
Out with the old
Fuera con lo viejo
In with the new
Dentro con lo nuevo
Out with the old
Fora com o velho
In with the new
Dentro com o novo
It's a new dawn
É um novo amanhecer
And it ain't you
E não é você
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Sim, sim, sim, sim, sim)
Out with the old, now I'm in with the new gen (I'm free)
Fora com o velho, agora estou com a nova geração (estou livre)
Oh so meticulous, I'm drafting up my new plans (I'm free)
Oh tão meticuloso, estou elaborando meus novos planos (estou livre)
Oh so perfectionist, I'm vetting all my new friends (yeah, yeah)
Oh tão perfeccionista, estou avaliando todos os meus novos amigos (sim, sim)
This ain't no cute trend, this is the new gen (uh-huh)
Isso não é uma tendência fofa, isso é a nova geração (uh-huh)
Out in the sun, march to hilltop (hilltop)
Lá fora no sol, marcha para o topo da colina (topo da colina)
I'm blazing trails, the grind be goin' nonstop (nonstop)
Estou abrindo caminhos, a luta continua sem parar (sem parar)
All good, all good when they hear my name you know they chop chop (chop chop)
Tudo bem, tudo bem quando ouvem meu nome você sabe que eles cortam cortam (cortam cortam)
You watch your blindspot (blindspot)
Você observa seu ponto cego (ponto cego)
'Cause I'm a big shot (hey)
Porque eu sou um grande tiro (ei)
Uh, when they see me they think powerful ( powerful)
Uh, quando eles me veem, eles pensam poderoso (poderoso)
Nah I don't play, I rep the bay, I'm untouchable (uh-huh)
Nah, eu não brinco, eu represento a baía, sou intocável (uh-huh)
Sit on my throne, got here on my own, now you wanna cast the first stone?
Sento no meu trono, cheguei aqui sozinho, agora você quer atirar a primeira pedra?
Uh, that's adorable
Uh, isso é adorável
(They don't know) they don't know, they don't know, what I got up my sleeve
(Eles não sabem) eles não sabem, eles não sabem, o que eu tenho na manga
By the time they do, we no longer friends
Quando eles descobrem, já não somos mais amigos
Yeah, I tie up all my loose ends
Sim, eu amarro todas as minhas pontas soltas
(They all know) they all know, they all know that I've always been strong
(Eles todos sabem) eles todos sabem, eles todos sabem que eu sempre fui forte
While I get the job done and get the song sung
Enquanto eu faço o trabalho e canto a música
You'll be on your swan song
Você estará na sua canção de cisne
(They all know)
(Eles todos sabem)
Out with the old, in with the new gen
Fora com o velho, dentro com a nova geração
Sorry, this isn't a new trend
Desculpe, isso não é uma nova tendência
Stand up straight, you're speaking to the new gen, ah
Fique em pé, você está falando com a nova geração, ah
Out at dawn, back in when the job's done
Fora ao amanhecer, de volta quando o trabalho está feito
We're your tale of caution
Nós somos sua história de cautela
In it for the long run
Nisso para o longo prazo
Out with the old
Fora com o velho
In with the new
Dentro com o novo
It's a new dawn
É um novo amanhecer
And it ain't you
E não é você
Out with the old
Fora com o velho
In with the new
Dentro com o novo
Out with the old
Dehors avec l'ancien
In with the new
En avant avec le nouveau
It's a new dawn
C'est une nouvelle aube
And it ain't you
Et ce n'est pas toi
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais)
Out with the old, now I'm in with the new gen (I'm free)
Dehors avec l'ancien, maintenant je suis avec la nouvelle génération (je suis libre)
Oh so meticulous, I'm drafting up my new plans (I'm free)
Oh tellement méticuleux, je prépare mes nouveaux plans (je suis libre)
Oh so perfectionist, I'm vetting all my new friends (yeah, yeah)
Oh tellement perfectionniste, je vérifie tous mes nouveaux amis (ouais, ouais)
This ain't no cute trend, this is the new gen (uh-huh)
Ce n'est pas une mignonne tendance, c'est la nouvelle génération (uh-huh)
Out in the sun, march to hilltop (hilltop)
Dehors au soleil, marche vers le sommet (sommet)
I'm blazing trails, the grind be goin' nonstop (nonstop)
Je trace des sentiers, le travail ne s'arrête jamais (sans arrêt)
All good, all good when they hear my name you know they chop chop (chop chop)
Tout va bien, tout va bien quand ils entendent mon nom, tu sais qu'ils se dépêchent (dépêchent)
You watch your blindspot (blindspot)
Tu surveilles ton angle mort (angle mort)
'Cause I'm a big shot (hey)
Parce que je suis un gros bonnet (hey)
Uh, when they see me they think powerful ( powerful)
Uh, quand ils me voient, ils pensent puissant (puissant)
Nah I don't play, I rep the bay, I'm untouchable (uh-huh)
Nah je ne joue pas, je représente la baie, je suis intouchable (uh-huh)
Sit on my throne, got here on my own, now you wanna cast the first stone?
Assis sur mon trône, arrivé ici par moi-même, maintenant tu veux jeter la première pierre?
Uh, that's adorable
Uh, c'est adorable
(They don't know) they don't know, they don't know, what I got up my sleeve
(Ils ne savent pas) ils ne savent pas, ils ne savent pas, ce que j'ai dans ma manche
By the time they do, we no longer friends
Quand ils le sauront, nous ne serons plus amis
Yeah, I tie up all my loose ends
Ouais, je règle tous mes problèmes en suspens
(They all know) they all know, they all know that I've always been strong
(Ils savent tous) ils savent tous, ils savent tous que j'ai toujours été fort
While I get the job done and get the song sung
Pendant que je fais le travail et que je chante la chanson
You'll be on your swan song
Tu seras sur ta chanson du cygne
(They all know)
(Ils savent tous)
Out with the old, in with the new gen
Dehors avec l'ancien, en avant avec la nouvelle génération
Sorry, this isn't a new trend
Désolé, ce n'est pas une nouvelle tendance
Stand up straight, you're speaking to the new gen, ah
Tiens-toi droit, tu parles à la nouvelle génération, ah
Out at dawn, back in when the job's done
Dehors à l'aube, de retour quand le travail est terminé
We're your tale of caution
Nous sommes votre conte de prudence
In it for the long run
Dans la course pour le long terme
Out with the old
Dehors avec l'ancien
In with the new
En avant avec le nouveau
It's a new dawn
C'est une nouvelle aube
And it ain't you
Et ce n'est pas toi
Out with the old
Dehors avec l'ancien
In with the new
En avant avec le nouveau
Out with the old
Raus mit dem Alten
In with the new
Rein mit dem Neuen
It's a new dawn
Es ist ein neuer Morgen
And it ain't you
Und du bist es nicht
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja)
Out with the old, now I'm in with the new gen (I'm free)
Raus mit dem Alten, jetzt bin ich bei der neuen Generation (Ich bin frei)
Oh so meticulous, I'm drafting up my new plans (I'm free)
Oh so akribisch, ich entwerfe meine neuen Pläne (Ich bin frei)
Oh so perfectionist, I'm vetting all my new friends (yeah, yeah)
Oh so perfektionistisch, ich überprüfe alle meine neuen Freunde (ja, ja)
This ain't no cute trend, this is the new gen (uh-huh)
Das ist kein süßer Trend, das ist die neue Generation (uh-huh)
Out in the sun, march to hilltop (hilltop)
Draußen in der Sonne, marschiere zum Hügel (Hügel)
I'm blazing trails, the grind be goin' nonstop (nonstop)
Ich bahne Wege, der Grind hört nicht auf (nonstop)
All good, all good when they hear my name you know they chop chop (chop chop)
Alles gut, alles gut, wenn sie meinen Namen hören, wissen sie, dass sie schnell handeln müssen (schnell handeln)
You watch your blindspot (blindspot)
Pass auf deinen toten Winkel auf (toter Winkel)
'Cause I'm a big shot (hey)
Denn ich bin ein großer Schuss (hey)
Uh, when they see me they think powerful ( powerful)
Uh, wenn sie mich sehen, denken sie an Macht (Macht)
Nah I don't play, I rep the bay, I'm untouchable (uh-huh)
Nein, ich spiele nicht, ich repräsentiere die Bucht, ich bin unantastbar (uh-huh)
Sit on my throne, got here on my own, now you wanna cast the first stone?
Sitze auf meinem Thron, bin hier auf eigene Faust angekommen, jetzt willst du den ersten Stein werfen?
Uh, that's adorable
Uh, das ist niedlich
(They don't know) they don't know, they don't know, what I got up my sleeve
(Sie wissen es nicht) sie wissen es nicht, sie wissen es nicht, was ich in der Hinterhand habe
By the time they do, we no longer friends
Bis sie es tun, sind wir keine Freunde mehr
Yeah, I tie up all my loose ends
Ja, ich binde alle meine losen Enden
(They all know) they all know, they all know that I've always been strong
(Sie wissen es alle) sie wissen es alle, sie wissen es alle, dass ich immer stark war
While I get the job done and get the song sung
Während ich die Arbeit erledige und das Lied singe
You'll be on your swan song
Du wirst auf deinem Schwanenlied sein
(They all know)
(Sie wissen es alle)
Out with the old, in with the new gen
Raus mit dem Alten, rein mit der neuen Generation
Sorry, this isn't a new trend
Tut mir leid, das ist kein neuer Trend
Stand up straight, you're speaking to the new gen, ah
Steh gerade, du sprichst mit der neuen Generation, ah
Out at dawn, back in when the job's done
Draußen in der Morgendämmerung, zurück, wenn die Arbeit erledigt ist
We're your tale of caution
Wir sind deine Warnung
In it for the long run
Wir sind auf lange Sicht dabei
Out with the old
Raus mit dem Alten
In with the new
Rein mit dem Neuen
It's a new dawn
Es ist ein neuer Morgen
And it ain't you
Und du bist es nicht
Out with the old
Raus mit dem Alten
In with the new
Rein mit dem Neuen
Out with the old
Via con il vecchio
In with the new
Dentro con il nuovo
It's a new dawn
È un nuovo alba
And it ain't you
E non sei tu
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Sì, sì, sì, sì, sì)
Out with the old, now I'm in with the new gen (I'm free)
Via con il vecchio, ora sono con la nuova generazione (Sono libero)
Oh so meticulous, I'm drafting up my new plans (I'm free)
Oh così meticoloso, sto progettando i miei nuovi piani (Sono libero)
Oh so perfectionist, I'm vetting all my new friends (yeah, yeah)
Oh così perfezionista, sto esaminando tutti i miei nuovi amici (sì, sì)
This ain't no cute trend, this is the new gen (uh-huh)
Questo non è una tendenza carina, questa è la nuova generazione (uh-huh)
Out in the sun, march to hilltop (hilltop)
Fuori al sole, marcia verso la collina (collina)
I'm blazing trails, the grind be goin' nonstop (nonstop)
Sto aprendo nuove strade, la fatica non si ferma mai (non si ferma)
All good, all good when they hear my name you know they chop chop (chop chop)
Tutto bene, tutto bene quando sentono il mio nome sai che tagliano (tagliano)
You watch your blindspot (blindspot)
Guarda il tuo punto cieco (punto cieco)
'Cause I'm a big shot (hey)
Perché sono un grosso colpo (ehi)
Uh, when they see me they think powerful ( powerful)
Uh, quando mi vedono pensano potente (potente)
Nah I don't play, I rep the bay, I'm untouchable (uh-huh)
No, non gioco, rappresento la baia, sono intoccabile (uh-huh)
Sit on my throne, got here on my own, now you wanna cast the first stone?
Siedo sul mio trono, sono arrivato qui da solo, ora vuoi lanciare la prima pietra?
Uh, that's adorable
Uh, è adorabile
(They don't know) they don't know, they don't know, what I got up my sleeve
(Non sanno) non sanno, non sanno, cosa ho nella manica
By the time they do, we no longer friends
Quando lo faranno, non saremo più amici
Yeah, I tie up all my loose ends
Sì, lego tutti i miei fili pendenti
(They all know) they all know, they all know that I've always been strong
(Tutti sanno) tutti sanno, tutti sanno che sono sempre stato forte
While I get the job done and get the song sung
Mentre faccio il lavoro e canto la canzone
You'll be on your swan song
Sarai sulla tua canzone del cigno
(They all know)
(Tutti sanno)
Out with the old, in with the new gen
Via con il vecchio, dentro con la nuova generazione
Sorry, this isn't a new trend
Mi dispiace, questa non è una nuova tendenza
Stand up straight, you're speaking to the new gen, ah
Stai dritto, stai parlando alla nuova generazione, ah
Out at dawn, back in when the job's done
Fuori all'alba, dentro quando il lavoro è finito
We're your tale of caution
Siamo il tuo racconto di cautela
In it for the long run
In questo per il lungo periodo
Out with the old
Via con il vecchio
In with the new
Dentro con il nuovo
It's a new dawn
È un nuovo alba
And it ain't you
E non sei tu
Out with the old
Via con il vecchio
In with the new
Dentro con il nuovo