A Song For Jill
I saw you on mountain
I met you by the stream
And I terrified at your sight
A lion after me
You asked if I was thirsty
I said: If I don't drink
I will surely die here be dry
Lying by the stream
He said: Dear child, come farther
For this, the only stream
That will bring you life
My supply is all that You will ever need
He didn’t promise not to harm me
He said: I'll do no such thing
For I am the law
And in my jaw I've swallowed men, and mountains and kings
It is so
There is only one blood could have done
What I have done
And I know
As so many do, you may run
But I am your only hope
There is only one blood could have done
What I have done
It is so
I am justice and wrath, I am love
But I am your only hope
I am in the light, I am in the shade
I am in the wind, I am in the waves