Factoids about Webfonts
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, dot, tango, tango, foxtrot
Learn some things that you did not
Know before this song was bought
The very first font was invented by Gutenberg
Now it's called Roman Times
Papyrus was invented one day when bill gate's ink jet jammed
Making wobbly lines
Now you know
Now you know
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, dot, tango, tango, foxtrot
You might think I know a lot
More about fonts than I ought
Every font file is encrypted using 2-bit RSA
The primes are 2 and 3
Fonts first reached the internet in 93 when ariel
Escaped captivity
Now you know
Now you know
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, dot, tango, tango, foxtrot
The world of fonts is dire and fraught
With knowledge that can't be taught
Chattan Chattan telling lies
Don't you know all men must die
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, dot, tango, tango, foxtrot
Cunning like an ocelot
Wild fonts are rarely caught
Comic sans is a Highlander it can only be killed
If you first remove its head
A printing press can ward off vampires if you happen to meet one
Who's allergic to lead
Now you know
Now you know
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, dot, tango, tango, foxtrot
Their native tongue is hard to spot
Webfonts are all polyglots