Great Day for Freedom

Dave Gilmour, Polly Samson

Letra Traducción

On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a cry
For freedom had arrived

On the day the wall came down
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight

I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth not even pride remained
And even though you needed me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you

Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbours turn away
And there's a change that, even with regret
Cannot be undone

Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray

I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
Slipped away

On the day the wall came down
El día que cayó el muro
They threw the locks onto the ground
Tiraron los candados al suelo
And with glasses high we raised a cry
Y con copas en alto lanzamos un grito
For freedom had arrived
Porque la libertad había llegado
On the day the wall came down
El día que cayó el muro
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
El Barco de los Tontos finalmente había encallado
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
Las promesas iluminaron la noche como palomas de papel en vuelo
I dreamed you had left my side
Soñé que te habías ido de mi lado
No warmth not even pride remained
No quedaba calor ni siquiera orgullo
And even though you needed me
Y aunque me necesitabas
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Estaba claro que no podía hacer nada por ti
Now life devalues day by day
Ahora la vida se devalúa día tras día
As friends and neighbours turn away
Mientras amigos y vecinos se alejan
And there's a change that, even with regret
Y hay un cambio que, incluso con arrepentimiento
Cannot be undone
No puede deshacerse
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
Ahora las fronteras cambian como las arenas del desierto
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Mientras las naciones lavan sus manos ensangrentadas
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
De lealtad, de historia, en tonos de gris
I woke to the sound of drums
Me desperté al sonido de los tambores
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
La música sonaba, el sol de la mañana entraba
I turned and I looked at you
Me giré y te miré
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
Y todo menos el residuo amargo se desvaneció
Slipped away
Se desvaneció
On the day the wall came down
No dia em que o muro caiu
They threw the locks onto the ground
Eles jogaram as fechaduras no chão
And with glasses high we raised a cry
E com copos altos, nós levantamos um grito
For freedom had arrived
Pois a liberdade havia chegado
On the day the wall came down
No dia em que o muro caiu
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
O Navio dos Tolos finalmente encalhou
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
Promessas iluminaram a noite como pombas de papel em voo
I dreamed you had left my side
Eu sonhei que você tinha me deixado
No warmth not even pride remained
Nem calor nem mesmo orgulho restaram
And even though you needed me
E mesmo que você precisasse de mim
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Ficou claro que eu não poderia fazer nada por você
Now life devalues day by day
Agora a vida se desvaloriza dia após dia
As friends and neighbours turn away
Enquanto amigos e vizinhos se afastam
And there's a change that, even with regret
E há uma mudança que, mesmo com arrependimento
Cannot be undone
Não pode ser desfeita
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
Agora as fronteiras mudam como areias do deserto
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Enquanto as nações lavam suas mãos ensanguentadas
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
De lealdade, de história, em tons de cinza
I woke to the sound of drums
Acordei ao som de tambores
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
A música tocava, o sol da manhã entrava
I turned and I looked at you
Eu me virei e olhei para você
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
E tudo, exceto o resíduo amargo, escorregou
Slipped away
Escorregou embora
On the day the wall came down
Le jour où le mur est tombé
They threw the locks onto the ground
Ils ont jeté les verrous sur le sol
And with glasses high we raised a cry
Et avec des verres hauts, nous avons lancé un cri
For freedom had arrived
Car la liberté était arrivée
On the day the wall came down
Le jour où le mur est tombé
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Le Navire des Fous avait finalement échoué
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
Des promesses ont illuminé la nuit comme des colombes de papier en vol
I dreamed you had left my side
J'ai rêvé que tu avais quitté mon côté
No warmth not even pride remained
Aucune chaleur, pas même la fierté restait
And even though you needed me
Et même si tu avais besoin de moi
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Il était clair que je ne pouvais rien faire pour toi
Now life devalues day by day
Maintenant, la vie se dévalue jour après jour
As friends and neighbours turn away
Alors que les amis et les voisins se détournent
And there's a change that, even with regret
Et il y a un changement qui, même avec regret
Cannot be undone
Ne peut pas être annulé
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
Maintenant, les frontières se déplacent comme les sables du désert
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Alors que les nations lavent leurs mains ensanglantées
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
De loyauté, d'histoire, dans des nuances de gris
I woke to the sound of drums
Je me suis réveillé au son des tambours
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
La musique jouait, le soleil du matin brillait
I turned and I looked at you
Je me suis tourné et je t'ai regardé
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
Et tout sauf le résidu amère a disparu
Slipped away
A disparu
On the day the wall came down
An dem Tag, als die Mauer fiel
They threw the locks onto the ground
Warfen sie die Schlösser auf den Boden
And with glasses high we raised a cry
Und mit erhobenen Gläsern stießen wir an
For freedom had arrived
Denn die Freiheit war angekommen
On the day the wall came down
An dem Tag, als die Mauer fiel
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
War das Schiff der Narren endlich gestrandet
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
Versprechen erleuchteten die Nacht wie fliegende Papier-Tauben
I dreamed you had left my side
Ich träumte, du hättest meine Seite verlassen
No warmth not even pride remained
Keine Wärme, nicht einmal Stolz blieb übrig
And even though you needed me
Und obwohl du mich brauchtest
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
War es klar, dass ich nichts für dich tun konnte
Now life devalues day by day
Jetzt entwertet das Leben Tag für Tag
As friends and neighbours turn away
Während Freunde und Nachbarn sich abwenden
And there's a change that, even with regret
Und es gibt eine Veränderung, die, auch mit Bedauern
Cannot be undone
Nicht rückgängig gemacht werden kann
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
Jetzt verschieben sich Grenzen wie Wüstensand
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Während Nationen ihre blutigen Hände waschen
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
Von Loyalität, von Geschichte, in Grautönen
I woke to the sound of drums
Ich erwachte zum Klang von Trommeln
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
Die Musik spielte, die Morgensonne strömte herein
I turned and I looked at you
Ich drehte mich um und sah dich an
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
Und alles außer dem bitteren Rückstand verschwand
Slipped away
On the day the wall came down
Il giorno in cui il muro cadde
They threw the locks onto the ground
Gettarono i lucchetti a terra
And with glasses high we raised a cry
E con i bicchieri alzati, lanciammo un grido
For freedom had arrived
Perché la libertà era arrivata
On the day the wall came down
Il giorno in cui il muro cadde
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
La Nave dei Folli era finalmente arenata
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
Promesse illuminavano la notte come colombe di carta in volo
I dreamed you had left my side
Ho sognato che mi avessi lasciato
No warmth not even pride remained
Non rimaneva calore, nemmeno orgoglio
And even though you needed me
E anche se avevi bisogno di me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Era chiaro che non potevo fare nulla per te
Now life devalues day by day
Ora la vita si svaluta giorno dopo giorno
As friends and neighbours turn away
Mentre amici e vicini si allontanano
And there's a change that, even with regret
E c'è un cambiamento che, anche con rimpianto
Cannot be undone
Non può essere annullato
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
Ora le frontiere si spostano come sabbie del deserto
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Mentre le nazioni lavano le loro mani insanguinate
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
Di lealtà, di storia, in tonalità di grigio
I woke to the sound of drums
Mi sono svegliato al suono dei tamburi
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
La musica suonava, il sole del mattino entrava
I turned and I looked at you
Mi sono girato e ti ho guardato
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
E tutto tranne il residuo amaro è svanito
Slipped away
È svanito
On the day the wall came down
Pada hari tembok itu runtuh
They threw the locks onto the ground
Mereka melemparkan gembok ke tanah
And with glasses high we raised a cry
Dan dengan gelas tinggi kami mengangkat teriakan
For freedom had arrived
Untuk kebebasan telah tiba
On the day the wall came down
Pada hari tembok itu runtuh
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Kapal Orang Bodoh akhirnya kandas
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
Janji menerangi malam seperti burung merpati kertas terbang
I dreamed you had left my side
Aku bermimpi kamu telah meninggalkan sisiku
No warmth not even pride remained
Tidak ada kehangatan bahkan kebanggaan yang tersisa
And even though you needed me
Dan meskipun kamu membutuhkanku
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Jelas bahwa aku tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa untukmu
Now life devalues day by day
Sekarang nilai kehidupan menurun dari hari ke hari
As friends and neighbours turn away
Saat teman dan tetangga berpaling
And there's a change that, even with regret
Dan ada perubahan yang, meskipun dengan penyesalan
Cannot be undone
Tidak bisa dibatalkan
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
Sekarang perbatasan bergeser seperti pasir gurun
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Sementara bangsa-bangsa mencuci tangan mereka yang berlumuran darah
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
Dari kesetiaan, dari sejarah, dalam nuansa abu-abu
I woke to the sound of drums
Aku terbangun dengan suara drum
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
Musik dimainkan, matahari pagi menyinari
I turned and I looked at you
Aku berbalik dan menatapmu
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
Dan semua kecuali residu yang tersisa menghilang
Slipped away
On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a cry
และด้วยแก้วที่ยกสูง เราตะโกนเสียง
For freedom had arrived
On the day the wall came down
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth not even pride remained
ไม่มีความอบอุ่น ไม่มีความภาคภูมิใจที่เหลืออยู่
And even though you needed me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbours turn away
And there's a change that, even with regret
และมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ แม้จะเสียใจ
Cannot be undone
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
ของความภักดี ของประวัติศาสตร์ ในเงาสีเทา
I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
ดนตรีเล่น แสงแดดของเช้าส่องเข้ามา
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
และทุกอย่างยกเว้นสิ่งที่เหลืออยู่เล็กน้อย ได้หลุดหลิดไป
Slipped away
On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a cry
For freedom had arrived
On the day the wall came down
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight
I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth not even pride remained
And even though you needed me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbours turn away
And there's a change that, even with regret
Cannot be undone
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of gray
I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitted residue slipped away
Slipped away

Curiosidades sobre la música Great Day for Freedom del Pink Floyd

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Great Day for Freedom” por Pink Floyd?
Pink Floyd lanzó la canción en los álbumes “P.U.L.S.E.” en 1995 y “Oh, By the Way” en 2007.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Great Day for Freedom” de Pink Floyd?
La canción “Great Day for Freedom” de Pink Floyd fue compuesta por Dave Gilmour, Polly Samson.

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