Falling Down

Noel Gallagher

Letra Traducción

(One, two, three, four)

The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known

A dying scream
It makes no sound
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Here am I, lost and found
Calling out to all

We live a dying dream
If you know what I mean
All that I've ever known
It's all that I've ever known

Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"

(All that I've ever known)
(It's all that I've ever known)

Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"

The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known

(One, two, three, four)
(Uno, dos, tres, cuatro)
The summer sun
El sol de verano
It blows my mind
Me vuela la mente
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Está cayendo sobre todo lo que he conocido
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Es hora de despedirse del mundo
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Cayendo sobre todo lo que he conocido
Is all that I've ever known
Es todo lo que he conocido
A dying scream
Un grito agonizante
It makes no sound
No hace ningún sonido
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Llamando a todo lo que he conocido
Here am I, lost and found
Aquí estoy, perdido y encontrado
Calling out to all
Llamando a todos
We live a dying dream
Vivimos un sueño agonizante
If you know what I mean
Si sabes a qué me refiero
All that I've ever known
Todo lo que he conocido
It's all that I've ever known
Es todo lo que he conocido
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Atrapa la rueda que rompe la mariposa
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Lloré la lluvia que llena el océano de ancho
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Intenté hablar con Dios sin éxito
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Llamando mi nombre de la nada
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Dije "Si no vas a salvarme, por favor no pierdas mi tiempo"
(All that I've ever known)
(Todo lo que he conocido)
(It's all that I've ever known)
(Es todo lo que he conocido)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Atrapa la rueda que rompe la mariposa
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Lloré la lluvia que llena el océano de ancho
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Intenté hablar con Dios sin éxito
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Llamando mi nombre de la nada
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Dije "Si no vas a salvarme, por favor no pierdas mi tiempo"
The summer sun
El sol de verano
It blows my mind
Me vuela la mente
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Está cayendo sobre todo lo que he conocido
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Es hora de despedirse del mundo
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Cayendo sobre todo lo que he conocido
Is all that I've ever known
Es todo lo que he conocido
(One, two, three, four)
(Um, dois, três, quatro)
The summer sun
O sol de verão
It blows my mind
Ele explode minha mente
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Está caindo sobre tudo que eu já conheci
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Hora de beijar o mundo adeus
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Caindo sobre tudo que eu já conheci
Is all that I've ever known
É tudo que eu já conheci
A dying scream
Um grito morrendo
It makes no sound
Não faz nenhum som
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Chamando por tudo que eu já conheci
Here am I, lost and found
Aqui estou eu, perdido e encontrado
Calling out to all
Chamando por todos
We live a dying dream
Vivemos um sonho morrendo
If you know what I mean
Se você sabe o que eu quero dizer
All that I've ever known
Tudo que eu já conheci
It's all that I've ever known
É tudo que eu já conheci
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Pegue a roda que quebra a borboleta
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Eu chorei a chuva que enche o oceano de largura
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Tentei falar com Deus sem sucesso
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Chamando meu nome do nada
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Eu disse "Se você não vai me salvar, por favor não desperdice meu tempo"
(All that I've ever known)
(Tudo que eu já conheci)
(It's all that I've ever known)
(É tudo que eu já conheci)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Pegue a roda que quebra a borboleta
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Eu chorei a chuva que enche o oceano de largura
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Tentei falar com Deus sem sucesso
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Chamando meu nome do nada
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Eu disse "Se você não vai me salvar, por favor não desperdice meu tempo"
The summer sun
O sol de verão
It blows my mind
Ele explode minha mente
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Está caindo sobre tudo que eu já conheci
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Hora de beijar o mundo adeus
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Caindo sobre tudo que eu já conheci
Is all that I've ever known
É tudo que eu já conheci
(One, two, three, four)
(Un, deux, trois, quatre)
The summer sun
Le soleil d'été
It blows my mind
Il me stupéfie
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Il tombe sur tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Il est temps de dire au revoir au monde
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Tombant sur tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
Is all that I've ever known
C'est tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
A dying scream
Un cri mourant
It makes no sound
Il ne fait aucun bruit
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Appelant tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
Here am I, lost and found
Ici suis-je, perdu et retrouvé
Calling out to all
Appelant à tous
We live a dying dream
Nous vivons un rêve mourant
If you know what I mean
Si tu sais ce que je veux dire
All that I've ever known
Tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
It's all that I've ever known
C'est tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Attrape la roue qui brise le papillon
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
J'ai pleuré la pluie qui remplit l'océan de large
I tried to talk with God to no avail
J'ai essayé de parler avec Dieu en vain
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Appelant mon nom et sorti de nulle part
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
J'ai dit "Si tu ne me sauves pas, s'il te plaît ne perds pas mon temps"
(All that I've ever known)
(Tout ce que j'ai toujours connu)
(It's all that I've ever known)
(C'est tout ce que j'ai toujours connu)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Attrape la roue qui brise le papillon
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
J'ai pleuré la pluie qui remplit l'océan de large
I tried to talk with God to no avail
J'ai essayé de parler avec Dieu en vain
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Appelant mon nom et sorti de nulle part
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
J'ai dit "Si tu ne me sauves pas, s'il te plaît ne perds pas mon temps"
The summer sun
Le soleil d'été
It blows my mind
Il me stupéfie
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Il tombe sur tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Il est temps de dire au revoir au monde
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Tombant sur tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
Is all that I've ever known
C'est tout ce que j'ai toujours connu
(One, two, three, four)
(Eins, zwei, drei, vier)
The summer sun
Die Sommersonne
It blows my mind
Sie bringt meinen Verstand zum Explodieren
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Sie fällt auf alles, was ich je gekannt habe
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Zeit, der Welt Lebewohl zu sagen
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Fällt auf alles, was ich je gekannt habe
Is all that I've ever known
Ist alles, was ich je gekannt habe
A dying scream
Ein sterbender Schrei
It makes no sound
Er macht keinen Lärm
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Ruft nach allem, was ich je gekannt habe
Here am I, lost and found
Hier bin ich, verloren und gefunden
Calling out to all
Ruft nach allem
We live a dying dream
Wir leben einen sterbenden Traum
If you know what I mean
Wenn du verstehst, was ich meine
All that I've ever known
Alles, was ich je gekannt habe
It's all that I've ever known
Ist alles, was ich je gekannt habe
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Fang das Rad, das den Schmetterling bricht
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Ich weinte den Regen, der den Ozean füllt
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Ich versuchte, mit Gott zu sprechen, ohne Erfolg
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Ruft meinen Namen und aus dem Nichts
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Ich sagte „Wenn du mich nicht retten willst, verschwende bitte nicht meine Zeit“
(All that I've ever known)
(Alles, was ich je gekannt habe)
(It's all that I've ever known)
(Ist alles, was ich je gekannt habe)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Fang das Rad, das den Schmetterling bricht
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Ich weinte den Regen, der den Ozean füllt
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Ich versuchte, mit Gott zu sprechen, ohne Erfolg
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Ruft meinen Namen und aus dem Nichts
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Ich sagte „Wenn du mich nicht retten willst, verschwende bitte nicht meine Zeit“
The summer sun
Die Sommersonne
It blows my mind
Sie bringt meinen Verstand zum Explodieren
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Sie fällt auf alles, was ich je gekannt habe
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Zeit, der Welt Lebewohl zu sagen
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Fällt auf alles, was ich je gekannt habe
Is all that I've ever known
Ist alles, was ich je gekannt habe
(One, two, three, four)
(Uno, due, tre, quattro)
The summer sun
Il sole estivo
It blows my mind
Mi sconvolge la mente
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Sta cadendo su tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
Time to kiss the world goodbye
È il momento di dire addio al mondo
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Cadendo su tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
Is all that I've ever known
È tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
A dying scream
Un urlo morente
It makes no sound
Non fa rumore
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Chiamando tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
Here am I, lost and found
Ecco qui, perso e ritrovato
Calling out to all
Chiamando tutti
We live a dying dream
Viviamo un sogno morente
If you know what I mean
Se capisci cosa intendo
All that I've ever known
Tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
It's all that I've ever known
È tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Afferra la ruota che spezza la farfalla
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Ho pianto la pioggia che riempie l'oceano
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Ho provato a parlare con Dio senza successo
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Chiamando il mio nome dal nulla
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Ho detto "Se non mi salverai, per favore non perdere il mio tempo"
(All that I've ever known)
(Tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto)
(It's all that I've ever known)
(È tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Afferra la ruota che spezza la farfalla
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Ho pianto la pioggia che riempie l'oceano
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Ho provato a parlare con Dio senza successo
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Chiamando il mio nome dal nulla
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Ho detto "Se non mi salverai, per favore non perdere il mio tempo"
The summer sun
Il sole estivo
It blows my mind
Mi sconvolge la mente
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Sta cadendo su tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
Time to kiss the world goodbye
È il momento di dire addio al mondo
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Cadendo su tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
Is all that I've ever known
È tutto ciò che ho mai conosciuto
(One, two, three, four)
(Satu, dua, tiga, empat)
The summer sun
Matahari musim panas
It blows my mind
Itu mengguncang pikiranku
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Ia jatuh ke atas segala yang pernah aku ketahui
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Saatnya untuk mencium dunia selamat tinggal
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Jatuh ke atas segala yang pernah aku ketahui
Is all that I've ever known
Itulah semua yang pernah aku ketahui
A dying scream
Teriakan sekarat
It makes no sound
Tidak mengeluarkan suara
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Memanggil ke semua yang pernah aku ketahui
Here am I, lost and found
Di sini aku, hilang dan ditemukan
Calling out to all
Memanggil ke semua
We live a dying dream
Kita hidup dalam mimpi yang sekarat
If you know what I mean
Jika kamu mengerti maksudku
All that I've ever known
Segala yang pernah aku ketahui
It's all that I've ever known
Itulah semua yang pernah aku ketahui
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Tangkap roda yang mematahkan kupu-kupu
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Aku menangis hujan yang mengisi lautan luas
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Aku mencoba berbicara dengan Tuhan tanpa hasil
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Memanggil namaku dari tempat yang tidak diketahui
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Aku berkata "Jika Engkau tidak akan menyelamatkanku, tolong jangan buang waktuku"
(All that I've ever known)
(Segala yang pernah aku ketahui)
(It's all that I've ever known)
(Itulah semua yang pernah aku ketahui)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
Tangkap roda yang mematahkan kupu-kupu
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
Aku menangis hujan yang mengisi lautan luas
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Aku mencoba berbicara dengan Tuhan tanpa hasil
Calling my name and out of nowhere
Memanggil namaku dari tempat yang tidak diketahui
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
Aku berkata "Jika Engkau tidak akan menyelamatkanku, tolong jangan buang waktuku"
The summer sun
Matahari musim panas
It blows my mind
Itu mengguncang pikiranku
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Ia jatuh ke atas segala yang pernah aku ketahui
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Saatnya untuk mencium dunia selamat tinggal
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Jatuh ke atas segala yang pernah aku ketahui
Is all that I've ever known
Itulah semua yang pernah aku ketahui
(One, two, three, four)
(หนึ่ง, สอง, สาม, สี่)
The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known
A dying scream
It makes no sound
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Here am I, lost and found
ที่นี่ฉันอยู่, หายไปและพบ
Calling out to all
We live a dying dream
If you know what I mean
All that I've ever known
It's all that I've ever known
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
ฉันพูดว่า "ถ้าคุณไม่จะช่วยฉัน, โปรดอย่าเสียเวลาของฉัน"
(All that I've ever known)
(It's all that I've ever known)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
ฉันพูดว่า "ถ้าคุณไม่จะช่วยฉัน, โปรดอย่าเสียเวลาของฉัน"
The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known
(One, two, three, four)
The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known
A dying scream
It makes no sound
Calling out to all that I've ever known
Here am I, lost and found
Calling out to all
We live a dying dream
If you know what I mean
All that I've ever known
It's all that I've ever known
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
(All that I've ever known)
(It's all that I've ever known)
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"
The summer sun
It blows my mind
It's falling down on all that I've ever known
Time to kiss the world goodbye
Falling down on all that I've ever known
Is all that I've ever known

Curiosidades sobre la música Falling Down del Oasis

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Falling Down” por Oasis?
Oasis lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Dig Out Your Soul” en 2008, “The Shock Of The Lightning - Single” en 2008, “Time Flies...1994-2009” en 2010 y “Time Flies... 1994–2009” en 2010.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Falling Down” de Oasis?
La canción “Falling Down” de Oasis fue compuesta por Noel Gallagher.

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