Chapter I: Pantheon of Disgraces
Messenger of Death
Dissovle my doom hopes
My soul is trapped
In the path of destruction
I saw the light of doom
Where my afflicion ends
God, embrace my tears
Goddess, I summon you
Lord, why our punishment?
In gray days of solitude
Pantheon of disgraces
Through funeral mists
Goddess, all my grief
In the sea of sadness
Fallen angel of mercy
Behold my impure aura
Chants of solemn innocence
The reason of my solitude
Plunge into despair
Help me to diе
You are a sadistic
Emanation, befall
Seed, Uaral
Grief, thе breeze
Sadness, suicide
Remembrances, salvation
Many tears have been
Flowering my grave
Lord, hear our silence
In the river of depression
A dirge of misery
Into waves of mourners
My sorrow is endless
In the labyrinth of the hopeless
Celestial splendor of agony
Embrace our disillusion
MY path of disgraces
Is cursed by inner silence